KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette (14 page)

BOOK: KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette
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“I know,” Scott answered. He had been pretty certain that
she lied about it, but it was nice to have that little nagging doubt in the
back of his mind taken away.

“You did?”

and I know yer were nae really
ill either. When yer asked me tae take yer tae the hospital.”

“Okay, I’m sorry about that too. I really messed up.”

It was a pretty low thing tae

“Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

“Aye, yer can get yer life back on track and take care of
yer girls properly.”

“I will.”

“And one last thing, I know I made a mistake by taking that
security job in Baghdad.
I should nae ever have done it.
It put a lot of pressure on both of us. If I could go back in time I would nae
do it
I take responsibility fer making that bad

“Do you think we could ever get back together, again?”

“Nae Katie, I’ve moved on. We shared some guid times and I
wish yer well. But, that is nae going tae happen.”

“Okay, well I hope you change your mind one day. But, I understand
your decision. Good luck Scott, bye.”

“Bye Katie.”

He hoped she meant it. She seemed to be handling things a
lot better and Scott thought she sounded sincere. He was happy. Everything
seemed to be falling in to place. He no longer needed to worry about someone
coming to his house and trying to attack him. And what had bothered him the
most; the pregnancy issue; was now confirmed as not true. It really turned out
to be a good day.

That evening, it got even better. As Scott was driving home
from work, Tiffany told him she was going to come out to Ohio for a visit. She would
be coming the weekend after next. Only ten days to wait! She planned to confirm
her flights with him as it grew closer to the time. He wondered after they
finished their chat, if she meant she just hadn’t booked the flights yet, or if
she planned to travel in the family’s private jet. It didn’t matter, either way
was good.


The next few days seemed to go slowly, as Scott prepared for
Tiffany’s visit. She indeed planned to come in on the private jet. They
arranged for her to arrive Saturday morning – this meant Scott could teach his
normal Friday night class. She was due to land at a small airport, a few miles southwest
of Columbus. Over time, Scott had ventured
places in Ohio, but this was a place he had never been to before. He needed to
check the map before her trip, and it looked to be a straight-forward journey.
As Tiffany’s visit drew closer, Scott’s excitement increased. It had been a
while since he’d had a visitor, and he was looking forward to it.


Scott arrived, just after noon, Saturday, at the airport. It
was a small airport and seemed to not be very busy. He sat down and waited for
her to arrive. He didn’t have to wait long. Soon, he spotted her walking
towards him. She was wearing white tennis shoes, jeans and a plain black t-shirt.
Her hair was up in a pony-tail and she carried an overnight bag on her
shoulder. She smiled, the closer she got to him.

“Hi Scott, how are you?” she said, as she put her bag down
and hugged him.

“I’m guid. How was yer flight?” he replied, as he hugged her
back and kissed her gently on the cheek.

“It was good.”

“So were yer the only one on board?” Scott asked,
inquisitively. He wasn’t an expert on private jets.

“Yes, it was just me. It was very peaceful.”

“Yer dinnae actually fly it yerself, do yer? Yer do have a

“Yes, there is a pilot. I don’t know how to fly planes, but
my Dad does. He flies on his own sometimes,” she replied, laughing.

“That’s cool. So what would yer like tae do today?” Scott
asked, as his picked up her bag.

“I don’t mind, you chose.”

They started to walk towards the exit.

“How aboot the zoo?
I hear there’s
a guid one in Columbus.
Or the movies.”

“The zoo sounds like fun. I haven’t been to a zoo for

“Okay, the zoo it is. I’m sure we can spend a few hoors
there. Then we can go oot tae dinner. Yer parent’s dinnae own any restaurants
aroond here, do they?”

“No, they don’t have any in Ohio,” she said, smiling.

“So how are they doing?”

“They’re good. I’m sure they’re still worrying about Kyle’s
trip. But, lately they do seem a little better.”

