Last Bitch Standing (16 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Last Bitch Standing
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"Fuckin' right! She's desperate. She knows you're
holding all the cards, so what can she do but revert back
to the only thing that gives her leverage ... Aaliyah! I might
have to kill that bitch myself!" Nico roared. "Wait, hold
on one second, that's the P.I. beeping in on the other

I wanted to leap out of my skin as I paced the
hospital floor. Fuckin' around with Maya's demented ass
was gon' have me with a head full of gray hair before I
even knocked on thirty.

"He got something!" Were the first words Nico said
when he clicked back over.

"What did he say?"

"Early this morning, Maya rented a car over at

"Which one?"

"The one in Englewood."

"She must've stopped there before she took Aaliyah,
because Supreme's parents live in Teaneck which isn't far
from Englewood at all."

"Yeah, because the dude that helped her said she
didn't have a baby with her. But she did ask him if he
could recommend a hotel in the area, and he suggested
the Crown Plaza on South Van Brunt Street. She even
asked him for directions and he wrote them down for

"I'm on my way over there."

"Precious, why don't you wait for me? We just
passed Exit 13 on the turnpike."

"I'll see you there. I gotta go get my daughter!" I
rushed back to Mrs. Mills' hospital room on a mission.

"Mr. Mills, I need your car keys."

"Why, you're leaving? You should stay here. Supreme
is on his way."

"I'll call Supreme when I get in the car, but I need
your car keys, now!" Mr. Mills just stood there staring at
me like he didn't hear what the fuck I said. "Am I speaking
a foreign language? I need your car keys, now!"

"Give her the keys." Mrs. Mills smacked her
husband's arm, and he reluctantly handed over the keys
to me.

"Thanks!" I said, snatching them out of his hand
and rushing out. I heard the officer calling out, trying to
get my attention, but I ignored him, because for what I was about to do, the police would only be in the way. I
know I had agreed with Nico that our first option was to
let the legal system work and let Maya rot in jail, but that
option was now off the table. Maya was now officially a
dead bitch!

"This baby is so cute! Whose little girl is this?" Tashawn
asked me while she looked at a sleeping Aaliyah.

"She's my niece."

"I didn't know Mike had a baby."

"Yeah, he found out about her while he was locked
up. And before he got killed, he always told me that if
anything happened to him to make sure I took care of

"She is such a cutie. She do kinda look like him."

"I think so too."

"So, where's the little girl's mom at?"

"She fell on hard times and she ain't really got no
family. She called me yesterday asking if I could keep
her for awhile, you know, until she got back on her feet. That's my niece so I couldn't say no."

"True. That's real big of you though, Maya. Kids
ain't no joke. They're a big responsibility. My sister got
one, and she stays struggling."

"Exactly. I'm just glad I was in New York, which
made it easy for me to go pick Aaliyah up from her."

"Yeah, that worked out good. So, how long are you
staying? I mean, a hotel ain't exactly the best place for a

"I know, and I need to get her so much stuff. I mean
homegirl didn't even give me no clothes or nothing."

"Damn, she must've fell on real hard times. But I
guess she was doing the best she could, because the baby
looks like she was well cared for."

"Yeah, but I need to get her some stuff before we
hit the road. That's why I asked you to meet me here. I
was hoping you could watch Aaliyah while I went to the
store and got some stuff for her."

"Oh, you need me to baby-sit? Girl, that ain't no
problem, and she's asleep."

"Tashawn, you my girl. This is the second time
you've come through for me. Here, take this," I said,
going in my wallet and pulling out some money.

"This is five hundred dollars! What you want, for
me to babysit her for the month!"

"Tashawn, you so silly!"

"You don't have to give me all this money."

"What, you don't want it?" I said, reaching out my

"I ain't say all that," she laughed, tightly gripping the
money and pulling her hand back. "I ain't crazy. If you
want me to have it, I won't turn it down. I was just sayin'
it wasn't necessary to give me this much."

"Girl, don't worry about it. I appreciate you helping
me out at the last minute like this. I shouldn't be gone
that long, because I really want to hit the road tonight."

"Where you going?'

"We have to stop through Philly for a minute before
we go to our new home."

"You bought a house?"

"Yep, it's in Miami, and it's beautiful."

"Damn girl, you doing good for yourself. Your
money must be right-or should I say his money!"

"No, it's all mine. Mike had a huge insurance policy,
and when he died all the money came to me."

"He didn't leave none for his daughter?"

"Well, he wasn't sure how stable her mother was,
and he didn't want her to splurge all the money on herself
and then his baby end up with nothing anyway. He knew
I would make sure that if need be, my niece would be
taken care of."

"You proved him right. Well, girl, when ya' get
situated, you need to let me come visit you in Miami. I
ain't never been there before, and I heard it's the shit!"

"Yeah, you'll love it. I'll definitely send for you so we
can ball out and pop some bottles and shit."

"That's what's up!"

"Girl, let me head out and handle my shit before Aaliyah wakes up."

"Take your time. I know how to care for a baby. I
baby-sit my nephew all the time. I got this."

"Thanks, girl. Hit me on my cell if you need

"Will do."

As I rode the elevator down, I thought about how
perfectly shit was coming together for me. Overhearing
the conversation between Supreme and Arnez while we
were in the car made the bullshit I had to deal with from
that maniac Arnez worth it. I would've never known
Aaliyah was with Supreme's parents, and my window of
opportunity to snatch her up was a small one. I had to
move swiftly if I wanted to get the job done.

