Kylee's Story (3 page)

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Authors: A. Malone

BOOK: Kylee's Story
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I woke up the next morning and Maddox was gone but Jacob was standing over my bed. I jumped under the blankets. You scared me Jacob do you need something? Eying me I just wanted to make sure you were alright Chloe told me about your mom calling. He is way too close for me to feel comfortable and now he is rubbing my cheek. Yeah I’m fine but I need to get ready I’m going shopping with Maddox today. Oh really I hope you enjoy spending my money now his hand is moving down my arm. I’m not spending anything Maddox needs new running shoes I lied. I try to move out of his reach. Oh I see. Well if you will excuse me I need to change. Hoping he would catch the hint I walk out of my room and into the bathroom and wait until I hear the bedroom door close. I walk back into my room peek out of my bedroom door when I see Jacob is not there I go into Maddox room. Maddox is still sleeping so I climb into his bed he stirs and looks up at me. What’s wrong Ky? I tell him about Jacob and he curses under his breath pulls me into him. I won’t let him hurt you Ky, I know you won’t he just kind of caught me off guard. Well I guess I need running shoes then he smiled at me. Yep I guess you do that was the first thing that popped into my head. I’ll get us both a pair and you can start running with me. Alright I lean into him and kiss him before I know it we are naked in his bed a little while later he is lying next to me with a huge smile on his face. Man what a way to wake up. Laughing I put my shirt back on I should go get dressed before someone walks in on us. I guess you’re right I’m the only one allowed to see your sexy naked ass. You keep saying things like that we are going to get caught because I will climb back in that bed with you. You know Kylee bear getting caught doesn’t sound that bad and he pulls me back in bed with him. About that time aunt Chloe walks in excuse me what is going on in here. We look at each other and burst out laughing. Looking way to serious I’m waiting, Maddox, Kylee this doesn’t look very appropriate. Oh mom come on Kylee just came into wake me up so we can go shopping and in return I started tickling her, what do you think is going on we were having hot sex while you were downstairs. I know my mouth was probably touching the floor I can’t believe he just said that. Maddox Mason you do not talk like that in front of a lady. Well then don’t ask a stupid question and I won’t give you a stupid answer. Ignoring him, so Kylee you are going out with my ill-mannered son today? Yes if that’s alright with you. Oh ladybug you don’t have to ask permission to do things with my son. You two have fun and maybe it would be a good idea to put more clothes on, we don’t want Jacob to get the wrong idea. Yes aunt Chloe, after the door shuts I slap Maddox in the arm and we both start laughing hysterically. I can’t believe you, now he was really laughing. What do you mean Kylee I was just telling the truth. You are such a smart ass you know that. I kiss him and jump out of the bed I’m going to get showered and changed. I walk out of his room and into mine grab some clothes and get into the shower. After an extremely long shower I get dressed and walk into my room where Maddox is waiting. He looks angry, what’s wrong Madds. That asshole was in here when I walked in to see if you were ready. What? Why? He said he wanted to tell you your car had a flat he was taking it to get fixed. A flat really I haven’t driven it in a week how did it get a flat. That’s what I asked him, he said he didn’t know and stormed out. Well I guess lets go. As we walk down the stairs Chloe appears at the bottom, Kylee your mom is on the phone running the rest of the way down Chloe hands me the phone. Mom, hey Kylee how are you, her voice is so weak. I’m fine mom how are you feeling. It’s a good day and better now that I hear your voice. Mom where are you I want to help you, that’s not necessary Kylee I’ve got a nurse and I don’t want you to see me like this. Mom I love you, oh baby I love you too. Well I will call you soon, bye. The line clicks, Maddox takes the phone and has his arms around me before the tears start rolling. Its ok Kylee bear I got you just let it all out. Maddox she doesn’t want me she sounds so frail. Shh IT’S ok baby I’ve got you after soaking his shirt he loosens his grip on me and whips my tears. Chloe is still standing there, are you alright ladybug. Nodding my head I going to go wash my face I turn and go up to my room. I wash my face and gain some composure. I’m not going to let myself breakdown like that again I just wasn’t expecting her to call so soon and sound so bad. I will be ok I’ve got Maddox and that’s all I need I Tell myself. When I walk from the bathroom Maddox is sitting on my bed in a fresh shirt. Sorry I ruined your shirt. That’s