Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins

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Authors: Leo Mark

Tags: #Thrillers, #extraterrestrial, #Novel, #jesus, #Fiction

BOOK: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins
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A Novel based on historical documents



A Trilogy

Volume I: Origins

To follow:

Volume II: Armageddon

Volume III: The Return

Copyright © 2011 by Leo Mark


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events,

and incidents either are the product of the author´s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any

resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental.


All Rights reserved.


Published in the United States by the author Leo Mark

[email protected] –


Editorial Direction:
Marco Giroto

Anthony Addis

Cover design:
Wellington Consoli

Cover image:
Benjamin West (1738-1820)



Mark, Leo

Jesus, the Extraterrestrial – Volume I: Origins/by Leo Mark


First Edition



From an early age I was always full of questions. The world as I saw it wasn’t quite as people described it to me. There always seemed to be something odd about the stories they told me: they didn’t quite fit, or something was missing. But when you are a child and everyone tells you the same stories, you start to believe in them religiously; you carry them with you throughout your life, passing them on to your children and grandchildren.

A lot of my family are evangelicals (a brother of mine and an uncle are pastors of the church); and so in my childhood I studied in Adventist schools. I attended religious studies classes and most days we had to say a prayer when we arrived at school and when we left (a true brain-washing exercise).

All the children believed in those bible stories without so much as questioning them. Yet I, something of a rebel as I always was, never entirely agreed with what they were telling me, for the stories seemed to be too fantastic and too unlikely, so I was never convinced that they were really true. I had a lot of questions to ask about them all and I wouldn’t rest until my questions
were answered.

And so, as a teenager, I started studying the Bible and began to formulate theories which, when I propounded them, made people think I was crazy or blasphemous. They said my thoughts were sinful (was I to be punished, in other words, simply because I used my head for thinking, because I had opinions instead of accepting the opinions of others, because I rejected the collective truth?).

As time went by I went deeper into these matters and the research I carried out served to convince me that my theories weren’t so totally absurd or wrong, that on the contrary they were entirely correct – that the rest of the world believed in fairy tales. People were tied to their beliefs, to baseless or outdated tales. Perhaps because of the superior status of the storyteller, mankind’s own true history had become a narrative replete with obscure passages.

I read dozens of books and hundreds of articles about all this, and I watched documentaries. I began to look for answers in the Bible itself and even in the Apocrypha. In this way I discovered for myself part of the truth about the world, about where we had come from and why we are here. Naturally there are many more questions to be answered, but I am constantly searching.

Everything I studied can easily be found in books and today, more than ever, on the internet – the problem is to know which translators and authors are really dependable and which of them favor their own theories to the detriment of the written sources. I chose believable sources and I saw that it was desirable for a synthesis of the truth to be made accessible to the world at large, by means of a book written in simple language and easy-to-understand concepts, so that everyone, irrespective of age or upbringing, might learn about valuable documents which are relatively new compared to some others of historical importance.

Here, then, is the first volume of a trilogy which could shake the structure of our society and raise its readers to a new level of understanding, perhaps even to a new level of excellence. I therefore beg you, dear reader, to digest this work with an open mind, free of prejudice and free of those concepts instilled in you by religion. People need to know the truth, for otherwise there will soon come a time when mankind as we know it ceases to exist.



Leo Mark




In 1877, to the south of Babylon, in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), the Frenchman Ernest de Sarzec discovered traces of the most ancient civilization on earth, the Sumerian civilization. After his death the excavations continued and while they lasted thousands of clay tablets inscribed in cuneiform script were found. The translation of these documents revealed stories very similar to those we find in the Bible, from the creation of man to the Flood, but much richer in details.

Most of the flashbacks and travels in time which occur in this work correspond to the writings left by the first literate human beings on earth, who cohabited on a daily basis with beings known today as gods. As well as the Sumerian tablets I have also made use as references of stories contained in the Bible and in the books considered apocryphal by the Catholic Church. Some chapters or passages which have to do with more recent events are based on actual occurrences, and some of the characters are real. I have changed the names of others, however, to protect their identities.


