Keyboards and Kink (37 page)

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Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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May followed him outside. She stepped closer and
reached up and softly kissed his lips. They were beautiful and full
and she could have cried at how much emotion and chemistry she felt
through that single touch.

She made a decision there and then and stepped back
away from him, taking off her bra and knickers in double quick

“May, I can’t—” But his eyes told her something
different and that’s what urged her on.

Her balcony overlooked a park and she quickly scanned
the area just in case. Nobody around, although it would be very
naughty to know people were watching her…

May pulled at his jeans and in no time, even without
his help, he was as naked as she was.

“This isn’t a good idea.”

“I just want you one time, then you can go if you
insist. But don’t deny you want me, Alex. Your body is telling me
so.” She looked down at the hardness nudging her belly and knew it
would be as amazing as she’d been fantasizing.

“Have you got protection?” she asked, knowing she did
somewhere but not wanting another distraction, just in case he
disappeared on her. She needed this, needed him.

Alex reached into his discarded jeans and pulled out
a packet and she grabbed them. She wanted him inside her right

“Slow down, it’ll rip.” He was right, of course. She
took a deep breath and rolled it down his cock and into place. At
last she could make love to him.

But she wasn’t the first to react. His hands were
everywhere and she had to brace her hands on the glass door behind
her to steady her suddenly jelly legs. Alex’s tongue circled her
nipples and bit them hard, causing her to cry out and bring his
head up to take her mouth hard and fast.

Nothing could move fast enough for her, his hands,
her hands, their mouths…

At last he turned her around and pushed her to the
balcony railing. Alex reached in between her legs from where he
stood behind her and plunged his fingers deep.

“Oh my…” Her legs began to buckle but her death grip
on the railing kept her upright. His mouth was down there next and
she leant over more to give him greater access to her wet pussy.
His soft tongue licked hard and fast before travelling straight up
to her ass.

She couldn’t help but giggle and she felt him chuckle
as his stubbly chin grazed her upper thighs.

“Are you ready for me, baby?” Was she ready? She
wanted to scream that she was ready. But the fact she was draped
over her balcony in a pretty good part of London, naked and having
sex, would probably already get her arrested.

“Please.” That was really all she could manage, but
he was on his feet in no time and was plunging inside her pussy and
riding her like she was a bucking bronco.

She pulled at her own nipples as he reached around
and rubbed at her clit. May reached down to feel Alex’s cock move
in and out her pussy. Man, she was about to come bucket loads and
she hoped this railing could take it!

Her orgasm, when it came, was mind-blowing. She
tensed, inadvertently bringing him off as well as she screamed his
name into the night. Alex’s hand came over her mouth a moment too
late as he pulled her, both still attached to each other, inside
the apartment and closed the balcony door.

They stayed like that for a few moments before Alex
slipped out of her, got dressed and walked to the front door.

“Listen, I’ll call you and we’ll meet up, okay?” She
plastered on a smile and nodded and then he was gone.


May felt completely humiliated for throwing herself
at him when all he’d wanted to do was leave, and that had certainly
been what had happened as soon as he was done.

May took a deep breath and walked into her bedroom to
retrieve her robe. Glancing in her mirror as she passed, her hair
was manic, and her skin reddened from his touch. Her nipples felt
fantastic and were rock solid. She pulled on them again and the
wetness between her legs intensified once more.

She was such a hussy, she thought as she grinned.

Then again, she couldn’t help it, she was a Succubus.
Her past sexual experiences consisted of doing her job by devouring
someone's sexual soul or, occasionally, having sex with another
demon. But demons were so vain it was rarely much fun. Alex had
been her first human and it had been… sweaty. And beautiful and

She looked in the mirror again and saw the stubble
burns left over from that lovely kiss. Why did her heart have to
get involved? Alex should have just been her ticket into
normalville. There was nothing in the terms that said she had to
fall in love as well.