From the months of living with Supreme and
Aaliyah visiting his parents during that time, I knew their
address, which was a serious plus point. After I had a
cab drop me off at the rental car place not far from their
house, and once I got the vehicle, all I had to do was park
in an inconspicuous place and wait for the right opening
to make my move. When I saw Supreme's mother come
out of the house with Aaliyah, I knew the opportunity
had come knocking. Once I followed them to the park
and let grandma wear her little granddaughter's ass out,
it was too easy to knock the defenseless old lady to the
ground and take Aaliyah.

Now that I had the best bargaining tool possible,
when the time was right, I would contact Supreme and
see exactly what he was willing to give up to get his daughter back, or who he was willing to give up, because
I refused to allow Precious to be happy. She thought she
could come back and reclaim her old life as if shit hadn't
changed. The nerve of her answering Supreme's phone
as if she owned him. But once again, I showed her who
the real queen bitch is, and it's me. I'm always one step
ahead of her.

I would've given anything to see the look on her
face when she got the news that the reunion with her
daughter she'd been wishing for was not gonna happen.
I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Precious had come
up short once again. For a second time, I was the hand
rocking the cradle, so that means I rule the world.

Skipping to the car, smiles and giggles continued
as I thought about all the misery I was bringing Precious.
That bitch is somewhere crying right non and Supreme probably so
sick of all the drama that comes with dealing with her ass that he
ain't thinking about www ping away the tears. Yep, Precious, )))hen I'm
done torturing you, you will have lost it all,•your daughter, husband
and mind.

"Oh shi-i-i-i-t!" I bawled as my moment of
celebrating was instantly brought to a halt. Right as I put
the key in the ignition, I saw Precious in some sort of
old school Cadillac, cruising slowly as she looked around
the parking lot. There was no doubt in my mind she was
looking for me. When the car started, the sound of the
engine must've caught her attention, and the evil glare
she hurled in my direction made me put the car quickly
in reverse and then into drive, and I sped the fuck out of the parking lot. Of course her nerve-wrecking ass
was on my shit as I hit South Van Brunt going towards
Nordhoff Place. I then suddenly veered to the right on
Route-4W hoping to lose the bitch, but when I looked
in the rearview mirror, there she was, keeping the fuck
up. I then made another abrupt right, which put me on
Decatur, and that insistent broad did too.

"Bitch, get off my back!" I screamed out, determined
to lose her once and for all. When I tried to make a
hasty left on Alfred Avenue, I lost control of the car and
smashed into a parked car. The impact was so hard that it
caused the airbag to discharge.

"Fu-u-u-u-uck!" I shouted as I tried to start the car
back up, but got absolutely nothing. "Fuck it... fuck it...
fuck it!" I repeated as I grabbed my purse and soared out
of the car, concluding that I would have to lose this bitch
on foot.

I glanced behind me briefly and didn't see Precious,
which brought a small sense of relief. I cut through some
houses trying to maneuver through the back streets.

"Damn, I'm tired," I groaned, almost out of
breath. I knew I couldn't run forever, so I decided to call
Tashawn. It was either call her, or a taxi, and I was too
tired, frustrated and pissed the fuck off to try and get
some local taxi information.


"Hey Tashawn," I said, still breathing extremely

"Maya, are you okay? You sound out of breath."

"Girl, somebody just tried to rob me."


"Yes, I was able to keep my purse, but they took the

"Are you serious? Did you call the police?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for them now so I can file a report.
But can you pick me up? I could ask the police officer
when he gets here, but I need to go back to the rental car
place, and I know that they're not gonna want to do all
that for me."

"Don't even trip. I'm sure you don't wanna ride in
no police car anyway. Tell me where you at and I'll come
get you."

"What about my niece?"

"Girl, I have a car seat. I always keep one in the car
because I never know when I might have to go get my

"Great, I owe you again."

"You gave me five-hundred dollars, so we good.
Now where you at?"

"There's this gas station right beside this store on
the corner of Hancock Avenue. You know, like if you
were going towards Route-4 E."

"I think I know where you talking about, but I got
navigation on my phone so I'll be straight."

"Girl, you really are a life saver."

"Don't worry about it. I'll call you when I get near

"Cool, I'll be there." I stood behind a house for a few more minutes. I could see a main street, and a gas station
right next to a store, from where I was. After making sure
there was no sign of Precious, I felt confident enough to
walk across the street and wait for Tashawn near the gas
station. When I went to the store, I was thirsty and I had
to piss, so I figured I'd empty my bladder first, then get
a drink.

I dashed inside the stall, almost ripping off my
jeans. I didn't even have time to lock the door because
I was afraid I was about to urinate on myself. When I
bent down over the toilet, I shut my eyes in relief as the
pee seemed to flow forever. When I finished, I felt much
more relaxed. My mind was now clear enough to figure
out my next move. "At least I got rid of Precious' dumb
ass," I said, after flushing the toilet.

"Think again, bitch!"

My heart dropped when I realized Precious was
standing in front of the bathroom stall with her fists
balled up, each resting solidly on her waist. Before I could
say a word, her spiked stiletto heel was puncturing my
stomach, thrusting me back against the mechanical flush

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screeched out in pain. I thought I
heard my back crack, but before I had time to know for
sure, Precious was digging her nails in my scalp as she
slammed my head inside the toilet bowl.

"You just had to keep fuckin' wit' me and my
family!" she yelled, yanking my head out of the toilet
bowl water. "You gon' regret the day you ever decided to go up against me!" she continued, then jammed my
face back in the water. This heffa had me thinking I was
gonna drown in the toilet bowl. I was trying to clench my
hands on the floor to get some balance and maybe get
Precious off of me, but she was not letting up.

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