Kylee's Story (2 page)

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Authors: A. Malone

BOOK: Kylee's Story
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ry. Then he stops, now just remember pay back is a bitch he says with a huge smile on his face. Catching my breath I just stick my tongue out at him. He looks at me don’t stick that out unless you’re going to use it. Really Maddox your such a pig, I know but you still love me. He turns on the next movie and settles back on the bed with me watching the movie and listening to the rain I fall asleep.


The dream I had was horrible. My mom was in the hospital and I was trying to go into see her but they wouldn’t let me in. crying I ask them why not and they said the women that I’m asking about wasn’t there see passed away already. But she left a note for me. I opened the letter and it said Kylee, You said you would never leave me. You lied to me I waited for you but you never came. I hope you treat your new family better than you did me. You are a horrible daughter.-Lucy. I must have been crying in my sleep because I woke up to Maddox holding  me, whispering Kylee it’s ok I’m here everything is going to be ok. Oh Maddox it was horrible my mom died and hated me for leaving her alone. It was just a dream Ky your mom doesn’t hate you. I left her Madds and she is dying all alone I should have stayed with her, I can’t even call her I no clue where she is. Patting my head he pulls me closer to him, his steady breathing calms me. Kylee this was her decision don’t blame yourself she will call you when she’s ready till then you have me I’m not going anywhere. I wipe my tears thanks Madds I don’t know what I would do without you. Don’t worry Kylee bear you won’t ever have to find out I’m not ever going to leave you. Every morning since Chloe left I wake up in Maddox arms. I haven’t slept this good in so long he makes me feel safe. Since Chloe and Jacob come home tomorrow I know that after tonight I will be sleeping alone again and I don’t think I will sleep as well without Maddox. What the matter Ky? I was just thinking I will miss this when your mom and Jacob get back tomorrow. Yeah me too, really I thought you would be happy to have your bed back. No not really I sleep better knowing you are close by and safe. Wow I wasn’t expecting him to say that. I just wish he saw me as something more than a little sister. Well we have today what do you want to do? Hmm we just hung out around the house all week we didn’t ever go to that party you told me about. Do you want to go out somewhere? That sounds good why don’t you go change and meet me in the front in like thirty minutes. Alright I climb out of bed and go into my room. I take a shower and change in record time. Looking in the mirror before I walk out the white skirt is a little short but looks so cute with pink halter top I bought. I walk out to the front Maddox is already in the truck waiting. Climbing into the truck Maddox cheeks turn red. Kylee you look... is that what you’re wearing? Excuse me what is wrong with what I’m wearing Maddox Kourt? Uh nothing I mean… it’s just… I’m not use to seeing you well dress like a girl. Glaring at him I’ve dressed in a skirt before. Not one that short he says sharply. My face turns sour, what are you my father are you going to send me in to change? NO KYLEE, look I’m sorry don’t be mad but if any guys check you out I’m going to beat their asses. God Maddox stop acting like my brother and just show me around. Ok fine I need to go by and check my dorm is that ok? Sure you think you can give me a little tour around campus too? Yeah that will be fine, we drive into town he points as we go. We pull into the college campus, park, and get out. We walk around he grabs my hand and shows me the different buildings, well let’s go and check my dorm. We walk in the building and there are a few guys hanging around the common area watching sports. Hey Maddox what’s up man you have been MIA lately the guys says as he looks at me. Yeah I’ve been busy he say pulling me closer. So man you going to introduce me? Oh yeah Brad this is Kylee, Kylee this is Brad. Hi it’s nice to meet some of Maddox friends I say shaking his hand. So where did you find this hot little number? I blush and before I can say anything Maddox burst our SHE’S OFF LIMITS DUDE and storms off dragging me with him. We walk up some stairs and into his room its dark in here there isn’t any windows. Finally he turns on the lights. What was that about Maddox? I just don’t want guys like him hitting on you, he was undressing you with his eyes and it doesn’t help you are barely covered in those clothes. Well excuse me for coming with you, if I knew men looking at me would upset you so bad I would have worn a winter coat I said with sarcasm rolling off my voice. Damn it Kylee that isn’t what I meant. Turning away from him trying to hold back my tears I feel his arms wrap around me Kylee bear I’m sorry don’t be mad I didn’t mean it I just can’t