Read Just Because: The Story of Salvation for Children Online
Authors: Steve Copland
Tags: #Children's Books, #Religions, #Christianity, #Inspirational, #Children's eBooks, #Early Readers
She didn’t know Jesus could know her thoughts.
Through her sobbing she heard Jesus speaking to
Simon and telling a story about two men. Jesus was
talking about how much a person would love someone
who forgave them a great debt of money. Then Mary
heard Jesus speaking about her and telling Simon
He knew she had many sins but she loved Him very
deeply because she knew what a sinner she was. And
then Jesus spoke to her. He lifted her face with His
hands and told her the most beautiful words she had
ever heard.
“Your sins are forgiven,” He said. “Your faith has
saved you. Go in peace.”
Those demons came out of her and ran away.
There was no place for them any longer because Mary
was instantly made a new person. She felt so clean.
She felt like a newborn baby. She felt as though she
could fly.
She went home and cleaned her house. She went
to her neighbour and told her what had happened,
and her neighbour hugged her. That day they became
Just Because
dear friends for the rest of their lives. Mary’s life was
never the same after that. She never did the things
again that she had done, and she became a disciple of
Jesus, living her life to serve God. Mary loved God
because she knew He had forgiven her of so much
sin. She knew she didn’t deserve to be forgiven, and
the Lord loved her for her love.
If we think we are not bad sinners, then we might
think the Lord doesn’t need to forgive us of very
much, and we might not love Him very much. But
all people are sinners, and Jesus was going to die on
that cross for you, for Mary and for me. None of us
deserves to be forgiven. The Lord wants all of us to
love Him as Mary does, Just Because He created us
to love Him and to be loved by Him forever.
Chapter 34
Jesus did many thousands of miracles. He even
brought people back to life who had died. Many
of these miracles are told in the Bible, and you
can read about them there. But it is important to
understand that Jesus came to earth not only to heal
people and to show us exactly what God is like, but
He came to be that lamb, the lamb that must die to
pay for sin.
One day as they were sitting near the shore of the
sea Jesus told His disciples to gather around Him.
He told them that soon He must go to Jerusalem, and
there He must suffer many things. He told them how
the chief leaders of the temple would plot to kill Him.
He said He would be killed, and three days later He
would come alive again.
Now Peter was sitting there thinking, “Well, if
You know they will kill You, then we can stop it from
happening by not going to Jerusalem.”
Peter took Jesus aside and spoke to Him.
Just Because
“Lord, what are You saying?” he said, “This will
never happen to You. You don’t need to die. We won’t
let You die. You don’t need to suffer.”
“Be silent, Peter,” Jesus said. “Although you
don’t realise it you are a trap to Me. You don’t have
in your mind the things God wants, but only what
men want. I must do what God wants, for that is My
purpose here on earth. I must die for the sins of the
people; otherwise they will never know their heav-
enly Father as I know him.
Jesus called the other disciples over to Him.
“Listen,” He said. “I will be crucified on a cross.
The same death as a terrible criminal. If any man
chooses to be My disciple, then he must also be
willing to humble himself as I do. People may hate
you, but whoever will not give his life to Me shall
one day lose it to the evil one. But whoever will give
his life to me shall be saved forever.”
Jesus’ disciples listened carefully to all He said,
but I don’t think they understood exactly what He
“Come,” said Jesus. “I must go to Jerusalem. If
you are truly My disciples, then follow.”
So they set out. Jesus walked in front of them. No
one really knows what He was thinking, but the Bible
says He walked as though nothing would stop Him.
He knew He was going to suffer. He knew people
would laugh at Him and spit at Him and beat Him
with their fists. He knew they would whip Him until
lots of His skin was cut off. He knew they would
throw Him on the ground and put long nails through
His hands and feet, and He knew He would die in
Just Because
terrible pain upon the cross. But He didn’t turn back
and try to think of an easier way to save us from our
sins. No! He went willingly, and He went with joy in
His heart because He knew He was doing what God
wanted. But most of all He went because He loves us
more than anyone can ever write on paper.
There was a big feast in Jerusalem. The feast of
the Passover. The celebration of the Jews’ freedom
from slavery in Egypt. When the crowds heard
Jesus was coming they ran and cut huge palm tree
branches and lined the roads on either side spreading
the leaves on the ground before Jesus. He was riding
on a donkey, and as He entered Jerusalem the people
shouted, “Hosanna! Hail to the king! Here comes the
Lord!” They were excited about Him coming. They
welcomed Him as their king.
Jesus came to the temple. He went into the large
area leading up to the holy place. Many people were
buying animals for sacrifice. Instead of a holy place
for worship, it looked like a marketplace. People
were using the temple of God to make money and to
be dishonest.
Jesus could have just turned away and said nothing,
but He was angry at what the people were doing in
the holy place. He went up to one of the merchants’
tables and tipped it over. Money went flying al over
the ground. Along the temple area He went, turning
over the tables and yel ing at the merchants to get out.
Some of them didn’t want to leave, so Jesus picked up
a whip and drove them out.
“You have turned My Father’s house into a place
for thieves!” He yelled. “Get out!”
Just Because
Now what He did didn’t make Him very popular.