She looked over at another of the thirty-day
calendars she had dotted around her flat. This time next week, May
would be cleaning toilets in Hell if she didn’t get Alex charmed
like yesterday.

She walked out of her bedroom and tried to think of a
plan B. Unfortunately, she was all out ideas on how to score her



Chapter Three


Alex was a bastard of the biggest kind.

Everything told him so from the taste of her still on
his lips, to the paperwork still lying on his desk. He needed to do
the right thing, do his job, and step away.


Before he managed to do anything else stupid. Like
admit that he was in love with a woman who set his body on fire and
called to his very soul.

There was only one thing he could do. Alex dialled
the number he knew off by heart and waited a few moments for it to
be answered.

“Yes,” the old woman on the other end said.

“It’s Alex Stone. I have the whereabouts of a May

“Finally. It’s taken you longer than usual to find
this one. Much longer. I thought you’d gone on holiday and
forgotten your job, lover boy.” Her tone, coupled with his guilt,
made him ready to explode, but he just wanted this over. Alex gave
her May’s address and he went to hang up his phone.

“We’ll be in touch, Alex. Thank you, young man. And
good job.” He murmured something into his phone and threw it to the
desk. Well, he’d done it. Something that should have been done
weeks ago.

Alex stomped off into his bathroom and switched the
shower to the coldest setting. Now all he needed to do was go wash
the feel of her off his body. Then hopefully he could fall into a
coma or something because he sure as hell wasn’t ever forgetting
the most amazing sex he’d ever experienced with the most amazing
woman he’d ever met.

Shit, he was going to hell.


His computer was bleeping at him as he came out of
the shower thirty minutes later. A sick feeling overtook him. Alex
knew that sound. Pulling on his jeans and discarding the towel he
was drying his hair with, he looked at the screen.

May. She wanted to chat.

Fuck. He couldn’t do this, not now. Already his dick
was growing, just seeing her gorgeous smiling face on her profile
picture. And, he looked closer. She’d changed her status to “no
longer looking for love.” His heart made that stupid little lurch
and he pushed the piles of paper on his desk to the floor in one
outraged swipe.

Why did it have to be her?

This was way too complicated. A relationship that
started off with a lie. That was never good, whatever way one
looked at it. He clicked the delete button on his profile before he
could talk himself out of it.

The pop-up on the screen asked him if he was sure. He
clicked the yes button and he disappeared from the site. He took a
deep breath and ran his hand through his drying hair. Was this what
he wanted? May out of his life?

The answer was a resounding no.

He picked up his phone and dialled the other number
he’d learnt off by heart and let it ring until it was picked

“Hello, May, it’s Alex.”

Silence drifted down the line for a few moments and
he waited for her to slam the phone down or call him a piece of
shit. “Alex. Thanks for calling.”

“I, er, would like to make it up to you. My bad
behavior, I mean. I don’t usually just walk out after sex. I need
to explain.” Hell, he was fucking this right up. He needed to man
up and tell her, straight up.

“Okay. Can I come over?”

He hesitated for only a second before agreeing. This
wasn’t just a quick fling, after all. “Sure, I’ll text you the


May was nervous. This was her chance to tell Alex how
she felt about him and of course, her chance to become human by
winning the bet with the Devil. As she stood on the pavement
looking at the large house, she wondered if she didn’t know
anything about the man she thought she’d fallen for. Her heart had
told her he was the one. The emotions she’d rarely felt before as a
Succubus, were they misleading her now as a human?

She walked slowly up the driveway, past the vintage
car and to the front door, hesitating before using the large
knocker. Alex seemed to only react to her sexually. Was she
completely wrong about him? Did he just see her as a sexual being?
Nothing more than what she was as a demon?

Doubts niggled her as she waited for him to answer.
She would soon find out.

Alex’s house was large and opulent and very
masculine. He’d changed his clothes from a couple of hours before
when they’d had quick, mind-blowing sex on her balcony.

“Please, come in.” He sounded wooden and so
uncomfortable that May almost wanted to put him out of his misery
and leave.

