Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (29 page)

Read Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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Her gaze focused on her own image and she was startled at how elegant she looked despite the leash and collar, or maybe because of the leash and collar. She was falling into submissive mode and began to hold herself as she’d been trained. In her case this meant perfect posture at all times and she liked how sophisticated it made her appear in her dress and elaborately styled hair. Add the image of Ivan standing behind her, and she felt like Belle in
Beauty and the Beast

If she was elegant sophistication, he was raw masculinity. Ivan rocked a tux like no man she’d ever seen. He couldn’t hide his nature and didn’t even try. His possession of her was blatant, unapologetic, and animalistic. 

Ivan curled his big hand around her wrist and broke her gaze with the mirror, reminding her of how delicate she was compared to him. The gentle way he handled her, the restraint he used to keep from injuring her, made her feel cherished, a previously unknown feeling she found to be very undervalued. The sensation of knowing someone gave a shit about you, that they did everything they could to make you happy, was an all-encompassing emotion that struck her just right. He took a seat, then hauled her up onto his lap. She let out a small sigh, grateful for his surrounding warmth. He was so nice to her and the way he took care of her made her feel dangerously close to falling in love. She couldn’t help it and she certainly needed his comfort right now. 

Speaking in Russian, Ivan was arguing with a man who wore a pair of black leather pants and a loose white silk shirt. His hair was carefully styled and his body was thick with muscle. A tiny redhead at least ten years his junior sat at his feet with a blissfully content look as she leaned her head against his thigh. 

Ivan raised his voice and the other man pointed at Gia, and then at Ivan. She stared up at him and he sighed, then sat her up higher on his knee. “That loud mouth over there is Karl. He wants to do some shots of vodka with you. It is a traditional welcome to the club.”

Karl laughed and said in halting English, “It is tradition to get drunk, but Ivan is too protective of you.” 

He said something in Russian that had Ivan scowling and the rest of the group laughing.

Ivan growled at the other man. “If she’s drunk, I cannot play with her. That is unacceptable.”

The man’s lips twitched with another smile, but he didn’t say anything more.

A second later a woman yelled, “Gia!”

She turned in Ivan’s arms to find Catrin coming over to them. Tonight, the delightfully curvy blonde woman wore a pink corset that cinched her waist down to a tiny size and barely covered her breasts. She also wore a sheer pink skirt, and it was obvious that she wasn’t wearing any underwear beneath. Nico trailed behind her and gave Gia a wink.

Gia almost moved off of Ivan’s lap, then looked up at him through her lashes. “Master, may I speak with Catrin?”

Chuckling Ivan set her off to the side at his feet. “Yes, but I want you kneeling at my feet while you talk.”

Nico joined them and a spot was made for him in the circle. He was greeted warmly and seemed at ease with everyone. Ivan reached out casually as he talked to rub his fingers over the back of her neck and upper shoulders, almost as if he was petting her. Regardless of his intent, the soft stroke of his hand helped ground her and gave her the strength to ignore one particularly stacked brunette woman who kept giving Gia shitty looks. The other woman snarled something and stalked off.

Catrin bounced over to her and received a gentle spank on the butt from every Dominant she passed. Gia really wanted a chance to speak alone with the other woman, but she had a feeling Ivan wouldn’t want her out of his reach. Catrin stepped past a pair of outstretched Dom’s legs and knelt next to Gia with an easy grace. 

“Darling! What are you doing here?”

Gia smiled and gave the other woman a quick hug. “Ivan convinced me to extend my vacation and come to Moscow with him.”

Catrin’s eyes grew wide and she flicked a glance up at Ivan, who was now speaking to the group in Russian again, then back at Gia. She leaned in to whisper in an excited tone, “Gia, I think he really likes you.”

Barely whispering, Gia leaned closer to Catrin’s ear. “You said he likes lots of women.”

“He does, but nothing like this. I came over because word is going around the club that Ivan is bringing the woman he plans on collaring. Permanent collaring.”

Gia barely resisted the urge to cover her pearl clad throat with her hand. “He said that?”

“Yes. I couldn’t figure out who it could possibly be. No offense meant, but this is so out of character for Ivan that it never occurred to me he’d manage to get you to come back to Moscow with him.” Catrin dropped her voice further. “There are some women here tonight who are not very happy with you. If you have to go to the bathroom, tell me so you can avoid an incident.”

