Keyboards and Kink (36 page)

Read Keyboards and Kink Online

Authors: Danica Avet,Sandra Bunio,Vanessa Devereaux,Carolyn Rosewood,Melissa Hosack,Raven McAllan,Kassanna,Annalynne Russo,Ashlynn Monroe,Casey Moss,Xandra James,Jorja Lovett,Eve Meridian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Keyboards and Kink
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May pulled away and smiled, watching as the glaze in
his eyes diminished.

“Th-thank you, I think?” She nodded and stepped out
of his now loose arms.

“And you might want to start with her,” May
whispered, nodding her head discreetly towards the other woman. The
drunk man turned, blushed and downed his beer before muttering
another thank you.

She may not be firing on full cylinders here on
earth, but she sure as hell could sprinkle a little love dust
around still.

“I thought I was going to have to throw him over the
bar and rescue my fair maiden.” May closed her eyes at the sexy
whisper, close behind her, and shivered.

Bingo. All else was forgotten as she turned to find
Alex smiling at her.

He was even more perfect in real life.

Big and tall, he made her want to wrap her fingers
into his softer than silk hair. The dress shirt he wore covered a
large physique and it was tucked into a pair of faded denim jeans
that hugged thick thighs and long legs. She looked back up into his
face and smiled.

May stepped a little closer to him in the crowded bar
and felt a sizzle of awareness course through her body. She
steadied herself before she even dared to mutter a word.

“I wondered whether you were going to stand me

Instead of saying a word, Alex’s hands found her
waist as he ducked his head and grazed her lips with a soft kiss.
The rapid music of the bar was in tune with the beat of her heart
as he pulled away, just enough to kiss the tip of her nose.

“It’s too busy in here, want to go somewhere
quieter?” His beautiful blue eyes told her exactly what he wanted.
And she wanted it too. More than anything.

May nodded her acceptance as one hand moved lower
over the curve of her backside.

The smile that lifted the corner of his mouth singed
her spine, melting her body towards his for a moment before they
were walking briskly out of the bar, drunken laughter and raised
voices soon a distant memory to the warm spring evening.

May shivered, not from the cold but from desire. She
wasn’t sure whether she’d ever felt like this before.

“I’m going to be brutally honest here, May.” His sexy
voice made her nipples stand to attention. “You look stunning
tonight but I’m pretty sure if we don’t get out of public view
soon, people will be lining up for tickets. Wait here, I’ll get my

She looked stunning? May couldn’t help the goofy grin
that spread along her face at the compliment. She’d obviously heard
all of them before, but when they actually meant something?

The leather jacket she wore, despite just about
covering her ass, was only actually covering a thong and sexy bra.
And she was hoping that Alex would be discovering that fact pretty
damn soon. May stepped to the curb and looked down the road where
he had disappeared to and elegantly tumbled down the step.

“Fuckity, fuck.” Luckily she’d caught herself with
one hand on the pavement but not before mooning a passing taxi. She
righted herself before she could embarrass herself any further and
checked her stupidly high heels for scuffs. Bloody things would
probably be the death of her.

May was so distracted by her own idiocy she didn’t
realize it was Alex who’d pulled up next to her. She glanced
towards the vehicle and did a double take. Well, well, well—he was
full of surprises. She’d put him down for something sexy and fast.
His car was sexy alright, just vintage as well. An Aston
Martin—probably more expensive than her flat.

A niggle of doubt settled in her stomach but she
dismissed it. Maybe he was a very good computer programmer, as he’d
told her he was. With family money. She nodded to herself as she
settled into the plush interior of the car. Yes, that must be

“Beautiful car,” May murmured as she held the gaze of
the man whose hunger heated the space between them. Finally his
eyes dropped and she knew what he was seeing. Had she deliberately
allowed her coat to ride so high, to expose the tops of her inner
thighs to him? The temptress in her laughed seductively. The woman
inside wanted to deny it, wanted to scream at Alex to see the
person beneath the beauty and the charm.

“Thank you.” He was a man of few words, something she
appreciated. She could definitely live with that.

