Last Bitch Standing (10 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Last Bitch Standing
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I observed as Arnez was having a telephone conversation
with somebody that was causing him to act extra animated.
He was pointing his finger midair as if the person was
standing in front of him and he was up in their face. Then
he pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it
as if he was saying, No the fuck you didn't just say that
bullshit to me' but whoever he was speaking to, really did,
which caused his over-the-top hand gestures to continue.

While I sat on the couch, I tried to pretend that I
was all into the Young and the Restless and normally I
would be glued. But at this moment, I was straining my
ear trying to listen to every word Arnez was spitting out
of his mouth. After forty minutes of a heated exchange,
he finally ended the call and pounded his fist on the table. I didn't say shit. I kept pretending that the showdown
between Victor and his son Adam had my full attention.

"Describe the man you saw when you went to the


"The man you saw on the phone, describe him." I
can't front, it took me a minute to process what the fuck
Arnez was saying. For one, he hadn't really said more than
a couple of words to me since we got to this rundown
motel in some backwards ass town in Pennsylvania. Then,
I almost forgot my own lie because his question was so
fuckin' out the blue it threw me off.

"Oh, you talking about at the restaurant," I said,
buying myself some time to conjure up a bullshit
description of some fictitious nigga that I didn't see on
my way to the restroom. But instead I did what came
easier. I described the nigga I was lusting after in the

"Of course, where else would I be talking about?"

"Don't mind me, I was so caught up in my soap, I
wasn't really paying attention to what you said."

"Ok..." he nodded his head but at the same time
letting me know to get to it.

"He was medium height and build, maybe a shade
darker than you with a low haircut but had waves. He
sported a thin mustache and was very well dressed."

"That sound like that nigga Delondo!"


"Delondo ... this nigga I'm having some serious beef wit'. I can't believe that motherfucker had his men
come up in the Lacroix blasting like that. But then again
it would be the perfect spot to catch me off guard. It
would've worked if it hadn't been for you."

I sat silent and baffled for a few. Is he saying what I
think he's saying... that the hit was for him? That Devon
wasn't even in that spot looking for me he was coming
for Arnez. Wow, that is some crazy shit right there. So the
dude on the elevator was a nigga named Delondo that
Devon was working for? If this is true then shit did work
out in my favor because Arnez looking at me like I saved
his life and technically I did although initially I was tryna'
save my own.

"I'm glad I saved your life but it wasn't my intention
to get in the middle of some beef between you and some

"Why were you there anyway? I don't remember
seeing you with anybody."

"I was visiting from out of town and was supposed
to be meeting a friend but at the last minute he couldn't
make it. Since I was already at the restaurant and hungry,
plus my hotel room was at the Rittenhouse, I figured I
should stay and have dinner."

"I'm glad you did, luck was on my side. But I
promise you, Delondo won't be so lucky. This the second
bodyguard I've lost behind that nigga."

At first I couldn't believe dude was speaking so freely
in front of me but then I thought about the circumstances.
He almost got killed. He does believe I saved his life. Then when he was on the street running for cover I gave
him a ride. Now we're hauled up in this motel because
he's hiding out. He probably needs someone to express
his frustrations to and I'm the only outlet he got.

"Listen, I'm happy I was able to help you out but I
need to be going. I have a flight to catch and I need to
get back to my hotel." What I was saying was a bunch of
bullshit but the nigga could never know that I had actually
tracked him down and I was exactly where I wanted to
be. As long as I played the role of wanting to get away
from his ass I shouldn't raise any suspicion.

"You can't leave."

"Excuse me?"

"I need you to stay here, you have a car."

"I'll drop you off wherever you want to go. I'm sure
you have friends in Philly."

"In the business I'm in, I don't have friends only
business associates and people that work for me. But
after last night, I don't know who is looking out for me
or who might hand me over to Delondo. Until I figure
it out, I need to keep a low profile. That's why I had you
bring me to this motel."

"What business are you in?" I asked, playing naive.

"Put it this way... a very dangerous one."

"I figured that much after what happened but I
didn't want to jump to any conclusions."

"I like to say I'm in the import and export business."

"Of drugs I suppose?"

"Listen, I'll make your time worthwhile. You'll be well compensated. I just need you to stay put for a minute
until I figure out my next move." Niggaplease ... I ain'tgoing
nowhere. Trust me on that.

"How long are you talking about? I don't want my
family to worry"

"Give me a couple of days," he said shaking his
head. "Damn, I need Chanel right now"

"Who is Chanel. .is she your girlfriend?"

"She was my everything but she was taken out my
life too." I wasn't sure what he meant by that. I mean did
she leave him or was the bitch dead? But I decided not to
pry. I had the feeling that if I played it cool, the longer I
stayed around the nigga, the more information he would
voluntarily share.

King... ring... ring

"Yo, did you get my message?" I heard Arnez say to
whoever was on the other end of the phone. But I was
pissed because I couldn't hear what the other person was

"He had his people come at me."

The person on the other end must've said Delondo's
name because then Arnez answered, "Yep."

Arnez then stood up from the bed and walked to the
bathroom and shut the door. That was one conversation
he didn't want me hearing and I was vexed! I was tempted
to press my ear against the door to listen but if I got
caught then whatever little trust he had for me at the moment would go right out the window. I paced the small
area hoping to come up with an idea to get information I
wanted on Supreme from Arnez. I also needed to find out
what was going on with Devon. Even if he didn't come
up in the restaurant to kill me, our eyes locked briefly last
night so I know he saw me. If he wasn't looking for me
before he would definitely be on the prowl for me now.
While considering my options Arnez came busting out
the bathroom door interrupting my thoughts.

