Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (30 page)

Read Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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Where it belonged.

He was such a man. There was nothing soft or giving about him. His control and domination rolled off of him in almost visible waves leaving her trembling with need. Not just her own physical needs, but the bone deep desire to please him, to make him proud of her. She wanted to be worthy of the devotion he’d shown her. In a really odd way, Ivan’s domination made her want to be a better person, the kind of woman he would be proud of.

How strange was that?

The more they moved into the play area the louder the music got until it was a deep base pounding through the air, making the scenes look like moving art. The fall of the lash, the grimace of ecstasy twisting a woman’s lips, and the wail of release all blended together and into the music. After walking past at least a dozen different scenes on various pieces of BDSM equipment, Ivan led her to a stone wall with thick chains bolted into it. He held out his hand and pulled her gently to his side, rubbing his face against her cheek as he whispered, “You do not have any problems with being restrained, correct?”

“No, Master, no problems there.”

He kissed the tender lobe of her ear, stealing her breath. “And knife play?”

She swallowed hard as her juices flowed from her, preparing her body for him. “I love it.”

The happy, growling sound he made had her wishing he was inside of her, taking her while he rumbled with desire. She drew back enough so she could brush her lips over his. He indulged her for a few moments, then gave her ass a gentle smack and stepped back. As soon as he was out of her line of sight she was greeted with the view of more than a few people watching them intently. Shit, she was right. Because of who Ivan was, and the rumors floating around the club about her, they were sure to be under a great deal of scrutiny.

“Take your dress off.”

Licking her lips, she nodded and turned, trying to ignore everyone around them who would soon be judging her. The unease filling her was almost like stage fright. Sure, some of them would be watching for the pleasure of it, but she could feel this was a big moment in the politics of the club. It was something to see because Ivan was doing it. She had a feeling anything he did was a big deal. 

And she was his woman.

Warmth heated her limbs and let her release some of her nerves.

A movement in the crowd caught her attention and she watched Catrin blow her a kiss before she and her Master took a seat on a wide black leather chair facing Gia. The pretty blonde woman had a bright flush on her chest and when Nico pulled Catrin onto his lap, he spread her legs wide open and Gia could plainly see the big dildo held in the other woman’s wet sex by a harness. Gia looked back at Nico’s handsome face and he winked, then brushed Catrin’s lovely blonde hair aside and bit on her neck. The contrast of his dark lips and her pale flesh warmed the banked embers of Gia's desire almost as much as the thought of what it must feel like to be stuffed that full of cock while her Master cuddled her.

She turned just a bit and gave Ivan a coquettish look over her shoulder. “Master, can you help me unzip?”

He stepped behind her and slowly lowered the zipper on the back of her dress, then let it fall to her feet in a puddle of expensive silk. The sensation of his calloused hands rubbing over her shoulders did a great deal to ease her anxiety. Clad now only in her white lace panties and strapless bra, she quickly unhooked it and slid it down her arms. People were talking around them, but only in Russian. She tried to figure out what they were saying by their tone of voice, but Ivan chose that moment to give her right breast a stinging slap.

“Are you here for them or for me?”

“For you, Master.”

“Then, I want your attention on me.”

Someone laughed at his words and she flushed, quickly removing her panties. She stepped out of her dress and put her undergarments on top. Now, clad only in his collar with the chain hanging between her breasts, she looked at him and felt powerful. For all his being one of the most influential men in Russia, he was riveted by the sight of her naked body. His gaze slowly traveled over her frame and she stood as she’d been instructed, arms at her sides, palms facing forward, standing at the slightest of angles. He grabbed his dick and adjusted it with a growl.

“Up against the wall,
lyubov moya

When her palms hit the cool stones, she took a deep breath and used some techniques from her submissive training to get into her version of ‘the zone’.  She let the voices become a background hum, focusing instead on the music and the feel of the air on her skin, to concentrate enough so she only focused on the moment and her Master.

“Raise your hands higher.”