“An incident?”

“Many of these women are rich, bored, and spoiled. And you just took away their favorite toy.”

“He’s my toy now,” Gia grumbled.

Catrin giggled and Gia couldn’t help but smile back. Ivan was giving them a suspicious look so Gia leaned back and started talking about normal things like shopping and places to visit. Soon the shots arrived and Gia downed hers with everyone else, gasping at the strong drink and blinking back tears as everyone laughed. 

With a hard look on her face, Catrin stood and pulled Gia to her feet. “Come on, I have to use the restroom.”

Ivan said something to Catrin and she said something back in a heated rush that made Ivan slip the leash over Gia’s wrist. “Take care of her, Catrin.”

“I will, Master Ivan.”

Catrin turned and practically dragged Gia across the crowded sitting area to the ladies rooms. Once inside the other woman started chatting again as if nothing was wrong. Gia quickly went about her business, then confronted Catrin as they washed their hands. “Why did you drag me away from Ivan?”

Giving her a suspiciously innocent look, Catrin tiled her head, her blonde curls and blue eyes giving her the look of complete innocence. Gia wasn’t fooled for a minute. “What are you talking about?”

“Catrin, I’m not dumb.”

The other woman sighed and dried her hands. “One of Ivan’s ex-submissives was headed our way. He dated her a year ago for a couple months, then broke it off because she’s a manipulative bitch. She loves drama and is no doubt making a scene out there right now in order to get everyone’s attention on her.”

“About what?”

“About the fact that Ivan is introducing you as ‘my Gia’, his submissive.”

“He always calls me ‘my Gia’. It’s a cute name he has for me. Like sweetheart or baby.”

“No, he is calling you his.” Catrin touched at her lipstick with a frown. “This is hard to translate because there is no English words for it, but he called you his submissive, his woman. Like he owns you.”

“But I’m leaving in a few days,” Gia said faintly as she stared at Catrin in the mirrors over the sink.

Catrin gave Gia a small smile. “Not if Ivan has his way. He can be very persuasive.”

Gia pretended to touch up her makeup around her eyes as she scrambled to find her emotional footing. “Well, as persuasive as he can be I have a job and a life back in the United States. I’m not giving it up to be any rich man’s plaything.”

“I hope you will at least consider his offer. See what he has to say before you shoot him down.”

Leading them out of the restroom, Catrin stopped as soon as she was out the door. Gia joined her and gaped at the sight of an enraged, very pretty brunette woman with skin the color of cream, who was almost nude except for a teal thong, yelling at Ivan while he watched her with a bored expression. 

She yelled something again and Ivan laughed, then replied in Russian and in a cutting tone which made everyone around them laugh, except for the crazy woman glaring at him.

Gia elbowed Catrin. “What are they saying?”

“Tila, the woman with the fake tits, says he belongs with a true Russian woman and he’s betraying his country for a little American bitch. Then Ivan said she’s getting bitter in her old age. He called her a dried up, moldy, old fruit while you’re a fresh, ripe peach.”

Gia stared at Ivan, watching him closely, trying to see if he was interested in this woman at all. He had his cold, cruel mask on and the look in his eyes was like that of a shark. Flat, emotionless, and deadly. 

The woman continued to throw a tantrum until Ivan abruptly made a cutting off gesture with his hand and snarled something. Catrin gasped and translated. “He said that you are his woman and if anyone disrespects you they disrespect Ivan and his entire family, that an insult to you is an insult to him, and everyone knows what he does to people who dishonor him.”

“Wow,” Gia whispered, aware of heads turning her way and people talking about her. “What does he do to people that dishonor them?”

“Destroys them,” Catrin said in a faint voice.

Before Gia could ask Catrin what she meant by that, Tila had thrown herself to her knees before Ivan, her hands clasped together as she wailed something out like a B movie actress. More people had gathered to witness the scene, and a few gave Ivan smug looks from the shadows. Gia made note of them as well and promised herself that she’d warn Ivan before he trusted any of them. 

Catrin said in a tight, angry voice, “Now Tila is saying she wants to be Ivan’s kept woman, his mistress, and he can have sex with her on the side, and she’ll be and do whatever he wants.”

“Oh, hell no, she didn’t!”

