Love Jones For Him (13 page)

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Authors: Mia Loveless

BOOK: Love Jones For Him
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She gazed down at his beautiful cock and his sac that was the shape of rugby balls. Her tongue snaked over her lips in deep lust, as she cupped those magnificent balls and squeezed.

He groaned out her name, and she snaked up over his body again, leaning over to gaze down at him. “You called?”

His face was slightly flushed, his eyes dark pools of heat and warning. “I hope you like to see a man suffer,” he said with a hint of a smile, even as beads of sweat formed on his forehead, making his hair stick to his scalp.

Victoria pouted. “Is that what you think this is about? And there I was, thinking we were both having fun.”

“Victoria,” he began warningly, his hands wrapping round her head, fingers grabbing fistfuls of her hair. She merely chuckled, gliding her lower body over his and making him buck up into her with passionate need.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” she announced, as she took his hands and linked them with hers before pushing them up on either side of his head. “Very, very much. And I’m hoping you will, too…”

Chapter Eighteen

Was she kidding? Gordon thought with an inward groan as her mouth lowered to cover his nipple. Had she no inkling of what she was doing to him? There was no doubt that no matter what she did, he’d definitely enjoy it. There was no other option.

Not when he’d wanted her so much in the past weeks. Staying away, letting her be, had been like trying to cut his own arm off. And now, here she was, bold and brazen, her hands and lips sending him on a one-way train to blissful oblivion.

Her soft, generous lips pulled on his nipple, licked and sucked it till he shuddered. Then she did the same to the other one, making his nerve endings scream as blood rushed from his brain to engorge his cock. He was so hard and hungry for her, he was sure he’d erupt if he didn’t take care.

So he gritted his teeth and lay beneath her as docile as he could, even though he wanted to flip her down next to him and slam into her with his raging cock. But she was intent on tasting every inch of his body, her tongue making a hot, wet trail in a straight line from his pecs to his waiting, expectant dick.

“Oh, wow,” she breathed, cupping him in both hands. He stared down at his shaft standing proud within her clasped fingers, which seemed dwarfed by his sizeable member. Once again, he shuddered at her touch. He warned himself to hold on tight to every ounce of self control or he’d be exploding into her palms.

The tip of his cock was dewy with precum, which she proceeded to demolish with her tongue.

Seeing her go down on him would have been enough to tear him free of all restraint; but once again, he found the strength from somewhere. His fingers stroked back her hair so he could watch her face as her lips parted and she shot out her tongue again, showering his tip with tiny lollipop licks that sent liquid fire through his cock and straight to his brain.

She started to jerk him off as her mouth finally closed over his cap. Inch by inch, she lowered her lips unto him, and he groaned as he watched her mouth stretch with each downward stroke. Her tongue rolled around him as he was slowly buried in her hot, wet mouth, and he bucked at the build-up of pressure in his balls. Fucking hell he wasn’t going to last…

But each time he seemed ready to combust, she drew away, pausing in her torment of his flesh and thus keeping the storm at bay. And then she was stoking it up again, taking as much of him into her mouth till his tip was brushing the back of her throat, making her gag as a slavering of wetness now coated him from tip to balls. Hers were firm, decisive strokes, kneading into his veined shaft and making him jerk upwards in ecstasy. Her tongue flickered all around his tip and length, before lowering to his cum sac and licking those too. Then she took his balls in her mouth and sucked lustily, making him groan out loud.

One more minute of this and he had no choice but to grab the sides of her head and draw her up to capture her lips in a hard, powerful kiss. Their mingled taste was like an inebriating substance and he couldn’t get enough of it. They shot out their tongues and lapped at each other in a wet, erotic dance of passion.

Gordon seized her breast with one hand, while the other jammed in between her legs. As always, the knowledge that she was so moist and ready for him was enough to make his cock throb harder and more painfully. He shafted past her folds with his fingers, loving the incredibly sexy sounds her vaginal walls made as he knuckle-fucked her.

