Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins (22 page)

Read Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins Online

Authors: Leo Mark

Tags: #Thrillers, #extraterrestrial, #Novel, #jesus, #Fiction

BOOK: Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins
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‘I don’t get it.’

‘In a little while you will get up and go and play with your sisters.’

‘I´m going to get better?’

‘Yes, in a few minutes you’ll be better.’

David retreated a couple of steps. Amy’s father, seeing that the strange young man had withdrawn, started to calm down. David smiled at Amy and, just as she was beginning to return his smile, she felt funny and gave her mother a scared look, as if she didn’t understand what was happening.

‘Mum, I’ve got pins and needles all over, I feel weird,’ Amy said to her mother, who saw that her fingers were moving more than normal. ‘Mummy, help, help me. It’s hurting.’

‘What have you done to my daughter, you bastard?’ shouted the father, heading towards his daughter to try to help.

‘Don’t worry, it’s her bones and muscles growing back,’ replied David.

Amy’s bones and muscles were regenerating themselves. Years and years of atrophy were being undone in a matter of seconds. Amy was wrapped in thick clothing because of the cold, and it was impossible to see what was really happening.

‘Ahhhh!!!’ Amy let out a loud cry which could be heard all over the airport.

The people passing by stopped at once, to see what was going on.

The blonde girl started struggling and screaming and crying and her parents backed off in fear. They were desperate and started calling for a doctor. With all her struggles the wheelchair toppled over and Amy fell out. She went on struggling, twisting with pain and screaming. After a while the little twelve-year-old stopped struggling and lay quietly on the floor, looking at the people around her who were aghast at the scene.

‘Amy, look at me. It’s me, David.’ Amy turned her head to look at him.

Her parents didn’t want to touch their daughter; they were too frightened of causing her more pain.

‘Amy, now get up and walk,’ said David forcefully.

The girl looked again fearfully at the people around her, who were beginning to say the boy was mad, to be saying such a thing to a tetraplegic. Some people were laughing and filming the scene on their cell phones. The girl heard what David said, and then she rested one of her hands on the floor and slowly started pushing herself up. The people round Amy couldn’t understand what was happening. The ones who were laughing automatically placed their hands over their mouths, their expressions changing. Gradually Amy lifted herself up. Her parents went to support her, seeing that she couldn’t get her balance, as she had never walked before or even stood up. As Amy was straightening up, with the help of her parents, the crowd began to draw back. Some were crying with emotion. Others, unbelieving, thought that it was a piece of theatre or a trick. The parents started crying, as did her other two sisters, when they saw that she was beginning to try taking her first steps towards David.

‘My God, it’s a miracle. I can’t believe my eyes,’ cried Amy’s mother.

Shouts were heard of “Miracle! Miracle!” People were talking to each other and recounting what was happening to the people who were further away and couldn’t see. John F. Kennedy Airport came to a standstill. The news spread rapidly and everyone wanted to get close to Amy and her family. The whole place was in uproar.

‘Thank you, David. You were right when you said Jesus would make me better. Thank you, thank you so much.’ Amy had tears in her eyes and tried to walk to David, in her awkward way.

‘No need to thank me, Amy. You deserve it. It wasn’t Jesus who healed you, it was your faith and confidence in what I told you.’

‘My boy, forgive me for misjudging you. Please pardon me,’ said Amy’s father, throwing himself at David’s feet.

‘Don’t worry, sir. I think from now on you’ll think twice before judging a person.’

‘What’s your name, son?’

‘My name is David. I have to go. Look after your daughter, please, she’s very special.’

‘Thank you, David, thank you very much. God bless you. God bless you.’ Amy’s father couldn’t hide his emotion.

David turned and walked towards George, who had tears in his eyes. As he walked the crowd parted in front of him, and some of them wanted to touch him. The sound of clapping started echoing through the lobby. They all clapped for David, shouting
and whistling.

David Griffin had begun his mission. Even he could hardly believe what had just happened. Now his feat would become common knowledge throughout the world. People would always talk of him as the second one to perform a miracle of this dimension. His mission was to persuade people that he came in the name of Jesus, to save them and to prepare them for the great final battle between good and evil and, later, for the return of Jesus Christ.