She did as she was told, and he slipped one of his hands between her legs, giving her swollen sex a very proprietary stroke. Her wetness coated his fingers and he chuckled low in his throat. A deep, masculine tone that made her insides clench with desire.

“Whose pussy is this, Gia?”

“Your pussy, Master.”

“You make me very happy, my Gia. What is your safe word?”

“Damascus.” He let out a low, purring hum and bit her bare shoulder hard enough to make her gasp and quickly add, “Master.”

He the licked her skin where he’d bitten her, big sweeps of his tongue soothing away the ache and starting a whole new kind of burn to flare through her body. The walls of her sex clenched and she wanted him inside of her. Needed him inside of her.

“Please take me,” she whimpered. 

“No. First, I want to play with you. Keep your hands where they are, no matter what I do. If you break form at any time without my permission I will shackle you and that will limit the positions that I can fuck you in. I don’t want to be limited. I want to fuck you until I can no longer get hard….” He made a growling noise that had her arousal dripping down her inner thighs. “And trust me when I say that since you are my submissive, that could be a long time.”

She swallowed as her clit tightened. “Don’t hold back, Master, if that is your pleasure. I’m yours.”

His breath stilled then came out with a low sigh. “Yes, you are. My Gia.”

The need for his kiss consumed her, but he’d said not to break form. This particular type of play had always been a challenge for her. When she was with him she lost control of her body to his skilled touch, writhing for him and unashamedly fucking him back with everything she had. Their couplings were primitive, visceral. To fight her natural urges was going to be really hard, but she would not embarrass Ivan in front of his friends. Besides, so far he hadn’t done anything she didn’t now crave like a drug. Every single kinky thing they’d done together had been amazing.

She just had to let go and trust him.

His warmth left her side and she took in a deep breath through her nose, held it, and slowly let it out through her mouth. She’d done this three times before he was back, rubbing his hand over her hip as he stood behind her. The hard edge of his energy caressed her, creating little electrical sparks to dance along her skin. He cupped her breasts with both hands and she startled almost looking down before she stopped herself. Painful and soft, harsh and gentle, each of his hands was sending a different signal to her nervous system.

Ivan chuckled. “That was close. You almost looked.”

Whimpering she tried to steady her voice as she said, “Master, what is that? It feels like you’re touching me with a bed of nails on your palm. And on the other side it feels so…soft?”

He removed one hand and held it where she could see. He’d donned a black leather glove that had tiny spikes all over the palms. Not sharp, but pointy enough that if he spanked her with them she would probably need to go to the hospital. A vampire glove. Then he brought up his other hand and she saw that it was a glove made of black rabbit fur.

“We will start out slow. I remember your high pain threshold when you’re in subspace. The last thing I want is for you to pass out on me.” He moved his lips over the side of her neck, teasing her skin with his gentle touch. “There are so many things I want to do with you. It would take me the rest of my life just get through half of that list. But we’ll make a start tonight.”

“Yes, Master.” She’d have been embarrassed by the audible tremble in her voice if she hadn’t been so wrapped up in his spell. 

Ever so slowly, he began to drag the hand with the spikes across her back, going on either side of her spine and making her flinch the tiniest bit. He wasn’t pushing hard enough to cut, only scratch. It felt similar to someone drawing their nails lightly down her back. Then he did it again, and again, an insidious awakening of her skin and making her burn. Sweat beaded on her upper lip as he kicked her legs wider, exposing her body to him and his wicked glove. Instead of going right for her pussy, he scratched her inner thighs, sending a chill through her and making her nipples ache. 

Part of her feared what it would be like when Ivan used the vampire glove on her delicate sex, but the darker side of her soul hoped it would hurt…just a little bit—enough to give her that huge endorphin punch that would come from her orgasm. Every bit of pain he gave increased her arousal until she was panting and straining to keep from moving the tiniest bit.

He removed his other hand from where he had it pressing into her pubic bone and she held her breath.

