London's Shadows: The Dark Side of the Victorian City (46 page)

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8 Mayhew, London, Labour and the London Poor, 32
9 Henry Mayhew, London Labour and the London Poor: Volume Four, Those that will not Work, (London: 1861), published as London's Underworld in the Victorian Period, (New York: Dover Publications, 2005), 7

10 Mayhew, London Underworld in the Victorian Period, 24

11 Mayhew, London Underworld in the Victorian Period, 24

12 Paula Bartley, Prostitution. Prevention and Reform in England, 1860-1914, (London: Routledge, 2000), 10

13 Clive Emsley, Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900, (London: Longman, 1997), 154

14 Tony Henderson, Disorderly Women in Eighteenth-Century London: Prostitution and Its Control in the Metropolis, 1730-1830, (London: Longman, 1999); Drew D. Gray, Crime, Prosecution and Social Relations, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)

15 Jeffrey Weeks, Sex, Politics and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality since 1800, (London: Longman, 1981) (2nd edition), 85

16 Frank Mort, Dangerous Sexualities: Medico-Moral Politics in England since 1830, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987), 65

17 Mort, Dangerous Sexualities, 67

18 Mayhew, London Underworld in the Victorian Period, 26

19 F. Smith, `The Contagious Diseases Acts reconsidered', in Social History of Medicine 3:2 (1990), 197

20 Weeks, Sex, Politics and Society, 86

21 Lucy Bland, Banishing the Beast: Sexuality and the Early Feminists, (New York: The New Press, 1995), 98

22 Mort, Dangerous Sexualities, 87

23 Weeks, Sex, Politics and Society, 87

24 Weeks, Sex, Politics and Society, 90

25 The registers are held by the LMA, in the series PS/TH/A/01/001-472; the register for most of 1888 is no. 12

26 PS/TH/A/01/012, 9/8/1888 and 9/10/1888

27 Weeks, Sex, Politics and Society, 89

28 Pall Mall Gazette (4/7/1885)

29 Pall Mall Gazette (6/7/1885)

30 Alfred S. Dyer, The European Slave Trade in English Girls. A Narrative of Facts, (London: Dyer Brothers, 1880)

31 Deborah Gorham, `The "Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon" re-examined: child prostitution and the idea of childhood in late-Victorian England, Victorian Studies, 21:3 (Spring 1978), 359

32 Alison Plowden, The Case of Eliza Armstrong, A Child of 13 bought for £5', (London: BBC publications, 1974)

33 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (16/8/1885)

34 (t18851019-1031, case of Rebecca Jarrett, William Thomas Stead, Sampson Jacques, William Bramwell Booth, Elizabeth Combe, 19 October 1885)

35 Pall Mall Gazette (11/11/1885)

36 Pall Mall Gazette (11/11/1885)

37 Pall Mall Gazette (11/11/1885)

38 Trevor Fisher, Prostitution and the Victorians, (Stroud: Sutton, 1997), 134-5

39 Gorham, `The "Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon" re-examined, 355

40 Mayhew, London Underworld in the Victorian Period, 104

41 Mayhew, London Underworld in the Victorian Period, 107

42 Judith R. Walkowitz, Prostitution and Victorian Society: Women, Class, and the State, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980), 21.

43 Walkowitz, Prostitution and Victorian Society, 19

44 William Acton, Prostitution Considered in Its Moral, Social and Sanitary Aspects: in London and Other Large Cities, (London, 1870)

45 Walkowitz, Prostitution and Victorian Society, 14

46 Walkowitz, Prostitution and Victorian Society, 14

47 Bartley, Prostitution, 10

48 Neal Stubbings Shelden, The Victims of Jack the Ripper, (Chestertown: Inklings Press, 2007)

49 Sheldon, The Victims of Jack the Ripper, 43

50 Walter Dew, I Caught Crippen, (London: Blackie & Son, 1938), 86

51 Sheldon, The Victims of Jack the Ripper

52 Sheldon, The Victims of Jack the Ripper

Notes to Chapter 7: Crime and the Criminal Class in Late Victorian London

1 Martin J. Wiener, Reconstructing the Criminal. Culture, Law, and Policy in England, 1830-1914, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 228
2 Henry Mayhew, London Labour and the London Poor: Volume Four, Those that will not Work, (London: 1861), published as London's Underworld in the Victorian Period, (New York: Dover Publications, 2005), 109
3 Henry Maudsley, Body and Mind, (London: Macmillan, 1873), quoted in Wiener, Reconstructing the Criminal, 230
4 Andrew Barrett and Christopher Harrison (eds), Crime and punishment in England: a sourcebook, (London: UCL, 1999)
5 James Greenwood, The Seven Curses of London, (London: Stanley Rivers, 1869), 92
6 Greenwood, Seven Curses of London, 57
7 Quoted in Wiener, Reconstructing the Criminal, 233
8 Cesare Lombroso, The Criminal Man, translated by Mary Gibson and Nicole Hahn Rafter, (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006)
9 Gibson and Hahn Rafter, Introduction, in Lombroso, The Criminal Man, 8

