Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
sacrifice and a new covenant. Satan was confused. He
Just Because
had been planning to kill Jesus, but it seemed Jesus
was planning to die. Satan wanted Jesus to die, but
first he wanted Jesus to sin. He had no idea that Jesus
dying would crush his head and destroy his power,
but he was worried that Jesus seemed to be planning
His own death.
I believe that Satan had a plan. What if he could
get Jesus to refuse to die and sin against His Father
and then kill Him after He sinned? This seemed like
an excellent plan to Satan, because Jesus would no
longer be perfect, and He would be disobeying God.
Satan silently entered Gethsemane. He remembered
another beautiful garden thousands of years before
when he had tempted a perfect man and woman.
Jesus was kneeling in prayer. Perhaps he whispered
something like this.
“You don’t want to die, Jesus. You don’t need
to die. Why should You die for these stupid people?
They deserve to die for their own sins. God can
find another way. There is no need for You to suffer
terrible pain for hours. God can just snap His fingers
and say they are forgiven.”
Satan was lying. He is the father of lies. But his
soft words tempted Jesus and Jesus asked the Father
if there was any other way than for Him to die on the
cross. Then He spoke words that made Satan furious.
He said, “Not My will but Yours, Father.” Jesus was
saying He would do exactly as His Father wanted, no
matter how hard it was for Him. Satan tried to tempt
Him again and again, and each time Jesus would
pray and ask the Father the same thing, but every
time Jesus said He would obey perfectly.
Just Because
Satan might have thought Jesus was tempted
because of the pain of the cross, but he was mostly
wrong. Jesus knew He would have great pain, but
worse than this He knew all the sins of every person
ever born would be put onto Him. Jesus had to take
our sins as though He did them Himself, so that we
could be forgiven. He took our sins onto the cross,
and that is why He died. He died the death we should
have died. He is perfect, He never sinned, He hates
sin, but He loves sinners.
Satan knew he had lost. He brought the soldiers,
and through Judas he led them to Gethsemane. Into
the garden they came, heaps of them with clubs and
swords, and with them the chief priests and big shots
from the temple. Then Peter drew his sword to stop
them and chopped off the ear of the high priest’s
servant who was standing there waving a club. But
Jesus grabbed his arm and said, “Peter, put away your
sword. I am not leading an army.” Then He picked up
the ear from the ground and put it back on the guy
again, and it healed up straightaway.
They grabbed Jesus and tied His hands. They
were going to take the disciples, but Jesus told them
to leave them alone. The disciples ran away, afraid
they would be taken as well. They took Jesus to a
place and had a trial, like when a criminal goes to
court. They wanted to find a reason to kill Jesus so
they were asking stupid questions and getting people
to say things that were not true. They wanted Jesus
to claim He was God so they could kill Him. In those
days to say that was not like today when people say
anything they like.
Just Because
So the high priest asked Jesus, “Are you God?
The Son of God?”
And Jesus replied that He was. The chief priest
and all of the leaders called Him names and yelled
that He must die. Then they spit on Him, punched
Him in the face and beat Him up. Jesus did not fight
back. He took their hatred and continued to love them.
The Romans were in control of Israel, and only the
Romans could kill a criminal, so the Jewish leaders
knew they would have to get the Roman governor
to sentence Jesus to death. None of these people
knew their evil ideas and plans were known by Jesus
Christ even before He created the world. And none of
them knew He was letting them do this so even they
could one day ask His forgiveness and be saved, Just
Because He wants all people to leave their sins and
to be His disciples, even though most people don’t
want to know Him.
Chapter 36
The next morning the chief priests took Jesus to
the Roman governor whose name was Pontius
Pilate. When Judas saw Jesus coming out of the
temple, with his face covered in blood, he realised
they were going to kill Jesus. Judas felt so guilty
that he killed himself. Jesus would have forgiven
him, because there is no sin too bad for the Lord
to forgive, but Judas let Satan take over his life. As
Jesus was leaving He also saw Peter, and their eyes
met for a moment. Peter had been crying. During
the night people had said they knew he was Jesus’
disciple, and three times Peter had said, “No, I don’t
know Jesus.” And then the rooster had crowed, and
Peter remembered Jesus’ words.
They took Jesus to Pilate and told the Roman
governor that Jesus was a troublemaker who claimed
to be a king.
So Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the king of the
And Jesus replied, “It is as you say.”
Just Because
Pilate decided Jesus was just a bit of a dreamer
and not a real criminal. He thought that if Jesus were
whipped this would be enough to change His mind
about being a king. So the soldiers took Jesus out
into a big courtyard, and there they tied Him to a
whipping post. They lifted His arms up above His
head and tied them to the post so that His skin was
tight. Then they brought out the biggest, strongest,
meanest soldier they could find, and in his hand was
a whip called the cat-o’-nine-tails. The whip had nine
long straps of leather on it, and on the straps were
pieces of sharp metal and bone.
So the soldier walked up to Jesus, and bringing
back his hand he slashed the whip across Jesus’
back. The straps wrapped around the Lord’s body
and dug into His skin. Then the soldier twisted the
cat-o’-nine-tails and pul ed with al his might. As
the whip was pul ed from the Lord it took with it
long slices of His skin. The pain was terrible. They
hit Jesus thirty-nine times with the cat-o’-nine-tails.
