Last Bitch Standing (12 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Last Bitch Standing
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"I'm surprised a man like you doesn't already have a
woman like that."

"I did and she was a true soldier."

"Was it that woman you mentioned earlier?"

"Yes, Chanel."

"What happened?"

"Life happened. As you know by now
danger surrounds me and it seems to surround you
too," he remarked, glancing over at me. "It's different
circumstances but danger is danger. Unfortunately the
danger finally caught up to Chanel."

"You see soldier potential in me?"

"I see something... what, only time will tell. That's
why I want you to stay so I can observe you, watch how
you move."

"What if I don't have any interest in being your

"If that was the case, you wouldn't have stuck
around but you're still here."

"I'll tell you what, I'll stay but only if you promise
we don't have to go back to that awful motel."

"You don't have to worry about that. Trust me, it
was harder on me than it could ever be on you. Living
extremely comfortable is all I know" Shit menthe fucker, one
too. But Arnez didn't need to know all that. If a hustler knows a woman is accustomed to the good life the first
thing they want to know is how and who got you like
that. I never forgot Mike taught me that. He said it was
their way of knowing how many times you'd been around
the block or if you were fresh meat. Most top-notch
hustlers preferred fresh meat and if you had been broken
in, anything more than twice was considered damaged
goods. They could still fuck around with you but wife
you was a no go.

"That's good to hear but I still need to get my stuff
from the hotel."

"When are you due to check out?"


"That gives us two more days."

"What about clothes? I'm ready to burn this red dress."

"Don't do that, it looks good on you."

"Really, I didn't' think you noticed."

"I'm a man aren't I, of course I noticed."

"Well, thank you but I'm ready to take this shit off."

"I understand. I'm ready to take these clothes off
too. Wearing the same thing two days in a row isn't cool.
We're almost in Jersey. When we get there we'll stop at
the mall, get a couple of things and then find a hotel.
Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yep, sounds like a very good plan to me."

It was amazing what some shopping could do for a
bitch. After hitting up The Mall at Short Hills, I felt like I was gettin' my sexy back. I went from feeling like the
broke-down ho Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, when
she was strolling Rodeo Drive trying to spend up all
of Richard Gere's money but nobody would give her
play. To the new and improved hooker after Mr. Gere
personally accompanied Julia on a shopping spree and
everybody kissed her ass. Yep, this was exactly what I
needed particularly since Supreme had been treating me
like some washed up pussy he was done fucking with for
the last couple months. Although Arnez hadn't made any
sort of sexual advances towards me, being treated to an
afternoon of shopping instead of the on-call babysitter
had me feeling like a young, desirable woman again.

So when we went to check in to our hotel and Arnez
was going to get us separate rooms, I shut that shit down.

"Two suites please."

"Arnez, you don't have to get me a suite."

"I know, but I want to. If I'm gonna be staying in a
suite then you should too. I told you, I like only the best."

"I understand that and I appreciate it but what I
mean is that, I don't want my own suite. I want to stay
with you."

"You know you don't have to do this. Because I took
you shopping doesn't mean I expect sex from you. Trust
me, it's not that serious."

"I don't do anything I don't want to do."

Arnez gave me the most alluring smile and then said
to the lady working behind the front desk, "That'll be
one suite."

When Arnez closed the door to our hotel room, my
tongue was down his throat before he could even put
down the key. I was craving for a touch of a man and some
dick. I thought Arnez was the perfect fit. His strong arms
cupped my ass and lifted me up off the floor, carrying
me over to the king sized bed. I tugged at his shirt and
pants simultaneously feeling like a dog in heat. I kissed,
licked and bit on his neck and chest. The faint scents of
his cologne still lingering in his skin making me crave him
that much more.

"Damn baby, you want the dick like that," Arnez
whispered in my ear.

"Yes, yes baby, I do," I purred back. So when Arnez
finally entered me, I welcomed the warmth as my walls
surrounded his thickness. He rocked inside of me taking
it deep and then pulling back to the very tip so I could beg
for the dick to be back inside. Arnez was no doubt skilled
in the technique of fucking because although I knew he
had absolutely no love for me, that nigga worked his tool
like I was the only woman in the world for him, so at that
moment I did feel like we were in love.

"Precious, I don't want you to worry. I already got the
private investigator on it to follow up on some other
leads and CoCo is..."

"Nico, stop."

"Stop, I know you don't want to give up because we

"It's not that."

"Then what?"

"I know where Supreme and Maya are." Nico
slammed down on his brakes so hard it caused my body
to jerk forward then back. Luckily we were on an isolated
back street and no other vehicles were behind us or shit
would've been ugly.

"What the fuck are you talking `bout and when did you get that information and why are you just now telling

"If you would slow down with all the questions I'll
tell you!"

"I'm listening." Nico parked the car on the corner
block and stared at me still gripping the steering wheel.

"When you were in the warehouse talking to CoCo,
Genesis told me."

"What! Come the fuck again!"

"I told you he knew much more than what he was
letting on but right now that's not important. What is
important is that he gave me the address to where Supreme
and Aaliyah are living. They're actually in Miami."