He was still looking his fill, and her inner vixen
wanted a little foreplay and she finally admitted she did too. Her
hands rested on her thighs, gently rubbing up and down. May watched
the torrent of expressions cross his face before looking at her
hands. She liked the red of her nails as she opened her thighs
slightly and dipped her hand to rest gently on her knickers, noting
to herself how wet they were becoming.

May let her fingers play there a little before
finally resting her hand back on her thigh again and looking back
into Alex’s face. He looked about ready to explode, his face ruddy
and his lips wet.

“Where to?” His voice was husky, croaky, and May
liked to think he was as excited as she was for this. They’d
skirted the issue of sex the whole time they’d spoken online but it
was always there.

“Take me home. And make it fast.”


Alex could barely contain himself as he followed her
beautiful ass up the stairs—especially after that display in the
car—to the second floor flat. He kept getting peeks of rounded
backside and he knew she was very aware of what was going on. She’d
glanced around a couple of times, and even though her face was
blushed, that cheeky little grin had told him everything.

“If you don’t get a move on up these stairs, that ass
of yours will catch a cold of its own.” The loud, rich laugh from
her was unexpected and made him grin as she fiddled with her house
keys and finally pushed open her front door.

Alex glanced around her house, his security training
from years ago allowing him to take quick stock of everything very
quickly. Exits, possible threats, no personal photos, everything
was very neutral… Something didn’t quite add up at the back of his
mind but he couldn’t quite put a finger on it. The place just
didn’t particularly look lived in.

“Have you been here long?”

“Oh, not very.” That didn’t tell him much and his
digging had told him even less. May Frost had been, for all intents
and purposes, off the grid for a while, something that made him
more curious the more he ached to be with her.

Alex’s eyes ate up every part of the woman standing
feet away from him. She was more perfect than her pictures had
given her credit for. Her rich, dark, creamy exotic skin was
flawless, her dark, grey eyes mesmerizing. They darted up to his
every now and again and he wondered how deep he was getting

Alex’s dick grew as he watched her. He’d had a job to
do and fucking her in her sexy little outfit certainly wasn’t part
of it.

He couldn’t do this. Alex Stone might be a lot of
things, but he had morals, even if he had to dig deep to find them.
After one more long lingering look at the leather jacket that just
skimmed her ass and exposed the most amazing legs he’d ever had the
urge to wish were wrapped around him, he smiled and stepped back.
Almost as if he could break the spell she had on him if he was just
a few inches back from her.

“Listen. I have an early start tomorrow. Maybe we
could do this another time?” The dismissal was there in his tone.
He didn’t want to sound like an asshole for leading her on, but it
was for her own good, he had to remember that.

But watching her face try not to show disappointment
almost killed him.

May nodded slowly before reaching up to the top of
her coat and popping the top button, exposing the ample flesh of a
luscious cleavage.


“If you want to go that’s fine.” She carried on
unbuttoning the coat and the deep V of her breasts pulled all
moisture from his mouth. He had to make himself look back up into
her face. “But I’m just going to go ahead and get myself
comfortable here.” The coat was undone down to her navel and he
just wanted to run from the house before he ripped that black strip
of lace covering those bouncing beauties of hers off with his
teeth, but his feet were glued to the floor.

Probably from the weight of his dick.

As May stepped closer and fluttered her eyelashes at
him, he said, “Your eyes are very sparkly and beautiful, has anyone
ever told you that?”

She stopped mid-step and held his gaze. “You can

“Of course I can talk. I’m pretty sure there’s enough
blood still running to my brain.” For the time being at least.

She nodded slowly and stepped back away from him.

“I… should… ah…” Fuck, he’d forgotten whatever he was
going to say as she peeled the leather coat from her body,
revealing another lacy strip of material between her legs that
covered nothing.

“I’m just going to make myself a drink.” Alex’s eyes
sought every part of her body before he reached the sexy strumpet’s
face and realized he’d called this very wrong. He wasn’t taking
advantage of her here. She wanted this. Those smoky eyes and glossy
full lips were daring him to rise to the occasion.

