Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (28 page)

Read Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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They got strange looks as they passed other people and she turned to Ivan after a couple of guys that looked pretty wasted laughed and raised what looked like a beer in their direction as they jogged past and yelled something.

“What did they say?”

“They said if they had a woman as beautiful as you are they’d go running around like an idiot as well.”

“Why is everyone staring at us? And were those guys drunk?”

“Jogging isn’t very popular in Moscow and, yes, they were drunk.”


“Well, running is more popular than it used to be.” He shrugged. “Most people belong to gyms for their exercise. I ran as part of my training and I still like to do it. Running helps to clear my mind. Plus, our winters are not tame and definitely not the kind of weather you want to jog in.”

“No, I meant about the drunk part.”

His big shoulders rolled as he shrugged and she couldn’t wait to get him home and between her legs. “Drinking is an epidemic in my country according to some people, to others it’s not a concern.”

She nodded and they continued their trek down the river, passing a couple of stray dogs and more staring people. When they jogged past, Gia tried to keep from staring back at the men and women watching them as they walked to what were probably their jobs. Most people wore business clothes of some kind and more than one eyebrow was raised as they ran past. Soon the pedestrian traffic thinned out a bit and she breathed easier.

“How long have you lived here, Ivan?”

“I grew up outside of Moscow. My family has lived here for generations, since the 1600’s.”


Ivan stopped and turned around. 

“Hey, I can run farther. You don’t need to stop for me.”

“Yes, we do. You are wearing new shoes.”

She glanced down at her feet. “You know, I totally forgot. They fit really, really well.”

As they jogged back she caught him looking at her out of the corner of his eye. “Would you like to go to the ballet tonight, Gia?”

Her breath was starting to come a little faster now. “I’d love to.”

“After, I’d like to take you to my BDSM club.”

“Sounds like the perfect date to me.”

He laughed and they ran the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

Chapter Sixteen

Gia looked down at her floor-length crimson silk couture evening gown and back up at Ivan as they pulled into the secure parking lot adjacent to his home BDSM club. To say she was nervous was a complete understatement. She was about to go meet a bunch of Ivan’s closest friends and probably have sex in front of them. Maybe even with them. 


She licked her lips and touched Ivan’s leg, drawing his attention from looking out the window to her. “Ivan, about tonight….I have a request.”

“You look so serious. What is wrong, my Gia?”

Nervously rubbing her hand over his knee, she took a deep breath. “If we involve another girl tonight, I don’t want her touching you.”

He tried to hide a grin, but failed. “That is fine. I admit I find your jealousy cute.”

“Cute? Yeah, well you wouldn’t find it so cute when I’m boiling your bunny.”

“What?” He gave her a confused look. “I do not understand that phrase.”

The driver parked the car and got out. She waved her hand away. “It’s American slang from a movie. Never mind. Just believe me when I say I can turn into a total crazy woman.”

Ivan shook his head. “I would not betray you like that. Besides, I don’t want any woman in that building, I want you.”

“You’re so sweet.” She gave him a quick kiss on the lips, some of her earlier anticipation returning.

“I want you to do something for me.”


He reached into the pocket of his tux and drew out a choker of beautiful champagne-colored pearls interspaced with thin diamond encrusted bars and what looked like a gold ring in the middle. A medallion dangled from it and said something in Cyrillic. It took her another second before she realized it was a beautiful BDSM collar made of pearls and gold. “Oh, oh my….Ivan, it’s lovely.”

Her hair was already in an up do for the ballet they’d attended earlier in the evening and it was easy for him to secure the collar around her throat.  

“I want you to wear this, so everyone inside knows you’re mine.”

“What does it say?”

“Roughly translated it says ‘Ivan’s Property’, but property isn’t really the right word. More like Ivan’s most valued and cherished possession. Ivan’s treasure.”

From his other pocket he took out a long leash made of gold links with a black leather hand strap at the other end. When it snicked onto her choker he gave it a gentle tug, pulling her closer, and sending all kinds of erotic sensations through her, which settled into her lower belly in a melting burn. Her sex contracted as he jerked her closer still then captured her lips in a long, probing, amazing kiss. He kissed her with such passion that her panties were damp by the time he was done fucking her mouth with his tongue.