But Jesus was a real man, a whole man. Not only
a gentle, loving man who healed people, nursed
little children and did miracles, but a man who said
what He believed, who did what was right no matter
what people thought. Some of the powerful religious
leaders came out of the temple when they heard the
noise and demanded an explanation from Jesus.
“What do You think You are doing?” they asked
Him.“You see these stones,” said Jesus pointing to the
walls of the huge Jerusalem temple. “I tell you, all
will be pulled down, and not one will be left upon
“Are You going to destroy this temple?” asked a
Jesus looked at him and said, “Destroy
temple, and in three days I will raise it again.”
The Pharisee started to laugh at Him because
he didn’t understand. Jesus wasn’t talking about the
temple building where God lived, but His own body
which was a temple where God lived. Then Jesus
turned to the Pharisees and said some things they did
not expect.
“You Pharisees, you so-called leaders of the
temple, are a bunch of snakes. You hide the truth
from the people and take their money for yourselves.
You walk around the city in your fancy robes. You
look lovely on the outside, but inside your hearts you
are like dead men’s graves.”
Well, as you can imagine, the Pharisees got pretty
angry when they heard this. Nobody dared talk to
Just Because
this way. “Arrest him!” they said to the temple
But Jesus just turned and walked away. Nobody
touched Him. The Pharisees held a meeting to decide
what to do about Jesus.
“He’s got to go,” said one man.
“But what He’s teaching is not wrong,” said a
man called Nicodemus who secretly loved Jesus.
“What! Do you agree with Him? Go and join
Him then.”
“But maybe He is the Messiah,” said Nicodemus.
“Only God could do the miracles He does.”
“He’s got a devil in him,” said one Pharisee. “He
does miracles with Satan’s help.”
“No,” argued Nicodemus. “Satan would never do
the wonderful things He has done.”
And they kept on arguing.
“But the prophets of old never said a Messiah
would come from Nazareth or Galilee. He can’t be
the Messiah. The Scriptures say the Messiah will
come from Bethlehem, but this Jesus is a carpenter
from Nazareth. He eats and drinks with sinners. He
talks to losers. He teaches the scum of the city. He
tells them that if they believe then they will go to
His Father’s kingdom. He claims to be God, and
for that He must die. He must be stopped. He must
be killed.”
Nicodemus left the meeting, and after it was dark
he went to find Jesus. Nicodemus found Jesus resting
in a garden and said to Him, “Teacher, I believe You
have come from God, because no one can do what
You have done unless God is with Him.”
Just Because
Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, unless
a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of
“How can a man be born when he is old?” asked
Then Jesus explained to him that a person must
be first born from his parents and then later be born
from God’s Spirit when God’s Spirit came to live in
them. Jesus also said He would be lifted up and that
whoever believes on Him would have eternal life.
These things were hard for Nicodemus to understand,
but he would know what Jesus meant later. He would
realise Jesus would be lifted up on the cross and His
death would be a punishment for every person’s sins.
Jesus knew powerful people were planning to have
Him killed. But He didn’t run away, Just Because He
was thinking of you and me and every person in the
world who would one day know and love Him and
live with Him in heaven.
Chapter 35
The Pharisees were looking for a way to have
Jesus arrested by their soldiers. They had decided
Jesus must be stopped. Jesus had said He was equal
to God, and the Pharisees believed that for saying
this He must die. So they spoke to Judas Iscariot, the
disciple who loved money and power. They made a
deal with Judas, and maybe they tricked Judas.
On the night He was arrested Jesus ate a last meal
with His twelve disciples. When they were all seated,
He put a towel around Himself and, taking a basin of
water, went and washed their feet. They were embar-
rassed by this, because usually only a slave would do
such a thing. Jesus was the Lord God of all creation,
and here He was doing the work of a slave. He did
this to show us we must be humble. God hates pride
in people, but He helps the humble.
During the supper Jesus took the bread and broke
it, and giving it to His disciples He said, “This is My
body which is broken for you. Do this to remember
Me.” And taking the wine He passed it to them and
Just Because
said, “This wine is the new covenant in My blood
which is given for you.”
Jesus was the perfect lamb. When the angel
passed over Egypt the Jews put the lamb’s blood on
their doors in the sign of the cross to save them. And
then the Lord gave them His commandments. These
things were the old covenant, and now Jesus was
showing them the new and perfect covenant. He was
the true lamb, the lamb which was a real person. His
blood was perfect human blood, and His death would
give everyone who trusted in Him a new life.
Then Jesus looked at Judas and said to him,
“What you are about to do, go and do.”
Yes, Jesus knew Judas would betray Him, and yet
Jesus stil loved Judas. Judas ran away to tel the Jewish
leaders where they could find Jesus. They wanted to
grab Him while it was dark, because they were afraid
of the crowds who loved Him. Then Jesus told Simon
Peter that before the rooster crowed three times Peter
would say he never knew Jesus. Peter boasted that he
was ready to die for Jesus, and he meant it, but when
the time came he would fail Jesus.
Jesus and His disciples went to a beautiful garden
called Gethsemane. Jesus went to pray knowing this
night He would be arrested. He prayed for hours.
He prayed for you and me that night. He prayed we
would come to know and love Him.
Satan went to Gethsemane. He was making plans.
He had whispered into Judas’s ear, and now Judas
was bringing the temple soldiers to take Jesus. But
Satan was worried about what Jesus had said about