Griffin Residence, New York, 26th December 2008

George and David went up in the private elevator of the building where the family lived in New York. Before going home, George had dropped in at his office to pick up some documents he wanted to show David. The elevator came to a stop inside the apartment and when the door opened they could see the living room and a big screen on which George watched films. As soon as the elevator reached the top floor the two of them saw the family gathered around the screen. As they got out they could hear the news on CNN:

‘People from around the world watched today, a short while ago, as one of the greatest miracles man has seen was performed. A little girl called Amy Stanford, just twelve years old, tetraplegic since the age of five, was cured in a few minutes by a boy identified only as David. Witnesses filmed the incident and the girl’s parents confirmed that she was almost totally paralyzed, and could only move her head and two fingers of her left hand. According to other witnesses, the boy who performed the miracle was seen leaving the airport with the governor of New York, George Griffin. Various versions of the scene were posted on YouTube and have been watched by more than two million people worldwide. Amy Stanford was rushed to hospital, from where she is going to talk live to reporter Kelly Chapman.

‘Kelly, do you have anything new on the Amy case?’

‘Jack, the doctor who examined Amy has just given a press conference. Here’s what he said.’

‘Amy is in good health, but I must say that, having seen her medical records, I would not have believed she could be cured, as her paralysis was caused by a serious trauma to the spine. The tests we have carried out today show no sign of any old injury to Amy’s spine. In addition, Amy suffered from type 1 diabetes, and so far no trace of any sort of diabetes has been found in her blood. Scientifically speaking, what took place is impossible and nothing comparable has been recorded in the history of medicine. Amy will remain under observation for the next twenty-four hours.’

‘Doctor, do you think this could have been a miracle?’

‘My dear girl, I have been an atheist since the age of twelve, but I have to say that if this Amy is the same Amy described in her previous medical history, then it truly was a miracle.’

‘Jack, you can see the crowd of people here wanting to see the girl. There are dozens here who want to meet the girl who has been healed. The police have been called to control the crowds, as they are blocking all the traffic in front of the hospital. So I should make it clear that Amy is not receiving visitors and people should stay at home. Please don’t come to the hospital as you will just worsen the traffic jams and block the ambulances. Now back to you Jack at the CNN studios.’

‘Thank you, Kelly, it really does look as though a miracle has happened. What’s intriguing us now is that the boy was with the governor and where they went to. Our team will continue investigation and we’ll be back at any moment with more news.’

When the news report finished, David’s grandfather Thomas heard a sound from the corridor and turned to look. He was still in shock with the news, when suddenly the boy appeared.

‘My God, David, is it really you?’

‘Yes, it’s me, and you are…?’

‘It’s me, David, your grandfather Thomas…’

‘Hello Grandpa, I remember you…’ Hardly had David finished speaking when Thomas took him in a tight embrace. All the family started crying and hugging David, who was being crushed.

‘Easy, people, let him breathe. You’ll have plenty of time for hugs,’ said George, trying to pull them away.

‘David, how come you’re here?’ Thomas was emotional.

David sat down in one of the armchairs and the others sat round him, waiting to hear what he had to say.

‘David, you can tell us everything. We’re family, everyone knows your story,’ said George, trying to calm David who was also emotional at seeing his loved ones again.

‘The press keeps ringing for information about you. They saw you leaving the airport together and they want to know who you are. I never believed in those miracles everyone says Jesus did, but now that you’re doing it too I have no more doubts,’ said Thomas.

‘David, don’t worry. Thomas was always a sort of Doubting Thomas; he needs to see to believe,’ said David’s grandmother.

‘Naturally, I’m a scientist; I work on the basis of analyzing real data.’

David took several hours to tell them what had happened to him since the 9/11 attacks and up to the recent episode when he was taken on board the spaceship.

‘The only conclusion from all this, then, is that Jesus really was an alien and that we humans are hybrids, with a mixture of DNA from aliens and monkeys. My God, now it all makes sense. Look, father, I always used to say that the stories told by the various religions were pure fantasy. But in fact the ancient gods were nothing more than beings from another planet, much more highly evolved than us,’ concluded Thomas, amazed at everything he had been hearing.

‘So, David, what’s next?’ asked George.

‘Now I’ve got to reveal myself to the world. Tell them I’m a clone of Jesus and that I’m here on earth to prepare people for his return, as well as for Satan’s comeback.’

‘No, David. If you say you’re a clone of Jesus they’ll know I did the cloning. I’ll be crucified,’ said Thomas excitedly.

‘Don’t worry, grandpa, the cloning will be just a detail compared to all the rest that’s going to happen. No one will crucify you for that; on the contrary, you might even get the Nobel prize for carrying out the first cloning of a human being, especially as it’s a clone of
Jesus Christ.’

‘The first alien cloning, you mean.’

‘That’s right, but with a human spirit,’ answered David, laughing at the remark.