She moaned against his lips, hands clutching his hair as she squirmed and panted above him. He knew exactly when she wanted him to take things further, and bury himself in her. Her sheathe was closing down tight on his fingers and he sensed without being told that she was in need of something far more substantial.

He quickly positioned her on her side right next to him. Her back was half-turned to him and just by lifting her leg by the ankle; he could slide straight into her from behind.

She gasped as he penetrated her in one swift, long thrust. He pulled back fully and then thrust again, his groin bumping sideways against the cheek of her ass. It felt so perfect that he couldn’t help but groan out her name.

Her upper body twisted round so that she could circle her arms around his neck, while his hand reached out to cup and squeeze at her breast. They were twisted impossibly into each other but his cock still found its way into her cunt with no difficulty at all. Again and again, he plowed into her, filled her to the hilt with his throbbing meat. At the same time, he fondled her full mounds, tweaking roughly on her nipples and then rolling them beneath his palms. The sensuous friction was enough to cause her pussy to flow with even more juices. The wetter she was, the harder he became, and the deeper he could plunge into her velvety sweetness.

This was heaven and hell rolled into one, if that was possible. It felt so good inside her, so good he never wanted to leave. He wanted to be lost in her so deep he’d be unable to find his way back. He wanted to keep her to him, like this, forever. He never wanted it to end.

And yet a part of him knew that even though this moment was like the fountain of bliss itself, it couldn’t last forever. He could never lay claim to her because she wasn’t a possession he could own for himself. It was hell to think that soon, he might have to let her go.

He gave her deliciously heavy breast one last, hard squeeze, before sliding down her concave belly to her clit which he could easily reach. His hips flexed beneath hers with every stroke of his cock, and her pussy lips seemed to fuse to his pounding shaft like Velcro. He wasn’t sure he could make it through another minute.

“Can I come, baby?” he groaned, his teeth nipping into her ear as he elbowed back the need to simple release and storm her insides with his river of cum. “I can’t – hold back.”

“Neither can I,” she confessed, twisting her face back and sealing their lips in a kiss. Her pussy was pulsing and breathing around his cock, indicating to him just how close she too was to her release. Elated, he pounded with more force and speed, his fingertips pressing harder down on her clitoris. She let out a screech of ecstasy, as the double delight of him manually pleasuring her as well as penetrating her in deep-seated plunges drove her faster off the brink.

They tumbled down together, head over heels, bodies entwined, souls locked. Pleasure was perfected and there was nothing left to give or take. For that moment in time, they were one once again.

Chapter Nineteen

They’d made love again. Just as desperately, needily, as the first time. Like the world would end tomorrow. And who knew, maybe it would. Maybe it was already over.


It was all he said. There they lay, limbs tangled, her head on his head as she listened to the erratic beat of his heart. Her whole body was awash with satiated pleasure, but still a pain lingered in her chest. And she wasn’t even sure yet why she ached.

She didn’t have to ask what he meant, and a sigh escaped her as she leaned up on her elbows to look into his face.

“I don’t think I should,” she said regretfully.  “I’m not good at these things, Gordon. I’m only going to mess it up, because that’s all I know how to do. Look at how silly I acted over you and Abbey. You wanted to tell me but I wouldn’t listen…” She’d already told him about Abbey’s visit and how she’d found out there was nothing between them both.

“People in love act silly – or they wouldn’t be in love,” he told her, smiling wolfishly. “That’s when I knew for sure you cared. You couldn’t be jealous about me and Abbey if I meant nothing to you.”

“But you stayed away,” she accused, grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging his forehead up against hers. “You never called or showed up. After the house was finished, it was like “good riddance”. I was so sure you didn’t care either.”

“Didn’t care?” he huffed, laughing shortly. “I was at my wits’ end wondering how I was going to convince you about how I feel about you. But I didn’t want you to feel any pressure. From day one, that had been my motto. To always give you breathing space – and the right to choose. And yet…in the end, I wanted to bend you to my will, to make you want to be with me. I knew it was a risk and I’d probably only end up driving you away, but I decided I’ll go for it anyway. So, now will you stay?”

