Stepbrother Biker (MC BDSM Dark Erotic Romance)

BOOK: Stepbrother Biker (MC BDSM Dark Erotic Romance)
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Copyright (c) 2015 ELENA ASH
All Rights Reserved


This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are product of the authors imagination and are used in a fictitious manner. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
This ebook is for your personal enjoyment only. No copies may be resold or given away; if you would like to give away a copy please purchase additional copies for gifting purposes. If you are reading this and you did not purchase this ebook, please refer to the authors website and purchase a copy. Thank you for supporting the author!

All characters are over the age of 18 and have no blood relation.


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Pain reminds us we're alive.  Love reminds us why.






'm back! Anyone home?”

Kara announces giddy as she enters her house. She's bursting with excitement, for a lot of reasons. For one thing, it's a bright and sunny summer day, the kind of day she loves the most. But this particular day is extra special for her because she's nailed an interview at her favorite shop in the mall, landing her her first job. It's just a part time gig for the summer, but with college starting in three months she knows she'll need to make as much extra money as possible.

She makes her way into the kitchen and the living room, disappointed that her mom and stepdad Charles are no where to be found. On the refrigerator door she finds a note:


Good luck today, baby! Gone for the weekend with Charlie. Here's $20 for you and Cole to order pizza tonight. Love you much <3



Her shoulders slump when she reads it, although she's happy that her mom and Charles finally are getting a chance to go out because they both worked so hard to put a roof over her and Cole's head.


Her stepbrother Cole is not a nice guy. Kara was just entering her teen years when her mother married Charles; by that time, Cole was already a junior in high school. Even at that young of an age, Cole had a bit of a past, which is something Kara learned later. While they were dating, Kara's mom thought Cole was off at boarding school when he was actually in juvenile hall. Getting into fights in school wasn't uncommon for him—in fact, they were a pretty regular occurrence. But what got him kicked
of school was running an illegal gambling ring with some of his other classmates, which he refused to rat out. By the time their families merged, Cole was back at home and had cleaned up his act, supposedly, but the lie still caused a rift in her mother's marriage with charles.

Their time living together was short however. Almost immediately after graduation Cole high tailed it out of town and moved to the city, although he still came down to visit his dad most weekends. He skipped college, and no one seemed to have a definitive answer on what kind of job he held down, yet somehow he always had money, and plenty of it. It made Kara suspicious, but the last thing she wanted to do was to start trouble. Besides, Cole was always pretty distant and never made much of an effort to be a part of the family, despite his close bond with his father. In fact, she was relieved when he left, although she would never admit it to anyone other than herself.

Even during his weekend visits, he was rarely ever home, opting to ride his Harley around town with his old friends, usually with a different girl on the back. He never paid Kara any real attention until a few months ago, after she started to blossom.

She looks around the house nervously, checking for any sign of him.
God, I sure hope he doesn't come home this weekend. Why would he, anyways, if his dad isn't even here?

She makes her way down the hall, stopping in front of Cole's old room first and peaking inside through the cracked door. She breathes a sigh of relief when she doesn't see him.
Dodged a bullet.

She whips her shirt up over her head and makes her way into her room.

Hello, sister dearest.”

Instinctively, she jumps at the sound of his voice. It's Cole. And he's sitting in her room, on her bed.
Her eyes go wide and she throws her arms up over her chest.

What the hell are you doing here?” she asks.

He has a sly grin on his face and she notices how good he looks. He's tanner than usual, his dark hair is pushed back on top and buzzed on the sides, which is new. It looks good on him, she hates to think. And his strong jaw is covered with a little bit more than a day's growth, but not enough to hide those dimples of his that make all the girls melt. She's always thought he would be handsome if he weren't such a sadistic asshole.

I do kind of live here, or did you forget about me already?” he says.

Frustrated, she fumbles with her shirt and brings it up to cover cover her nearly naked body. “What the hell are you doing in my room,” she says with disgust.

He lets out a breath and falls back against the bars of her trundle. “Nothing much, I just got bored and needed some new reading material,” he says, holding up a small pink book with a lock.

She blinks, her eyes focusing on the object, as she slowly, and horrifyingly, recognizes what it is.
Wait that's not my....oh no..
Her heart skips a beat upon realizing he's reading her old diary.

you!” she says through gritted teeth. She lunges towards him, thrusting her hand out in an attempt to grab the book from him but he holds it away from her with his long, strong arm. He laughs as struggles with him, accidently dropping her shirt in the progress.

Cole holds her off with one hand and thumbs through the diary with the other. “Let's see,” he says as he attempts to read it. “January 22nd, 2013. Today I had my first sex dream.” His eyes go wide as as he glances back at her.

Kara growls at him, her arms flailing as she pushes Cole on his side against the bed. But he's still too strong and effectively holds her back.

But it wasn't just any kind of sex dream, it was a dream where he tied me up,” he continues. “Sis, this is some dirty dirty stuff. Tsk tsk, I'm disappointed in you.”

fucking asshole
,” she says, feeling her cheeks heat with a mix of embarrassment and anger. “Give that back to me now

You want it back?” he says, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her down on top of him. She pounds against his chest. “Tell me sis, did you write something in here about me? Because if you didn't I'm going to be very disappointed,” he continues with a fake pout.

Ugh, no, never,” she says, pushing away from him. “You're sick.”

He laughs loudly. “You really want it back? Here,” he says, holding the book out to her. She glances at it and back at his face suspiciously. “Do you want it or not? Go ahead, take it.”