fine Ky are you ok do you need to talk about it. Uh no thanks I feel better now. That’s good, mom asked me what was going on between us after you went upstairs I tried to blow her off but she wouldn’t give up until I told her you were my girlfriend. So how did she take that? She said she knew it was bound to happen just don’t let Jacob find out because if he did she would play dumb. That’s good at least she’s not mad. Yeah that’s mom for ya. You still want to go shopping, yeah that’s fine. Taking my hand we go out to his truck. I’m guessing I zoned out because now we are stopped at the mall. Ky lets go inside so I can feed you, we skipped breakfast. Holding me close we walk into the food court. What would you like Ky, umm just a drink. You need to eat something so you don’t get sick. How about a smoothie is that alright, ok sit here and I will get you one. While I’m waiting I pull out my phone and send Jazzy a message giving her this number and telling her to call me after she gets home from her trip. Looking up there is a guy standing beside the table. Hi I’m martin and you are? Maddox walks up behind him with a tray of food sitting it on the table, she’s taken that’s who she is. Looking like a kicked puppy the guy walks off. I can’t leave you for five minutes can I? Well Mr. Kourt I guess not. Here is your pineapple and banana smoothie, Aww you remembered. I remember everything about you Ky. Oh really then what is my favorite color? Red ok then smarty pants movie? Without hesitation sixteen candles. Lucky guess, holiday? Valentine’s day everything is red. How do you know all of this? I know you Ky, ok then you ask me the same questions. Alright what’s my favorite color? Blue, movie? Anything funny but you really like Billy Madison, correct and holiday? Hmm Christmas, that’s right but do you know why? No not really why? It’s because as a kid we spent them together and you always made me some crazy piece of jewelry. I remember you would always wear them even when the other kids would make fun of you. Yeah I use to tell them my mom made me wear them so you wouldn’t cry. But the truth is I loved them as cheesy as that sounds. Your perfect you know that Madds. Chuckling out yeah I know. Well are you done we need to shop before this place gets crowded? Yep lead the way. We went into the shoe store and came out with matching running shoes. After window shopping awhile we decided to head home. My car is still gone so maybe Jacob isn’t here. Let us only hope if he keeps watching you like you are a piece of meat I’m going to kill him. Calm down Maddox I’m a big girl and can take care of myself plus I bought pepper spray the other day it’s sitting on my dresser. Look at you little miss bad ass. Shut up don’t make fun of me or I will cut you off. Kissing me please don’t do that Kylee bear I will be good scouts honor. Since when were you a scout? Uh never I just thought it sounded believable. You crack me up sometimes Madds. Chloe comes into my room with a tray of snacks. I thought you two might be hungry, oh thanks mom I’m starved. Imagine that, ignoring me he grabs some chips and starts eating. Thanks mom, Maddy please don’t talk with your mouth full. Swallowing ok mom sorry. So what did y’
all get at the mall. I pull out the boxes of shoes. Isn’t that cute you two will match, Maddox rolls his eyes. Don’t worry ladybug Maddy told me about you two being a couple, I’m happy for you but please refrain from having sex in the house, don’t make me a grandparent. Choking on his drink mom really do you want us to go out in the yard then? Of course not I would rather you not having sex, y’all are very young but I’m a realist and know it’s going to happen at some point. I just stayed quiet not wanting to talk about this with my aunt. Mom we are not going to talk about this with you, what Kylee and I do or don’t do is our business and you are embarrassing her so let’s talk about something else please. Ok fine just remember Jacob can’t know, yes mother. Well I’m going to New York with some friends I won’t be her for a few weeks if you need me, you can call me on my cell. Is Jacob going too? No he will be at the other house in Dallas on business he will be back in a week. Alright have fun mom. She walks out, well that wasn’t awkward. Staring at him, so we will have sex in the yard really Maddox. What I was trying to shut her up. So that’s what pops into that twisted mind of yours? Sorry I will try and sensor myself. So I guess that means you can spend the night with me. So when do you want to break in those new running shoes? Maybe in the morning, sounds good to me because now I’m full and want to cuddle with my girl. Alright he flips on the TV we lay there and watch some old western that was boring Maddox because he played with my hair until he fell asleep. But I watched it till the end I love these old black and white movies once it was over I couldn’t stay awake any longer cuddling up closer to Maddox I fell asleep.

Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning to Maddox kissing down my neck. Umm good morning beautiful. Good morning Madds what time is it. Early around seven. Why are you awake then? I was going to go for a run you want to come? Groaning I guess I can get ready, I go into the bathroom when I come back Maddox is gone he must have went to get ready. Throwing on a pair of sweats I sat on my bed to put on my socks and new shoes. Walking through my door Maddox looks so damn hot. You ready Ky, yep lets go. We head outside it’s so humid and looks like rain. We run down the long driveway its way over two miles long so we get a good run in. once we are at the end I stop to catch my breath. You alright, yeah I’m fine ready to head back? Yep race you and he takes off. By the time we get to the house I’m sweating like a pig and need a shower. Sorry you didn’t win Ky but I’m just so much faster than you. Whatever I let you win I didn’t want to crush you manliness. Making a face at me we walk into the kitchen and grab some water. Well I’m going to shower oh I like the sound of that can I join you, grabbing my hand before I reply he pulls me up the stairs and into my bathroom pulling off our clothes in record time we climb into the shower, kissing me he works his way down my neck and then down my breast. Oh my god Maddox I scream as he pushed me against the shower wall. After our quickie in the shower he washes my hair and we rinse and dry off. Kylee you are wonderful you know that I love you so much. I love you more Madds. We get dressed and I lay on the bed I’m exhausted. Maddox walks back into my room. Hey Ky I have to go take care of some stuff on the campus you going to be alright by yourself for a while. Yeah I’ll be fine I think I might take a nap. Alright I won’t be long if you need anything just call me. Ok I love you, love you too Kylee bear he gives me a quick kiss and then he’s gone. I lay down on the bed trying to get comfortable. Right when I close my eyes I hear a noise outside of my room and then the door opens. Maddox is that you did you forget something? Jacob walks in; oh I thought you were Maddox. No not Maddox he left. Oh ok I say nervously, did you need something, yeah he says closing the door behind him. I start to get off the bed and he pushes me down. Stop Jacob you are scaring me, don’t worry Kylee this isn’t going to hurt. Stop please I don’t want you touching me. I don’t care what you want you little tease. I try to get my hands loose from him but he holds them tighter. What do you want Jacob you are hurting me. I want you; it can be payment for all the money I’ve spent on you. I can pay you back but please stop I cry out. Laughing at me he starts kissing down my neck. Oh you smell so sweet, Jacob stop I yell but he doesn’t listen he puts his hand up my shirt. Please don’t do this, slapping me in the face he yells shut up you whore.  I’m not a whore. What you think I don’t know that you have been giving it up to that looser stepson of mine. If he can have you I deserve a little taste. I can smell the liquor on his breath as he kisses my lips. I manage to get my hands loose and push his body but not enough because he slaps me across the face again. I scream in pain and kick him in the stomach as he falls backwards I run to the door but he grabs me by the hair. I scream again in pain but manage to grab the clock off my dresser I turn around and smash him across the head. He falls to the ground I run to the door and down the stairs, Kylee get back here. I run out the door and into the woods. I can hear him yelling and cussing but he’s not following me. I run and hid in the old barn that Maddox took me to. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Maddox number. It rings a few times then he answers. Hey Ky you need something. Maddox I say through tears. Kylee what wrong, I can hear the fear in his voice. Maddox I need you he tried to rape me. WHAT WHO? Jacob I got away I’m hiding in the barn, did he follow you? No I don’t think so, I’m on my way. Go hide in the loft behind all the boxes and don’t come out until I get there. Ok I do what he says, Kylee I’m going to kill that bastard. No Madds don’t just please get here I need you. Alright I will be there soon I love you and he hangs up. I hide up there being as quiet as I can just in case he followed me. After about twenty minutes I hear a car door I hope its Maddox and not Jacob, I’m not sure if I can fight him off again. KYLEE KYLEE its Maddox I stand up and walk down the stairs, Maddox I’m here. He wraps me in his arms, oh baby I’m so sorry I thought he left I shouldn’t have left you alone. It’s ok Madds he didn’t hurt me I got away, I was just scared. Shh I’ve