"Miami, wow... Miami," Nico repeated as if
digesting what I told him.

"I can't believe after all this time we've found
them ...I mean Genesis found them."

"Nico, you deserve a lot of credit too. I didn't even
want to come to fuckin' Philly! I wanted to stay in Atlanta,
so if we hadn't come here we would've never had met
Genesis to get the information. Everything happens for
a reason."

"Precious, you don't have to try and stroke my ego.
I'm happy you finally found your family. I don't care who
gave you the information."

"It's not about stroking your ego. I want you to
know how appreciative I am for riding this shit out with
me. I know I've been a real pain but you stuck it out and
I know you would've went to the end of the world with me if need be and I love you for that."

"So when are you going to Miami?"

"I'm taking the first flight out in the morning."

"Do you need me to come with you?"

"Under the circumstances, I don't think that would
be a good idea."

"You're right. I guess after being with you every day
for the last few months has made it hard for me to want
to let you go. But then again, why lie to myself. I'll never
be able to let you go."

"But how selfish am I because I don't want you to
be able to let me go." In my heart I didn't. I was married
to another man and I loved Supreme more than anything
but I loved Nico too. And although I had found happiness
with another man I didn't want Nico to find that same
happiness with another woman. He had been my crutch
for so long that to accept anything differently wasn't an
option for me. But I had to let go, because Nico was my
past and Supreme was my future.

"Thank you for taking me to the airport."

"I had to make sure you got on the airplane safely. I
wouldn't be able to ease my mind if I didn't."

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"I'ma stay in Philly a few more days. I have a lot of
business to discuss with CoCo and Genesis. We're going to try and collaborate on some shit."

"I think that's a good idea. Even though I was right
about Genesis knowing more than what he was telling
me, I think you was right about him too. He's a decent
dude. I have no doubt the three of you can make a shit
load of money together." Nico and I both smiled at the
same time. "I really do love you." I knew I shouldn't have
said that but I couldn't help myself.

"I know and I love you too. But you're right, you
belong with Supreme." I nodded my head in agreement.

"But listen, you need to catch your flight. We've
come too far for you to miss it. And listen, no worries I'll
still find Maya. The evidence we have against her is safely
put away and I promise she'll never be able to hurt you
and your family again."

"Okay. I'll call you when I get to Miami. Wish me

"You don't need it," Nico grinned before kissing
me on my forehead and walking off. To watch him leave
brought a deep sadness in my heart. Part of me hated
that I loved him so much but the other part wouldn't
want to change that for nothing in the world. I took a
deep breath ready for the next chapter in my life... going
home to my family.

When my flight landed at the Miami International
Airport my emotions were mixed. I would be able to hold
my daughter after being away from her for so long but I was scared about the reception I would receive from
Supreme. I wasn't expecting him to welcome me with
open arms but I hoped that he would at least hear me
out, I deserved that-we deserved that. During my taxi
ride, I continued to think of different scenarios of how
it would all play out and I had to admit, my nerves were
getting the best of me.

Are we almost there?" I asked realizing we had
now entered a residential area with elegant mansions
and riverfront estates situated on high bluffs overlooking
pools and terraced grounds.

"Yes only a few more minutes," the taxi driver
informed me. He continued to drive and when he started
to slow down and look around I knew we were getting
near. "We're here," he said, making a right into a driveway
with open gates. I saw a fuchsia Ferrari parked in the
circular entrance and I hoped that meant Supreme was

"Beautiful home... here take my card. Call if you ever
need a ride." I reluctantly took his card but hoping never
to need his services again. I grabbed the one bag I had
and stepped out the taxi. It took me a couple of seconds
to close the door as I stood staring at the entrance until
finally slamming it shut ready to face my fears.

It felt like I was moving in slow motion as I made
my way to the front door. I swallowed hard before ringing
the doorbell. It was like deja vu from when I rang the
doorbell at our home in Beverly Hills and my world was
shattered when I realized I had returned to nothing. That couldn't happen to me again. I wouldn't be able to handle
it. Not getting an answer, I rang the doorbell again and
pounded on the door no longer afraid but determined.
As the door opened I stepped forward and when my eyes
met with Supreme's a natural reflex kicked in. I dropped
my bag on the front step and wrapped my arms around
his neck pulling his mouth to mine. His lips and tongue
gave into mine and for a few minutes the passion the
connection was strong. Our love was intact as if we had
never been apart. Then the fantasy vanished and reality
was ready to kick my ass.

"It would be nothing for me to kill you right now!"
Supreme roared, wrapping his hands around my neck and
slamming me against the wall in the foyer. I was trying to
speak but he was choking me and I wasn't even able to
gasp for air. He was doing all this with the front door still
wide open, not giving a fuck who witnessed it. I quickly
began feeling light headed as his grip became tighter. It
was like Supreme was trying to break my neck off. The
bulging of my eyes must've made him realize the severity
of his actions because right when I thought it was about
to be lights out, he released me from his clutch as my
body hit the cold marble floor.

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