He held the leash in one hand and reached between her legs with his other to press against her sex. “Whose pussy is this?”

Instant liquid warmth raced through her blood and her clit was begging for his attention. “Your pussy, Master.”

“The rules for this club are a bit strict. It is not what you Americans call high protocol, but it is close. You will not speak to a Dominant without my permission. If you wish to speak with a submissive, ask me and I will inquire if it is allowed.”

“Understood.” She reached up and traced the collar with her fingertips, loving the feel of the cool pearls slowly warming against her skin. “Thank you for this, Ivan. I know it’s only temporary, but I’ve never seen such a beautiful collar.”

He frowned. “There is nothing temporary about it, Gia. You are mine.”

She blinked at him, unsure of what he meant by those words. Her mind immediately rejected the thought that he might want something more permanent with her, or that she could even give it to him. This was one fantasy week that she planned to enjoy to the fullest, and that meant not getting any more attached to Ivan than she already was. To do otherwise would be opening herself up to heartbreaking pain. She’d seen what happened to her mother when she lost the man she loved. The memory of how she’d lost the will to live and suffered through continuous bouts of depression made Gia’s stomach churn. 

Gia had no urge to ever love someone so much that their loss would slowly kill her.

Ivan knocked on the glass of his window twice, and one of his bodyguards opened the door. They went to a side entrance of the imposing stone building somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow. As they got closer she noticed the massive stained glass dome on the building and the intricate detail work of the earth toned glass. 

Ivan held her tightly as they crossed the parking lot to reach the entrance. The door was made of highly polished stainless steel, and Ivan looked up into the camera before pressing his thumb on the pad next to the door. A moment later, the door swung open and Gia followed Ivan inside. They were in a dimly lit foyer with black painted walls and gold chased black marble floors. 

Golden sconces held real flaming torches and a lovely, svelte blonde woman with big blue eyes greeted them at the door. She wore a little black dress that fit her perfectly, and a black leather collar with something written on it in gold Cyrillic text. 

Ivan greeted her in Russian, and gestured to Gia a few times. The other woman nodded, then her eyes got really big and she gave Gia a double take. Unsure of what the hell they were saying, Gia took a half step closer to Ivan and he slung his arm around her waist, hugging her to his side. 

The woman nodded again and said something in a soft voice. Ivan turned to Gia with what she’d come to think of as his public face. Closed, cold, and intimidating. But when he looked at her, his turquoise gaze warmed and a small smile hovered at the corners of his scarred lips. “Club rules are you must be barefoot inside. Remove your shoes and give them to Willa. She will store them for you in my personal locker.”

“Okay.” She slipped out of her cute gold Gucci heels and handed them to Willa who smiled and went through a door to their left to return a few moments later with a black leather bag.

Gia immediately knew it was Ivan’s toy bag and a shiver of anticipation went through her. After Willa handed it to him, Ivan looked down at Gia and gave her a small, terrifying, and oh so fucking sexy smile. Before he could say something that would no doubt make her dumb with hormones like a horny teenager, she leaned up to whisper in his ear.

“Master, could it just be you and I tonight, please?”

He rubbed his face against hers like a cat marking her with his scent. “Why?”

“I want you all to myself. I know that makes me a selfish submissive, but I want to lose myself in you tonight, Master, and have all of your attention. You make me feel safe.”

His chuckle vibrated against her as he pulled her against him, trapping her with his impossibly hard bicep to his equally chiseled chest. Ivan was almost unfairly hot and she couldn’t blame Willa for drooling. As hot as he was, he was hers and she didn’t want to share…at least not tonight.

“I must confess, I want you all to myself as well.” He hauled her up easily with one arm around her waist until their lips met. “And I will always keep you safe, my Gia.”

To her shock, she instinctively made a happy, almost purring sound of pleasure. He let her slide down his body and she sighed in contentment. She rested her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat with her eyes closed and whispered, “I’m scared of going inside.”

