Kylee's Story (4 page)

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Authors: A. Malone

BOOK: Kylee's Story
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We have been in the condo a few weeks now and I love living with Maddox. He goes to classes a few times a week and I clean up around the house and work on my cooking skills while he’s gone. Let’s just say I have a lot of work to do I’m a really bad cook. My phone rings and its Jazzy I haven’t talked to her in so long I feel her in about my mom, the move, and my relationship with Maddox. OMG Kylee he’s so hot I’m totally jealous of you and your man candy. Oh please Jazzy you can have any guy you want. Well maybe my parents will let me come and visit before school starts. You think your man can share you for a few days. Yeah Jazzy I think he can manage that. Hey I hear the door I have to go Jazzy, Maddox just got home. Talk to you later Ky. I hang up the phone and walk into the kitchen where Maddox is looking at my burnt muffins laughing at me. I guess the muffins got the best of you. Yeah well it was a bad recipe anyway, oh sure it couldn’t have been the cook. Ok fine Madds you see I suck at cooking are you happy? Yep see Ky the truth sets you free. Oh be quiet I tell him as I slap him playfully in the arm. So how was your day dear? It was boring I’m not sure why I’m a business major I’m going to be bored for the rest of my life. Well I don’t know what to tell you I still have to get thru my senior year of high school. Oh baby it will be fine when does classes start anyway? I’m not sure I was going to see if I can take them online if Chloe doesn’t care. When is she supposed to be back anyway? She called dad yesterday and said maybe next week she keeps extending her trip I think Jacob and her are having problems. She doesn’t know about what Jacob did to me does she? No dad just told her you and I weren’t staying there anymore and if she fought it he would have that prick husband of hers thrown in jail. She agreed and said whatever he thought was best. Man your dad must have some really good shit on Jacob for Chloe to just give in so easy. Yeah dad doesn’t play her games and she knows it. Do you think you can let me use your truck tomorrow morning? Yeah sure you don’t have to ask Kylee what’s mine is yours. Do you want me to ride with you somewhere? Well I just have a doctor’s appointment. Are you feeling bad? I been getting headaches a lot lately and just want them to check it out, I will take you. Alright I have to be there at nine thirty. I’m going to take a shower and going to bed. Ok I’m going to find a snack and I will be in there, I wouldn’t go for the muffins. He looks down at them don’t worry I wasn’t planning on it and he laughs. I take a quick shower and crawl into bed I’ve been really tired all day. I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Maddox wakes me up and its light outside, Ky you need to wake up and get ready so we aren’t late. I stretch alright Madds I’m getting up. After I’m dressed Maddox comes up behind me wrapping his arm around me and kisses my neck. You must have been really tired baby you slept like a rock last night. Yeah I guess maybe the headaches are wearing me out. Well we better go before you are late.


