Love Jones For Him (12 page)

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Authors: Mia Loveless

BOOK: Love Jones For Him
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But not to her. She and the house were through.

And yet she hadn’t expected it to be this easy – getting a buyer. The house had been snapped up almost immediately when it was put on the market. She had to admit she was amazed. Even the agents had said they’d never had such a quick, hassle-free sale.

“The asking price was taken, no question,” the estate agency informed her. “Looked like the buyer had wanted the house at all costs. The whole transaction can be over in a week if not less.”

Wow, Victoria thought, sighing deeply with a mixture of relief and regret. In her hands was a glass of wine, from which she sipped as she stared down at her solitary dinner which she’d prepared. Upstairs, her bags were already being packed. Now that a buyer had been found and the house sold, she knew she’d have to leave soon.

She’d received a call from Diane earlier that day. When she told her aunt that the house had been sold, the woman didn’t sound as angry or disappointed as Victoria would have expected.

And for a minute, Victoria wondered if Diane had been the one who’d bought the house. Had she been looking out all this while to know when it would be up for sale, so she could finally get to keep her memorable family home? It was very likely, Victoria surmised. Well, that was one mystery solved.

“I’m sorry you’re leaving,” Diane said, her sincerity ringing over the phone line. As always, her strange, varying moods surprised Victoria.

As if reading her mind, Diane added, “You are my niece, Victoria, It may seem at first that we are worlds apart, but in the end, we’re not so different, after all. We’re strong-willed when we need to be – and we go for what we believe in. Your mother would have been so proud to see the lovely, independent woman you’ve become.”

Will she, Victoria wondered, as she walked through the rooms of the house, maybe for the last time. Every inch of it carried a memory of Gordon; his strong, capable and skilled hands had worked on almost every square foot. He’d been so different, exciting. He’d made her feel special, even if for that brief time. But she’d be a fool if she kept wishing it had been something more.


The doorbell was ringing.  It was early morning and she started to dash for it, her heart lifting for a moment. And then she reminded herself that it couldn’t be Gordon. The work was finished on the house; he would no more be showing up with a sexy grin and a cocky tilt to his head as he arrived for the day’s work.

Still, she couldn’t help feeling hopeful, silly woman that she was. It wasn’t bad to want to see him, was it? She was leaving soon, maybe tomorrow. She wouldn’t have wanted them to separate as cool enemies. She liked him, even if she no longer loved him, she told herself. Her initial anger and feeling of betrayal had passed, and she wanted them to be friends, at least.

But it wasn’t Gordon she found standing on her doorstep. It was Abbey.

“Hullo, darling!” the woman cooed, throwing her arms happily around the stunned Victoria, before sweeping into the house as she always used to do.

“I’m so sorry I haven’t been looking in as often as I used to. But with all the hammering and scraping going on, I felt it was best I stay away till it was all finished. And my, it looks gorgeous,” Abbey gushed, waving her arms in that dramatic way of hers. She turned on her heels to find Victoria looking at her with a forced little smile.

“It’s good that you showed up today, anyway,” Victoria said, schooling her features to be free of animosity. She shouldn’t hate Abbey, she knew. Shouldn’t resent the woman for being so beautiful and looking like just the type that would suit Gordon. Instead, she concealed her pricks of jealously, and played the perfect hostess.

“Why do you say that, dear?” Abbey asked curiously, as they made their way to the terrace. Victoria quickly set out coffee and tea, and as they settled to drinking the hot brew, she told Abbey that she’d decided to sell the house after all.

“I know,” Abbey told her with a gentle smile, covering her hand briefly over the table. Victoria was surprised, and wanted to ask her how she knew – but then realized that Gordon must have filled her in. Victoria couldn’t help wondering with a bitter edge, what else Gordon must have told Abbey. Would he have told her how jealous Victoria had been when she’d seen them together? Had they laughed at her and called her silly?

“I’m just glad you even bothered,” Abbey went on mildly. “You could easily have just stayed for how long it would have taken to get the house sold in the beginning. But you stayed, and turned it into this beautiful masterpiece. And even though it’s going to belong to someone else now, I think you’ve done your duty. And that’s all you owe anyone.”