When they were finished Jesus had almost no skin
left on His back and chest.
Now you would think this would have been
enough. But, no, these soldiers didn’t like Jewish
people, and they were probably thinking, “This guy
thinks He’s a king, does He? A king needs a crown,
so let’s make Him a crown.” One of them put on his
gloves and went to a bush with big long thorns and
made Jesus a crown out of its branches. They pushed
it onto His head, and the thorns dug into Him like
many long needles. Then they found an old sweaty
Just Because
horse blanket and threw it over Him and laughed at
Him, saying, “Hail to the king of the Jews.”
Then they began to punch Him. They put their
gloves on, of course, as they didn’t want thorns in
their hands, and when He fell down they kicked Him.
After this they dragged Him to Pilate again. The
Jewish leaders were there, and they told Pilate they
wanted Him to be killed.
“But He has done nothing to deserve to die,” said
“He said He is God,” the Pharisees replied. “And
He claims to be the king of the Jews, but Caesar is
our king.”
Pilate didn’t want to crucify Jesus so he decided to
let the people make a choice. Every year at Passover,
if there were two prisoners, Pilate would let one
prisoner go free. There was another prisoner called
Barabbas, and he was a murderer. Pilate ordered the
people to come to a place where he could speak to a
big crowd. Pilate stood in the center on a high plat-
form, and he had Jesus and Barabbas on each side of
him. Now the Jews had gone around and told people
they must call for Barabbas to be freed, and people
were afraid of them.
Pilate called out to the crowd. “Today you can
choose who may go free. What do you say for
“Free him! Free him!” they yelled.
“But he is a murderer, and Jesus has done nothing
wrong,” said Pilate, raising his hand to silence the
Just Because
“And what should I do with Jesus?” Pilate asked
the people.
“Crucify him! Crucify him!” they yelled.
Again Pilate told them Jesus was not guilty, but
they kept yelling, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
Now Pilate was shocked to hear their decision
and see their hatred for Jesus. He turned to the crowd
and silenced them again.
“I have no part in this killing,” he said. “It is your
“Yes!” they yelled. “It is our decision. Crucify
And so they led Him away to be crucified.
They made Him carry His cross on His bleeding
back. They dressed Him in His own robe and told
Him to walk out of the city to the place where they
crucified the prisoners. As He was walking He fell
because the cross was so heavy, and He was weak
from bleeding so much. The soldiers whipped and
kicked Him, yel ing at Him to get up and move, but
He was too injured and weak to carry it any further.
So a man stepped out from the crowd and carried the
cross for him. As Jesus stumbled down the streets
of Jerusalem people on each side watched. Some
yel ed bad things at Him, and some had tears in their
eyes. Some loved Him, and others hated him, just as
it is today.
Satan was watching everything. “At last,” he
thought. “I’ve got Him! God’s only Son. I never
got Him to sin, but who cares? He’ll soon be dead,
and then there’ll be no one to stop me. I’ll wipe out
all memories of Him. No one will even know He is
Just Because
God’s Son and that He created me and all the world.
He’s finished.”
But the devil was in for a big shock. He didn’t
realise Jesus would not stay dead. He thought His
body would just rot away to dust like all sinners who
had died up until then. But he was so wrong. Jesus
had a big surprise for him.
When Jesus reached the place called Golgotha
they took off His robe and threw Him on top of the
cross. Then they stretched out His arms and nailed
Him with long metal spikes to the cross. Then they
put one of His feet on top of the other and hammered
a long spike through His feet. They did exactly what
King David had written a thousand years before
in Psalm 22. Then they lifted Him up and dropped
the end of the cross into a hole. The pain was more
than we can ever imagine. Jesus looked down at the
soldiers and the crowd and prayed for them.
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what
they are doing.”
Above His head they put a sign which read, “This
is Jesus, the King of the Jews.”
Jesus was crucified with two thieves. One of
them yelled bad things at Him. The other believed in
Him, and Jesus promised him that he was saved from
his sins. All the words Isaiah the prophet wrote about
Jesus came true.
Darkness came in the middle of the day. For the
three hours the Son of God was upon the cross, it
was almost dark. And then God put all the sins of the
world upon His precious Son. Every crime and sin
Just Because
people have ever done, and will ever do, was placed
on Jesus.
The Father could not stand anymore to see His
Son, covered in the sins of you and me, and the
Father turned His face away from Jesus. Jesus cried
out, “My God, My God, why have You left me?”
Jesus never cal ed out once when they whipped
and crucified Him, but when He was separated from
His Father it was the worst pain of al . Then Jesus died.
He gave His human spirit into the hands of God.
At that very moment there was a great earthquake,
and people were afraid. And in the great temple the
curtain that hid the Most Secret Place was torn apart.
God would no longer live in that temple, because the
old way was finished and the new way had come.
Satan thought he had won a great victory, but he
was wrong. Satan had only two days, and then the
mighty Son of God would rise from death and crush
his head. And now the way to heaven had been made.
Now the perfect man had taken the punishment for
every person’s sins. Those who trust in Him as their
Lord and Saviour will be saved and live forever with
Him in heaven. But those who refuse will feel the
pain Jesus felt when He was separated from God on
the cross, Just Because there is no place in heaven for