She tentatively reaches out and snatches the book from him, fully expecting him to pull his hand back. Much to her surprise, he doesn't.

Cute bra,” he says, his gaze disappearing into her cleavage. She feels her face heat again as she hugs her diary to her chest.

Will you get out of here already? You have no right, no right at all to read my private thoughts.”

I have to admit, it was pretty hot,” he says, shifting on the bed. “Whips, ties, strong hands around your neck, a hand clamped over your mouth.” He tilts his head when she looks away in embarrassment. “I had no idea you were so dark, Kara. I like it I'm kind of turned on, actually.”

Her whole face contorts when she whips her head around to look him in the face.
My stepbrother is even more demented than I thought,
she realizes. There's a dark and sinister gleam in his eye.

But don't worry, your secret is safe with me,” he says.

Good, because I'm burning this,” she says, getting up from the bed and moving across the room.

Well that won't do you much good since I screencapped every page on my phone.”

Her eyes shoot open wide again. “You're lying,” she says.

See for yourself.” He pulls out his smartphone and hands it to her. That's when her heart sinks because she knows he isn't lying. She rips the phone from his hand and thumbs through the pictures. Just as he promised, there it is, every single picture of her diary. She's horrified and instantly leaps across the room and starts to hit delete.

He leans back again, with both hands behind his head. “Go ahead and delete them, I need the space and they're already uploaded to the cloud.”

She looks back at him angrily. She couldn't understand how one person could be so cruel. “Why are you doing this to me?” she asks, her voice cracking.

With a smirk plastered across his face, Cole stands up from the bed and makes his way towards Kara. She stumbles back against the dresser. His physical presence alone dwarfed hers, with him being almost a foot taller. He also had this intimidating air about him that always got under her skin.

He stops just a foot away from her and places one hand on the dresser, trapping her in a prison of his own creation.

What are you willing to do to keep this between you and I?” he whispers.

You're blackmailing me?” she asks, all choked up.

Astute observation, Kara,” he replies wryly.

We're family. Why would you try to hurt your own family?”

He shrugs a single shoulder. “I never claimed to be a knight in shining armor.”

You're more like a devil.”

His thick eyebrows raise up towards his hairline. “Hah, I guess I am, aren't I? The question still stands.”

She squirms in her place. “I don't have anything to give you. I don't have any money,” she says, her voice broken and small.

Well that won't be a problem at all since money isn't what I want from you,” he says, brushing her long ashen locks behind her ear.

Her whole body stiffens. “Then...what is it that you want?” she asks, already knowing what the answer is but not wanting to admit it to herself.

He smiles, dragging his finger along the edge of her jaw. “So smooth,” he says. He lets his finger trail down over her chest, which heaves when he grazes the top of her breast. “So soft.”

Stop,” she says, her voice not coming out nearly as strong as she had hoped. She flicks his hand away from her, only to have him pin her against the dresser with the weight of his body. Just the thin fabric of his V-neck separates their bodies, letting her feel every intimidating muscle of his pecs and abs against her. She turns away with a whimper, but his breath is hot against her cheek. “We have the whole weekend. That's plenty of time for us to explore the fantasies in your diary.”

Then suddenly, and much to her surprise, he pulls away. “The choice is yours, Kara,” he says. “When I come for you, don't refuse me and we'll keep this little secret between the two of us.”

She clutches the book to her chest again, refusing to look him in the eye as he smiles and exits the room. A few moments later she hears the door slam, followed quickly by the sound of his motorcycle speeding away.

She can still feel his body pressed against hers long after he leaves. And as much as she loathes him, he still gives her a feeling she doesn't quite understand.




That night, in her dreams she feels the bed dip down beside her as a warm and unfamiliar body takes it’s place beside her. Her eyes shoot open when she realize it isn’t a dream at all; it’s real.

Mmph,” she mumbles as a strong hand reaches around her, cupping her mouth shut.

His body is firm and well muscled against her back. He leans in against her, pressing her deep into the mattress. That darkly seductive voice whispers, “shhhhh, it’s just me,” against her ear. It’s Cole, but she’s not sure if she should let her guard down or not.

Relax,” he continues. “Or don’t. Either way.”

It’s not exactly easy to relax when his hand travel up her thigh. Her entire body tenses at the feeling of his fingers tickling her skin and entering private territory. He feels his way up underneath her silky night gown and tugs on the strap of her panties.

Isn't this what you've always wanted, Kara?” he whispers in to her, losing his grip over her mouth.

She mumbles something inarticulate against his hand. Her first instinct is to push him off and punch him hard but then she remembers her diary, the pictures, and what he said.
When I come for you, don't refuse me.
She knows that she has little choice here—either submit to Cole and his depraved plans, or be embarrassed in front of everyone, including her family and friends. Does she really want this? She knows that she doesn't want it with cole, but her body seems to have a different answer to that question every time he touches her.

He tugs her panties down an inch, right over her hips. “Well do you?” he asks.

I…” she begins to speak. But her entire train of thought is derailed the moment she feels his hand slip in between her thighs. Her lips part wider, nothing more than high pitched moans escaping past them as she feels his fingers brush over her slit.

In the past, she had only imagined a man touching her like this. Rarely had she mustered the guts to try it herself, and almost every time she stopped herself, a disapproving voice sounding off in her head. A voice that sounded just like her mother's. A voice that sounded just like the one in her head right now.

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