Victoria drew in a breath, touched by Abbey’s sincere-sounding words. It was almost impossible, she was discovering, to dislike this woman. And then, Victoria decided that she didn’t even want to.

“I’ll miss you, Abbey,” she said suddenly, a wavering smile on her lips. “You’ve been such a good friend from the first day. You never judged me, just took me as I was. I appreciate how kind you’ve been to the stranger who showed up to stay next door to you.”

“You’ve been a fun neighbor, so don’t thank me,” Abbey said with a grin, taking a quick sip of her cup of tea before placing it down with an enthusiastic wave of her free hand.

“Victoria, there’s something you must know.”

Victoria felt herself go rigid at Abbey’s words. Had her fears been true, and had Abbey somehow got to know about Victoria and Gordon? Oh, the embarrassment…

“I came to congratulate you about finishing and selling the house – but now it’s you that must congratulate me. I’m engaged.” Abbey splayed her fingers to show the dazzling ring on her left hand. Victoria’s heart plummeted.

“Is it Gordon?” she heard herself say in a tight voice, before she could stop herself.

Abbey looked dazed. “Gordon? Why on earth would it be him?” She half-laughed, and stared at Victoria’s face. “Why would you think that, darling? Gordon is like family. He’s related to my ex-husband – soon to be husband again.”

Abbey grinned suddenly. “We’ve been secretly trying to work things out for months. But I never wanted to get my hopes up by telling anyone, considering how many times in the past we’d tried and failed. The only one I could confide in was Gordon – and he was so supportive, telling me to give it all my heart. I did, and well…Rolf proposed. We’re getting remarried soon.”

Victoria felt like such an idiot, and could barely say the words, “Congratulations, Abbey. I’m really happy for you. I’m sorry.”

“About what?” Abbey’s face crinkled in a smiley frown.

Victoria sighed raggedly. “I’ve been foolish. I saw you with Gordon the other day, outside a coffee shop. You kissed his cheek, and you both were holding hands…”

“Oh, that,” Abbey said, with a laugh. “That must have been two weeks ago. I’d just told him that I still loved my ex, Rolf. And that I was afraid. But Gordon made me realize that fear never won any victories. That when you’re afraid to love, you end up losing that very thing you’re desperate to protect – yourself.”

“Gordon said that?” Victoria asked in a soft voice.

Abbey nodded, looking obviously chuffed. “I told you, he’s a great guy. And this time, he was right – and he mostly always is. Well, Rolf has asked me to marry him – again, and I’ve accepted. I’m so happy.”

“And I’m happy for you,” Victoria said with deep sincerity.

“We’ll be married in a couple of months – maybe sooner if we can get the license. Say you’ll come, darling,” Abbey crooned. “I want you to be there.”

“I’ll make it for the wedding, I promise,” Victoria assured her, taking Abbey’s hand in a firm grip.

“Are you sure you won’t change your mind, and stay?” was Abbey’s gentle enquiry.

Victoria was shaking her head. “The house has already been sold. The lawyers finalized the transaction today. I’ll be moving out tomorrow, to stay in a hotel close to the airport. I’ll be leaving as soon as possible.”

“You don’t look too happy about it,” Abbey said kindly, applying pressure on Victoria’s finger. “But maybe it’s for the best. Staying has to be something you want with all your heart. No one can make you feel that way unless it comes from you.”

“You’re right; it was my choice. Well, thanks for coming, Abbey, and I wish you the best with your marriage.”

Abbey’s smile was a little tremulous as both women embraced warmly. “Thank you, Victoria. Something told me you’d get it. Some people don’t understand why on earth I could go back to my ex-husband, but…I’ve loved him for almost all my life. I’m just happy to give it one more chance.”

“Every true love is worth that,” Victoria replied with a smile – but then her heart ached as she thought about Gordon. Was there any hope of another chance with him? She doubted that. He’d taken her to her word, and had kept off. Wasn’t he even going to try to fight to get her back?