Gia pushed Catrin to the side and quickly made her way across the room. Tila had thrown herself at Ivan’s feet and began to lick his shoes. With a disgusted look Ivan pulled away, then said something to the woman in a cold, cruel voice that Gia had never heard before.

Ivan might not be her permanent Master, he might not even be her boyfriend, but for tonight, he belonged to her and there was no way in
she was letting some bitch throw herself at him. To Gia’s horror, the woman started to reach for Ivan’s crotch, but before she could reach it, Gia smacked Tila’s hands away with enough force that the other woman yelped and clutched her hand to her chest with a stunned expression.

“Sorry, honey. This seat is taken.”

She plopped herself down on Ivan’s lap and glared at the other woman before turning back to him with a sweet smile. “Hello, Master.”

Ivan looked down at her with a bemused expression. “Hello, my Gia.”

His ex-girlfriend said something in Russian that didn’t sound at all complimentary, but Gia ignored her.

The already hard muscles of Ivan’s body stiffened and he roared something that had the other woman falling back on her ass. Extremely uncomfortable at seeing the woman’s goodies spilling out of her thong between her spread thighs, Gia looked away and began to kiss Ivan’s neck. Shit, as territorial as she was feeling right now she would have written her name on his forehead in permanent marker if he’d let her. 

Determined not to give in to the other woman’s drama, Gia concentrated on the softness of Ivan’s breath, the sensitive skin of his ear, and the way he tasted. So clean, so good, so masculine. She could lick his entire body and still be hungry for more. Ivan said one last thing, then gripped Gia’s chin and kissed her. It wasn’t a gentle kiss by any means. It was a branding kiss, a meeting of tongues and lips bordering on savage. His cock surged beneath her ass and she moaned in response.

Fire, burning heat, and desire so fierce it was almost pain, had her pussy soaked in anticipation of his touch. Nothing mattered but him, and she sighed against his mouth as he cupped her breast and began to play with her nipple through her gown. Tila shouted something, but Ivan and Gia totally ignored her, consumed by their kiss. He didn’t dominate her, he owned her, and Gia still couldn’t believe she surrendered to him like this. It took men years to earn her trust, and then they always broke it soon after. 

As illogical as it was, Ivan had her trust from the moment their eyes first met after the auction.

She didn’t think Ivan would betray her. No, she knew he wouldn’t cheat on her the first chance he got. The chemistry between them was off the charts, and she’d never felt this way about anyone. Evidently Ivan was experiencing the same if he was calling her his woman and defending her honor. She laced her arms around his neck and softened her kiss, trying to tell him with her willing body how much she appreciated him.

He made a pleased sound against her lips and began to tug at her nipple ring through her dress. The sensation of his clever fingers manipulating her stiff nub had her squirming against him and moaning into his mouth. 

She wanted him.


When she tried to reach between them, Ivan pulled back and nipped her lower lip. “Are you feeling needy, my Gia. Is that soft pussy all wet and swollen for me?”

“Mmm, yes, Master.”

God, when he talked dirty to her it made her mindless with lust. His accent was the cherry on top and when he called her his Gia she felt like her heart might pound out of her chest. Joy filled her soul and she took in a shuddering breath as an intense emotion, stronger than anything she’d ever felt, overwhelmed her.

He’d said an insult to her was an insult to him and his family. 

That was the most romantic thing anyone had ever said about her. 

She pulled back enough to look into his eyes and it took everything she had to not tell him she was falling in love with him. This was a brief fling, nothing more. But oh how she wished she could stay with him. If they’d been dating for a while she’d consider it, but she couldn’t move her life out here for a man who was a stranger, even if he was becoming the center of her world. 

Her stomach clenched as she thought about leaving him, never seeing him again, never feeling his touch or his arms around her. 

Ivan must have seen something in her gaze because his whole face softened. “You, my beautiful girl, are thinking too much. Let’s shut that brilliant mind down. I only want you to feel me. Tonight I’m going to give you harsh pleasure.”

When she shivered, he gave her a small smile and stroked her pulse, then set her down. She noticed Tila was gone, and that people were watching them, but she didn’t really care. He’d ditched the jacket and bowtie, leaving him in his crisp white dress shirt that clung to his broad shoulders. Her gaze was focused on Ivan’s tight ass in his tuxedo pants as he walked with her leash once again wrapped around his hand. 

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