London's Shadows: The Dark Side of the Victorian City (47 page)

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12 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

13 `Military drill v. police duty, Funny Folks (15/9/1888)

14 Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser (19/4/1842)

15 K. R. M. Short, The Dynamite Wars: Irish-American Bombers in Victorian Britain, (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1979), 205

16, (t18850420-532, trial of Harry Burton and James George Gilbert)

17 Pall Mall Gazette (3/1/1885)

18 Pall Mall Gazette (3/1/1885); Daily News (3/1/1885)

19 Short, The Dynamite Wars, 200

20 (t18850420-532, trial of Burton and Gilbert)

21 Short, The Dynamite Wars, 184

22 Hull Packet and East Riding Times (2/1/1885)

23 Short, The Dynamite Wars, 13-15

24 Short, The Dynamite Wars, 75

25 A pledge by Timothy O'Sullivan to work for the liberation of Ireland as a member of the Fenian Brotherhood, undated, Baltimore, Maryland, Fenian Brotherhood Collection, (accessed 16/4/09)

26 Short, The Dynamite Wars, 202

27 Daily News (26/1/1885)

28 Daily News (26/1/1885)

29 Daily News (26/1/1885)

30 Pall Mall Gazette (26/1/1885)

31 Short, The Dynamite Wars, 208

32 `The dynamite explosions in London, The Graphic (1/31/1885)

33 The Times (26/1/1885)

34 Morning Advertiser (26/1/1885)

35 Daily Chronicle (26/1/1885)

36 Standard (26/1/11885); Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (4/1/1885)

37 Daily Telegraph (26/1/1885)

38 Pall Mall Gazette (26/1/1885)

39 Pall Mall Gazette (26/1/1885)

40 Pall Mall Gazette (26/1/1885)

41 Daily News (27/1/1885)

42 (t18850420-532, trial of Burton and Gilbert)

43 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

44 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

45 'Blind-man's buff, Punch (22/9/1888)

46 Donald Rumbelow, The Complete Jack the Ripper (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson) 1987), 71

47 The Times (18/9/1888)

48 P. Begg, Jack the Ripper: The Definitive History (London: Longman, 2004), 203

49 J. Beattie, Crime and the Courts in England, 1660-1800, (New Jersey: Princeton University Press) 1986), 50-2

50 Rumbelow, The Complete Jack the Ripper, 73

51 The Times (13/11/1888)

52 The Times (15/10/1888); (10/11/1888)

53 The Times (15/11/1888)

54 The Times (15/11/1888)

55 The Times (12/11/1888)

56 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

57 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

58 The Graphic (27/8/1887)

59 Haia Shpayer-Makov, The Making of a Policeman: A Social History of a Labour Force in Metropolitan London, 1829-1914, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002)

60 Wilbur R. Miller, `Review; Crime, History & Society, 8:2 (2004)

61 Begg, Jack the Ripper

Notes to Chapter 9: London's Shadows: The Darker Side of the Victorian Capital

1 Walter Dew, I Caught Crippen (London: Blackie & Son, 1938), 85

2 Albert Hughes and Allen Hughes, From Hell, (Los Angeles: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 2001) (DVD)
3 Eastenders is the BBC's long running soap set in the fictional Albert Square where the Queen Vic pub is the focus of the local community.
4 John Tosh, The Pursuit of History: Aims, Methods and New Directions in the Study of Modern History, (London: Longman, 1991) (2nd edition), 132
5 E. H. Carr, What is History? (London: Penguin, 1964), 11
6 Carr, What is History?, 11
8 W. Churchill, Liberalism and the Social Problem, (London: Hodder & Stoughton) 1909),363




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