But then she remembered the words he’d said; that he’d never let it be anything she didn’t want it to be. So he’d backed off the second she’d established that whatever they had was over.

Had she really expected a man like Gordon to grovel for her? Hardly likely. She didn’t need a crystal ball to know that he could have any woman he wanted. She’d been available, someone new and different. He’d jumped at the opportunity she’d so easily offered – and now he’d lost interest, and moved on certainly. Just like she’d asked.

If she had any sense, she’d forget about him. Never spare him another thought. So when her cell phone rang and she heard his voice on the other end, why did her belly do somersaults in delight? Why was her heart tripping over itself in hope?

“Gordon,” she breathed, suddenly breaking out in a sweat. In seconds, her top was clinging to her overheated body as her chest began to constrict with a mixture of excitement and panic. He did that to her; made her never know if she was coming or going. Damn it, she was in deep.

“Where are you?” he asked in a gruff voice.

She paused, eyes darting. “I’m at home. At the house. Where would I be?”

She heard him exhale deeply. “I was worried. That you might have already left. Can I come over?”

“No.” Yes, her heart echoed with a throb.

“I’m coming over,” he said, and hung up.


The front door was unlocked, and he opened it before stepping in and shutting it securely behind him. She was waiting at the head of the stairs, arms wrapped around her as she stared down at him.

He gazed up at her for some seconds, and then he was coming swiftly up the flight of stairs. His frame bumped into her as he drew her into him, their lips merging and catching fire.

He was backing her into her bedroom, past the door and then, pushing her unto the waiting bed.

Victoria was gasping, straightening up on her elbows as she watched him stand in front of the bed and begin to tear his clothes off. She watched with heart pounding and pussy contracting as he shed every item of clothing. He was magnificent – and already so hard that his cock looked angry and purple as it stood straight up from his groin. Her breasts heaved and grew heavy with arousal, her fingers digging into the sheets beneath her as she tried to get her heart rate to a normal level – and failed.

“Three weeks,” he said on a rumbling tone, as he bent over her, shoving her backwards on the bed so that he could cover her completely with his hot, throbbing body. “One more day and I’ve gone insane. Blast you, woman, you’d make a man a martyr. Why did you punish me?”

She shook her head mutely, unable to speak. Even in her jeans and tee shirt, she could feel every outline, every surge of his overpoweringly male form. She trembled all over with the force of desire that twirled around them in the room. He looked ready to devour her, and she felt ready to let him. That was why she didn’t protest when he took hold of the neckline of her top, and ripped it down in half, baring her. Next to get ripped off her body were her bra, her jeans, and her panties. He’d never shown such a show of strength, and it thrilled her to the bone, so much that her vaginal walls could seem to stop streaming.

Once she was naked, he touched her there, and groaned. “Silly, cruel Victoria,” he half-teased, half-sighed. “I see that now that you’ve also been punishing yourself.”

He was right; she’d put herself in as much deprivation as she’d done him. But tonight, she was depriving no one, least of all herself. Planting her hands on his shoulders, she pushed him on his back with all her might.

He fell to the pillows with a soft, surprised chuckle, which died away as she slipped her naked body down over his, sliding her breasts over his chest and down his torso. Her pebble-like nipples grazed his flesh and he moaned at the alternate sensation of the hard nubs and the soft, giving flesh of her breasts.

She smiled at the tortured look on his face, her hands stroking all over the broad expanse of his shoulders, chest, and abs. She molded each slope like she’d memorize every rippling inch of him. And as her fingers twisted knowingly on his tiny nipples, her breath tantalized close to his groin. His massive shaft was rearing, the mushroom tip outlined perfectly, as if in marble, close to her face. Her hands lowered and skimmed just over it, but didn’t touch him. He jerked upwards with a groan of absolute pain.

Her smile widened, as she glanced up once more to look at him. He still had that “tear-you-to-pieces” look on his face. But she wasn’t afraid. No, she was enjoying this so, so much. Too much.

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