When they arrived at the car, Scott put her bag in the back.
Then, he opened the passenger’s door for her. She seemed a little surprised,
but smiled and got in. Scott got in, started the car and slowly began to drive
away from the airport.

“I am glad they dinnae seem so worried anymore. I’m sure
Kyle will be fine.”

“Yeah I know. I don’t know many details. But, Mom told me
you put them in touch with someone who’s going to look after him.”

“Aye, but yer cannae
tae Kyle.”

“It’s okay. Mom already told me that. I won’t tell him.”

“So, what did yer parent’s say when yer told them yer wanted
their plane tae come tae Ohio?”

“They didn’t mind at all. They like you.”

“Well that’s guid. They seem pretty cool.”

“They are. Do you get along well with your parent’s?”

“My parent’s died a long time ago, in a car accident.”

“I’m so sorry, Scott. I had no idea,” she said,

“It’s okay, yer could nae have known. It was very hard tae
deal with, but over time it gets easier.”

“I can’t even imagine how difficult that must have been. Do
you have any other family?”

“Nae, it’s just me. Well, I do have a sister back haem in
Scotland. But, she has nae talked tae me fer years. Are yer close with yer

“Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, Katy and I talk a lot. We don’t see
each other as often as we’d like since she got married and moved up to San
Francisco. But, we are close.”

“That’s guid. How aboot Kyle? Do yer get on well with him,

“We used to be really close. But, since he went to college,
we don’t talk that much anymore.”

“Okay,” Scott said, as he followed the signs to the zoo.


The zoo was busy. It was a gorgeous summer, Saturday in
Columbus and the popular zoo had attracted many families. Scott and Tiffany
continued to talk and find out about each other as they casually strolled
around, looking at the animals. Later that afternoon Scott saw one of the
younger kids that he taught in his kickboxing class. He said ‘hi’ to the child
and his family. Tiffany smiled as the big Scotsman bent down and talked to his
tiny student, she could tell that the boy really liked Scott. She teased him
later about how good he was with kids. He didn’t mind, he liked teaching the
kids, especially the really young ones and he was happy that they liked him

After they walked around a few hours at the zoo, they left
and went to dinner. Scott let Tiffany chose the restaurant. She said she was in
the mood for Italian food, so that was where they went. It was still early on
the Saturday evening so the restaurant wasn’t very busy. After their meal,
which they both thoroughly enjoyed, they returned to the car and headed back
towards Ashville.


“So, what do yer think of Ohio, so fer?” Scott asked.

“It’s nice. Columbus seems to be a pretty cool city. But, I do
love where I live. The ocean and the mountains make it really special.”

“Aye, I can understand that.”

“I guess I’m just used to the West Coast.”

“Okay. So how are yer feeling? Do yer want tae go oot tae a
bar or something or do yer just want tae come back tae my house and watch a

“I’ve had a long day. So, just going back to your place to
relax, sounds great.”

“Okay, I thought yer may be a wee bit tired. We’ll be there
in aboot half

Soon they arrived at Scott’s house. He gave Tiffany a tour
of the house, which didn’t take long, and then showed her to the guest room.
She asked if she could take a shower as she’d traveled a lot that day. Scott
told her to take her time, he was going to watch TV and she could join him when
she was ready.


About forty-five minutes later Tiffany appeared in the
living room. She was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a white top. Her hair
was now down, and it was still a little wet.

“I’m sorry. I dinnae have much use fer a hair-dryer or yer
could borrow it.”

Tiffany laughed.

I have one in my bag. I
like to let it dry naturally sometimes,” she said, as she ran her fingers
through it.

comfortable,” Scott
said, as he got up from the couch.

“Thanks,” she replied, as she sat down.

Scott noticed her purple painted toenails as she lifted her
feet onto the couch, crossing her ankles and holding her arms around her

“Are yer cold?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“I’m going tae open a bottle of wine. Would yer like red or

“Red please.”