10 Lombroso, Criminal Man, 53

11 J. Redding Ware, Before the Bench. Sketches of Police Court Life, (London: c. 1890), 25

12 Pall Mall Gazette (25/10/1881)

13 Glasgow Herald (5/7/1884)

14 Pall Mall Gazette (10/10/1887)

15 Pall Mall Gazette (11/9/1889)

16 Havelock Ellis, The Criminal, (London: 1890)

17 `Whitechapel, 1888, Punch (13/10/1888)

18 David Garland, Punishment and Modern Society: A Study in Social Theory, (Oxford: Clarendon Press) 1991), 146

19 See Jennifer Davis, A poor man's system of justice'

20 The Graphic (27/8/1887)

21 These are held by the LMA under the catalogue prefix PS/TH/A and are open to general consultation.

22 J. Davis, `Prosecutions and Their Context. The Use of the Criminal Law in Later Nineteenth-Century London, in D. Hay and F. Snyder, Policing and Prosectution in Britain 1750-1850, (Oxford: Clarendon, 1989), 403

23 Pall Mall Gazette (13/8/1887)

24 The Graphic (27/8/1887)

25 Redding Ware, Before the Bench, 29

26 Redding Ware, Before the Bench, 29

27 Redding Ware, Before the Bench, 29

28 The Illustrated Police News (7/5/1887)

29 The Illustrated Police News (28/5/1887)

30 The Illustrated Police News (29/1/1887)

31 Refer to Peter King, `Summary justice and social relations in eighteenth-century England, Past and Present, (May 2004); Gwenda Morgan and Peter Rushton, `The magistrate, the community and the maintenance of an orderly society in eighteenth-century England, Historical Research, 76:191 (2003); Drew D. Gray, Crime, Prosecution and Social Relations: The Summary Courts of the City of London in the Late Eighteenth Century (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan) 2009); Robert B. Shoemaker, Prosecution and Punishment: Petty Crime and the Law in London and Rural Middlesex, c.1660-1725, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) 1991); Bruce Smith, `Circumventing the Jury: Petty Crime and Summary Jurisdiction in London and New York City, 1790-1855' (PhD diss.) Yale University, 1996)

32 The Illustrated Police News (1/1/1887)

33 V. A. C. Gatrell, `The Decline of Theft and Violence in Victorian and Edwardian England', in V. A. C. Gatrell et al., Crime and the Law. The Social History of Crime in Western Europe since 1500, (London: Europa, 1980), 285

34 The Illustrated Police News (17/9/1887)

35 Police Code Book 1870 Northampton Record Office

36 The Illustrated Police News (12/3/1887)

37 The Graphic (27/8/1887)

38 Davis, `Prosecutions and Their Context, 411

39 See Drew D. Gray, Crime, Prosecution and Social Relations, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), for the use of this strategy by City of London justices in the late eighteenth century.

40 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (7/8/1887)

41 The Illustrated Police News (26/3/1887)

42 Pall Mall Gazette (29/4/1887)

43 Pall Mall Gazette (18/10/1887)

44 The Graphic (20/8/1887)



47 `Other' includes grave robbing, possessing navy stores and attempting to create mutiny on the high seas.

48 Clive Emsley, Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900, (London: Longman, 1997), 22

49 (t18880730-720, trial of Weston Montacute, [30/7/1888] )

50 (t18890204-253, trial of Peter Wallace [4/2/1889] and t18880917-882, trial of Alfred Stewart [17/9/1888] )

51 (t18880528-578, trial of Margaretta Becker, [28/5/1888] and t18880917-879, trial of William John Milne [17/9/1888])



54 (t18800803-499, trial of James Keightley, Hannah Keightley, Sarah Bennett, Richard William Wood, Mary Martha Wood, Benjamin Charles Norris [3/8/1880] )

55 (ti8800803-499, trial of James Keightley et al.)

