Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins (15 page)

Read Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins Online

Authors: Leo Mark

Tags: #Thrillers, #extraterrestrial, #Novel, #jesus, #Fiction

BOOK: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins
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‘Where would that be?’

‘On the border of Switzerland and France. The particle accelerator, when it is built, will take up an area of approximately seventeen miles in circumference.’

‘Jesus, that will be one big machine. One last question: do you have a name? What should we call you?’

‘It would be impossible to pronounce my name in your language. For the time being just carry on calling me EBE-12.’

‘We are arranging living quarters for you. We’re going to put you somewhere more comfortable. Is there anything else you need? Something to eat or something to drink? Do you need any help contacting your people?’

‘I thank you for your hospitality. I would like a little water: we can get a good part of our nutrients from water. And as soon as I am recovered I would like to go to my ship. From there I shall perhaps be able to contact my people to tell them that I am well.’

The colonel left the chamber and immediately contacted his general, who in turn informed President Truman what had transpired. A full report of the events at Roswell was sent to the president. Together with some other generals, Truman left hurriedly for the base, to see the fantastic creature for himself. Some days later, EBE-12 was totally recovered and had gained the confidence of the president and the army staff. They allowed EBE-12 to communicate with other beings of his race, to tell them what had happened, and to agree a place for them to meet. A large group of army personnel was mobilized to receive the alien spaceships and the government was prepared in the event that they showed any hostility.

It was night in the desert of New Mexico when the lights began to show on the horizon. In instants they were close to the group made up of the army personnel, the president of the USA and EBE-12. When they saw their colleague was there and in good health, the other biological entities began to land their ships. Five leaders from each of the ships disembarked. In a huge shed that had been set up, they began to converse by telex and to make official the agreement EBE-12 had proposed to the humans. The president undertook to help them as far as necessary to build the particle accelerator; in return, the humans would receive technological know-how which would advance their research by many decades. The aliens let the Americans keep the crashed ship to study, as well as the bodies of the aliens who had not survived. They would be taken to a secret base where they would help the scientists develop new technologies. President Truman took responsibility for presenting the case to the other world powers, since the know-how would be partly shared with other countries, principally members of the UN. In this way, the aliens would have free access to the greater part of the planet. They would be free to carry out their experiments and in return would offer technology from another world.

A few days later, the president set up an organ responsible for managing events involving aliens, as well as monitoring other related activities around the world. This organ would also monitor certain countries looking for information and unusual actions. It would be an intelligence agency, and among its members would be twelve men who were in charge of the project initiated there at Roswell. The codename of these twelve men was Majestic-12.

On 26th July 1947, President Truman signed the National Security Act, creating the CIA, the American intelligence agency. Among the agreements signed between the Majestic-12, the president and the CIA was a clause establishing that no other president elected thereafter would have access to the Agency’s files.

After the signing of the act creating the CIA, one of the Majestic-12 named Frederick Cullen, who had the president’s confidence, returned home after a series of exhausting meetings, sat down on his sofa and dialed a number in Switzerland.

‘Benjamin, how are you? It’s me, Frederick.’

‘Hello, Frederick, it’s been a while! I think you’ve got some news for me.’

‘Yes, big news. You won’t guess what it is, but we’ve just signed an agreement with an alien race. I could hardly believe it, but I remembered the time you said this would happen one day. How did you know?’

‘Frederick, thanks for letting me know. But don’t say another word. Come to my house as soon as you can, we’ve got to talk about this face to face. Don’t mention this to anyone else. What’s your level of access to the agreement?’

‘I have full access. I’m a member of the committee responsible for the whole project. In a few weeks I’ll be in Switzerland. See
you then.’


Washington DC, 1959

The senator for Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy, had just got home after an exhausting day’s work. It was past eight p.m. and he sat down in a comfortable armchair in his office to finish reading a book he had started a short time before. The senator was in the habit of reading at least one book every two weeks, as he liked to keep up to date with what was happening in his country and around the world. Every day he read for at least half an hour. That day, a rainy Wednesday, shortly before he finished his reading the phone began to ring behind him. He put the book on the table beside him and got up to answer it.

‘Kennedy residence,’ he said, answering the phone.

‘I’d like to speak to Senator John Kennedy, please, tell him it’s Oswald Griffin.’

‘Hello, Mr. Griffin, it’s Jack speaking.’

‘Hello, Jack, you mean you answer your own phone? How democratic of you!’

‘Not at all, generally the calls are for me, so it’s easier to answer myself. My wife has her own line in the bedroom. But what do I owe the honor of this call to? It’s been years since we spoke.’

‘Jack, do you remember the last time we spoke, I told you the day would come when we would need you and you would be called on?’

‘Of course I remember.’

‘Well the day has come. We need you. You are being activated.’

‘Mr. Griffin, it’s an honor to be able to help. But remember that at the time we agreed a password?’

‘Yes, of course, I hoped you would ask. “When the day dawns the just will rise up.”’

‘“And the unjust shall perish.” Exactly.’

‘You have a sharp memory. Let’s get to the point. Can you meet me tomorrow for lunch at my house?’

‘Of course. I’ll clear my diary and meet you at your house. Midday?’

‘Perfect. Any special dish?’

‘Surprise me!’

‘Leave it to me. You’ll have a big surprise. See you soon, brother.’

‘See you soon.’

