And Baby Makes Three

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Authors: Dahlia Rose

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: And Baby Makes Three
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By Dahlia Rose

Copyright © October , Cover art by Mina Carter © October ISBN ----

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Sugar and Spice Press North Carolina, USA

Chapter One

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” the minister said. “You may kiss the bride.”

Marie Watson wiped happy tears from her cheek. She watched her best friend Ivy St. Clair kiss the man of her dreams, Major Rafe Steele, to seal their marriage. It was a whirlwind relationship and Marie was thrilled for Ivy who finally got her happily ever after. Love suited her. Marie watched as Ivy looked up at her new husband. She wasn’t jealous. In fact, Marie had vowed to never walk down the aisle again. Her previous marriage ended abruptly when she came home and found her soldier husband in bed with another woman. Yeah, she was off that love train for good. All she wanted was a good time and to go home to her own bed alone.
Love ’em
and kick ’em out.
  A small smile crossed her lips at her thought and she turned her attention toward the very handsome best man, Lieutenant Brody Gillis. Now there was a bronco she wouldn’t mind trying to break.

She watched as he stood talking with Rafe. He was a tall drink of water, her grandmother would say. Sandy brown hair and a crooked smile gave him a boyish look that complimented his light blue eyes. He had sensual lips, not too thin or thick. Like baby bear’s porridge, he was just right. His shoulders were broad beneath the bronze silk dress shirt he wore and his jaw line was smooth, but she could actually picture him with a little five o’clock shadow. It would feel kind of rough against her skin as he… Brody met her gaze and smiled.
Oh, yeah, we’ve got fireworks.

“If you start drooling I am going to have to slap you.” Ivy blocked her view of Brody and brought her mind back to the present.

“A girl can look, can’t she?” Marie teased and pulled Ivy into a hug.

“Congratulations, chick, you guys are awesome together.” Ivy grinned. “Thanks, and now we get to honeymoon for one night before he leaves.”

“Make it count. You never know. It may be and baby makes three from tonight…or I guess four.” Marie winked.

“You know it will be hard for me to conceive—” 

Marie cut her off gently. “They say everything worth having is tough, but honey, trust me, your little bundle is coming. I can feel it in my bones.”

Ivy gave a watery chuckle. “And your bones are never wrong, huh?” Marie laughed. “Never.”

“Now, back to Brody. He is a great friend and a good guy, but he is a playboy, so don’t go there. You’ll just end up one of the strings of broken hearts he has trailing behind him,” Ivy said.

“Like I have a heart to give him,” Marie said flippantly. “After what I went through with Knucklehead, I’m all about playtime.”
was her favorite way to refer to her ex-husband. He was lucky because she used to call him asshole, douchebag and some even lower words after she found him in their home with some ditz. She’d let herself believe in love, in a future with a man, but not anymore. That ship had sailed out to the middle of the ocean, been swallowed up by a hurricane and then hit by a torpedo and sank to the very bottom of the ocean. And then, while it was down there, the remnants were swallowed by the Loch Ness monster. She grinned at the thought.

“The ship got swallowed by a monster again, didn’t it?” Ivy asked ruefully. Her friend was privy to her colorful imagination about what she thought of relationships.

Marie nodded happily. “Yup. Anyway, I may give Brody a go. He’s looking at me, I’m looking at him. These trains should meet.”

“Oh, Lord, now you’re a train,” Ivy said. “Okay, woman, I warned you. I’m leaving now for my alone time with my new husband.”

“Enjoy the night, sweetie. I’ll see you back at work,” Marie answered.

“I’ve taken a month’s worth of leave so I can be with Bonnie while Rafe is gone,” Ivy reminded her.

“I know. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Jon may be released to Reese in a few weeks. If you’re still on leave I’ll give you a call and let you know,” Marie said.

Ivy hugged her again. “Great, thanks, Marie. See you in a month.” 

