Loving A Romano (10 page)

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Authors: Sindee Lynn

BOOK: Loving A Romano
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“Hey you,” she said walking into his open arms.

“Hey yourself gorgeous,” he said stepping back slightly, his arms still wrapped loosely around her waist. “Where are you going looking all hot and sexy so early in the morning?” He inhaled deeply. “Hmm and you smell good too.”

Ashley felt her face heat at the look he was giving her. Antonio had never kept it a secret that having sex with her was at the top of his list of things to do before he died.

“Thank you. I’m here for a meeting about Wade’s party,” she said stepping out of his light embrace.

She ignored the soft brush of his hand across her ass when he released her.

“Ah I see. I thought perhaps you were here to take me up on my offer, seeing as how you’re no longer tied down by dead weight.”

She’d come to the conclusion long ago she and Antonio were much better as friends
. Ashley was here for another Romano and if she’d learned nothing else about Wade over the years it was that he did not like to share.

“How did you know that?”

His teeth were a shocking white against his tanned skin as he opened his mouth and laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding right? Heather couldn't wait to tell everyone you’d gotten rid of him. I am kind of surprised though. I mean I never liked him the one or two times I had reason to be around him but you guys did seem to kind of mesh.” 

“We didn’t mesh where it really counted. It’s no big lost trust me,” she said placing her hand on his muscled arm. “I’ll see you later okay.” She released her grip and turned to leave.


She turned slowly back in his direction, her eyebrow raised in question.

“When you're ready for the love of a real man let me know. I promise once you’ve had a taste of a Romano man you’ll never be able to look at other men the same again.”

A sly grin spread across her face. He had no idea just how right he was. “I’ll be sure to let you know when that happens.”

Her ample hips swayed a little more as she walked away because she knew he still watched. She headed towards the huge family kitchen set at the back of the Romano home.

“Hey. I wouldn't be lucky enough to be the person you’re looking for would I?”

Her heart pounded against her rib cage at the deep baritone voice. She turned to see the face she’d thought to wake up with this morning instead of an empty pillow. Disappointment had been quick but she’d forced it back. It was for the best that everyone remained in the dark until they figured out exactly what the hell they were doing—besides having great sex.

“Most definitely.” Ashley lowered her head so he wouldn't see the smile she couldn't fight back. She peeked at him between her lowered lashes. He looked good standing outlined by the sun’s bright rays flowing in from the open patio door.

Heat rushed to her face at his raised eyebrow. She fought back the many doubts that always came to haunt her when thoughts of him turned X-rated. The ones telling her this was impossible. Nothing could come of it. She was jeopardizing her relationship with her extended family. She walked over to where he stood just inside of the French doors which led to a huge patio area and swimming pool.

“If I had known we were meeting by the pool I would’ve brought my suit.”

Ashley stepped closer to his damp body careful not to get wet. She leaned up and kissed his cheek before stepping away from him. There was an unmistakable heat in his eyes as it slowly moved over her body. It was a struggle to stand there without fidgeting. His gaze moved from the cleavage showing above her tank top to her less than flat stomach, down long legs to her feet, which were encased in flip flops.

“Who needs a suit to go swimming?” His gaze had returned to hers and he moved a little closer.

“I have done my fair share of skinny dipping but I’ve moved pass that stage especially with so many people about.”

“Mom and Heather went out for a while. Heather said she tried to call you but didn’t get any answer on your cell.”

So that had been her cell ringing. Her mind had been on other things and she’d thought it had been her imagination. “What about Antonio? He answered the door when I got here.”

Another step closer brought him within a breath of her personal space.

“He was on his way out to a job site and won’t be back for a few hours. It’s just you and me. How about that swim?” His eyes challenged her.

“Where’s the rest of the clan? For this house to be empty is not a possibility.”

This time it was Ashley who moved closer until she was mere inches from being pressed against his wet skin. Strong fingers gripped her shoulder and moved down her arms. Her eyes closed against the pleasure she felt at his touch.

“Dad took the younger kids with him to look at a piece of property in Dallas. Joey Jr. dropped Stefan at a friend’s then he was going to his girlfriend’s. Jesse is out with friends, don’t know where and don’t really care right now.” He reached for her hands, pulling her through the doors out into the bright Texas sunshine. “Come on it’s just me and you here. I will if you will.”

Laughter bubbled out of her mouth as she looked at the hopeful expression he gave her. His carefree attitude was infectious and she was sorely tempted to just strip and dive right in. The water looked refreshing and it was hot out.

“How about I go upstairs to see if I have a suit here and we can go for a swim while we wait for Heather and Maura to get back. Take it or leave it,” she said her more practical side taking over.

A thoughtful look passed across his face before he responded.

“Okay I’ll take it. There’s always the possibility I can coerce you out of it once in the pool,” he said laughing down at her.

Her stomach did a flip at the look in his eyes. It took several attempts before she could speak. “Oh you think you're that good huh?” 

He said nothing but leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. It was over much too soon and she found herself longing to pull his dark head back down for a deeper taking.

“Go get changed.” He gave her a caress on her cheek before running and diving back into the pool.

She watched until he resurfaced before heading back inside and upstairs. Excitement raced through her as she walked down the long hall towards her room, which sat on the opposite side of the house from the rest of the bedrooms. Joey and Maura had just completed construction of this part of the house shortly before her parents’ death. The room was originally to be a place for Maura to get away from the demands of her ever growing family. A place to hide away when needed. She’d selflessly given the room over to Ashley when she’d moved into their home.