Soon, Scott returned with the wine. He sat down next to her
and put his arm around her. She snuggled up close to him and they started to
watch a movie. They watched it all, sitting happily and relaxed together on the
couch. When it finished Tiffany turned to Scott.

“Scott, I know when we talked for the first time a few weeks
ago, we both said we weren’t looking to get involved. I know I meant it and I
think you did too. Well, to be honest, I find you attractive, you’re smart, you
make me laugh, you make me feel safe, you’re a gentleman, you’re good with
kids, you’re kind, you’re strong. Do I need to go on?”

That just makes things easier
because I was going tae do this anyway, and now I know I’m nae going tae get my
face slapped,” he replied, as he ran his fingers through her long dark silky
hair. He stopped at the back of her neck. His other hand gripped her waist
firmly and he gently pulled her close to him. He leaned in towards her and
lightly brushed his lips against hers, and just barely touched them. He did
this a few
he sensually teased her, before he
kissed her properly. When their lips met he moved both of his hands to the
sides of her neck and gently caressed it. She held him tightly, her arms
wrapped around his muscular torso. As the kiss continued his hands moved
downwards and started to massage her back and shoulders. She gave out little
moans of pleasure as his strong hands worked into her muscles.

After a few minutes Scott moved his lips from hers. He
kissed the side of her
he continued to rub her
back. Her hands moved onto his chest and started to explore his body. She then lay
back on the couch. She pulled Scott down towards her.

They started to kiss again, her hands rubbed his back. She
moved one hand to the back of his head and held it tightly. After a few minutes
of kissing and caressing, Scott rose from her and stood up. He leaned down and
lifted her up in his arms.

“I’m taking yer somewhere more comfortable,” he said, as he
whisked her away to his bedroom.

“I thought I was in the guest room,” she said, smiling as he
carried her to his room.


Scott gently placed her on the bed, stepped back and shut
the door behind him. He quickly lit a couple of candles that were on his
bedside table and stood by the side of the bed. Tiffany got onto her knees and
crawled over to him. She reached over to him and lifted his shirt over his
head. She placed her hands on his muscular chest and then lightly ran her
tongue over it. She traced down, over his abs. As her tongue moved down, her
hands moved down too. Just as she started to unfasten his belt, Scott raised
her arms and lifted her top over her head. She stopped for a moment, but,
quickly resumed.

Scott felt excited as her hands moved down his
she removed his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. His eyes
took in the beauty of her tanned, gorgeous body. His thoughts were brought back
to the moment as she removed his jeans. He was left in black boxers.

All that remained of her garments were her ‘daisy dukes’ and
white bra. Scott slowly removed all traces of denim from her. He was left with
a visual that took his breath away, her tanned body in just white lacy panties
and bra. With this, he quickly moved alongside her in to bed and resumed their
passionate embrace.

He removed the rest of her clothing and moved over the top
of her. He gently held and moved her arms above her head. His tongue worked its
way down her body. It teased and nibbled at her breasts, and sensually licked
her nipples. As he moved lower, he needed to release her hands. She gripped the
back of his head and pulled him in, closer to her. He placed kisses all over
her stomach, sides and wandered lower over her thighs. As he moved in between
her legs, his tongue teased and darted around her core. Her body pulsed with
excitement. He felt as she arched her back, she lifted her knees as he
continued to pleasure her. As he felt the intensity of her excitement growing, so
did his. He continued to move his tongue. He moved faster and slower. He gaged
it, depending on her breathing, until she let out a loud moan and her entire body
tensed up.

Scott moved his body up the length of hers, and tenderly
kissed the side of her neck as he slowly guided himself gently inside her. He
looked into her eyes as he moved deep within her. As their passion mounted, he
thrust harder and deeper. She gripped the back of his head tightly and drew his
face to hers, not wanting to let him go.

Their lips met and their passion mounted. It had been a
while since Scott had made love, and it didn’t take long before he could no
longer hold out. His body tensed, her eyes, her touch, the feel of her, he was
in the middle of an amazing orgasm.

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