JFK hung up the phone thoughtfully. He took off his reading glasses and ran his hands through his hair, looking a little worried. ‘What can Oswald Griffin want with me? The Priorate needs me? I thought this day would never come,’ the senator thought to himself. Oswald Griffin was the grand master of a secret society the Kennedys had covertly been members of for many generations. Jack had been prepared since childhood, in case one day the society needed him. His grandfather had never been activated, his father only a couple of times; but if the grand master phoned in person, it must be a very serious matter and his mission a very important one.

The following day, early in the morning, the senator started to settle some domestic matters that were pending. He hadn’t slept very well due to his anxiety about the lunch he was to have. As Oswald lived quite close he would go straight there without going to his office first. At 11.30 a.m. the driver went to tell him it was time to leave. Shortly afterwards the senator’s car drove through the gates of the Griffin mansion, which opened automatically as it approached, doubtless because the guard at the gates had been given the license plate number of the car. They stopped almost in front of the door to Oswald’s house, where he was waiting for them.

‘Punctual as always, my friend,’ said Oswald as the senator was getting out of the car.

‘When you live nearby it’s easier to be punctual,’ said Kennedy as he greeted Oswald, who gave him a hug.

‘Good, let’s go in. Lunch isn’t ready yet, but we can start our chat in my office.’

The two went up a flight of stairs and into Oswald’s office.

‘Senator, I’ll get right to the point. As you know, our party is going to put forward a name to stand for the presidency.’

‘Yes, of course, but the name hasn’t been announced yet.’

‘Just so. I want to put your name forward.’

‘My name? But why?’

‘Jack, listen to me. We need someone from our order in the presidency. There’s a lot happening and it’s time for us to take power.’

‘Well, I will be honored by the nomination, but will the other party leaders accept it?’

‘I’ve already spoken to some of them who are on my side. It’s almost definite that you will be the candidate. First I wanted to talk it over with you and, naturally, explain what will happen after you’re elected.’

‘If I’m elected…’

‘Yes, you’ll be elected. But I’ve already got friends lined up in Europe and here in the States who’ll help finance your campaign.’

‘So what more is there for us to talk about?’

‘Jack, I’ll explain somewhat superficially what’s going on and what our order has got to do with all this. As you know, our order protects the secret of the Holy Grail. Our mission is to hide it from our enemies so that the relic doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. According to the prophecies, which you have studied, Jesus Christ is to be reborn from the blood which the Holy Grail contains. In order for that to happen, we cannot let Satan take power in any way. If he comes to power we are lost. Satan can count on people in every sphere of every government in the world, people who are plotting to bring in the new world order, which will serve to bring him to power. Our society’s mission, in addition to protecting the secret of God on earth, is to try to stop Satan’s servants bringing their plans to fruition. You must have seen it in the papers: a little more than ten years ago, in 1947, an alien spaceship was found at Roswell. I think you must have read about it…’

‘Of course I have; but in the end they discovered that it was a meteorological balloon.’

‘Er… That’s the story the military gave out to the population, to avoid a general panic breaking out. But the news was true, and in the ship they found an alien that survived the crash.’

‘Are you sure of that? If it was true we’d know, wouldn’t we?’

‘Jack, not even the president knows the truth about the case, let alone us. It’s top secret. If the president knows something he is certainly pretending not to. There is a power behind the throne, I mean a small group of men, military among them, who control information of this sort.’

‘I understand. But this is very serious: the president should be informed of everything.’

‘The only president who knew all the facts was President Truman, who joined the “other side”. This is the thing. The United States did a deal with the aliens in return for technology. The problem is that they propose to build a gateway that will let none less than Satan into this world.’

‘Forgive me, Oswald, but this story is a bit too fantastic to be true, don’t you think?’

‘This isn’t fantasy, Jack, it’s the pure truth. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Remember that?’

‘In any case, a single government trimming the sovereignty of every country and being run by just a few people isn’t ideal. We’ll really have to stop this.’

‘OK, let me summarize your mission. We need to have access to the information about the Roswell accident and about the US government’s deal with the aliens; we need to know where Satan’s gateway is going to be built; and we need to stop the advance of the new world order. For this to happen, power must be in the hands of one of us. Let me say in advance, however, that the task is extremely risky. As soon as you make a move they will try to eliminate you. You will have to be very, very careful. Are you prepared to make a sacrifice?’

‘Oswald, that’s the reason I took the oath when I turned twenty-one. If I wasn’t convinced about our society’s values I wouldn’t have done it.’

‘Excellent. I’m delighted I can count on you. Your help will be fundamental and I have no doubt your name will always be remembered.’

‘I’m delighted too. My father will be even more pleased, to know that our family will be a part of this resistance; that is, of course, as long as I win the election.’

‘It won’t be easy, Jack, but we’ll fight to the finish to win. Well, lunch must be served. I’ll give you more details while we eat, OK?’

‘Let’s go, I’m famished.’

The two of them walked to the dining room. Kennedy, although appearing calm, was anxious inside as well as happy about the nomination. After all, since he had entered politics he had dreamed of becoming the president of the United States. The job would bring extra responsibility now: to try to stop the advance of the Illuminati and the creation of the new world order. This would put him, and his family, in constant danger of assassination. But his principles spoke loudest and everything told him he should take part in this chapter of history, as well as being, or at least trying to be, an example for future generations of leaders. Finally the resistance would start to take shape.

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