I ask you to read my work before expressing any criticism or opinion of it or of my person. Criticism is most welcome as long as it is well-founded, for otherwise it is not criticism but simply a personal opinion based on someone else’s thoughts; in fact, not opinion at all but just the expression of a collective “truth”, probably derived from some religious leader who also received it at second hand. I ask the theologians and pseudo-theologians not to come to me insisting that the Bible is God’s truth; remember, first of all, that the Bible is just another historical document, which has been subject to major modification during its dozens of translations. Remember too that there are other documents that bear careful study, quite apart from the best known, most widely circulated all-time bestseller. I do not claim that this work has a monopoly of the truth; I present it as a way of sharing a little of the knowledge I have acquired during more than ten years of study and research. Nor do I pretend that every word I have written is necessarily true; for after all this is a work of fiction, and it will be up to the reader to study it carefully and reach his
own conclusions.

But don’t just criticize a writer who is trying to do the right thing by demonstrating the truth, based on the research he has done and on an analysis of the facts of mankind´s history. Instead do the world a favor, not just by stopping the proliferation of meaningless and unfounded opinions, but also by reading this book carefully: it will help you not to swallow whole all the things you thought you knew and all the things you’ve been told before, which don’t even come close to the truth.

My message to accompany this first part of my trilogy about the story of mankind is the following: Think outside the box. Question the world.


Jerusalem, 34 AD

The city was all a-buzz, with everyone out in the streets to see the famous Christ go by, carrying his enormous wooden cross through the city. Not far from the narrow streets of Jerusalem, a man called Joseph, a native of Arimathaea, was heading towards Calvary, the place where Jesus was to be crucified. The sun was shining and the heat was almost unbearable; but when Joseph was least expecting it, the sky began to get overcast, the rays of the sun gave way to darkness, and from where he sat on his camel Joseph could see a great light in the sky which lit up the part of the desert where he was travelling. Little by little the light got brighter and the sands of the desert started to rise, forming a sandstorm. Then the bright light settled over the head of Joseph, and slowly an angel began to take shape. Gradually the sand started to settle. Joseph started slapping his own face, sure that he was dreaming: he had never in his life seen anything so beautiful and so magnificent. It was then that the angel, clothed in gold and silver robes, put his feet on the desert sand. Joseph´s camel was perfectly calm; Joseph was trembling and frightened. He slipped off the camel to take shelter, and as his feet touched the sand a voice rang out:

‘Be not afraid, Joseph. I am the messenger of the Lord. He has a most important task for you.’

‘I cannot believe my eyes! Are you real?’ asked Joseph, falling on his knees on the hot sand.

‘As you can well see, I am not a figment of your imagination!’

‘I am at the Lord´s command. Whatever you ask I shall do without delay.’

‘Joseph, take good heed of my words. Take this flask and fill it with the blood of Jesus. As soon as the blood is in it, close it and it will seal itself. Hide the flask and protect it with your life. After Jesus is risen, take Mary Magdalene with you and flee to Marseilles, for you will need to flee - she carries in her womb the seed of Jesus. This flask must remain with the descendants of the true blood of Jesus until he is born again, which will come to pass through the blood which you shall save. When the proper time is nigh, the flask will emit a sound, and then only a descendant of Jesus will have the power to open it, and only a woman of the blood of Jesus will be able to carry the Master in her womb and give new birth to him; for this reason it is all-important that the flask remains with the descendants of Christ. So the destiny of humankind is in your hands.’

The angel gave Joseph a golden cylinder with silver workings and some small inscriptions, about four inches long and a little over one inch in circumference. One end was rounded and open, ready for the blood of Christ. The angel spoke again:

‘Go, fetch the blood of Jesus and guard his body for three days so that it shall not be desecrated. On the third day, flee from Jerusalem with Mary Magdalene, for men will seek you out.’