got you now, we get into his truck. Look at me Kylee, I look over at him and he looks angry. Did he do that to your face, did he hit you? Nodding yes Maddox is holding the stirring wheel so tight his knuckles are turning white. Maddox please calm down don’t do anything crazy, I just want to get something from the house and I’m going back to Washington. No you are staying with me, well I’m not staying in that house another night. We won’t we can stay at the dorm tonight and I will get us an apartment tomorrow. As long as you’re with me I will stay, we drive up to the house Maddox and I get out he holds my hand as we go inside the house. Do you think he’s gone? Yeah he’s gone that coward ran off, if he didn’t I would have killed him. Once we are up stair I grab my suitcases fill them up and start throwing everything else in my duffle bag. Maddox goes into my bathroom and gathers up everything in there then we go to his room and grab some of his things. We carry everything down to the truck, as we drive Maddox looks at me everything is going to be fine I can take care of us. Maddox I can get a job and help with the bills. Shaking his head, no way Kylee I have money saved and my dad said he would pay my rent if I wanted to move out of the dorms so we will be ok. I was actually going to the school to sign everything so I could give up the dorm I’m hardly there anyway. We pull up to the school he grabs my duffle and his and we walk into the dorm Brads there but doesn’t say a word to us. Maddox unlocks the door and turns on the light. Ky the bathroom is thru there why don’t you go shower and change I will get some clean clothes. Nodding my head I walk into the bathroom, looking in the mirror I have scrapes all over my face and a hand print that looks like it’s going to bruise. I take off my clothes and get into the shower letting the hot water run down me grab the soap and start scrubbing my body trying to get him off my skin I get out of the shower and Maddox is sitting there with his head in his hands. Standing up he wraps a towel around me. Kylee I’m so sorry I left you it’s my fault this happened I should have been there to protect you. Maddox it not your fault he wasn’t supposed to be there, how were we suppose to know he would try to hurt me. Please Madds don’t blame yourself; I’m just never going back. You will never have to I will take care of you I love you. He kisses me and walks me back into the room I lay down on the bed; get some sleep Kylee I’m going to step outside to make a call. Madds please don’t tell Chloe, I won’t I just need to call my dad about the apartment. Ok goodnight Madds I love you. A little while later Maddox climbs in the bed next to me. Hey how are you feeling? Better just glad you’re here you make me feel safe. Nothing is going to happen to you again I’m not leaving you. I talked to my dad and he said he will pay for everything and not to worry about Jacob he will take care of him. That’s good I don’t want you to confront him you might kill him and then I wouldn’t have you while you were in jail. Don’t worry Kylee bear I won’t go near him, good. I woke up to Maddox phone ringing. Hello yeah that’s great dad umm yeah we will head over there now thank love you too. Good news Ky dad was able to get us a two bedroom apartment completely furnished and the keys are waiting we can move in
now. Wow that was quick. Well it helps that dad’s in real estate. So let’s get dressed and head over there it’s on the other side of town. Grabbing our bags we go to our new pace. Wait here and I will get the keys. He gets out and runs into the office, less than five minutes and we are driving to the nicest apartments. Well they aren’t actually apartments his dad rented us a condo. He opens the door and we go in, wow Madds this is really nice you’re sure your dad doesn’t mind paying for this. He’s glad to he’s just happy I’m not staying at Jacobs anymore he knows how he treats me and dad can’t stand him. Let’s take our stuff in the bedroom and start unpacking. Our room is pretty good sized with a connecting bathroom with a huge shower. Maddox do you think we can get something to eat I’m starving and feeling kind of woozy. Yeah dad stocked the kitchen already I will make you something. Toast is good and maybe some juice, coming right up. A few minutes later Maddox is walking in with a plate of toast and a glass of OJ. Here you go babe sit down and eat. Snagging a slice of toast I quickly eat and drink my OJ. I get up to take my dishes in the kitchen and Maddox stops me I will get that for you go lie down and get some rest you look pale. Too tired to argue I lie on the bed and fall asleep.

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