And he wasn’t going to disappoint.


May looked at her leather coat draped over the sofa
and stuffed the disappointment back where it belonged—in the box
labelled, “idiot.” Of course he wasn’t going to declare his love
before her clothes were off. Once a Succubus, always a Succubus.
And just because she hadn’t been able to charm him? It didn’t mean
a thing.

It was all about her dream of being a human and not a
demon any longer. Losing wasn’t an option. May urged herself to
carry on, to ignore the hurt feelings inside and live out his
fantasies. If it got her what she wanted…

May looked down at the bulge in his trousers and

“If you keep looking at me like that, it’ll be all
over in no time.” It was still so strange to her to put a voice to
Alex. She’d wondered if he could get any sexier than those nights
she spent laughing at his stories about his computer clients and
gossiping about her fake days.

Now, seeing him there with hunger for her in his eyes
turned her on so much. Alex was special and she was so grateful
that Lilu had chosen that particular dating site for the bet. She
stepped forward, grinned and put a hand against Alex’s chest.

Standing on tiptoes, May’s lips hovered over the side
of his before touching gently. If a bomb had gone off in the
building, she wouldn’t have noticed. Alex turned into her mouth and
he watched her with hooded eyes, as she did him.

The kiss was gentle, special. Everything she’d ever
thought it would be with him as she’d lain in her bed at night and

And then, in an instant, it changed. Alex’s hand
captured her waist and pulled her close in to his body. His
erection pushed into her lower belly and she couldn’t get enough of
the feeling. Her mouth opened and he was inside, taking everything
she could give and demanding so much more.

Alex’s hands tangled in her hair and pulled out the
small hair band, her black locks tumbling free. May was in pleasure
city, pushing her hands under his shirt to get to his hard body
beneath, craving his touch more than the air she breathed.

How could she have never experienced this before?

“You’re wearing too many clothes.” Her voice sounded
breathless, eager and demanding, all at once.

His laugh was sexy and deep and the moisture between
her legs intensified. Pulling at his shirt, she popped the buttons
and she absently realized that wasn’t very nice.

“That was my lucky shirt.”

“Oops?” She circled his nipples with her tongue and
nibbled, causing him to groan and slide his hands down her arms,
pushing the straps of her bra off of her shoulders.

May’s lips trailed down his hard chest and then lower
still over his stomach as his hands came to rest upon her head.

Her fingers made quick work of the trousers’
fastenings and pulled them down, followed by his shorts as his dick
sprung free.

May glanced up to the sexy man whose dick she now
held in her hand and knew life couldn’t get any better than this
for her. Alex’s eyes were hooded but were staring straight back at

“Do you want me to start right here?” May moved her
hand up and down a little and smiled sexily as he looked

“Maybe if I do it a little faster, you’ll manage to
give me an answer?” She kept her eye on him as she picked up speed.
Alex’s body was amazing. She’d never thought she would ever meet a
man like him online. She’d talked herself into finding a nice,
average man for her bet.

“I never thought there’d be a naughty girl under that
sensible suit.”

“I’ve been waiting for the right man to take it off
for.” It was friendly, silly banter but even though she had his
penis in her hand he was tensing up. What was wrong?

May took her hand away from him and sat back on her
haunches, looking up at him.

“Is it me? Is that what’s making you feel
uncomfortable? Because something’s going on, am I right?” Alex
pushed his hand through his hair and threw out a string of curse
words that made May blink. Still she kept quiet and waited for him
to speak.

But he didn’t.

He pulled up his trousers and stepped away towards
the large door that opened onto the balcony and unlocked it. It
swung outwards and sent a warm breeze into the room that made May’s
nipples stand to attention. Still he said nothing.

The silence was deafening and she couldn’t stand it
any longer. She had to ask the question that was now pounding away
at her brain, the only obvious question.

“Don’t you want me, Alex?”

“Of course I do, May. I just can’t do this. I’m
sorry. I have my reasons. I…” He brushed her hair back from her
face and traced her cheekbone down to her lips. “…don’t want to
hurt you, baby.”

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