Loving A Romano (13 page)

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Authors: Sindee Lynn

BOOK: Loving A Romano
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He fished his keys out of his pocket and got in his car. The engine purred to life with a turn of the key. “I will be there before you can get your pretty little ass downstairs to open the door.”

Wade hung up the phone. Never before was he so glad Ashley lived only minutes from Jake. On a bad night of heavy drinking when he drove more carefully it was only eight maybe ten minutes max. Being sober he was at the door in less than. His breath caught in his throat when she opened the door before he could ring the bell. Had God ever created a more beautiful or perfect woman for him.

He stood staring down at her scantily covered body. The hard on he’d had, since leaving her yesterday, throbbed painfully against his leg. All day he’d wanted to call her just to hear her voice. He’d wanted to be buried balls deep in her sweet wetness until he couldn't move. His confusion over how she felt had kept him from doing anything.

“Hey,” she said looking up at him with a soft smile on her face.

He stepped through the door, closing it behind him before moving closer to her.

“Hey yourself.” He took in her outfit. He recognized the purple lacy number as one he’d bought her when she’d received her promotion a year ago. He recalled running his fingers along the spaghetti straps and across the bodice. Imagining the whole time how her large breasts would fill it out as the mannequin could not. It looked just as good as he’d thought it would on her. The outline of her dark nipples poked through. They seemed to be begging for his touch and he was more than happy to oblige.

His hand grazed against her puckered nipple. She shivered at his touch
. “This is really pretty. Too bad it has to go.” He grabbed the hem of the nightgown and whisked it over her head.

There was confidence and pride in her stance as she stood there and allowed him to simply look at her. It was one of the many things he found absolutely sexy about her. Never had he met a female more confident in themselves than the one standing before him.

The intensity of the emotions racing through him surprised him. He had always prided himself on being able to control his body but with Ashley it was proving to be an impossible task tonight.

“I have to have you now.” His mouth devoured hers in a kiss filled with all of the emotions he was feeling. His tongue forced its way between her lips, invading her mouth. Wade he knew he was being rough but he couldn't stop. His blood was on fire. The ache between his legs increased in its intensity and throbbed painfully to an unknown beat.

Ashley moved restlessly against him, grinding and thrusting herself on his aching body. Wade gripped her hips tightly, stilling her movements. He didn’t want to embarrass himself by shooting his load before he got his clothes off but if she didn’t stop he was going to cum in his jeans. He lifted his mouth from her lips and pushed her gently away from him.

“Give me a minute,” he said stepping back to lean against the closed door.

Its coolness did nothing to calm the heat consuming his entire body. He ran his fingers through his hair while taking deep breaths. He had never met a woman before who could make him this hot so fast. All it took was a thought of her to send his body into full alert. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes to keep from looking at her. The image of her naked body was permanently burned on the backs of his eyelids. He sensed her moving closer to him moments before her luscious curves molded perfectly against him. Her body seemed to be a flawless match to his own lean frame.

“Ashley per favore,”
he begged.

She undid his jeans and pushed them down his legs. He sent up a silent prayer to the saints for control as she stroked his hardened dick through the material of his boxers. She took special care in pushing them down to meet his jeans. Her hot breath next to his dick had him crowding against the door, eyes squeezed tight.

“If you keep touching me I won’t last.”

Embarrassment washed over him, as he knew he was about to cum and she’d just barely touched him.

Sguardo di Wade me
,” she whispered.

He opened his eyes and looked at her as she’d requested. The soft expression she wore was almost his undoing.

“Just lean back, relax and remember to breathe,” she said softly her hand still stroking up and down the length of him.

She moved down his body until he felt her warm breath against his dick. At the first lick of her hot tongue he wanted to bang his head against the door. Prayers went up to every saint he’d ever heard his mother mention from his childhood. When her hot mouth wrapped around the head of his dick, his fists clenched at his sides and pleasure shot through him.

“Ashley,” he breathed.

Up and down along the length of him she moved. She took her time loving him with slow, gentle strokes. No hands just her mouth moving from base to tip. Just as he thought he was about to lose it and succumb to the pleasure moving through him, the ache in his dick began to ease bit by bit. He still felt the need to cum tightening in his lower belly but he no longer felt the out of control pounding he had earlier. Finally able to enjoy the love she was lavishing upon him, he buried his fingers in her hair.

“How’d you do that,” he asked looking down at the top of her head.

Ashley raised her gaze to meet his, her mouth still full of his dick. She winked at him and tightened her grip. Faster she began to move and her hand joined in the motion. His body tightened once again in preparation for his orgasm.

“Oh God this time I’m gonna cum for real.”

Both hands gripped the back of her head to keep her in place. The head of his dick slid down the back of her throat and it was too much for him to hold on any longer. First instinct told him to pull back only he couldn’t. The firm hand she held at the base of his dick wouldn’t allow it. He leaned back, eyes closed, braced against the door and allowed wave after wave of pleasure to wash over him.

Ashley gave the head of his dick one final swipe of her tongue before rising up the length of his body.

“Better?” she asked a sexy grin on her face.

Wade pushed himself away from the door and stepped out of his boxers and jeans. He tugged his t-shirt over his head and threw it to the floor before pulling her into his arms.

“Not quite,” he said leaning down, his mouth close to hers.

She raised an eyebrow.

“I’m suddenly very hungry for the taste of your pussy.”

His body crowded against hers, moving her backwards until her heels met the bottom of the first step. He motioned for her to move up a few before pushing her down. He nudged her knees apart as he kneeled down between them.