stand it when another guy is checking you out it makes me see red. Why Madds? Guys are going to look and me and maybe even ask me out its sweet you want to protect me but I’m not a little kid anymore. Letting out a deep breath, I know that you’re not a little kid, god I know that Kylee. Ok Madds you can’t act like that then, Brad wasn’t trying to hurt me he just asked a question and you went all alpha dog on me I’m surprised you didn’t pee on my leg and mark me as yours. Really Ky pee on your leg? If you think it will keep those losers at bay I can he says smiling. Lifting my chin with his hand so I’m looking into those beautiful eyes I can’t stay mad at him and he knows it. I’m sorry Kylee bear will you forgive me for being an asshole. I guess if you don’t do it again. Smiling Maddox kisses me, Kylee I can’t keep pretending like I only see you as a little sister. What are you saying then? Looking at me with such conflict in those magnificent blue eyes I’ve been in love with you for years now that you’re here I can’t keep fighting it his lips smash into mine again. Touching his cheek Maddox I must be dreaming because I’ve wanted you to say you love me for as long as I can remember. I love you I’ve always loved you I just didn’t think you felt that way about me and I didn’t want to make thing weird between us. I’d rather have you as a friend that lose you. Kylee you would never lose me, moving over to sit on his bed. So where do we go from here? Well for starters don’t talk to people like Brad again, I don’t want to go to jail for kicking his ass. Madds all he did was make polite conversation, umm no he was undressing you with his eyes. I think you are losing it. No I just don’t think you see yourself the way other people see you Ky, you’re hot. Rolling my eyes, sure if you say so. You are Kylee he kisses me before I can object. I feel like I’m floating every time he kisses me like I’m dreaming and I never want to wake up. So Maddox how do you think Chloe and Jacob are going to react to us. Well mom will be happy but I’m not sure about Jacob, he’s nice but I get a bad vibe when he looks at you. Really why? It’s just the way he looks at you it just bothers me. Oh really like the way Brad looks at me, I think your just super jealous. With Brad yes I will admit I’m jealous but with Jacob it’s something different just don’t be alone with him ok. I think your paranoid but ok I won’t be alone with him. Good now let’s go back home so I can have you to myself until the parental's get home. Laughing we head toward the truck pausing long enough for Maddox to glare at Brad. Once we are out of the dorm I stop Maddox. What I thought we were going home? Well first I thought you might want to pee on my leg. Aww Ky come on I wasn’t… I mean… I will try not to go all alpha on you again ok. Laughing well good because peeing on my leg is kind of gross. Slapping my butt get in the truck smart ass. On our way home we stop and get some burgers for a late lunch. We eat in silence every time I look in his direction he smiles like a little kid in a candy shop. I can’t believe he wants me, that Maddox Kourt loves me. We get back to the house, Maddox tells Rosa we are going to watch movies if she wants to take the night off she can. Thank you Mr. Kourt I will leave dinner in the fridge. He nods and walks me up the stairs. After we are in his room he shuts and locks the door guiding me to the bed, we lay down I cuddle next to him its as if I was made to fit in his arms I fit perfectly. Kylee bear you don’t know how happy I am that you’re final
ly mine. Madds why didn’t you tell me sooner how you felt about me? I don’t know I guess I was just scared you wouldn’t feel the same or think I was crazy. I would never think that I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have you. After making out for hours Maddox looks at me you need to feed me to keep up my energy. I laughed at him and climbed out of the bed, I’ll get us some food you find us a movie to watch. Walking down the stairs I go into the kitchen and make us some sandwiches grab some chips and drinks put everything on a tray and head back upstairs, when I walk into the bedroom Maddox has stripped down to a pair of running shorts and is propped up on the bed watching some sitcom from the early ninety’s. Sitting the tray down on the bed he grabs a plate and starts eating, hungry much. Smiling with a sandwich hanging out of his mouth I’m a growing boy, shaking my head I nibble on my food. Before I know it Maddox is finished with his food and starting on mine. We finish up and set the empty tray aside. We curl up on the bed Maddox puts his face in my hair. What are you doing, are you smelling my hair, he pauses why would I be smelling your hair that’s kind of creepy I can feel the smile on my cheek as he kisses it. Well then I guess you are creepy because you totally smelled my hair. Ok fine I was I love the smell of your shampoo, well I can buy you some vanilla and honey shampoo if you like