Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
and the demon came out of him without hurting him.
Everyone could see he was cured, and they were all
amazed. They had never seen a person who had the
power to command demons to obey Him.
So the news about Jesus spread, and people heard
about Him everywhere. That night lots of people
who were sick in that town came to Him, and He
healed them. There were people with broken legs and
people who were blind; people who were deaf and
people who were crippled. He healed the lot. Every
single one. Some people had demons living in them,
and these came out of the people screaming, “You
are the Son of God!”
So Jesus had begun His work. The people still
didn’t understand exactly who He was, but Satan and
his buddies were now certain. Satan had decided he
must kill Jesus somehow; he must kill Him before
He crushed his head. He had tried to tempt Him, but
God had simply used it as a test. God never tempts
Just Because
people, and Satan never tests people. It is always
the opposite, Just Because God tests people to make
them more like Him, and Satan tempts people to try
to destroy them.
Chapter 31
Jesus calls all people to follow Him and be His
disciples. The first twelve guys became the first
leaders of the church, though, and some of them
helped to write the new part of the Bible. Now you
might think Jesus would choose guys who had been
to university or who were the top in their class, but
He didn’t. Jesus chose ordinary guys with ordinary
jobs to be His first disciples. Maybe this was because
ordinary guys can talk easily to ordinary people, so
Jesus wanted disciples who knew how to talk to ordi-
nary people about Him.
One day when Jesus was teaching the people
beside a lake, He saw some guys He wanted to call
as His disciples. They were fishermen. He asked
them if He could stand in their boat because such
a big crowd had gathered there and He couldn’t see
over their heads to speak to them. So they let Him
stand in the boat, and they rowed out a bit. Now it
wasn’t a beach with big waves or anything, just a
nice calm lake. When He had finished speaking He
Just Because
told the fisherman to go out to the deep water and put
down their nets to catch some fish. Now these guys
were expert fishermen, and Jesus was a carpenter.
Anyway, it was the middle of the day, and all expert
fishermen knew you could only catch fish near the
shore in the daytime.
As well as all of that, these fishermen were pretty
tired. I mean these guys were ready for bed. They
had been out fishing all night. They’d been rowing
all night and putting their nets down in the water
and dragging them in and hadn’t caught any fish,
not even one. They didn’t feel like starting fishing
all over again. Now the boss fisherman was a rough
guy called Simon. This was the man whose name
Jesus would later change to Peter. He had seen Jesus
before, and in fact Jesus had healed his wife’s mother.
He knew Jesus wasn’t just some ordinary guy so he
agreed to go out fishing.
They went out to the middle of the lake, and then
Jesus told them to put down their nets. The other
guys in the boat looked at Simon and were probably
thinking, “There are no fish here at this time of day;
this is a waste of time.” Simon just grabbed the net
and threw it in.
“Do as He says,” he ordered the fishermen.
Suddenly the water started to sparkle strangely,
and there were fish everywhere. The nets became full
and were starting to break from all the fish. They had
to call the other boats to come and help them. After
a lot of pulling and sweating they had the nets on
board, and the two boats were full of big, fat, wrig-
Just Because
gling fish. There were so many that they were scared
their boats were going to sink.
They all knew this was a miracle. They knew
Jesus had done this. Simon felt strange inside. He
knew that here in his boat was the Holy One of God,
and being near Jesus made him see his sin.
He fell down in front of Jesus, saying, “Go away
from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”
But Jesus told him and the others, “Don’t be
afraid. From now on you will catch men for God.
Come follow Me and be My disciple.”
So they left everything—their boats, their fami-
lies, the fish—and they went with Jesus. They knew
they would have nowhere to sleep; they didn’t
know how they were going to get money to eat; but
somehow in their hearts they knew God would give
them everything they needed because He can even
fill the boats with fish. And so they became Jesus’
disciples, and He began to teach them everything
they needed to know.
Jesus called all sorts of people to be His disciples.
One day they met a rich young ruler guy. He wasn’t a
bad person, and he came and asked Jesus a question,
but this person had a problem.
“Master,” he said, “what good thing do I have to
do to be saved?”
Now I think this was the wrong question to be
asking Jesus. This guy thought that if he did good
things he would be saved. Doing good things is
really great, and the Lord wants us to be good. But
we should do good because we love the Lord and our
families, not because we think we can get to heaven
Just Because
by being good. No one can get to heaven that way. So
Jesus decided to see how serious he really was and to
help him see his problem.
“Obey God’s commandments,” replied Jesus.
“Which ones?” the rich young ruler guy asked.
“Do not murder, do not steal, honour your
parents, don’t marry another person’s wife and love
your neighbour as yourself,” Jesus told him.
“I have always done these things,” he said, “ever
since I was a boy.”
Now he wasn’t a proud young man; when he
came to Jesus he kneeled in front of the Lord. He
simply said he had kept all of these commandments.
Had he kept them? Sure. Maybe he had never stolen
anything because he wasn’t tempted to steal since he
had everything he needed and wanted. He had never
killed anyone, and he had been a good boy also, and
all of these were very good things. But had he
loved other people the same as he loved himself? The
word “love” Jesus said meant to care about people,
not to want them as your boyfriend or girlfriend or
something like that.