We are sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for them to call my name. Do you want me to stay here or go back there with you? You can stay here I’ll be alright. Kylee York I stand up and follow the nurse to the back. She took some information from me and tells me Dr. Sear will be in here shortly and leaves. A few minutes pass and Dr. Sear comes in. Hi Ms. York I’m Dr. Sear what seems to be the problem. Well I’ve been getting really bad headaches the past couple of weeks and I’ve been really tired also. Hmm I see, I want to take some blood and check your numbers and then I will check you out. The nurse walks in takes some blood from my arm and then leaves. A little while later Dr. Sear walks back in, well Ms. York I’ve got your results back and its shows you are about four weeks pregnant. What are you sure? I’m going to write you a prescription for prenatal victims and give you a name of a very good OB her in town. Ms. York do you have any questions, No Sir. I get up and walk out with my prescription. Maddox is reading a magazine when I walk back into the waiting room. Hey are you ready, yeah what did the doctor say? Can we talk about it when we get home? Sure are you ok, yeah I’m fine ok… We drive home in silence. After we walk into the house Maddox follows me into the bedroom. Kylee what’s wrong what did the doctor say? You might want to sit down ok, he sits on the bed patting the bed for me to sit beside him. Please sit beside me Ky you are starting to worry me. I hold his hand take a deep breath. Maddox the doctor told me I’m pregnant. You’re what? Pregnant about four weeks, Maddox I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. Shh Kylee I’m not mad I’m just a little shocked that’s all. You’re not mad, no Kylee bear we weren’t being super safe. Reaching over he touches my stomach, were having a baby. A smile stretched over his face, Kylee I’m going to talk to my parents I want to marry you. Marry me? Yes I love you and we created this little person inside of you I want us to be a family I want you to be my wife. So will you marry me? Yes I would love to marry you I said in between sobs. I’ll get you a ring but right now I just want to hold you I can’t believe we are having a baby. Maddox are you sure you are alright with this, I mean I can do this on my own I don’t want you to feel obligated. Obligated Kylee really his tone was stern, I want to marry you and have a family with you it might be a little sooner than I planned but your it for me you have had my heart since I was five and you convinced me to eat a mud pie you made for me. I love you, I always loved you and now you’ve agreed to marry me and your carrying our baby I couldn’t be happier. Oh Madds you don’t know how good it is to hear you say that, I love you I kiss him long and hard. Well I guess I need to call my dad so he can help convince my mom to sign whatever for us to get married. Ok I think I’m going to rest for a while. Grabbing his phone he walks into the other room. A while later Maddox touches my face causing me to stir. Hey Kylee bear you have a nice nap? Umm hmm so how did Ron take becoming a grandfather? Oh you know he gave me a long speech about responsibility and how this is going to change our lives but he said he’s happy for us and wants to have dinner with us tonight. Ok I’m glad he wasn’t upset. How is Chloe taking the news, yeah about that dad is going to tell her and take care of the papers that need to be signed so we can legally get married since she is your legal guardian until next year when you turn eighteen. You thick she will let us get married or freak and try and make me move back in with her. I think she will be ok with it I mean she loves both of us. I hope so because I will disappear before I go back to that house with Jacob. His jaw got tight when I said his name, Kylee I will never let that happen that man will never come near you or our child. Well you need to get ready we have leave for my dad’s in thirty minutes. I grab his hand and pull him on the bed that gives us plenty of time now take off your clothes. Yes ma’am… thirty minutes later Kylee we are going to be late for dinner he says throwing clothes in my direction. Laughing I think it was worth being late. Well yeah but hurry up and fix your hair it looks like I just rocked your world. Madds you did not just say that, laughing again yeah I guess that was kind of corny. Nodding yeah just a little. We rush out the door and drive to Ron’s house which is in a flashy neighborhood I could see myself living somewhere like this. Taking my hand Maddox and I walk to the door Ron answers before we can knock. He pulls me into a hug; it’s so nice to see you Kylee patting my belly congrats on my first grandchild. That you Mr. Kourt oh call me dad or at least Ron, Kylee I’ve know you since you were born. Ok Ron thank you for having us over. My pleasure dear. So I ordered Chinese I hope that’s alright. My mouth waters that sounds great. Thanks dad he says as walk into the dining room. Well I talked to your mother she was really surprised she said she told you to be careful. I think her wording was “don’t make me a grandparent” well she was a little upset but said she wouldn’t make Kylee move back into her house. But she will have to think about letting the two of you get married. What why? She thinks you are too young and rushing thing because of the baby. Dad she is crazy I love Kylee I’ve wanted to marry her since we were kids. I know that and she knows that she’s just saying that to keep that prick Jacob happy. You know it’s all about image with him. Just give me a couple of day Maddox I will take care of it. Thank you Ron for everything you’ve done for us. Well I’m glad Maddox finally has you. You’re all he’s talked about for years. Well I’m a lucky girl to have him. The doorbell rings, Ron stands that must be the delivery guy excuse me.  See Kylee I told you everything would work out. Well let’s eat I don’t want my grandchild to starve. Maddox takes my plate, what would you like babe. Veggies rice, and an eggroll. After making my plate he hands it to me. This looks delicious Ron thank you. It’s my pleasure you don’t have to thank me for feeding you I like having the company. After dinner we go and sit on the patio. Oh Maddox I was going to wait but since I know you are going to make the spare bedroom into a nursery I’ll go ahead and tell you, the condo is yours I bought it a few weeks back so fell free to change or decorate it however you would like I have the title if you ever need it. Wow dad I don’t know what to say thanks. I just didn’t want you struggling I want you to finish school without the stress.  That was really nice of you Ron. Oh don’t worry the deed will be in both of your names as soon as Chloe lets you get married. You know you are an amazing dad, well I try. His phone rings look down Ron clears his throat and answers. Yes Chloe you will be home tomorrow I will tell the kids to expect you after lunch. Alright bye. So mom is coming home tomorrow. Yeah she wants to talk to Kylee did she say what about. No but I have an idea, don’t worry I will be there she is bringing Jacob too. OVER MY DEAD BODY THAT PRICKS IS NOT COMING TO MY HOUSE.  Touching his hand calm down Maddox please. Kylee I told you I would kill him for what he did to you. Madds please just breathe and calm down your dad will be there and he can’t hurt me plus if you start a fight aunt Chloe might not let us get married and then Jacob will be in control. She’s right son you just need to stay calm if he tries anything I will take care of him. Ok fine I won’t beat his ass, but we should probably head home so Kylee can rest. Hugging us both we say our goodbyes and go back to our house. After we are home Madds guides me to the sofa and pulls me into his lap. So Madds are you really ok with everything? You mean the baby? Umm hmm, I mean it’s going to be hard you still have one more year of high school and I still have to get my degree but as long as I have you we will do it together. Alright then I ju
st don’t want you to regret this I mean us because with you beside me Madds I can do anything. We kiss and he picks me up and carries me to bed.


