Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
dren from being killed when the sword-angel passed
over the houses in Egypt. These instructions were
like a secret map for finding treasure; they were
clues to finding the greatest treasure anyone can find.
Whoever can understand the clues can find the trea-
sure and live in paradise forever.
He told them to get a lamb for each family, a
lamb that was perfect in every way. The lamb must
be chosen four days before the fourteenth day, which
as you remember was the day the sword-angel would
visit Egypt. Then on the fourteenth day of the month
they must kill the lamb in the late afternoon and place
some of the lamb’s blood on the top and sides of their
front door frame. Then they must attach the lamb to
Just Because
a piece of wood to cook it, and they must not break
any of the lamb’s bones. They also had to remove
bread with yeast stuff in it because this was a way
to teach them about sin in their lives. In those days
when bread had this yeast and it was left uncooked it
turned black all the way through. People who don’t
let the Lord take the sin out of their lives end up with
sin all the way through, but more about that later.
The Israelites thought these instructions were
very strange. They didn’t understand the meaning of
these things, and neither did old Satan, but the Lord
was pointing to the future when He would come
to earth to die on a cross to pay for all the evil and
sins of people in the world. Jesus would come into
Jerusalem four days before He died, He would be
killed in the late afternoon, He would be attached to
a piece of wood, and none of His bones would be
broken. The blood the Israelites placed on their door
frames was in the shape of a cross, and Jesus would
die on a cross. Jesus would also be called the Lamb
of God, a lamb perfect in every way.
All the Israelites who believed the blood of the
lamb would save them and who acted in faith and
placed the blood on their doorposts would be saved
from death. In the same way, when we believe Jesus
died for our sins and believe in faith that He was
raised from the dead, we are also saved from death.
Isn’t God amazing?
So on the fourteenth of the month the sword-
angel of God came and passed over the houses of
those who believed the Lord and placed the blood
over their doors. This night is called the Passover,
Just Because
because the angel passed over the faithful people’s
homes, but in the homes of the Egyptians their oldest
children died.
Pharaoh’s own son died, and finally he told the
people to go. The people of Egypt gave the Israelites
gold and animals and jewels and pleaded with them
to go. And so they packed all they had and started on a
journey to Canaan, the land the Lord had promised to
give to Abraham’s descendants. And all those people
were Abraham’s descendants. They were happy. They
were no longer slaves and poor; now they were free
and rich. Egypt became a rich country because the
Lord blessed it through Joseph four hundred years
before. But they made the people who blessed them
into slaves and made them work for no money. Then
the Pharaoh killed their baby boys. But God heard
their prayers and came to rescue them.
So God led the people out of Egypt, and He gave
them a sign to watch so they would know He was
with them. He put a column of smoke up in the air
like a pillar in front of them during the day and a
pillar of fire at night. He led them out into the desert
toward the Red Sea, and what an amazing sight they
were. Two million people with all the possessions the
people of Egypt had given them and all their animals.
Geese, sheep, donkeys, camels, goats, ducks, hens
and cattle, and all moving and quaking and whatever
else. What a lot of noise and dust there was!
Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, just as
the people had promised to do, and they set out for
the promised land of Israel. After a long walk they
came to the Red Sea, and there they camped. The
Just Because
next morning they saw a large cloud of dust, which
was coming toward them from Egypt. It was Pharaoh.
Yep, I know it is hard to believe, but that crazy man
changed his mind again. He had decided to go and
get the people of Israel and take them back as slaves
again. He had his best army with him. Six hundred
chosen warriors riding in chariots, plus thousands of
warriors on horses and tens of thousands of soldiers
walking. The people of Israel had no weapons to
defend themselves, and they were very afraid.
So they asked Moses, “Have you brought us out
of the land of Egypt so Pharaoh and his soldiers can
kill us all?”
But Moses told them to have faith and trust the
Lord. “Do you think the Lord our God has brought
us out of Egypt with miracles and plagues just to let
Pharaoh kill us?” he asked them.
Moses prayed, and the Lord told him to lift up his
staff and touch the waters of the Red Sea.
When Moses touched the water a strong wind
began to blow on the water. A huge wave of water
became like a wall, and a path opened up through the
sea. As the wind kept blowing it pushed the water
into two large walls with dry ground between. And
then the long pillar of cloud moved. It went behind
the people and stood between them and the Egyptian
soldiers and the pillar of fire lit the way for the
people of Israel to cross the sea. The Egyptians were
afraid to move toward the pillar of cloud so they just
watched as the people were escaping.
The Israelites walked through the ocean on dry
land with a wall of water on their left and right,
Just Because
hundreds of feet high, and it took a day to get them
all to the other side.
When all the people were safe the Lord removed
His pillar of cloud, and the Egyptians cheered and
whipped their horses and followed the people of God
into the path between the walls of water. The Lord
caused the wheels to fall off their chariots and the
dry ground to become deep mud, and the soldiers
were afraid. They were about halfway through by
now, and they realised the Lord was fighting for the
Israelites. They were then terrified. Then the Lord
commanded Moses to stretch out his hand over the
water. The walls of water came crashing down upon
the Egyptians, and they all drowned. The people
stood beside the sea. When they saw the dead bodies
of the Egyptian army washed up on the beach they
knew the Lord was very powerful, and they believed
He was with them.
