Loving A Romano (14 page)

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Authors: Sindee Lynn

BOOK: Loving A Romano
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“Tell you what?”

“That you don’t think of me as a kid any longer,” he said nipping her shoulder.

He moved an inch of his hardened length into her. She wanted to scream for him to just do it already.

“When I look into those beautiful blue eyes of yours I see a man who makes me want him like no other man has ever done.”

In another inch.

“I want you to scream my name when you cum.” He pulled back before thrusting deep within her.

Ashley gasped for air as his first thrust was quickly followed by another and another. Each one filled with determination to make her forget the little boy image she had of him.

“I’m so close,” she said.

Wade lifted her legs onto his shoulders and repositioned himself. At this angle she felt every thick inch of him filling her. Her juices ran down between the crease of her ass.

“Oh I’m gonna cum,” she said as she felt the tension building in her stomach.

“Me too,” he panted.

Her body tensed around him as her orgasm came over her.

“Oh Nicki,” she gasped as she felt him moving faster and harder into her.

“Argh.” His body made short thrusts into hers as he joined her.

Ashley closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his sweaty body and held him close. The scent of his cologne still lingered as it mixed with the smells of sex.

“Are you falling asleep on me?” he asked kissing her shoulder.

“I think I deserve some rest don’t you?”

He chuckled softly against her neck before rolling to his side taking her with him. He tucked her against him like some precious gift. Her heart filled to overflowing as emotions she wasn’t ready to admit aloud rushed over her. She blinked her eyes as they misted over.


She felt rather than saw his smile


“Don’t leave,” she whispered.

He planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Leaving is the last thing on my mind.”



Chapter Sixteen


“Hello earth to Ashley. Are you still with me?” Torrie asked.

They were heading into the third hour of their meeting and it had been a struggle for Ashley to pay attention. Her head snapped up. The laughter in Torrie’s green gaze made her smile. “I’m sorry Tor. I didn’t get much sleep last night but I promise going forward you have my undivided attention. What were you saying about the band being finalized?”

Ashley listened on as Torrie began telling her about the band she’d finally decided upon after hours of listening to recordings and then moved into the ever changing menu. She did her best to make good on her promise to pay attention but somewhere between the color of the linens and the lighted dance floor she was lost again.

Torrie cleared her throat and Ashley sat up in her chair
. “Okay that’s it. This meeting is officially on pause.”

Ashley gave up and laid her head down on her desk. Almost a year of planning had gone into this damn thing already and they had more to do before the actual day. Now was not the time for her to start losing focus.

“Okay so you want to tell me his name? How’d you manage to find him so soon after dumping Mr. Star Quarterback’s sorry ass?”

To tell or not to tell?
The buzzing of her intercom saved her from any further internal searching over the question.

“Yes Bobbie.” 

“You have a special delivery out here.”

She wracked her brain trying to recall if anything was scheduled to come in for her meeting with Torrie this morning.

“Can’t you just sign for it?”

“I really think you should take care of this one. You may want to inspect the goods,” Bobbie replied.

Was he laughing or choking? She couldn't really tell. All she knew for sure was she didn’t have time for this. She got up from her desk and marched over to her closed door and flung it open.

“Surprise,” Wade said from where he sat on the corner of Bobbie’s desk.

Several large flower filled vases surrounded him. Bobbie was sitting at the desk with a wide smile on his face.

“Ashley is it something for the party?” Torrie asked coming up behind her.

“Definitely not,” she muttered.

She vaguely heard Torrie greeting Wade and his response while her brain continued an attempt to process what was going on. Even when she felt the heat of several pairs of eyes upon her she ignored them, her forehead knotted in irritation. She was certain she had told him about the meeting with Torrie today and how important it was. If that weren’t enough, hadn’t they decided to keep things quiet? At least until they could figure out where this was going if anywhere.

The decision on who she told and when she told them had been taken out of her hands. She ignored the rational side of her brain as it argued on Wade’s behalf.

“Ashley I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt your meeting. I thought maybe you guys were taking a break for lunch or something. You do normally go to lunch about this time,” Wade said worry now clearly written on his face where moments before excitement had been. He got up from the edge of the desk. “I’ll just get going and let you two get back to it.”

The two warring parties inside of her were screaming to be heard. She took in the regret on his face. It silenced both sides. There was no way he’d done this in an attempt to force their relationship into the public. He wasn’t down playing her position or the importance of her job. He was just being Wade. Nothing more. The tension eased from her shoulders and she looked around at what her favorite flowers.

“Did you bring all these up by yourself?”

Wade gave a sheepish expression. “Well I paid for them but I can’t take the credit for bringing them all in.”

She shook her head and walked to where he stood by the desk. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She gave him a kiss and hug.

“No more beautiful than the woman I brought them for,” he replied softly.

Torrie cleared her throat from behind them
. Ashley glanced over her shoulder to see her leaning casually against the door jam of her office. She stepped back putting a little distance between she and Wade.

“I think we’ve covered as much as we can for now. Why don’t we schedule something for the end of the week to work on the next phase?” Torrie asked straightening from her position with a smile on her face.

“Tor are you sure? We still have quite a few loose ends,” Ashley said.