Maddox just sit here while I talk to Kylee. Why do you want her alone? It’s just girl talk sweetie just stay please. Madds it’s ok we will just be a few minutes. With that Chloe guides me to the bedroom. Kylee dear how are you? I’m fine aunt Chloe. I just didn’t want Maddy to be in here while we talk. Alright what would you like to say that Maddox couldn’t hear I say sharply? Well dear you are very young and I don’t want you to think that just because Maddox is my son that you have to have the baby. What I mean is we can take care of it and you move back in with Jacob and I. Excuse me, for one Maddox is not making me keep this baby we both want our child and two what makes you think I want to move back into the house that your husband tried to rape me in. I think that was a miss understanding Kylee. Jacob would never hurt you and why would you say that after all he’s done for you. Chloe all I want to do is marry Maddox and raise our child together. Thank god the door opens and it’s Maddox. Mom I hope you are not stressing out my fiancé it’s not good for her or the baby. Of course not sweetie I wouldn’t think of it. So mom are you going to sign what we need for us to get married or not? I will have to talk to Jacob about it. Mom Jacob has nothing to do with this. Ron walked in Chloe please come in the living room Jacob has the papers waiting for you to sign fine, I will sign them and then Jacob and I have to go and catch our flight. You two stay in here I will take care of this, Ron follows Chloe out of the room. So what did she say to you? That you were making me have this baby and that they could take care of it and I could move back with them. Seriously, I told her you weren’t making me do anything and I would never move back in that house with the man that tried to rape me. Maddox tenses up, then she all but called me a liar that’s when you walked in. Maddox I don’t think Chloe cares about me like you said. Oh Kylee bear she does she is just in too deep with Jacob to show it. Hearing the front door slam we walk back into the living room. I’m guessing Chloe wasn’t happy when she left. Not really but she signed custody of you over to me so you can get married whenever you would like. Custody, dad, how did you manage that what do you have on Jacob? Oh you know the usual money laundering embezzlement I just showed him everything on paper and asked if he wanted the feds to have it now or later. Wow Ron thank you for everything. I just wished Chloe would have told me where my mom was before she stormed out. Your mom, Kylee I’m paying for her care she is right here in Austin I thought Chloe told you. What, no, mom and Chloe didn’t want me to know they said it’s what mom wants but I want to see her. Dad where is she so Kylee can see her. She is only few minutes from here the big assistant living up the road on the left. I’m sorry Kylee I thought you knew Chloe said she told you. No I’ve only talked to her a couple of times since I’ve been here. Madds please take me to see her, dad can you lock up for me. Sure. We pull up to the assistant living building. I ask the office lady what room Lucy York is in. may ask who you are ma’am; I’m her daughter Kylee York. Oh yes she is in 201, thank you. Holding my hand Maddox leads us down the hall stopping at the door. Kylee are you going to be ok, I nod we walk in the room. My mom looks so weak tears start to form. Kylee is that you what are you doing here? Reaching over touching her arm, yes mom it’s me. How did you find me Chloe said it was best if you didn’t come. My mom said that? Yes I agreed with her so Kylee wouldn’t get upset. Mom I’m not going anywhere. Oh my sweet girl you look different you’re glowing. Well I’m happy mom Maddox makes me happy. Looking in his direction, my Maddox you have grown up into a very handsome man. Thanks Mrs. York. Mom there is something I want you to know. Yes dear what is it you look serious. Well, Maddox interrupts me Mrs. York I asked Kylee to marry me and she said yes. That’s great I always knew you two would get hitched someday. Well sweetie I’m really tired I’m going to rest will you come back and see me? Yes mommy I will come back soon, I love you. Before we leave she is asleep.

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