56 (t18810238-386, trial of Thomas Butler [27/3/1881] )

57 (ti8830625-654, trial of Henry Morris [25/6/1883])

58 (t18860913-887, trial of Dennis Bryan, [13/9/1886])

59 (t18880130-287, trial of Henry Burrows [30/l/1888])

60 (t18880130-266, trial of Jane Ward [30/1/1888])

61 (t18880702-672, trial of George Cullen [2/7/1888])

62 Reynolds's Newspaper (21/8/1881)

63 Punch (19/2/1881)

64 Funny Folks (8/10/1881)

65 Moonshine (London, England), Saturday, January 14, 1888

66 J. A. Sharpe, Dick Turpin: The Myth of the English Highwayman, (London: Profile, 2005)

67 Pall Mall Gazette (31/8/1887). The Gazette recorded Dudley's name as Webbers for some unknown reason. (t18870912-999, trial of James Flewitt [ 12/9/1899])

68 (t18990306-235) trial of James Flewett [6/3/1899] )

69 (t18880130-256, trial of John Kaylor and Thomas McCarthy [30/1/1888])

70 (ti8880730-734, trial of James Elliot [30/7/1888])

71 [ti8870627-713, trial of William Warner [27/6/1887])

72 Gatrell, `Crime, authority and the policeman-state, 244

73 Emsley, Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900, (London: Longman, 2005), 278

74 Philip Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives: English Prison Biography, 1830-1914, (London and New York: Methuen) 1985), 12

75 James Monro, Assistant Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis, A Report of the History of the Department of the Metropolitan Police known as the Convict Supervision Office: Detailing System and Showing Results and Effects Generally on the Habitual Criminal Population, (London: 1886), 4-6

76 Monro, A Report, 10

77 Norval Morris and David Rothman (eds), The Oxford History of the Prison: The Practice of Punishment in Western Society, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998)

78 Michael Ignatieff, A Just Measure of Pain: Penitentiaries in the Industrial Revolution, 1780-1850, (London: Macmillan) 1978)

79 Quoted in Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 132-3

80 Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 124-31

81 Sir Edmund Du Cane, The Punishment and Prevention of Crime, (London: MacMillan) 1885), quoted in Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 194

82 Sir Edmund Du Cane, The Punishment and Prevention of Crime, (London: MacMillan, 1885), quoted in Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 195

83 Howard Association, Defects in the Criminal Administration and Penal Legislation of Great Britain and Ireland with Remedial Suggestions, (1872), quoted in Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 157

84 Quoted in Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 43

85 Quoted in Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 229

86 Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, (London: Penguin, 1991)

87 Priestley, Victorian Prison Lives, 229

88 Morris and Rothman (eds), The Oxford History of the Prison

Notes to Chapter 8: Watching the Detectives: The Police and the Hunt for Jack the Ripper

1 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

2 R. Reiner, The Politics of the Police, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) (3rd edition), 15
3 See D. Gray, Crime, Prosecution and Social Relations, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009); A. Harris, Policing the City. Crime and Legal Authority in London, 1780-1840, (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2004); R. Paley "'An imperfect, inadequate and wretched system"? Policing London before Peel, Criminal Justice History, 10 (1989), 95-130; E. Reynolds, Before the Bobbies: The Night Watch and Police Reform in Metropolitan London, 1720-1830, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 1998); for a definitive history of the Police see C. Emsley, The English Police. A Political and Social History, (London: Longman, 1991)

4 Gray, Crime, Prosecution and Social Relations

5 R. Storch, `The plague of the blue locusts: police reform and popular resistance in Northern England, 1840-57, International Review of Social History, 20:1 (1975), 61-91

6 Storch, `The plague of the blue locusts'

7 D. Taylor, The New Police in Nineteenth-Century England. Crime, Conflict and Control, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997), 105
8 S. Inwood, `Policing London's morals: the Metropolitan Police and popular culture, 1829-1850', The London Journal, 15:2 (1990), 129-46
9 R. Storch, `The policeman as domestic missionary: urban discipline and popular culture in northern England, 1850-1880, journal of Social History, 9:4 (1976), 481-509

10 J. Davis, A poor man's system of justice: the London police courts in the second half of the nineteenth century, Historical Journal, 27:2 (1984), 309-35

11 D. Phillips, "'A New Engine Power and Authority": The Institutionalization of Law-Enforcement in England 1780-1830', in V. A. C. Gatrell, Bruce Lenman and Geoffrey Parker, Crime and the Law: The Social History of Crime in Western Europe Since 1500, (London: Europa, 1980)

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