Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins (11 page)

Read Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins Online

Authors: Leo Mark

Tags: #Thrillers, #extraterrestrial, #Novel, #jesus, #Fiction

BOOK: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins
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After a long discussion between the council and Anu, it was decided:

‘If this is the only way for us to bring gold to Nibiru, and if our survival is at stake, then let us put aside the laws of the Intergalactic Confederation and create a terrestrial worker. Let us save Nibiru,’ announced Anu, transmitting the decision to Earth.

Enki was very pleased at the decision and chose Ninmah to assist him with the experiments, as she was very knowledgeable about medicine.

‘Ennugi, communicate the decision to the workers at Abzu. Tell them to go back to work and wait for us to create the being.’

The Anunnaki workers were disappointed. They didn’t revolt again, but they went back to work with little enthusiasm.

After a long time studying, analyzing and documenting the matter, Enki said:

‘Let us take the semen of an Anunnaki and inseminate the female biped. We’ll see how the combination results.’

When they made the attempt, after a few days they concluded that there had been no fertilization.

‘We’ll have to find another way,’ said Ninmah to Enki.

Ninmah took a crystal container and in it she placed an egg from the female biped and Anunnaki semen. She mixed them carefully and succeeded in fertilizing the egg. She implanted the fertilized egg in the female biped and, after several earth months, the new species was ready to be born. They were all anxious about the result, but the female couldn’t deliver her offspring. So Ninmah made a cut in her abdomen and pulled the being out of her womb. It was alive, in Ninmah’s hands, but something seemed strange about its face. When they washed the newly-born they saw that it had hair over almost the whole of its body, and its face was hairy, except for the lower part of it.

They gave the newly-born to the female to care for and feed. After some time, it had grown in size, but its hand did not adapt itself to the tools, it could not hold objects securely and it only grunted, unable to communicate.

‘We must try again, brother. We’ll modify the Anunnaki semen before fertilizing the egg.’

They repeated all the procedures, adjusting the DNA, and once again they fertilized the egg and implanted it. This time the newly-born was more like the Anunnakis, and again they gave it to the female to breast-feed. When it grew, they saw that its hands were adapted to hold tools; and it was more attractive, not so like the bipeds. But as they carried out tests on the child they saw that all was not as it should be, and that its sight was cloudy. All the beings were born with some defect: liver problems, short arms, inadequate lungs. Ninmah and Enki were almost giving up when they decided to change the method.

‘There’s only one thing we haven’t tried. We always inseminate the female biped, we have never used the womb of a female Anunnaki,’ said the scientist, deep in thought.

‘But brother, how are we going to find an Anunnaki woman prepared for an experiment that could produce a monster or something similar?’

‘Let me speak to my wife Ninki. I’m sure she’ll help us and lend us her womb.’

‘No, brother, I’ve been with you since we started these experiments, and it’s I who should take the risk, not your wife. Let me carry the child in my womb.’

Enki was surprised at his sister’s reaction. He embraced her and said;

‘So be it. I hope you are sure of what you are doing.’

After the preparations, they fertilized an egg and implanted it in Ninmah. After nine earth months she gave birth to a male, a little boy. Enki took him in his hands, he was perfect. He smacked his bottom and the child began to cry. It was the cry of an Anunnaki child and not of a biped pup. They were all very happy. Ninmah began to cry with joy.

The scientists began to examine the child. All its members, bones, blood, ears, eyes - they examined it from head to toe. Everything appeared to be perfect; the being wasn’t hairy, its hair was black, its skin was red and its blood dark red. When they examined the genitals they noted that its penis was covered with skin which grew past the end of the organ, hanging there, which was not like the penis of the Anunnaki boys.

‘Let the terrestrial be differentiated from us Anunnakis by this skin,’ said Enki.

The child began to cry loudly, it was hungry. Then Ninmah put it on her lap and gave it a breast to suckle.

‘What shall we call the child? After all, it’s a terrestrial born of us, and not just any creature,’ asked Enki.

‘We’ll call him Adamu, which means “like the clay of the Earth”. That will be his name.’

‘Let them make Adamu a cradle. He shall stay in the House of Life with us,’ commanded Enki.

‘Ninmah, now we must create an army of beings like Adamu. That could take a long time,’ Ningishzidda reminded them.

‘You’re right. We’ll use Adamu as a model for all the others. Adamu will be spared hard work to serve as our model,’ replied Enki.

‘But what wombs shall we use to carry the seed?’

Ninmah thought for a moment and then replied:

‘We will call some Anunnakis from the city of Shurubak; they always help me with cures and sometimes with childbirth. I am sure some of them will accept the challenge. Have them brought here and we will show them Adamu; I’m certain they will be amazed at the child and I feel they will help us.’

A ship left for the place where the women lived who Ninmah wanted to recruit.

‘The Lord Enki requires your presence at the House of Life immediately, board now,’ announced the ship’s loudspeaker, hovering over the homes of the Anunnakis.

They flew back to the House of Life and were received like princesses. When they came to Ninmah’s quarters, she said:

‘Sisters, I want to show you the terrestrial worker who was born from my womb. He is the first of an army of workers we will create to work in the mines and extract the precious gold that will save our planet. I want to ask you a great favor. I don’t want to oblige any of you to accept, it will be for each of you to decide, but the success of this project depends on you. We need volunteers to carry these earthlings in their wombs.’

The Anunnakis looked at each other and seven of them stepped forward, accepting the challenge.

‘Very good, I am most grateful to all of you. May your names be remembered for ever.’