The angel began to rise up again towards the light, and the sand of the desert began to blow in circles, forming a whirlwind around Joseph. In a few seconds the light began to go up, and up, until it became just one more star in the sky.

Joseph still couldn´t believe that an angel had spoken to him and entrusted the fate of humanity to him. When he came to himself, he urged the camel on to carry him as fast as it could. He galloped over the desert sands. When he reached Calvary, where Jesus was being crucified, he was amazed at the great crowd of people surrounding him, and from a distance he saw the bloody body of Jesus nailed to a wooden cross. At the foot of the cross, Jesus’ mother and Mary Magdalene were weeping and crying out for the life of Christ. Joseph got nearer and started pushing his way through the crowd, to get close to Jesus. He was carrying the chalice that Jesus had used at the Last Supper. As he got closer he could see Jesus better, and he could not believe that so much violence had been done to a holy man, the son of God; and he wondered why God had allowed this to happen, and whether there was some purpose in it.

Jesus’ body no longer moved. After a few minutes a centurion of the Roman guard took a lance and stuck it into his side, leaving a gash between his ribs, to make sure that he was dead. The blood spurted and began to run out of the wound. Some blood splashed on the face of the centurion, who had problems with his sight, and he fell to his knees on the ground, feeling that his eyes were burning. When he finished wiping his eyes he found that his sight was no longer clouded. A strong feeling of guilt overwhelmed the centurion, who stayed on the ground and started weeping with remorse for what he had done to Jesus. It was a miracle. While Joseph of Arimethaea was watching the scene of the repentant centurion, he raised the chalice used by Jesus at the supper, pressed it against Jesus’ leg and collected the blood that was running down his body. Seconds later the sky filled with darkness, great black clouds began to form, an earthquake shook the ground. In desperation the people threw themselves to the earth. A brilliant light shone through the clouds and lit up the body of the dead Christ. The sky began to hurl down thunderbolts and great flashes of lightning, the earth under Jerusalem began to shake even more violently, and the people began to cry out and run around. Many of the people who had been calling for Jesus’ death now repented, for they saw what Jesus did and that he was truly the Messiah.

After a time the earth stopped shaking. Joseph took the blood of Jesus and poured it into the flask the angel had given him. The blood started running over Joseph´s hands. But little by little he managed to fill the flask. He pressed the end to close the mouth of the flask, and it gave out a bright green light and made a sound. The cylinder with the blood of Jesus was sealed. Joseph put it inside the chalice, which he placed in a bag tied around his waist. He took Mary and Mary Magdalene by the arm and they made their way from that place, before the ground which the earthquake had opened should swallow them up. As they got further away, the clouds and the light in the sky slowly disappeared. Now there was no one left, apart from some soldiers lying on the ground, terrified at what they had witnessed. The multitude had gone, the sky began to lighten and the sun came out again.

Once Joseph had left the women in a safe place, he went towards Pilate’s palace. Joseph was a noble and influential merchant from Brittany, and he was well regarded by the noblemen in the province of Judaea. When he got to the palace he asked for an audience with Pilate, which was granted.

‘My Lord, Jesus is dead. I ask you to release the body to me so that we can prepare a fitting funeral.’

‘Joseph of Arimathaea, I release the body of your king. Go and take it up before the robbers take it or the crows devour it. Take two of my men with you to protect you while you prepare everything. I trust that God will recognize my kindness and goodwill.’

‘Thank you, my Lord.’

Joseph went to the hiding-place where he had left Mary and Mary Magdalene, as well as some of the disciples. When he got there he spoke to the group:

‘Pilate has allowed me to take the body of Jesus, so that we can give it a proper funeral. We will place it in a tomb which belongs to my family. We must protect it until the day of resurrection. Pilate has given us two guards to watch the entrance to the tomb and to make sure that no one steals the body. Mary said:

‘God bless you, Joseph, for what you are doing for my son.’

But Joseph addressed himself to the other woman:

‘Mary Magdalene, I need a minute with you alone, I must speak with you.’

