Loving A Romano (17 page)

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Authors: Sindee Lynn

BOOK: Loving A Romano
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She immediately tried Wade’s home number. Maybe he’d been in the shower getting ready to come over to her place. When voice mail came on she left a message. No worries she was sure he’d call her back. He probably got caught up doing something or other and was running late. She checked her watch and decided to head for a shower before he got there.

While the hot water ran over her she went over the events of her dinner with David. A small smile lifted her lips as she breathed a deep sigh of
relief. She felt so much better, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She laughed out loud as she recalled the look on his face when she’d told him she was involved with Wade. She’d thought he was going to choke on the sip of wine he’d taken. When he had alluded to her cheating on him while he’d been on the road she had sat and endured the scrutiny. When he began to make further rude comments about Wade and his family, she had called a halt to the conversation. There had been no reason for her to sit there and endure him while Wade was at home waiting for her.

Stepping out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around herself, she expected him to be there but her bedroom was as she’d left it. Empty. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Seven fifty-three. It was still early. He’d be there soon and she was more than certain he’d make up for his tardiness. A smile broke out on her face as she thought of all the many ways he would make it up to her. Sitting on the side of her bed, she had one more thing to do before she could forget everything except the man who was on his way.


“Hey Heather. You got plans for lunch tomorrow?”

Her finger twirled a lock of hair nervously as she waited.

“Hmm not that I know of or at least nothing I can’t cancel. What’s up?”

“I have something I want to talk to you about is all. No biggie,” she said as nonchalantly as possible.

Soon this weight would be lifted from her shoulders as well.

“Okay. How about we meet at Luciano’s at say twelve-thirty?”

“That sounds great. I’ll see you tomorrow,”

“Okay see ya then,” Heather said and hung up.

Ashley put her phone back on its cradle. She went over to her closet to find something to wear. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand and figured Wade would be there any minute.

Three hours later, she lay in her bed staring up at the ceiling with her sexy night gown still on. She glanced at the clock again. It was almost eleven o’clock. Where the hell was he? She’d been calling his cell and home off and on for the last two hours with no answer and no return call to the messages she had left. She had even sent a few text and emails. Still no response. What was the use in having that fancy phone of his if he didn’t respond to calls and messages? Maybe something had come up and he had just forgotten to call her. She may have been able to sell herself on that a few hours ago but now as she lay in her big bed by herself she found it hard to believe. No something was wrong.



Chapter Twenty


“Hey sorry I’m late,” Ashley said as she sat down in the chair the maître d held out for her.

She nodded her thank you for the menu he handed her before he left.

“No big deal. I was running behind schedule myself,” Heather replied with a smile on her face.

All morning anxiety and nerves had been making it difficult to work. After Wade had been a no show she’d canceled her initial lunch date with Heather but after three days of silence from the younger Romano she’d been at her wits end. Since no one had called to say otherwise, she figured he was alive and well. Not being able to take anymore she’d called Heather this morning. She had barely been able to keep the desperation she had felt under control as she had waited for Heather to come on the line. She had almost lost it at the concern in her friend’s voice when she had asked if she was okay. As she sat in front of her she didn’t know how long she would be able to contain all the emotions rolling around inside her.

“So what’s going on with you? You sounded stressed on the phone and now that I’m looking at you I’m a little worried,” Heather reached for her water glass.

The worry she saw reflected in the hazel gaze of her best friend made her want to break down in tears. She’d held them back all week refusing to cry over something she didn’t understand but as she looked at Heather she realized she’d just wanted the shoulder of her best friend to cry on. But where did she start? Her silence surprised her. Never before had she experienced a problem talking to Heather about anything. This is what her dishonesty had created. Her own misery and mishandling of the whole situation began to overwhelm her. She blinked several times in an effort to stop the flow of tears welling up.

“Ashley is this about you and Wade?”

Her head snapped up at the softly spoken question but quickly lowered it so Heather wouldn't see the tears she could no longer hold in check. All she could do was nod her head in misery. The hand Heather placed over hers only made the tears fall harder. How had things become such a mess? 

“I kind of suspected you guys had something going on but I was waiting for you to tell me.” There was a twinge of hurt in her words.

Ashley grabbed blindly at her napkin in hopes of at least controlling the water works. It had never been her intentions to hurt her friend.

“I wanted to tell you but I didn’t know what you would say or how you would react. I didn’t really know what Wade and I were getting into,” she said in a rush, lifting her watery brown gaze to Heather’s
. “Now I don’t think there’s anything to tell. I mean I haven’t spoken to him since Tuesday. I call but he doesn’t call me back. I text and email but still no response.”

Ashley buried her face in her napkin. Never would she have thought things would end like this. Her heart ached with the need to talk to him and see him. To touch him and have him touch and hold her. She raised her head to look at Heather. Instead of the censor she feared she would see, she only saw her best friend’s deep concern shining back. She should’ve known she’d be her friend no matter what. That knowledge only added to her misery.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Heather. I didn’t know how. The longer I delayed the harder it got.”

Heather waved off her apology, understanding reflected in her gaze.

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t know if I would have told me either. Now why don’t you tell me about anything that could have brought all this on and we’ll see if we can figure it out. Together,” she said a warm smile on her face.

“That’s just it. The last time I spoke with Wade was Tuesday when I was at work. He was supposed to meet me at my house when I got off.”