Marie stood with Brody and Rafe’s parents who were holding Bonnie and watched Rafe and Ivy drive away. She said goodbye to Rafe’s parents, and walked to her car. She leaned against the driver side and waited. A minute or two later Brody came down to his jeep that was parked directly next to her car.

“Hey,” she said casually.

He gave her a slow smile, one that was meant to charm the ladies. She had to admit, it worked because she felt that delicious tumble in her belly.

“Hello, Marie. Are you waiting for something?” Brody asked.

“Yes, I am, and that would be…you.” Marie’s voice was sultry. “You have any plans for the evening, Lieutenant?”

“None that can’t be changed. What’re you offering?” Brody asked.

“Dinner. I’m an excellent cook. Then we’ll see where the rest of the night takes us,” Marie brazenly let her gaze travel up and down his body.

“I could eat,” Brody teased.

“Then follow me, cowboy, I’ll give you a feast.” Marie’s meaning was very clear. “I live in the Seneca Highlands subdivision.”

“That’s pretty close to where I live,” Brody said.

“Hmm, then the possibilities are endless,” she teased.

She got into her car and pulled out of the driveway and left the luxurious lake house that belonged to Rafe’s parents. She looked up occasionally to see if, true to his word, Brody was following her. Ivy may have gotten married, but Marie was intent on having some cake. Dinner was quickly forgotten because as soon as she ushered him through the door, he pulled her into his arms and devoured her lips with a kiss.

“Is it bad that when the preacher said
you may kiss the bride
I wanted to rush over and taste your lips?” Brody asked huskily. She loved the little Texas twang in his voice. The Lone Star state sure knew how to make them.

“Hell no, I was thinking dirtier things about you.” She felt her heart give a tumble and mentally cussed at it harshly, reminding herself she was in this for nothing more than fun. And then gave him access to the buttons of her dress.

They stumbled towards the sofa, all the while struggling with their clothes while their lips were locked in a kiss. Brody gave a low groan and pulled her on top of him as he lay back on the sofa. As the kiss became wild and hot, Brody fisted his hands in her hair as he took over the onslaught of her mouth. Marie accepted his hunger and passion excitedly; she’d never felt need consume her like this before. Brody used his foot to push her coffee table out of the way. Marie gasped and then her laughter mixed with his as they tumbled onto the floor.

“Damn, my pants are caught on my shoes,” he mumbled against her mouth.

Marie pulled away, breathing harshly and grinned. “Okay, let’s take a time out to get naked.”

“I agree.”

To Marie, it seemed they got their clothes off in record time, and, like magnets, they connected once more and their mouths fused. They rolled around on the floor, arms and legs entwined. Hands groped and massaged every inch of heated flesh they could find. She felt as if she were infused with heat.

“Oh, fuck, I want to feel you around me,” he said roughly.

Marie barely heard him. His hands cupped her breasts and she whimpered into his mouth. His lips traveled down her neck and then took one of her nipples in his mouth. As soon as her fingers dug into his shoulders, he feasted on her even more ravenously.

“Oh, damn, your mouth feels good,” she gasped out between unsteady breaths.

She heard the air conditioner kick on and the cold air against her skin made her shiver for just an instant, but soon, even that was forgotten.

Brody kissed his way down her body to where she was wet and eager for his touch. He pressed his lips against her pussy and feasted on her essence.

Marie drowned in the exquisite torture of it. His tongue licked at her clit, slowly, torturously, then, with an almost savage groan, he penetrated her with his stiff tongue.

“Oh, please!” she cried out. 

Brody wasn’t going to stop until he’d had his fill and he did so with such tenacity that Marie’s orgasm took hold so quickly it rocked her off her axis. She grabbed his hair and held on to his face and grounded herself against his mouth as sensation after sensation rolled though her. He kissed his way back up her body until he reached her lips. She could taste her juice on his lips.

“I want you inside me,” Marie said between kisses.