it that much laughter rolling off my voice. Kylee bear are you making fun of me? I would never do that to you Madds I said trying to play coy. Laughter rolls out of his chest that’s why I love you Ky you call me on my bull shit. He starts kissing me again after a few minutes he is hovering on top of me I feel up and down his chest he is so muscular, his body turns me into mush. Am I moving too fast if so just tell me to stop I don’t want to push you. Umm no this is fine Madds, with that I sit up and pull my halter off. I’m left in my skirt and black lace bra. Reaching down and touching the edge of my bra he kisses me again and moves his way down my neck. So beautiful he murmurs into my neck, his hand cups my breast over my bra. I moan into his mouth, I want you so bad Maddox. He stops kissing me, Kylee have you ever done this before I mean been with anyone. No Maddox you will be my first, he swallows hard are you sure I grab him and kiss him hard. I’m sure Maddox I want you to be my first. With that I take off my bra he takes in a deep breath and looks at me with desire. He helps me with my skirt and underwear, removes his shorts and get back into bed with me. He whispers in my ear let me know if it hurts I will stop. I nod I love you Madds, I love you too. We make love for what seems like an eternity when we are done he wraps me in his arms and we drift off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning roll over and Maddox is gone. As I start to get out of bed he walks thru the door with a tray of fruit, toast, and juice. Breakfast in bed for the lady, he sit the tray down and we eat in silence. After we are done Maddox leans into me what’s wrong Ky, nothing it’s stupid. Do you regret last night? Oh no I would never regret that Madds I love you I’m glad I waited for you. Then what’s wrong? I woke up this morning you were gone and I thought you regretted it and left. Pulling me into his lap he kisses me Kylee I would never do that, I love you more than you will ever know I would die before I ever did anything to hurt you. I know Maddox I was just paranoid because everyone I love always leaves me, promise me you will never leave me. I promise Kylee I will never leave you; he kisses me well I need to take a shower do you want to join me? Smiling I take his hand and we take a shower and make love again in there. Afterwards we dry off he gives me one of his shirts to put on. We walk into my room so I can change, Maddox are you just going to stare at me while I dress? In the sexiest voice he replies of course I can’t miss a chance to see you naked. You know you’ll never change Maddox Kourt. Then I wouldn’t be the man you fell in love with. Rolling my eyes I put on a t-shirt and shorts I brought from home. So are we going to tell aunt Chloe and Jacob about us, I think they might freak. Yeah I was thinking that too or least Jacob might mom I think will be fine with it but Jacob would probably just make me stay in the dorm instead of here. So we should just keep it to ourselves? Whatever you think Madds I don’t want to do anything that will make me lose you. Well they are going to be home soon so do you want to go back to my room and play video games? He puts his arm around me and we go back to his room we are playing golf of the Wii when aunt Chloe walks in. there are my two wonderful children. Shaking his head, hi mom how was your trip? Oh it was just wonderful just what I needed but I was ready to get back I missed my babies. You babies mom I’m eighteen and Kylee is seventeen we are far from babies. Oh Maddy you will always be my baby, snickering she turns to me. As for my ladybug she is still my baby too. Thanks aunt Chloe, she sits on the edge of the bed. So what did you two do while I was gone? Looking at each other oh you know mom this and that. Leave it to my boyfriend to be vague. Hmm did you at least introduce ladybug to a few people help her make friends? Yes ma’am I took her to school and showed her around town. That’s great did you find a boyfriend yet, Maddox has some really good looking friends. I know we both turned beat red. Mom she doesn’t need to date my looser friends they don’t want anything but to get laid. Maddox Mason Kourt watch what you say in front of my ladybug. Laughing is ok aunt Chloe I’m use to Madds wonderful sense of humor. What I wasn’t joking, you need to stay away from my friends their horn dogs. Well maybe you need to make less horny friends. Shaking her head aunt Chloe gets up well that is my cue to leave I love you two I’m going to take a nap. Love you too mom see you later. So are you ready to get your ass kicked at some golf? You kick my ass please you play like a girl Ky. Hello I am a girl if you haven’t noticed, oh I’ve noticed. Shut up and let’s play looser has to kiss the winners feet. You know it turns me on when you talk dirty like that. Really Maddox you are such a freak. He kisses me I know. I jump up and down I win I win I chant dancing around the room. So do you want to