When the soft stroke of the rabbit fur smoothed over her body she flexed her fingers into the stone, trying to hold on, struggling to not lose herself in the decadent, yet painful stroke of the rabbit fur across her overly sensitized skin. He returned his other hand to her pussy and gently cupped it, the spikes cool against her overheated flesh.

“You are so hot, so wet. Fucking you is heaven. Keep holding your position while I slide my cock into your greedy cunt.”

“Oh, Master,” was all she could manage as her sex clenched and released.

A moment later he positioned himself at her back so the curve of her ass fit against his pelvis. He slid his rock hard erection between her legs, but not inside of her, instead tormenting her clit and labia with slow, steady thrusts. A long, almost continuous pleading sound came from deep inside of Gia as she ached to tilt her hips enough to fit him inside. 

Then he did three things at once that made her break her form with a scream. She might have been able to resist the urge to move if he’d just pressed a spike directly onto her clit, she might have been able to keep from bucking beneath him if it had only been his fur-covered hand gripping her throat, but when he shoved his cock into her at the same time she came apart in a million, screaming pieces. 

He must have known it would be too much for her, because his hold on her throat tightened, constricting her air the slightest bit in warning before he released her. “Bad girl.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” she gasped and began to thrust her hips back at him with each fading wave of her orgasm.

He froze, a fine tremor going through his thighs pressed to the back of hers. “I’ll punish you in a bit. Right now I want your hot little pussy to suck the cum out of me.”

With a low groan she squeezed and contracted her inner muscles, loosening when he pushed in, but squeezing tight as he pulled out, creating delicious friction. Behind her Ivan said something in Russian that rubbed across her skin just like the fur glove at her chest. So far, he’d been gentle with the vampire glove on her pussy and she grunted as she took Ivan from an angle that made him hit deep inside of her.

Abruptly Ivan grabbed her breast with the vampire glove and her pussy with the fur one. He simultaneously punished and pleasured her, reducing her to nothing but his slave.

He began to massage her clit with the fur glove and she arched against him. “Master, may I come?”


“Please, Master, please let me come.”

“More,” he said in a growling voice as he curved closer to her, surrounding his body with hers. 

“Master, please let me come on your cock. Please!”

“You may.”

A shiver of delight raced through her as he gave her a fierce, bone jarring pounding. Everything inside of her tightened, then tightened more until all she could do was keen. He bit her shoulder and she began to climax.


It was so damn good, so intense. Her sex gripped Ivan like a fist and she could feel him throb inside of her, shooting his seed deep into her body while he joined her as she nearly died from pleasure. He kept slowly stroking in and out of her, driving her higher until her voice broke.

He rested his chest against her back for a few moments. Her pussy twitched around his still hard cock. Slowly, gently, he began to slide in and out of her again, and she sighed in contentment. Something about the thought of him sliding through his climax inside of her, his passion lubricating the devastating stroke of his dick, made her go to pieces beneath him. 

Oh, God, he was going to fuck her to death.

Chapter Seventeen

With every stroke, Ivan had to bite his cheek as the sensitive tip of his cock dragged through Gia’s clutching pussy. He was still hard, and the urge to take her again was building at an almost alarming rate. She felt so good, so soft and wet. Her body fit him perfectly.

A sigh of regret lifted from his lips as he pulled out of Gia. “And now, time for your punishment.”

Gripping her by the hair, he then grabbed his bag and pulled her across the room to a large, black leather-covered table. After helping her up he pulled a pair of leather restraints lined with black fur from his bag. “On your back.”

He grabbed her ankles and pulled her down to the edge of the table. With her feet dangling off the edge, he moved her forward further until her ass hung half off the table. He then moved around to her side and placed the cuffs around each of her delicate wrists. She watched him with such trust he couldn’t stop himself from stealing a kiss. As always, she came alive beneath his touch and moaned into his mouth while he secured her hands together without breaking contact as he ate her moans from her lips. 

The low throb in his balls returned and he wanted to cover her in his come. Mark her as belonging to him before every man and woman in this room that wanted her. All around them, people watched and people fucked, but none of them had someone as special as his Gia.

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