Brody pulled her to him roughly and she wrapped her legs around his waist before he drove himself deep inside her. He sat back on his haunches and pulled her up to sit on his lap. He thrust deep and she rode him with a primal vengeance. His hands were on her waist gripping her tight and pulling her hard against him.

“Damn, you’re so hot, so tight, I think I’m melting from just being inside you,” he growled against her ear.

“Oh, fuck yes, ” she gasped in ecstasy. “Take me harder.” Brody gave a low guttural cry and filled her over and over again. The sound of their carnal coupling filled the room and only enhanced the pleasure. Marie could feel herself going over into the abyss again.

“I’m going to come, oh, God, now!” she cried out.

“Ah, shit, I’m there…with you,” he moaned against her shoulder.

The orgasm that hit them both took their breaths away. Marie opened her eyes and watched the corded muscles in his neck strain as he threw his head back and gave in to his release. That sent her reeling once more into another orgasm that rolled through her like waves. They collapsed onto the soft carpet, both of their bodies hot, wet and slick from the intensity of their union.

“Wow,” Marie said. It was the only word she could form in her mind to give an accurate description to what she felt.

“Yeah,” was his muffled reply.

She turned her head to look at him and he was face down on the floor.

And she grinned. “So much better than dinner.”

“Definitely, but now I really do feel hungry.” Brody sighed. 

Marie groaned. “I did promise you a meal. Give me a few minutes to regain the use of my legs.”

“This I can do since I can’t move right now either.” Brody chuckled and turned to face her. “I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship.”

“A physical relationship, Brody. I’m not in the market for anything more than that,” Marie said honestly.

He stared at her for a moment, then said, “We’ll see what happens.

Now feed me, wench.”

She laughed and then gasped as he moved to her nipple and bit it gently before sucking the hard tip between his lips.

“You keep that up and we won’t be eating anytime soon.” She gasped again as desire curled in her belly.

“Okay, that’ll work.” He covered her with his body, and she felt his hard cock slip inside her again.

“Oh, baby, yes,” she moaned and arched into his slow, delicious thrusts.

She pushed the thought of him wanting more than a physical relationship aside. After all, he was like Ivy said, a playboy. She let herself slide into passion once more. It was the perfect way to release her stress.

The man knew exactly how to make her body writhe in delight.


Six weeks later…


Marie walked off the elevator onto the sixth floor where she worked at Walter Reed Hospital. She loved her job, loved being able to help injured men and women that served the United States proudly and with honor. But right now she felt like crap. The flu bug she’d been trying to fight had her feeling like she would upchuck the tea she drank on the way to work. For the last few days her appetite was nil and she was grumpy as the day was long. She walked behind the nurses’ station, shoved her purse into the drawer and put her head on the cool counter with a thump. 

“Marie?” Ivy placed her hand on her shoulder.

“Mmm?” That was as much energy as she could muster for an answer.

“Are you okay?” Ivy asked with worry in her voice.

“Dying. Kill me,” Marie mumbled. “I think I caught a flu bug or a stomach bug or maybe it’s Ebola. I feel like death warmed over. Make that nuked in a microwave and cooked to death.”

“Essentially, you don’t feel well,” Ivy said humorously and pulled Marie up by her shoulders. She moaned as she was forced to move.

“Hmm, you don’t feel like you have a fever.”

“I haven’t felt well the last two days. This is full-on ick factor times twenty,” Marie moaned. “Let me die.”

“You’re my best friend. How can I let you die?” Ivy soothed. “Maybe you should go home or I can get you something to eat. How about some tea and breakfast?”

Marie felt her stomach roll and she lurched to her feet. “Bathroom!” She ran down the hall with her hands clamped over her mouth and barely made it to the women’s facilities before she fell to her knees in front of the toilet and brought up the mint tea she drank. There was nothing in her stomach by now, but she kept retching until she was weak from the exertion of it. Ivy came in and silently bent over her and she felt the soothing coolness of a cold pack on her forehead.

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