"Come on, I need for you to take me somewhere,"
he stated in a rushed tone.

"Where are we going?"

"I'll tell you when we get in the car." I grabbed my
purse and headed out. His purposeful strides to the car
let me know that wherever we were going he wanted to
get there quickly.

"Do you know how to get back to Philly?"


"Good, once you get there I'll tell you where to go."

When I pulled out the parking lot, Arnez's cell
phone started ringing.

"Yo' I'm on my way. I should be there in about an
hour," he said, then ended the call.

"Where am I taking you?"

"Just drive." What the fuck have I got myself into?
Excitement isgood but only mhen I know)) what the hell isgoing on.
But right now even though 1 )))as driving, Arne was in complete
control and that shit had me antsy.

As I continued to drive, making my way towards Philly, Arnez's phone kept blowing up. That shit had to
ring at least every couple minutes. Some calls he took,
others he ignored. But every time the phone would ring
I couldn't help but wonder if Supreme was on the other
end of the call.

"Get over to your right. We're getting off at the next
exit," he informed me a few minutes after entering Philly.
And when you get off, veer to your left." I followed his
directions anxious to see where the final destination would
be. "Turn right at the next light... keep going straight...
okay slow down. You're about to make this left."

"Into the hospital?"

"Yes, and park right over there." Arnez pointed
towards a somewhat discreet area.

"What are we doing at the hospital?"

"Remember I said you would be well compensated
for your help."

"Yeah, but what help do you need from me at the
hospital?" Arnez pulled out a small piece of paper from
his pants pocket and unfolded it.

"I want you to go inside and ask what room," he
glanced back down at the paper, "that Devon McNeil is
in. Tell them you're his sister and he was shot last night."
I couldn't believe that Arnez had led me right to my
enemy. If he only knew I would gladly try to find out this
information for free.

"I can do that. Hopefully whoever is at the front
desk won't put me through a bunch of changes to get the

"Just go in there and be convincing. If you get it, it'll
be some of the easiest money you've ever made."

"Who is this Devon guy to he a friend of
yours?" I already knew the answer to that was hell no but
I wanted to see what Arnez would reveal.

"No, he's one of Delondo's men, the one that
survived the shooting. I need to know his condition." So
do I, I said to myself.

"Okay, I'll try to find out everything I can. I'll be

As I walked towards the hospital entrance I peeped
a few people ogling me strangely and I was trying to figure
out what the fuck was wrong with them. Then I looked
down and I don't know how I could forget that I had on
my fuckem' dress. This bright red shit was hot for a night
of seduction but for a daylight hospital visit, it was a tad
inappropriate. I could either feel like a fool coming up in
the hospital looking like a high priced hooker or I could
use the outfit to my advantage.

When I walked in, I stood to the side for a minute
and observed the staff. I sized everybody up and saw a
younger woman who seemed to be about to start her
shift. I waited a couple more minutes for her to get a
little situated and for some of the other staff who had
probably been there for awhile to get out her face. Once
the traffic seemed to be dispersing I made my move.

"Excuse me Miss."

"Yes, can I help you," she said trying not to noticeably
stare me up in my outfit.

"I hope so. I've been here all night. I haven't even
had a chance to go home. My brother was brought in
here last night because he got shot. I was trying to find
out if his condition had improved. The woman who I
spoke to earlier told me to come back and she would see
if there were any updates."

"He came in last night. .you said he is your brother?"
I nodded my head yes, trying to give off a real gloomy
mood. "What's his name?"

"Devon McNeil."'

"And what's your name?"

"Tawana McNeil."

"He's still in critical condition."

"Have they moved him to another room?"

"I don't know, I just got here but he's in room 302.
Is that the same room?"

"Yes, I was checking because they said they might
have to move him."

"That was probably if his condition had changed."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Well, thank you for your

"No problem."

I turned around and a huge grin crossed my face.
Critical condition was good but I needed Devon to be
dead and I had a feeling Arnez wanted the same thing.
I left the hospital anxious to share the inside scoop with
him. I knew he would be pleased and I couldn't wait to
find out how he planned on utilizing the information.

As I got closer to the car, I realized Arnez wasn't inside. I looked around but didn't see him. "Where did
he go?" I asked out loud. I kept walking towards the car
and halfway there shit seemed to come to a halt and then
transition to a movie scene clip.

"Get doooooown!" I heard what sounded like
Arnez's voice yell out. I turned around towards the sound
of his voice and that's when I locked eyes with my worst
nightmare. She was a few hundred feet away but even
from the long distance, it was no doubt the image of
Precious Cummings speeding towards me with her gun
already raised. I was in complete shock, to the point that
I couldn't move. My feet were cemented to the ground.
I could hear the pop-pop-pop and if it wasn't for Arnez
throwing me down to the ground. At least one of those
bullets would've ripped through me.

"Come on... come on... come on..." he screamed
in my ear, trying to snap me out my daze. He damned
near dragged me to the car and threw me in. Precious
was getting closer and closer and I couldn't tell if the
sound of her gun blasting off was louder, or my heart
thumping. One thing I did know though was Arnez was
a pro. We were in broad daylight being shot at but the
nigga was completely focused. After tossing me in the
car his hands didn't shake once as he put the keys in the
ignition. The closer Precious got the calmer he seemed
to get. Once he started the engine he put it in drive and
slammed down on the gas, making a beeline straight
towards Precious. She busted off a couple more shots
before jumping out the way to avoid being ran over by Arnez. Before the car was out of view, I turned to face
her and our eyes met one final time. Precious' fierce glare
said it all. The bitch was back and out for my blood.

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