“By God this has got to be the best meal in town,” he said before losing himself between her legs.



Chapter Fifteen


Ashley lay with her head resting on Wade's hairless chest. They’d just finished another round of love making and she was drained. She didn’t want to think about what time it was. Tomorrow morning would come too soon, bringing with it another full day of ... Slowly the smile she had been wearing faded. Would it bring another day without contact from him? Until later in the evening? Those were booty call hours. Was that all this was? Never before had the thought of being a mere booty call bothered her as it did then.

In the past, late night sex calls had been more of the norm for her than real relationships and to be honest it was what she preferred. Not being tied down to one man especially if the sex wasn’t any good. Her four month relationship with David had been the exception to how she normally handled her dealings with men. Did she want what she and Wade had to be limited to the bedroom? What exactly did they have?

“A dollar for your thoughts,” Wade asked kissing the top of her head.

“A dollar?”

She felt him hunch his shoulders before his deep laughter caressed her skin.

“I figure with inflation and all that.”

“Hmmm.” Ashley felt the heat of his gaze upon her but refused to look up. She was certain the turmoil she was feeling would be reflected on her face.

“Ashley I can hear you thinking. What’s up?”

She paused only for a moment before revealing what was bothering her.

“Why didn’t you call me today?” He stopped caressing her arm before continuing. “I wanted to call you. I thought about it all day.”

“Then why didn’t you?” It didn’t matter to Ashley that she was whining about a man not calling her. This was Wade. He should have called and when he hadn’t her feelings had been hurt.

“Because I didn’t want you to know how much I was thinking about you.”

Of all the things she’d expected him to say that hadn't been one of them. Not even close. Ashley lifted her head off his chest to gaze up at him. A frown puckered her brow.

“What? I don’t understand.”

“There’s a lot of that going on.” He sat up on the bed and looked at her before continuing. “After I left yesterday I didn’t know what to think. I mean everything I’d ever fantasized about had just happened and all I wanted to do was to stay here with you.”

Her frown deepened along with her confusion. “Then why did you leave?”

“Why didn’t you ask me to stay?”


“Because for the first time in a very long time I don’t know what I’m doing. I feel as if at any minute things could crumble around me.”

Wade let out a chuckle. “That makes two of us. You’ve been driving me crazy for years and now that I have you I don’t want to do anything stupid to mess it up. That’s why I left yesterday. I wanted to give you your space.”

“And who says I wanted space?”

“You did.”

Ashley sat up in bed, her mouth opened in shock.

“When did I tell you that?”

“Every time you complained about the guy you were dating always being around. You said they never knew when it was time for them to leave. They didn’t understanding your need to be with your girls or just a need for time to yourself. I didn’t want to be that guy Ashley,” Wade said avoiding eye contact.

She reached over and turned his face until she could look into his eyes. “Wade you could never be that guy. I want you to stay.”

Pulling her down beside him once more, he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “But for how long?”

The real question hung in the air between them for what seemed like an eternity. Did she dare be honest with him and with herself?

“Nicki,” she began slowly still unsure of what she was going to say.

“It’s back to Nicki is it?”

Intense eyes bore a hole into her. In their depths she saw confusion, remnants of desire and something else. Disappointment. Maybe even a little hurt. But definitely anger.

“I don’t want you to see me as that little kid anymore Ashley. I’m a man. Why is it so hard for you to see me that way?” He pushed himself up from the bed his back to her. He pulled on his jeans and walked over to the window and stood staring outside.

What seemed like an eternity passed as silence prevailed between them. Wade was right. He was a fully grown man. Despite having made the decision to sleep with him she was still trying to keep him in a little boy status. It was truly pathetic when she thought about it because it hadn’t been a little boy who had touched her. No little boy could make her heart stop with just a look. It had been the man she’d been craving for the past several years. It was the man who stood with his back to her now, anger and tension radiating off of him. She rose from the bed, pulling on her robe before walking over to him.

Ashley reached for his arm and turned him to face her. She allowed herself to see him not as Heather’s younger brother or Joey and Maura’s son. The image she’d been carrying of the little boy staring back at her from the top of the stairs all those years ago began to fade and in its place stood an image of the man who had the power to bring light to all her dark areas. The man who had laid claim to her heart ages ago. It scared the hell out of her.

“You’re right and I’m sorry. By calling you Nicki it puts you in an unobtainable status.”

“See I knew it,” he said throwing his arms up in the air in frustration.

“How can you still think of me as a child after everything we’ve just done in that bed?”
He pointed towards the rumpled sheets.

There was something terribly sexy about this side of him. It called to something deep within her and she moved closer. Ashley couldn't help it. She had to touch him. She ran her hand lightly across his bare chest caressing the cool metal of his piercings. Her hand moved down across his stomach and came to rest on the bulge of his jeans.

“I know the difference between the child you were and the man I just spent the evening with in bed,” she said.

She applied a little more pressure in her caress of his hardening flesh. He picked her up and carried her back to the bed. Her robe spread wide. She glanced over to see him standing beside her nightstand removing his jeans before reaching into the drawer to pull out some condoms. After sheathing himself he joined her on the bed.

“Tell me again Ashley,” he whispered.

When his lower body pressed close to her heat, she wrapped her legs around him in hopes of pulling him into her moisture. She rocked her hips forward and felt the tip of his dick enter her. A groan of pleasure escaped her parted lips.

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