Each one of them gave her name:








After a few days the preparations for the inseminations began. The Anunnakis were installed in special quarters. More eggs were collected from the female biped and they made a small cut in Adamu’s penis. A drop of blood fell and they used it to fertilize the eggs with the essence of the new being. All of them would be his clones. The fertilized eggs were implanted in the Anunnaki women. Nine earth months passed and all the women gave birth to exact copies of Adamu.

‘Let them make seven more workers,’ said Ningishzidda.

‘Son,’ said Enki, ‘in this way we are not going to succeed in making an army of workers; we’ll take a very long time to get to a sufficient number, and we do not have much time. We must make females to reproduce. I will call my wife Ninki to carry a terrestrial female in her womb.’

They explained to Ninki what was happening, and spoke of how her help was needed. The woman was fascinated with what was going on and accepted the challenge at once. Then they began the work of fertilizing the egg which would become the female earthling. After making all the adjustments they implanted the fertilized seed in Ninki’s womb. When the gestation period was over the time came for the female earthling to be born. But something was wrong; the child was not being delivered. They waited for another month and then Ninmah cut Ninki open so that she should give birth to the female earthling. The child was born and they were all happy. They examined the fragile earthling child carefully - everything was satisfactory, limbs, eyes, it wasn’t hairy, its hair was the color of the sands of the sea and its skin was the color and textures of the Anunnakis’. The sounds it made were the sounds they expected to hear, appropriate for an Anunnaki child. They gave the child to Ninki to breastfeed. They gave it the name Tiamat, which means “mother of life”: the same name as the ancient planet which became the Earth and the moon. The gestation of seven new female earthlings, which would be paired with the seven males, was started at once. They took the essence of Tiamat, fertilized eggs from female bipeds with it and inseminated the Anunnaki women. They waited for the prescribed time and then the seven females were born, who in turn gave birth, forming an army of workers. When the children reached a certain age, they put all of them in the forests to grow up together
and multiply.

‘Let Adamu and Tiamat be spared from hard work. Let them be taken to Edin, so that all the Anunnakis may know the new species we have created to save our planet,’ declared Enki.

Adamu and Tiamat were taken to Edin. A house was built for them to live in. All the people went to Edin to see the novelty; even Enlil, in spite of himself, went to see the creatures, and when he saw them he became less opposed to the whole idea. Marduk, son of Enki, and the great majority of his soldiers left the planet Mars especially to see the new beings. They were amazed and impressed at what Enki and Ninmah had created.

After some time, the children were grown up and totally developed. The process was very rapid on earth, in contrast to Nibiru. When they reached maturity the creatures began to couple among themselves. At first, however, the Anunnakis noticed that the females did not become pregnant, and realized that without this it would be impossible to create the workforce that they so badly needed. The Anunnakis working in the mines were tired of waiting and Enki was afraid they would revolt if they knew that the new beings were not procreating. ‘We have created a curse,’ though Enki to himself, almost regretting what they had done.

‘Don’t lose heart, Enki. We’ll analyze the DNA of these creatures and we’ll find a solution very shortly,’ mused Ningishzidda.

Analyzing the creatures’ DNA they noted that it had only twenty-two pairs of chromosomes. The twenty-third pair, which was directly responsible for the ability to procreate and which the Anunnakis possessed, was absent in the creatures. Ningishzidda took Ninmah, Enki, Adamu and Tiamat to an isolated laboratory. Ningishzidda made them all lie down on beds, gave them a general anesthetic and waited till they all fell asleep. He drew from Enki the vital essence that was lacking in the new males and injected it into Adamu. He injected the vital feminine essence from Ninmah into Tiamat. After some hours they all awoke. The missing pair of chromosomes had been successfully implanted in Adamu and Tiamat. Now they could procreate normally.

‘We’ll let them roam free in Edin, get to know each other and couple. We will just observe from afar,’ said Ninmah.

Some time later Enlil was walking through Edin to escape the heat and met Adamu and Tiamat with clothing covering their intimate parts. This seemed odd, as the creatures went about naked without any shame, quite unconscious of their nudity. Enlil went to Enki and asked for an immediate explanation. Enki explained to Enlil that the experiment had failed, and that the pair of chromosomes needed for the creatures to procreate was missing. Enlil was furious when he knew that Enki had given the creatures one more Anunnaki characteristic. He thought that Enki had given them the gene for long life, which allowed the Anunnakis to live for thousands of years. Enki explained to Enlil that he had not given them this gene, and that the operation had been simply to make them capable of procreating, for otherwise there would be no workers for the gold mines. Nibiru’s fate depended on this experiment. If it didn’t work out, the Anunnakis working in the mines would rebel and all the effort so far put into calming them down would be wasted. Enlil accepted the argument, but he was still angry and exclaimed:

‘Let them procreate far from Edin. This isn’t their place. We cannot mix with an inferior race, even if we created it. Let them be expelled from Edin and go to Abzu, far from here.’

Enki carried out his brother’s wishes. In time, Adamu and Tiamat succeeded in procreating, and Tiamat fell pregnant. The leaders of the Anunnakis went to Abzu to witness the birth, which was a historic event. In the green grassland Tiamat gave birth to twins, a son and a daughter, the first descendants of the earthlings. Everyone was amazed to see how rapidly the children grew, developing with an incredible speed compared to Anunnaki standards. The days were like months and the months grew into years and more years for the earth. In time Adamu and Tiamat had more sons and daughters, and the twins too coupled and procreated; the earthlings proliferated very rapidly.

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