‘Grandpa George, I’ll need someone to go with me and help me with everything. I’m going to start taking the message to the whole world, and I need someone to liaise with the press, to arrange interviews, that sort of thing.’

‘Of course, David. We’ll help you with everything you need. I’ll arrange right away for two bodyguards to take care of you 24/7.’

‘Do you think a TV station will want to interview me?’ asked David.

‘Don’t be so modest, David, of course they will. We’ll make up a team to look after everything. All the TV stations will be falling over each other to have you as a guest.’

‘David, can you cure as many people as you want?’ asked the boy’s grandfather.

‘No, grandpa, only the ones with positive energy, the kind-hearted.’

‘And how do you know who they are?’

‘I sense people’s energy, and I can spot good people and bad people. I’ve always had the feeling, but I never took much notice of it. Galzu helped me use the gift. But I can’t cure many people in a day, just a few. The healing is nothing more than the transfer of energy; to do it many times in a short space of time would exhaust me. I plan to use my energy at strategic moments and in places where there are a lot of people. It’s not that I want to make an exhibition of myself, but if I do what they call a miracle when no one is there to see, they won’t believe in it. My mission, apart from preparing for Jesus’ return, is to try to change the hearts of bad people and bring them over to our side. That’s done through the emotions, and healing people and even raising people from the dead touches the emotions: people will start to believe and to have faith and so will begin to follow me and behave well.

‘What I am going to tell you now is very important: Satan’s followers are creating a weapon that will wipe out a large part of the earth’s population. It’s a biological weapon, a virus they plan to spread throughout the world. Enki’s soldiers, on the other hand, are trying to avoid the extermination of the human race. Satan will return to this world very soon and he will try to get people on to his side. He will be a great leader, he will do away with famine in many places, and he will put an end to many wars, but behind all that his real intention is to make people like him and fall for him. By the time that happens he will have enslaved part of the population and he will eliminate another part. We shall probably have a Third World War between the countries that support Satan and those that support Jesus. In the bible the Third World War is called Armageddon. This war will destroy a good part of the population; and then Jesus will return from Nibiru to bring peace to men.

‘However, we’ll have another problem after that. Some tens of years later the planet of the Anunnaki will be very close to earth, and that will cause great natural disasters here. There will be thousands of tsunamis, volcanoes erupting, and the earth’s nucleus will slip – which will alter the position of the poles and so make life on earth unsupportable for a long time. That’s why Jesus is preparing a great fleet of ships to take off the planet all the animals and all the good people. My hope is to make the evil people good, as we want to save as many human beings as possible. Enki’s scientists – I mean Jesus’ – have invented a device that can measure the energy of bodies. When the ships arrive, this device will tell us who is good and should be saved, and who is evil and should be left on earth to die.

‘In fact, since Jesus’ first coming, the plan was exactly that: to take words of love and goodness to the people, to ask them to pass the message to their children and grandchildren, and to convince them to be good and to deserve salvation.’

‘But, David, what about people who have already died?’ asked Thomas.

‘The human body is composed of energy. When it stops working, that energy leaves the body, wanders the earth for a time and then goes to a parallel universe. When a child is conceived, it needs this energy to develop and to be born. That’s when the energy that once was in another body returns to our dimension. It’s what we all know as reincarnation. The energy is as it were the spirit, and it carries in itself everything that was done in the previous life: if the person was good, the energy is good; if the person was evil, the energy is evil. In short, the energy is men’s spirit. Many of them are by nature bad; I mean they will be bad in all the lives they pass through. Others, depending on the environment they’re born in, can become good people, and then the energy is healed. That too is the influence of the environment in which they live. For example, if a child is born to parents with positive energy, it tends to attract positive energy towards it; and the opposite also happens: parents with negative energy can pass it on to their offspring. But there are many factors at play.’

‘And what happens after these people are brought to Jesus?’

‘They will go to Nibiru, which we know as heaven. There they will go through a process which makes them more or less immortal: their body cells will not age any more, and they will only die if someone kills them or they suffer an accident. These people will spend around a thousand years on Nibiru, which is the time it will take for earth to recover from the disasters. Then they will return here once more.’

All the family listening to him were astonished at what David had told them. They started to rethink their lives and a strong feeling of love took hold of them all, to think that they were part of something really big.

‘Well, people, it’s late, we must let David rest. Tomorrow will be a very tiring day. Let’s meet at breakfast and continue our chat. We’ll make plans about what to do next,’ said George, making them all get up and taking David to one of the guest rooms.

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