Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
man who ever lived, next to Jesus.
One day a woman took another woman’s baby.
Her own baby had died, and perhaps this was why for
a while she did sil y things. The baby’s real mother
went to the soldiers and told them this woman had
stolen her baby, so the soldiers took the two women
and the baby to King Solomon. King Solomon asked
both ladies if the child was theirs, and both said
they were its mother. So King Solomon said to the
soldier, “Take the baby and cut it in half and give
them each half.”
“Oh,” said one woman, “that’s fair.”
“No, please don’t cut the child in half,” said the
other woman. “Give the child to her, or it will die.”
King Solomon took the child and gave it to the
woman who had said, “Please don’t cut it in half.”
Solomon knew the real mother would rather have
another woman take her baby than to see her baby
die. He was never going to let the baby die, but it was
a very wise way to learn the truth.
King Solomon is also famous for being the first
person to build a temple for the Lord in Jerusalem.
He didn’t like for the beautiful box called the ark to
be kept in a tent, and he believed the Lord should
have a beautiful temple. So Solomon hired 150,000
Just Because
men to build the temple of God, and it took them
twenty years to build. A little part of it is still standing
today although it was built over twenty-five hundred
years ago. The ark of the covenant was brought into
the temple, and there it remained until seventy years
after Jesus was born.
After this there were other kings in Israel, some
good, some bad. Some of them worshipped Satan,
and some worshipped the Lord. One king was called
Manasseh, and he was a real bad dude. He built
temples especially for worshipping Satan, and these
were called the temples of Baal. He sacrificed his
own children, burning them to death to please Satan.
He was a terrible and evil man. So the Lord spoke
to him through one of His prophets, but he took no
notice. The Lord told him that if he didn’t change
then bad things would happen to him. He was very
proud and didn’t listen. Then a king from a different
land came to Israel and captured him, and he was
taken away and pulled along the road with a ring that
was put through his nose. Ouch!
He finally saw what a terrible man he had been.
He realised Satan had tricked him, and he was very,
very sorry for all the evil things he had done. He
humbled himself before the Lord and asked the
Lord to forgive him. Because he was truly sorry, the
Lord forgave him and forgot all his terrible sins. Did
you know the Lord always forgets the sins He has
forgiven? Isn’t He awesome!
Manasseh had a son called Amon, and after King
Manasseh died Amon became king. Now this guy
was a real bad dude, and he did all the things his
Just Because
father had done before he asked the Lord’s forgive-
ness. I guess some people never seem to learn from
their fathers’ mistakes.
He built more temples of Baal. The people
followed him, and their hearts were turned against
God. But some people hated him, and they killed
him.Amon had a son called Josiah, and he was eight
years old when his evil father was killed. Little Josiah
became the king of Israel. Now you might think,
“How could God use a kid of eight years old to do
awesome things?” Well, as I said before, God looks
on the heart, and Josiah had a humble heart. He hated
the evil his father had done. He knew it was evil, and
Josiah wanted the people to do good and love the
Lord so he decided to pull down the temples of Baal.
In the beautiful temple of God his father had put evil
things, and Josiah destroyed everything that was
used for evil. He stopped all the witches and servants
of Satan from teaching the people, and he told the
people to celebrate the Passover, to remember when
the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt. He found the
Book of the Law, which Moses had written, and he
made the people learn God’s ways.
Josiah was a great king. He was only a kid when
he became king, but he was the best king Israel had
had since David and Solomon. This little boy changed
Israel while he was alive, Just Because he loved what
was right and hated what was wrong, and the Lord
always uses kids like that to do cool things.
Chapter 26
During the times when the Israelites had bad
kings and turned away from God, the Lord
would send prophets to them to try to make them
change back to Him. But sadly they usually they
didn’t listen.
One of those prophets was cal ed Isaiah. He is
one of the many famous prophets in the Bible, and
he was a great guy, ful of wisdom and love for God.
Many times the Lord would speak through him, and
he would tel the people what was going to happen
if they did not obey the Lord. Always what he said
happened. And that is how we know when a prophet is
truly speaking from God or not. If he says something
that doesn’t come true, then he is a false prophet, a
prophet NOT from God. In Isaiah’s time, if you were
a false prophet, they punished you by throwing rocks
at you until you were dead. So you had to be perfectly
right, and the only way you could say things perfectly
right was if it was truly the Lord who told you what
to say because He never makes mistakes.
Just Because
Isaiah lived about seven hundred years before
Jesus was born, but in his book he wrote down many
things that would happen to Jesus so everyone would
realise Jesus is the Lord. The Israelite people thought
God would send them a king like David to save
them, but the Lord had a different Saviour in mind.
Over the next few hundred years the Lord told many
prophets to write things about the coming of Jesus,
and you can find them in your Bible.