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

It wrenched out her heart to say those two words, but she knew it was the sensible thing to do. There was too much at stake; her heart was too fragile to risk it all on a romantic notion.

“I have a life to get back to in New York,” she told him softly. “I can’t just…throw it all away.”

“You can if you believe you can make an even better life – here, with me,” he said, his voice deep and gravelly. He cupped her face, his eyes boring darkly into hers.

“What is this, happily ever after?” she asked with quiet gloom that suddenly seemed to shroud her. “No one can promise that. Not even you.”

She would have pulled away but he took her wrist and jerked her back on top of him. His arm around her waist lodged her firmly against his warm, hard frame. “Just tell me what I need to do. What will make you stay with me?”

She sighed impatiently, stamping down the quiver his throbbing words evoked within her body. “Gordon, I have nowhere to go. The house has been sold. Someone snapped it up the day it was put on sale. I’ve…”

“What if I told you it was me who bought the house?” he cut in quietly, baffling her. She stared at him disbelievingly.

“It’s true; I’m the buyer,” he told her, shrugging. His free hand reached for his jacket lying on the chair by the side of the bed. Soon he was unfolding the contract, and she could see for herself that he spoke the truth.

“I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time what I really feel. And that I’m not only a contractor in the renovations business. I’m a developer as well as a financer. I just work for myself. Abbey told me about this case and I was interested in helping out. And then when I met you, I was hell-bent on making sure I’d be the one handling the project.”

His fingers were raking back her dark, tumbled hair, a small smile twitching the corners of his lips. “So…I did everything I could to make it happen. I lowered my fees so that cost would never be an excuse – and I became more hands-on with the house than I usually am with projects that aren’t my personal property. I did all this because of you, Victoria.”

Victoria couldn’t speak, her eyes wide, her lips parted in a low gasp of surprise. He looked somewhat rueful as he added,  “Well, at first, it was because I wanted you like crazy – you were like no woman I’d ever met; you looked at me like you’d gladly lick cream off me. And then you only had to stand within a foot of me and I was ready to jump on you like a fiend.”

He chuckled softly, and then sobered. “But then it became more than just sex. It became vital. You became everything I always wanted. And so when you seemed determined to cut and run, and sell the house, I wanted to be the one who bought it – because this is where I fell in love.”

Victoria drew in a sharp breath, her heart a tumult of emotions. Happiness, glee, elation, shock. It was virtually unreal.

“I love you, Victoria,” he declared, gripping her face in his hand and slanting his lips over hers in a hard and fast kiss. “I don’t know if that’s going to be enough. But it’s true.”

She was staring at him in a daze. “I never even imagined…I mean, I knew in my heart that there was a chance we’d…”

She broke off, unable to piece a proper sentence together. Trying one last time, she spluttered out quickly before she lost her nerve, “I knew I was in deep trouble because you were the first guy ever who made me want to throw away every ounce of good sense I had. I’d always been methodical about my relationships. I was the one in control because that way I couldn’t get hurt. But with you, I was reckless. I didn’t care about tomorrow, or the next moment. All I wanted was to breathe you, be swept over by you. But the deeper I got, the less sure I became. Suddenly, I was scared. I’m scared now,” she told him on a ragged sigh.

He drew her sigh into his mouth, kissing her with lips wide and eating. He poured his courage into her mouth and it was like he wanted to make her strong for him. For both of them.

“I can imagine what it must mean, being asked to uproot yourself from everything you know and hold dear,” he said at last, drawing back with a ragged sigh. “And so if there’s a sacrifice to be made, then I should be the one to do it. I could move to New York to be with you, if that’s what you want. But no matter what, I’m not letting you out of my sight. If we have to be on the moon to be together, then that’s where we’ll go.”

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