His arms tightened, and she had to thump his chest to get him to loosen up so she could breathe.

“No one will hurt you, ever, while I’m around.”

Her inner cavewoman loved that her man was strong enough to defend her, and a rush of warmth glided through her veins. “I know that. I’m not used to such a large club. My club back home has around forty members. If this entire building is the club you must have thousands.”

He cupped her face with his firm, calloused hands and brought his lips down to hers, softly kissing her and slowly demanding entrance to her mouth by licking across the seam of her lips. When she gasped he stroked his tongue against hers in a long, smooth motion that had her ready to take him right here. He smelled so good, felt so good, and her body associated pleasure with him like Pavlov’s dog associated a bell to food.

Ivan broke their kiss and looked into her eyes. “I don't care about how many people are here tonight, you are the only one who matters. Your pleasure is my only concern.”

Her knees turned to water and he chuckled, holding her in place. “Easy, my Gia. We have a long night ahead of us.”

After the strength returned to her legs, she held Ivan’s hand as he led her into the club.

It was fucking huge.

Walking into this room was like walking into a giant cavern. The dome above was made up of massive pieces of stained glass and the lighting from outside made it glow. BDSM equipment done in black leather and pale wood stretched out before her in a massive wave of arousal and need. The air was saturated with pheromones and her body flared to life. Her club at home had a similar scent, a heady mixture of sweat, sex, perfume, and desire. 

Ivan released her hand and looped her leash around his wrist. Being led by him was the first step of slipping into subspace. And she wore his collar. Being leashed was about as clear an indication of Ivan’s dominance over her as just about anything. 

Hoping he didn’t notice, she stroked her fingers over the warm pearls at her throat and touched the medallion. Her fingertips tingled and she swallowed back a smile, not wanting the club members to think she was untrustworthy or fake. That thought sobered her enough to return her hand to her side and walk behind Ivan with the elegant, rolling stroll Mistress Viola taught her. 

She followed behind him, keeping her eyes lowered, sneaking peeks as they passed different people and things. The ebony wood floors were so smooth that it felt like she was walking on satin. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a middle-aged woman giving her fit, young Dom a blowjob as he sat in his chair with an indulgent, adoring look in his eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair.

They reached their destination and Ivan stopped her. She looked up through her lashes and found that they were standing before a group of sofas and chairs, mostly full of Doms and their subs along with a few Dominas and their submissives. Every single one of the Tops made her nipples hard. She was pretty sure there was enough Dominant energy here to keep her aroused for the next twenty years. It made sense. Ivan was a very powerful man and he would be drawn to the same for friendship. 

The subs were, for the most part, stunning, but there were a few men and women here and there who wouldn’t have looked out of place at a PTA meeting, if it wasn’t for the fetish wear. Ranging from chains to leather, to lace, every conceivable type of clothing was displayed. And the jewelry was beyond amazing. These women were dripping in diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies—a pirate’s treasure chest worth of jewels. She glanced up at Ivan and the proud look on his face made her heart thump.

To her surprise, he spoke in English. “Everyone, I would like you to meet my Gia.”

The emphasis he put on the word ‘my’ screamed ownership and she tried to hide her grin. She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to speak, so she gave a very small smile and a hesitant wave. Reactions ranged from genuinely happy smiles to sullen looks from the single submissives hanging out on the fringes of the group, and a few who, Gia assumed, were with their Masters. Gia made note of the women who appeared pissed so she could avoid them in the future. If Ivan decided Gia needed a female lover for the night, she didn’t want it to be one of those bitches shooting daggers at her with their eyes.

Ivan led her by her leash over to a large black leather chair. At the other end of the group the circle of friends opened up to the light of a massive black onyx fireplace. Two submissives, a male and a female, were posed on either side, bound to the marble in a manner that kept them confined, but wouldn’t be too hard on their bodies. The male, tall and hung had been rubbed down in glittering gold paint and wore a sun mask. The female, short and pleasantly plump, had been rubbed down in silver paint and wore a moon mask. At the top of the mantle hung a huge mirror, which reflected the room behind her in an almost panoramic manner.  

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