Then the people of Israel and Moses wrote a song
and sang it to the Lord. The song was all about what
happened that day, and they praised God for all He
had done. They sang and danced and were very happy.
They were free after four hundred years. They were
starting a new life, and God was with them. The Lord
had kept His promise to bring them out of Egypt,
and Pharaoh no longer had power over the people.
Satan was not so happy; in fact he was very angry
at what had happened. But he had been preparing a
BIG surprise for the Israelites, and he was counting
on his secret surprise to stop God’s promise coming
true, Just Because he always tries to stop people from
obeying and loving the Lord.
Chapter 21
Over the next few months the people had to learn
to trust the Lord. They were now in a desert,
which was called Sinai, and there was not much more
than sand and rocks. For three days they couldn’t find
any fresh water to drink. And so they complained to
Moses. Now Moses had spent forty years as a shep-
herd in this area, so he knew where to go. Now you
can see the Lord had been getting Moses ready to
lead the people after he had to run away from Egypt
the first time.
Soon they came to a pool that was filled with
bad poisoned water. The Lord told Moses to throw
a branch into it, and he did. It became beautiful cool
sweet water, and the people were happy again. Later
they came to Elim where they found an oasis with
palm trees, olive trees and twelve fresh wells. It was
like a holiday resort, and they stayed and had a nice
rest. God was still leading them with the pillar of
cloud by day, and at night there was a pillar of fire
Just Because
hanging above their camp so they would know the
Lord was watching over them.
After their vacation at Elim, they all set out
and came to the desert of Sin. The people became
hungry, and soon they started to moan and complain
to Moses.
“Hey, Moses,” said one particular guy. “What are
we supposed to eat out here, man? There’s nothing
but sand and rock. It would have been better if we
had stayed in Egypt as slaves. At least we had some-
thing to eat in Egypt.”
“When you complain, you are not complaining
against me, but against the Lord,” said Moses. “It is
He who brought you out of Egypt.”
Then Moses told the people of Israel to gather
around, and he climbed on a high rock and spoke
to them. “If you will just trust in God, then He will
provide for you. He knows what you need. You don’t
need to moan and grumble; just ask Him. He is your
heavenly Father, and He will take care of you.”
“The Lord has told me to tell you that from
tomorrow until we reach the Promised Land, He
will give us bread to eat in the morning and meat at
“How is he going to make bread?” some smarty-
pants shouted. “There’s no flour or water out here.
I’m not going to eat sand bread. And, hey, Moses,
there’s no meat out here either. We haven’t got many
animals. Or does God expect us to eat each other?”
“Silence!” yelled Moses. “I have told you that
you only need to trust in God. Hasn’t He shown you
enough yet that you can’t trust Him? You’ve just
Just Because
walked through the Red Sea and watched the Egyptian
army die. Trust Him, you stubborn people.”
Moses was right, wasn’t he? They had seen
amazing things, so why would it be hard for the Lord
to feed them? Anyway, they should know by now
that when the Lord said He would do something He
ALWAYS does it.
As Moses was speaking the people saw the glory
of the Lord appear in the pillar of cloud above them.
“The Lord has said to tell you that tomorrow morning
you will have as much bread as you can eat and
tomorrow evening as much meat as you can eat.”
The next morning the people came out of their
tents to see something on the ground that looked like
large pieces of frost.
“What is it?” they asked.
“It is the bread which the Lord promised would
come,” said Moses. “Gather enough for each of you
to eat for one day, and no more.”
After the people had gathered as much as they
could eat, the bread melted and disappeared.
The bread was called manna. It was delicious. It
tasted just like fresh baked Sunday bread with butter
and honey on top. Well, some people disobeyed and
gathered twice as much as they needed because they
didn’t believe God would feed them again the next
morning. But the bread they kept got smelly during
the night and full of little black worms, so they had
to throw it out.
That evening, after the first bread came, a huge
flock of quails came and landed in the camp. Now
quails are birds that taste a bit like chicken when they
Just Because
are cooked up. So that night the people had fresh
meat that tasted a bit like Kentucky fried quail. Now
I know they didn’t have coleslaw, mashed potatoes
and gravy, and a cold soda, which of course would
have been cool, but at least they couldn’t complain
about not having bread and meat.
The Lord gave the people a commandment, and
that means He gave them a special rule. On the sixth
day of each week they were to gather twice as much
manna, and on the seventh day of each week the
people were to have a rest. This day was called the
Sabbath. On the Sabbath there was no manna in the
morning, and only on the Sabbath did the manna stay
fresh for the whole day. Isn’t God cool?
Do you remember when the Lord created the
earth that He rested on the Sabbath. Well, the
Sabbath was declared a holy day by the Lord, a day
to remember everything that had happened to them
and to remember God and think about Him. But
still some of them went out to gather manna on the
Sabbath, for they would not trust God, Just Because,
some people are not very wise when it comes to