Opening the door and stepping inside brought a smile to her face. Not much had changed since she’d last stayed here while her house was being finished. Memories of the years she’d spent in this room, in this house, washed over her. Most of them happy but some sad because they reminded her of the reason she’d moved in to begin with. Before she became too nostalgic, she moved to the large dresser. Her hand had just touched on the silky material of her swim suit when strong arms wrapped around her, hauling her back against a hard and very aroused body.

“If I didn’t recognize who was holding me I’d feel the need to warn you I have experience in karate and am not afraid to use it,” she said in deep breaths.

“Yeah and how can you be sure who’s behind you?”

“Because there’s only one person who makes my body go all hot like this,” she said in an almost whisper.

Warm hands moved up her waist to cup her breasts through her tank top. Her head fell back against the shoulder behind her and her eyes drifted closed as he began to play with her nipples. Moisture leaked from between her legs.

“Oh yeah?”

He moved sensuously against her until the bulging length of him was nestled between the cheeks of her ass. Something warm touched Ashley’s ear lobe and she sighed as pleasure shot through her.

“Oh yeah,” she said moving slowly against his erection.

She found herself gazing up into Wade's emotion filled eyes. Thoughts swirled within their depths. They searched hers with an intensity that almost made her turn away but she didn’t. She allowed him into her very soul where she held all the pent up desires for him. There was no need to hide her insecurity about what was happening between them.

“I know this is a strange thing to ask especially in light of all that’s happened between us,” he began, a sheepish expression coming across his face. “I have to know if you’re sure about this. I’ve known what I wanted since before I came of age so I’ve had some time to wrap my mind around what it seems we’ve started. I need to make sure you’re certain.”

She knew he was recalling their conversation from yesterday. If she were honest she wasn’t one hundred percent positive about much except the fact there was no way she could walk away from him and what he offered. She’d had the best sex of her life and she had definite plans on repeating it. Instead of saying anything she decided to show him. She took his hand in hers and cupped it between her legs. The feel of his hand against her most sensitive area stole the breath from her momentarily.

Large hands that trembled ever so slightly moved the damp material of her panties to the side so he could slide a finger along her slit and then back up to graze against her clit. Her legs threaten
ed to buckle and she grabbed his shoulders for support.

“Oh Wade ,” she sighed.

“You are so hot and wet. I have to taste you,” he said kneeling down in front of her.

Her eyes shot open. Was he ser
ious? Surely he wasn’t going to… she didn’t get a chance to finish the thought because her skirt was pushed higher over the curve of her ass. All thought was lost when she felt his tongue graze against the damp material still covering her clit.

“Wade please,” she begged.

“I love it when you call me by my birth name but I also like to hear you talk dirty to me. Tell me,” he said pushing both fingers deeper into her dripping cunt.

“Did you hear that?” she asked panic setting in where moments ago desire had reigned.

Ashley straightened her clothes while he walked into the hallway to see who it was. She ran shaky fingers through her hair. When he came back her body was still humming. She saw the large imprint of his erection pushing against the front of his swim shorts. He closed the door softly behind him. Her eyes took in his beautiful body as he walked towards her.

“Who is it?”

“Mom and Heather are back,” he said pulling her against him.

He moved his hips so she could feel his erection once more.

“They’ll probably be wondering where I am.” The last thing she wanted was for them to come upstairs looking for her.

“We could always tell them we were upstairs fooling around.” His warm lips brushed against her neck.

“Wade cut it out,” she said softly reprimanding him but still moved her head to the side to allow him better access.

“When you used to come home on school vacations I used to dream about sneaking into your room while everyone else was asleep.” He moved from her neck to kissing her jaw line until he was inches away from her open mouth.

“And if you had what would you have done?”

Thoughts of the return of his mother and sister faded into the background as desire returned. His hands moved beneath the short hem of her skirt to grip her ass and pull her closer.

“I probably would have cum just from looking at you. Embarrassing myself is the first thing that comes to mind. I always wanted you to be my first,” he said softly, grazing her bottom lip with his tongue.

Ashley’s eyes opened wide in surprise. If she’d known would she have complied? Even back then Wade had been sexy as hell.

The distinctive click of high heels on the marble floors of the foyer invaded her senses. She knew she should move away from him before they were discovered but she couldn't find the strength to deny herself any longer.

“Ashley,” he called his voice raspy with emotions.

,” she said. “Kiss me.”

“Il mio piacere.”
His warm lips met hers.

Giving herself over to the feel of his mouth moving against hers, she sighed as pleasure and heat
ran through her veins. “Oh Wade.”  She ran her fingers through his damp hair.

“Ashley,” someone called.

Mischief filled his eyes as he pulled away. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”

He gave her one more kiss before he grabbed her hand and headed for the French doors, which led to a private balcony directly off the bedroom. The two walked hand in hand down the spiral metal stairs, Ashley leading the way, until they found themselves at the entrance to the gardens. They continued hand in hand, stealing kisses along the way, until they reached the stone walk, which led back to the patio and swimming pool. As they neared the patio, Wade pulled her into his arms and kissed her again.

“This is not over I promise you,” he said before moving away from her and they walked the few feet onto the patio.

“There you two are. Where have you been?” Heather asked stepping through the French doors, her gaze moving from one to the other.

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