“Thank you.” He automatically took her coat and this
time, instead of thinking he would fall for her charms in her
skimpy underwear like before, she wore a deep burgundy dress that
hugged her curves but covered her from neck to ankle.

“I wanted to apologize for before. I shouldn’t have
just taken off like that.”

May nodded and turned away from him. She needed
courage. “Can I have a drink?”

“Of course, you’re a white wine girl, right?” She
nodded and followed him into another room where he quietly made

“We got off to a bad start tonight,” May admitted.
Careful not to freak him out straight away as she edged into the
conversation she’d been practicing all the way to his house. “I’m
very attracted to you, Alex, but it’s more than that for me. I
hoped it was for you too?”

He swirled around the amber liquid in his glass a
little before turning his blue eyes to hers.

“I’d like to admit that it’s just a physical thing
for me but…” He took a gulp of his drink before continuing “…it
looks like it’s much more than that, May.”

Hope soared inside her. Maybe this could work out,
after all.

Taking a last sip of his drink, he set it down on a
mantelpiece and stepped towards her. “For the last three weeks,
you’re all I can think of. But the thing is, I can’t do this
without being honest with you. And I really think that what I have
to say is going to push us apart.”

The words of Lilu rocketed up in her head:
All he
has to do is tell you he loves you, and you’ve won the bet
. How
much did she want to be human?

So much.

May could deal with stuff afterwards, couldn’t she?
The lie was a whopper by even her standards.

“I have something to tell you too, Alex. But
everything can wait until tomorrow, right?” She reached up to the
collar of his t-shirt and trailed her fingers along the exposed
skin of his throat. Guilt once again bubbled in her throat and
threatened to make her puke. Was she really duping Alex like this?
What a bitch she actually was. She didn’t deserve to be on Earth,
she deserved to still be in Hell with the dirge of society.

“Okay.” He smiled as he bent his head and kissed her
softly on the lips. Tears welled behind her eyes, but she didn’t
stop him.

She was an awful person.


Alex invigorated her, made her wish for a fresh start
after the thirty days. If only she didn’t have to lie.

They were naked in his bedroom and she was tied to
his bed with silken bonds. Alex’s mouth was between her legs,
licking and nibbling at her pussy lips, but she couldn’t move away
from the intensive feelings until she was coming, screaming and
writhing in his mouth.

“You taste beautiful.”

“Maybe if you’d like to bring that lovely cock over
here, I could taste you too?” He got to his feet, in all his naked
glory, and strolled around to the side of the bed. He knelt next to
her head and held his cock near her face.

“Come closer, I can’t reach you!” May stretched but
her restrained arms wouldn’t give any more. Alex chuckled and
gently rubbed his dick around her now open lips. “Mmm.”

When he dipped his shaft into her mouth at last, May
took him fully, sucking him in and out as Alex thrust deep

“Wow, you’ve got an amazing mouth.” Taking him
deeper, she used her tongue to tickle him and make him hotter for

It didn’t take him long to come and she licked him
clean as he shuddered, finally collapsing next to her on the

After a few minutes he reached over and untied her
hands and then May untied her feet.

“I hope you’re not done yet, sweetie?” She got back
onto the bed and snuggled up to him.

“Absolutely not,” he said, pulling her to him,
kissing her neck and chuckling.

Alex grasped her breast and nuzzled her nipple then
moved down her stomach and kissed her there. “You’re so beautiful,
I can’t get enough of you. I think… I love you.” He looked up into
her face, a barrage of emotions running across his own.

May’s heart soared as her hand went down to his face,
and her eyes began to fill up. “I love you too, baby.” Alex moved
up the bed and cuddled up to her, kissing and smiling until she
pulled away.

“Well, I’m going to get a glass of water, okay?”

“Be back soon,” Alex murmured as he kissed her ear.
May shot up out of bed, naked, and walked quickly to the hallway
and stood there, out of sight, breathing heavily.

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