“Okay so what happened?” Heather asked.

“He wasn’t there when I got home. I just thought he was running late or at Jake’s house. I called his cell and home and got no answer. Then I called Jake who said he had just talked to Wade and he was at home.” Ashley released a heavy sigh.

“I figured he may have been in the shower or something when I called and hadn't heard the phone. I called back and left a message and the same on his cell. He never showed up that night and it’s been dead silence ever since.”

A frown appeared between Heather’s brows and Ashley could tell she was in deep thought. Ashley wished her luck because all she’d come up with was a headache when she’d tried. It seemed she’d been living in a constant state of confusion for the last few days. There was something she was missing. There had to be.

“He hasn’t returned any of your phone calls?” Heather asked.

Ashley shook her head.

“Are you sure Ashley? You’re not the best one for checking voicemail. I mean that’s still no excuse for his disappearing act but maybe what he couldn't say to you in person he left in a message.”

“I’ve been checking all this week and nothing.”

“That doesn’t make any sense. Have you gone out to the house to talk to him?”

“No, I’ve been tied up with the Blaze event.”

“Yeah I know I talked to Torrie. She’s stressing big time about this thing,” Heather said nodding her head.

Stressing was an understatement. Between being concerned about where things stood between herself and Wade, Ashley had been continuing to finalize plans for the event. Due to Torrie’s heavy schedule they’d had several conference calls this week, each lasting two or more hours in an effort to finalize some portion of this monstrous undertaking. If Torrie hadn't felt the need to be such an integral part of the decision making process Ashley could probably have more accomplished by now but she wanted to be kept in the loop.

“The event is in less than eight months. We’ve barely finalized anything and everything we do finalize Torrie always wants to go back over every time we meet and never fails to change her mind. The only places I’ve been are work and home.”

Heather nodded her head in understanding.

“I think you should just go see him.”

“Heather if he doesn’t want to talk to me by phone what makes you think he wants to see me?”

“Because it’s much easier to ignore a phone call. I can guarantee if you show up at the guesthouse he will have no choice but to talk to you.”

Ashley wasn’t convinced. Could she really put herself out there and practically beg him to talk to her? “After my meeting with Torrie tomorrow I’ll head over there.”

With a plan of action firmly in place, the rest of lunch was filled with catching up and plenty of wine. Deciding she would get nothing further done at work because her mind just wasn’t into it, Ashley headed home. After changing into something comfortable she set up her workstation at the island in her kitchen. The flashing light on her answering machine caught her attention. Had it been flashing this morning when she’d left? She couldn't remember. When was the last time she had checked it? Nobody ever called her at home. She only had the hard line for fax purposes really. Anticipation had her hand trembling as she reached for the play button.

“Oh God please let it be Wade. Let it be Wade.”

As she listened to the messages from the last two weeks, mostly telemarketers, hope began to fade. She was about to cut it off when a familiar voice came through the speaker.

“Hey Ashley this is David. Sorry I missed you at the office. I’m running about twenty minutes behind schedule. My meeting with my agent ran late. I just thought you might have come home before heading to the restaurant. I guess I’ll try you on your cell again.”

When the date and time played she felt sick to her stomach.



Chapter Twenty-one


Her meeting with Torrie over, Ashley headed towards the Romanos. Her stomach turned in trepidation as she got closer. She found herself wishing the fifteen minute drive from Torrie’s house to the Romano’s was a little bit longer today. With her thoughts focused on all the many ways this impromptu visit could go it seemed like only seconds had passed before she was turning onto the tree lined driveway of her second home

Pulling into her normal parking space at the big house, she noticed Wade's car. She’d lucked out and he was home. Great. That was good. Wasn’t it? Sure it was she told herself.

Ashley took a ragged breath and sent up a quick prayer before getting out of her truck. She headed for the path which led to the guesthouse. It had always surprised her he had never ventured out on his own like a few of his other friends, especially given the number of girls he’d dealt with over the years. One would think having your own space you wouldn't have to contend with sneaking them in or answering questions of your whereabouts.

Pausing outside the door, Ashley felt as if she would be sick. There was no backing down. She willed her nerves to subside and rang the doorbell. When no answer came after her second attempt she turned the handle. Finding it unlocked she walked inside. Memories came rushing back

Joey had built the structure when Heather had announced before their junior year of high school she was ready for a little more privacy than the main house allowed. It had started off as a place for them to hang with their friends without continuously having to deal with the younger clan members. Over the years Joey had continued to work on the place and had added a second floor complete with oversized bedroom, closet and two bathrooms. One upstairs in the master bedroom and one downstairs. It’s where she and Heather had stayed when they came home from college on breaks.

She didn’t think she had been back here since Wade had moved in. Ashley took in the updated furniture and flat screen television with surround sound hook up, definitely a sign Wade lived here. The lay out and the warmth and comfort of the room had not changed. Many late nights of girl talk had taken place in the living room and even more nights of heavy making out on the old couch that used to occupy the long wall in front of her. Those were the days when life was so much simpler. Back then if you liked a guy, he liked you, you went out a few times and you had sex. If it didn’t work out then you and he parted amicably or not. No one’s life was changed too much one way or the other. After heaving a heavy sigh, she took the doorway to the left of the living room, which led to the stairs.

“Wade,” she called as her foot hit the top step.

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