In chapters fifty-two and fifty-three of his book
Isaiah wrote a lot about Jesus. He said Jesus would act
wisely, He would be raised up, and His body would
be hurt and bleeding beyond that of any man, even so
that people who knew Him would say it didn’t look
like Him. He also said Jesus would not call out when
they whipped and crucified Him and He would be our
guilt offering like a lamb being killed for our sins.
Isaiah also told us who Jesus’ mother would be and,
most important of all, that Jesus wouldn’t stay dead
after He was killed but would come alive again.
The prophet Micah told us Jesus would be born
in Bethlehem, and Daniel told us how to count the
years until He would be born. All these words are
written in the Bible so we can know Jesus is the real
Son of God.
Many things also had to happen. God was still
preparing the world for when He would come down and
die for us. Isaiah told the people that if they did not obey
God a huge army would come and capture them and
they would become prisoners. Guess what happened.
The Babylonians, who had a pret y crazy name, came
and captured the Israelites. The Babylonians were the
Just Because
most powerful nation at that time. While the Israelites
were prisoners of the Babylonians, they realised they
had done wrong and repented. That means they asked
God to forgive them.
The next thing that happened was that the Persians
came and captured Babylon, and they formed the
Persian Empire. The Persians were now the most
powerful nation in the world. The Persian king sent
the Israelites away, and they spread out all over the
world, except for lots of them who went back to Israel
and Jerusalem. Now you might be thinking, “What
is so important about that?” Well, the Israelites, or
Jews as they are also called, were the only people
who believed there was only one God. Everybody
else thought there were hundreds of gods. You know,
they had a god of fire, a god of rain, a god of sun, a
god of water. Of course you and I know that’s a lot
of old rubbish, but they didn’t know that. It was part
of God’s plan to send the Jews all over the world so
they could teach others the truth about the one and
only true God, and this would prepare the world for
Jesus coming. Good idea, don’t you think?
Now the next part of God’s plan was to give the
world one, brilliant, universal language for when
Jesus came and some wise men to think about ideas
of philosophy. Whoa! What a big word. It just means
to learn things and think about important questions in
life like what are we doing here, where did we come
from and stuff like that.
Now the Lord completed this part of His plan
through a guy called Alexander the Great. Of course
young Alexander didn’t know God was going to use
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what he was doing. But sometimes the Lord uses
whoever is available, even if their reasons are different
from His, like with Joseph’s brothers who sold him
into Egypt. Alexander the Great was a Greek, and
he took over the whole world in just thirteen years.
Now we say the whole world because nobody knew
about the parts of the world that were a long way
from Israel, and there were not a lot of people living
in those places. But of course there were people in
India and China who didn’t become Persians, Greeks
and others.
After he had taken over the world, Alexander
didn’t have anything to do so he got bored and died.
Maybe he needed a good book or a good job, but he
just liked taking over the world. Now the whole world
had the ancient Greek language. It is a language people
can’t make a lot of sil y mistakes with when they are
explaining things, and this was important so people
wouldn’t tel lies about Jesus. Al these things were
preparing for when God would come to earth and
become a man. The plan of preparation was nearly
complete, and Jesus would come when the time was
perfect. The Lord becoming a person was the most
important event that ever happened, and it would only
happen at the most perfect time, Just Because God
always does things in His perfect time.
Chapter 27
After the Greek empire came the Roman Empire.
The Romans conquered the whole world. You
could travel anywhere you liked without a passport,
and you could have any religion you liked as long as it
didn’t say things against the Romans. The Jews were
still living all over the place, but there were heaps
of them in Jerusalem, which of course is in Israel.
There they had the temple, and to run the temple they
had these guys called Pharisees. The temple was the
most important part of Jerusalem, and it was real big.
It was about the same as twelve football fields put
together, so you can see it was very, very big.
Now the Pharisees were the men who were
supposed to be teaching the people about the Lord.
They were the ones who told the people what God’s
laws were, but they had changed the meaning of the
laws and made God seem to be very mean. They said
some people could never go into the temple and God
loved some people and hated others; but the worst
thing was they pretended to be very good when inside
Just Because
they were not good at all. These Pharisee dudes wore
long gowns and walked with their noses up in the
air, and they were really proud of themselves. They
thought they were really the cat’s pajamas. Many of
them believed they were not sinners like other people
and that they were much better than other people.
There were a few nice ones among them, some who
really loved the Lord, but not very many.
The Romans were a pret y tough bunch. They
used to give the Jews a bad time, and the Jews were
afraid of them. Whenever the people tried to disobey
the Romans, they would have very horrible punish-
ments to scare everyone so they would always obey.
The Romans made up terrible ways to kil those
people they thought were bad, and one of those
ways was to crucify the person. This was a terrible
way to die.
The Jewish people knew God would send a person
to save them. They called this person the Messiah,
or the Saviour. The Jewish priests believed God
would send someone who would be a king and have
a big army and kill all the Romans. They thought He
would be like their famous king David because the
prophets had said He would be David’s descendant.
That simply meant David would be His relative, not
that He would be exactly like David. The prophets
also said He would save His people, so they thought