“Then sell all you have and give the money to the
poor, and you will have treasure in heaven,” Jesus
challenged him.
If this guy had cared about people as much as he
cared about himself, he would have given poor people
lots of his money and helped them. But he hadn’t
done that. Jesus wanted him to see his problem by
explaining what loving his neighbour really meant.
The rich young ruler thought about what Jesus
said, and finally he went away very sad. “No way,”
Just Because
he thought. “Sell everything? I’d have to work. I’d
be poor myself. What would I eat? I wouldn’t have
the best house or the best clothes or the best food; in
fact I would be just like everyone else.” This young
man made a wrong decision that day, and he climbed
back into his beautiful carriage and drove away.
Jesus knew what he was thinking as he left, and
He turned to His disciples and said to them, “What
good would it do for a man if he owned the entire
world but lost his soul and never saw the kingdom
of heaven? You see the flowers. They are more beau-
tiful than the finest clothes. And the birds that fly
about in the air—they don’t have huge houses full of
food. They trust their heavenly Father to feed them.
So then don’t spend all your life chasing after money
and nice clothes and other things you want. Instead
seek God and the things that last forever, and God
will give you what you need anyway.”
The disciples knew what He meant. They
had seen all the fish, they had seen Him do many
amazing things, and they were learning to trust
God. The rich young ruler loved his money, and
loving money is not a good thing. Money isn’t bad;
but when we start loving it, then we start living
only for money and not for the Lord. God wants us
to trust Him through our lives. It doesn’t mean we
cannot have money. It means that if we start to love
it more than loving the Lord we may become like
the rich young ruler and not like the fishermen who
became disciples. Those fishermen never became
guys with heaps of money. But they had a joy inside
that money could not buy, and they had treasure in
Just Because
heaven, Just Because they were ordinary guys who
trusted God in an amazing way, and that’s what He
wants from us.
Chapter 32
One day some of John’s friends came to Jesus and
told Him John was dead. King Herod was an
evil man, and John had preached that Herod must stop
sinning. Herod didn’t like what John said, so he had
John thrown into prison, into a dark place below his
castle. Later John was kil ed because evil people with
power couldn’t stop him from preaching the truth.
When Jesus and His disciples heard about John
they were very sad. They climbed into a little boat
and decided to go across to the other side of the lake
to a quiet place. They wanted to get away from the
big crowds of people and have a little break. But
when they arrived at the other side of the lake more
than ten thousand people were waiting for them. In
the crowd were hundreds of sick people—people
who couldn’t see, couldn’t speak, couldn’t hear and
couldn’t walk. Jesus could have gone away and had
a little holiday, but He didn’t. The Bible says He felt
compassion for them, and that means He wanted to
help them more than anything. So He didn’t think of
Just Because
Himself. He just got out of that boat and started to
heal everyone.
Soon people were jumping for joy. A man who
had been born blind was running from one person to
another, shouting, “I can see you! I can see you!” He
was pointing to the sky and the trees and the lake and
calling out, “Praise the Lord! Thank You, Lord!” A
little girl who had been born deaf was saying, “I can
hear you, Mummy. Jesus made my ears better, and I
can hear everything.” The mother was crying with
tears of joy, and people were singing a beautiful song
of praise to God.
Jesus walked through that big group of thou-
sands and healed every person. It was wonderful
to see the crippled man jumping for joy, clapping
his hands and dancing with his wife. Demons came
out of people, and people who were dying suddenly
became wel . Everywhere people were so excited,
and people were laughing, singing and praying. It
was like heaven on earth.
Many people were saying, “This is our Messiah.
This is the king of Israel. He can do anything.”
“We should make Him our king!” one man yel ed.
“Yes, yes, He can easily destroy the Romans, and
Jerusalem will become the capital of the world, with
Jesus as our king.”
“Nothing can stop us now. Jesus’ power can do
Then they started shouting, “Jesus is our king!
Jesus is our king!” They grabbed Jesus and tried to
lift Him onto their shoulders. They tried to make
Him become their king, to force Him to do it. Satan
Just Because
was there also, and he was most likely whispering
his evil.
“Make yourself a king, Jesus. Be the people’s
hero. Do something for yourself just this once. You
can make your own decisions, can’t you?”
Satan wanted Jesus to do just one thing that was
not His Father’s plan. Satan wanted Jesus to make
Himself a king, instead of His Father being king.
Satan wanted Jesus to do what
did so Jesus would
then be a sinner, because then Jesus would be under
Satan’s control.
Suddenly Jesus spoke, and the people stopped.
“Leave Me,” He commanded.
He sent the people away, and they did not argue
because He was speaking very firmly to them. Now
Jesus had one disciple called Judas, and he really
wanted Jesus to be a human king. I think perhaps
Judas wanted to be the prime minister of Jesus’ new
government or something. But Judas didn’t want the
same things as Jesus, and also he was a thief.
As Jesus was sending the people away, Judas said,
“Master, this is a great opportunity. These people are
ready to follow You to Jerusalem. Make yourself