sit down so I can kiss those sexy feet, sure I sit on the bed and lift my foot in the air. He starts kissing my foot and starts kissing up my leg when he gets to the inside of my thigh he smiles and I drag his face up to mine; kiss him hard. We need to get out of here before I have you naked in my bed and someone walks in on us, your right what do you want to do? Why don’t I show you around the vineyard, alright let’s go. We walk into the foyer and Jacob walks in the house looking irritated. Hi Jacob it’s good to see you. Glaring at Maddox he asks if we were leaving. Umm yeah I’m going to take Kylee for a ride around the property. Well don’t me late Jacob snaps. Yes sir, we get into Maddox truck as we drive to the back of the property I ask him why was Jacob acting so different. I told you Ky he doesn’t like me when moms there he treats me like I’m his favorite person but any other time I’m nothing other than shit stuck to his shoe. I don’t trust him and I hate the way he looks at you, try and stay clear of him I can’t be with you all the time but I will do my best. We stop at an old barn Maddox jumps out, runs around, opens my door and helps me out. Aww such a gentleman, so what is this place? Its and old barn Jacobs family use to use to store the wine back in the twenties but nobody comes out here anymore, I thought we could hang out here where no one  would bother us. Wrapping me up in a hug, I just wanted you all to myself. Your such a romantic Maddox Kourt bringing me out to an abandon barn, I’m the luckiest girl alive. Grabbing my butt he pulls me closer, no Ky I’m the lucky one to have such a beautiful and wonderful woman as my girlfriend. We sit on the barn floor I’m still in his arms. I could get use to this, what sitting on a dirty floor with a really gorgeous guy? Conceded much Madds, me conceded never he says laughing. I’m so glad that your mom sent you here I just wish she would call you and let you know she was ok. Yeah me too I worry about her but at least you are here to keep my mind off of her. My pleasure Kylee bear. We sat out in the barn and talked for hours I’ve never felt so comfortable with anyone like I do with Maddox, we can tell each other anything. Well I guess we need to get back so Jacob doesn’t get upset. As we drive back to the house Maddox is quiet, we park the truck and he helps me out but he stops me before we go inside I love you Kylee, I love you too he kisses my forehead and we walk inside. Mom we're back, Maddy we are in the dining room. Letting my hand go we walk into the dining room. Did you two have fun? Yes aunt Chloe we did I turn to Jacob you have such beautiful property; I’ve never seen anything like it. Why thank you Kylee I’m glad you are enjoying being here, I hope you come to think of this as your home. I look over at Maddox and he looks tense, thank you for showing me around Madds. No problem, Kylee. So what did you two do while we were away Jacob asks. Not a lot Madds just showed me around town and we hung out here. Hmm that was nice of you Maddox to give up your free time to play big brother isn’t it honey. Chloe looks at Jacob oh yes that’s my Maddy such a sweet boy taking care of my ladybug. Rosa brought us dinner and we ate while Chloe made small talk, after dinner Maddox asks me if I would like to watch a movie with him. Sure Madds I would like that. Kylee before you go I need to talk to you. Ok Chloe, we walk into the sitting room your mother called while you were out she wanted me tell you she loves you and hopes you are adjusting nicely. That’s it is she going to call back or did she leave me a number. No she didn’t leave a number but she said she would call back when she felt up to it. Well thanks for telling me I think I’m going to go to bed now. Oh ladybug I hope you are alright, yeah I’m fine Chloe. Without another word I walked upstairs and into my room. I striped down and put on my favorite shirt Maddox gave me crawled into bed and started crying. I don’t know how long I was in there I didn’t even hear him come in but I felt his strong arms wrap around me. What’s wrong why are you crying? He brushes the tears away from my face. My mom called while we were out and didn’t leave a number or say where she was. I’m just worried about her. Shh it’s alright she will call back and you can talk to her. I know Madds I just miss her, what if I don’t see her before she dies. Ky don’t say that, she is going to be fine. Maddox she is dying and d
oesn’t want me around. That’s not it Ky she just doesn’t want you to see her like this. Sniffling you know your right maybe this is for the best I don’t want to see her in pain. He kisses me and I start to feel better I have it so bad for this man. So can you stay in here tonight or do you think we will get caught. I can stay until you fall asleep and then I will go back to my room. Thanks Madds I love you so much, I love you too Kylee bear. Feeling safe and loved I fall asleep.

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