Torrie retreated into the office before coming back out moments later with her pocket book and brief case in hand.

“Let’s set up something for Friday morning. Just call my office and tell them what time and I’ll be here.”

She gave Ashley a quick hug before moving to give Wade a hug and kiss on his cheek.

“Okay if you’re sure then. I guess I will see you on Friday,” Ashley said to her retreating back.

“Friday it is.” Torrie waved on her way out the office.

Silence followed for moments after her departure.

“Are you mad at me for interrupting your meeting?” he asked.

Ashley knew she probably should be a little upset but she couldn't muster even the slightest bit of anger. Not anymore. So what if Torrie suspected something was happening between them. She knew she could trust her not to say anything until she’d confirmed one way or the other.

“I’m pretty sure I told you I was going to be in a meeting this morning with Torrie.” She moved closer to where he leaned against the edge of Bobbie’s desk. Bobbie had made his escape when it had been uncertain if she would be okay with the interruption. Smart move on his part.

Wade’s arms wrapped around her waist, closing the remaining distance between them. She nestled into the opening he’d created for her. Heat spread through her body as the intoxicating smell of the flowers mixed with his scent filled her head.

“Yes I do recall your saying something about that. But I figured I’d take a chance and stop by anyway to surprise you. Surprise.”

She trembled as he nibbled at her neck. A smile touched her lips just as Bobbie’s desk phone rang. Giving a heavy sigh, she reached around Wade to answer.

“Ashley Morgan.”

“Hello Ashley.”

It couldn’t be. She glanced at Wade but he was more focused on her neck than her phone conversation. She moved the receiver to the opposite ear. What the hell did David want? She’d thought for sure after his exit she’d never hear from him again.

“How’ve you been?”

“Fine.” She said with annoyance.

“A little bothered by the way we left things if you want the truth. I miss you.”

She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at it. He’d caught her by surprise. Wade lifted his head from her neck and raised a questioning eyebrow. She held up her finger to let him know she needed a minute. With one more soft kiss to the side of her neck he headed into her office. She smiled when he closed the door behind him to allow her some privacy.

“Did you hear me Ashley? I said I missed you.”

What was she supposed to say? It had only been what three or four days since he’d stormed out of her house.

“Yes I heard you. I haven’t had much time to think about anything other than work.”

“I guess I can understand that. Things are crazy on our end too. But then I guess you already know that seeing as how you’re friends with Torrie.”

Uncertainty over how she should respond kept her quiet. Whatever he needed to say she hoped he would hurry up.

“I’ll be here in Austin for a few extra days. I have a meeting with my agent and I want to see you before I head back out on the road.”


“We had something good for months until … well you know. But I want to see if we can move pass that.”

Ashley glanced at the phone again and had to wonder if she was being punked. She had counted on his arrogance to pretty much ensure she wouldn't have to deal with him again until the Blaze event and then only in limited doses.

“I’m not sure of my exact schedule over the next few days. As I said things are hectic.”

She turned her head towards her closed office door. Behind that door was what she wanted. What she was banking her friendship with Heather and her relationship with Joey and Maura on.

“I’ll call you before I leave town to see if things have changed,” David said.

“Look David what we had was good for a while but the reason we broke up hasn’t changed. My friends are still in my life and I’m not giving them up.”

Silence filled the air and for a minute she thought he’d hung up. Fine by her but then she heard the heavy sigh come across the phone line.

“I know I wasn’t the best when it came to understanding your relationship with the Romanos and their spoiled kid but I’m willing to give it a try.”

She heard a woman calling his name in the background.

“I have to get going. I’ll call you before I leave to see if you can fit me in.” He hung up.

Ashley stood there staring at the phone in her hand. What the hell had just happened? Had she just agreed to think about giving them another chance? She shook her head. She didn’t think she’d gotten across to him that she was not interested in continuing where they left off either. She placed the receiver back on the hook and headed for her office.

Unexpected darkness filled the room. Turning her head, she saw the blinds had been drawn behind. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting and she searched for Wade. She found him reclining on her couch, legs stretched out in front of him, stroking himself idly through his jeans. She closed the door behind her and twisted the lock in place.

“For a minute I thought you had forgotten about me,” he said.

“Never think that,” she said stepping out of her shoes and walked barefoot towards him.

She watched transfixed as he undid his jeans. Her eyes bulged when his dick appeared fully sheathed in a condom. Wade come prepared. He pulled her towards him moving his legs between hers and ran his hands up the inside of her thighs.

“Somebody’s wet,” he whispered.

She smiled. This was a meeting that hadn’t been interrupted.



Chapter Seventeen


Wade panted as he tried to catch his breath enough to focus on the man charging in his direction. He bounced back and forth on the balls of his feet. Adrenaline surged through him.
Wait for it
. He never took his eyes off of his opponent.
One… Two… Three,
he counted before he surging forward from his position. His hand shot out and made contact with the prize. His long legs carried him away in the opposite direction. Stop. Swoosh.

“That’s what I’m talking about man,” Jake yelled running up to him and slapping him on the back.

They’d been on the basketball court for the last two hours.

“Man no fair. You always get Wade and I get stuck with Marty.” Their friend Jay came up to them.

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