‘Tell me, sir,’ she answered, as she and Joseph moved a short distance away from the house where they were.

‘When Jesus has risen again, get together a few people that you trust and then we will go to Gaul. An angel of the Lord told me that we must protect the seed of Jesus which is growing in your womb. We will be pursued.’

‘In my womb? I am with child by Jesus? How wonderful! Are you sure, Joseph?’ replied Mary Magdalene, confused at the news, putting her hands on her stomach.

‘There is no doubt: the angel himself told me quite clearly. When we reach Gaul I will reveal another thing to you, something much more important even than the fact that you are with child. But we shall have to speak calmly. Now let us go and take Jesus from that terrible place.’

Joseph, the women and some more of the disciples went again to Calvary. They gently took the body down from the cross and laid it on a white shroud. They made for the tomb where Jesus would be laid. When they got there they washed the body and the wounds, and wrapped it in a new shroud. They prayed to God to protect his Son, then they left the tomb and with the help of the guards they dragged up a great round stone to close the entrance to the tomb. The soldiers remained on guard and the others went to a hiding-place nearby. After three days, in the early morning, a light arose in the sky. The trees around the tomb began to shake violently. The guards, who were sleeping, awoke terrified of the light that was coming towards them. And then an angel appeared out of the bright light and settled on a rock that was part of the tomb where Jesus lay. The guards were amazed at the sight and began to run and to hide; but they could not run properly because of the bright lights and the strong winds, and they fell to the ground. Mary and Mary Magdalene were approaching the sepulcher when they caught sight of the angel, which saw them coming and said:

‘Be not afraid. I know that you have come for Jesus who lately was crucified. But he is no more here. He has risen again, as he foretold to you. Enter and see the place where the Lord was lying.’

The two women went into the tomb and saw that there was no one. The body was no longer there, just some pieces of cloth stained with blood, thrown on the floor. And then the angel spoke to them again:

‘Go now and give the news to the disciples of Jesus. Tell them that the Christ has risen again. He will meet them in Galilee.’

The two of them ran to where the disciples were. Their hearts were heavy, because Jesus would leave them again, but at the same time they were full of joy knowing that he had returned. When they were approaching the house where the disciples were hidden, Jesus came out from behind a great tree and appeared miraculously to them. They both fell at his feet.

Jesus said to Mary:

‘Woman, be not afraid. Get my disciples together and they will meet me in Galilee.’

‘Jesus! Thank God that you are alive!’ exclaimed his mother.

‘I always was alive, woman. Did I not tell you that I would return on the third day? Did you not believe my word?’

‘Of course we did. But only after all that we witnessed.’

‘Jesus, an angel appeared to Joseph and told him that I am expecting a child of yours,’ said Mary Magdalene.

‘Yes, it will be a girl. Take good care of her.’

‘But now that you are alive, why will you not go with us?’

‘I cannot, woman. My father needs me. But I will return soon, do not fear. Now go, and take the news to the others.’

All of them set off for Galilee and there they met Jesus, who gave the disciples his last instructions. Some time later, at nightfall, a great wind arose and grew ever stronger. Dust mingled with sticks and leaves was lifted into the air and blew around the place where they were. Then a great light appeared in the sky, and from the light there came angels of God. Jesus stayed where he was, unmoving. The others, afraid at what was happening, began to draw away little by little. Moments later, the light settled over the body of Jesus, which began to float and to be slowly lifted up towards the centre of the light. As he went up, now Jesus looked upwards and now he looked down at his disciples, who were looking up at him, frightened and amazed. Soon Jesus disappeared in the midst of the light and the angels, who were forming a sort of celestial escort, began to fly into the centre of the light, one by one. The light dimmed and the wind began to drop. The light disappeared into the horizon and turned into one more star in the sky. All those that were present on the hillside began to weep and to speak of the ascension of Jesus.

‘I hope he will come back one day,’ thought Mary Magdalene, putting her hands on her stomach.

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