Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)
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Sophia was screaming at the top of her lungs, Nico was laughing a very sinister laugh. “It’s soundproof, so scream all you want, I rather enjoy it.”

Vlad addressed her one last time; he had a plane waiting on him. “I am sorry it has come to this, but as I stated, she is the most important thing in my world, my daughter is next and I refuse to let any harm come to them. I have come to the conclusion I cannot take your life, Annalese would feel it.”

Sophia audibly sighed, thinking she was getting a lucky break.

“However, Nico can and I’m certain he will. Goodbye Sophia, I truly am sorry for this.” And with that Vlad walked out, Nico behind him.

“Nicodemus, not one word to Annalese about this, and yes before you ask, handle it how you see fit.” Nico gave him an evil grin along with a single nod. Vlad knew Nico was going to have more fun than he should ending Sophia.

“Do you need confirmation or should I just do what I do? Vlad waved a hand, heading for the stairs.

“Do your thing Nico, send me a bill, you know I always pay my debts. Now I must go, my love is waiting.” Vlad made his way up the stairs and Nico returned to his playroom and to his guest.

“Ah Sophia, it’s just the two of us. What shall we do? He asked her with maniacal laughter following.

Vlad heard her screams as he started the Jag; it was finally going to be over. Annalese was safe, his unborn daughter would be ok, and her arrival was only two short weeks away. Vlad threw the car in gear and headed to the airstrip.



              Mehmet’s home was all a bustle with everyone packing up, Lachlan had taken care of everything for himself and Michael., Annalese had her things together and Mak had gone home to collect his few belongings and make the necessary arrangements.  Annalese had gone to Mehmet’s garden to sit, still feeling guilty over Mak leaving his home when a familiar voice got her attention.

“Miss Annalese, I hear you are leaving Turkey tonight.”

“Zhor!” She hugged him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, grinning big.

“You do seem to enjoy seeing me nervous don’t you?” He told her with a sly grin of his own. “What’s wrong Annalese? You should be happy. I hear the Prince is coming to get you, yet you are sad. Is there something I can do for you?” She knew she had to tell him, but she didn’t want to cause Makhi any grief.

“Don’t get me wrong, I adore Makhi, he’s wonderful and I have never felt so safe being away from home. Michael, my son, thinks he’s a dog when he shifts and goes crazy petting and playing with him. When my labor started he stayed, and when the meds made me sleepy he still stayed. He got his book and read while I slept.”  Zhor wasn’t sure where this was going, but he intended to find out.

“Yes, he did as he should, but I am not following. What am I not understanding?”  Annalese had tears in her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks. About that time Mak appeared.

“Alpha, I apologize for being late, and Miss Annalese, why are you crying?” She couldn’t get the words out but Mak knew. He gathered her into his arms and held her.

“Now look here my royal pain in the ass, we have already had this talk, twice. I am still Beta, just for Nico now. Zhor is perfectly capable without me, and you need me. Trust me when I say that I need you too. There is no greater honor than to be your personal guard. Not only are you the biggest pain in the ass I have ever dealt with, but we are also fast friends. Now can we put an end to all this bullshit?”  He had a huge smile stretched across his face, Annalese pulled back just far enough to smack him in the arm.

“I’m sorry Mak, I’ll be fine, I think I just miss Vlad.”

Zhor put an arm around her, and gave her a small smile. “Your mate is coming and requested a brief meeting. He is insisting on some sort of monetary compensation for taking my Beta.” That sounded exactly like her Vlad, he felt the need to pay for things people normally didn’t.

“Would you mind if we went back to the house, I’m feeling a little bit tired?” Annalese asked.

“If you would allow another moment?” Zhor asked before making a strangled sound, almost a howl and one by one the wolves appeared. “They wanted to say goodbye to you.”

They each took turns approaching her. Each wolf bowed at her feet and gave her what could only be described as a tip before vanishing into the trees.

Mak took her hand, concerned for her health. “Are you ok? I can carry you back if you’d like.” Makhi looked more like a California surfer than a Were, with his shoulder length sandy blonde hair and piercing green eyes, he even had a boyish grin. Annalese knew better, she had seen the wolf, Mak was every bit the lethal predator.

“I’m ok Mak, I can walk, you are not carrying me to the house.” He had her scooped up so fast she didn’t see it coming, and she certainly didn’t see him move until he was right upon her. Zhor began to laugh, it was a deep belly laugh and it was contagious. Annalese and Mak both were laughing.

“Mak put me down!” she told him between bouts of giggles. He knew she really didn’t mean it, and he had no intention of putting her down.

“I am sorry milady but I cannot do that. See, you are quite pregnant and it is a decent walk back to the house, plus this annoys you, and I am having fun.” They were both still laughing, as he carried her up the pathway that led from the garden to the house, Zhor in step with them since he had a meeting with Vlad once he arrived.

Mak left Annalese at the bottom of the staircase, knowing she wanted to go lie down and joined the men in Mehmet’s study.

“Aye Mak, I see ye carried me angel back, everything ok?” Lachlan asked once Mak came in.

“Yes Sir, it annoys her when I do that, and honestly it’s quite fun, she’s got spunk.” Lachlan shook his head, looking towards Mehmet.

“Told ye he was a brave SOB.” The ancient Vampire just chuckled, brave wasn’t the word he would have used, but he’d leave it at that. Annalese was a force to be reckoned with and if she allowed Mak to carry her, it had nothing to do with him being brave. About then Mehmet put his nose in the air, he had company.

“Vlad is here, Zhor I will assume you would like audience first so you can return to the pack?” He gave one simple nod, sipping on the Cognac in hand. When the door opened, Mehmet could see the relief on his old friends face, knowing he was taking his family home.

“T, damn it’s good te see ye.” Lachlan embraced him briefly before Vlad spoke.

“Where is she?” Was all he said.

“Upstairs napping. She’s been verra tired.” Were the only words Vlad heard, he took the stairs in two leaps and followed the scent of jasmine until he found her. She lay curled up on her side sleeping, making soft little soring sounds. He stood for a moment watching, admiring her beauty and how her skin glowed from the pregnancy. Sitting gently next to her on the bed he brushed a stray curl from her face.

“Annalese, my love, it’s Vlad. I am here.” She opened her eyes, seeing that it was really him. She moved into his arms immediately.

“Baby!” She was crying, clinging to him like if she let go he’d be gone.

“Shh my love do not cry. You know how that tears at my heart. I am here and we will go home. Truth be told, it was the worst few days of my existence and I will do everything in my power to make sure this never happens again. Annalese I was going out of my mind without you home by my side where you belong. He held her and let her cry, Vlad knew the tears were inevitable. After a few minutes she calmed, Vlad put his lips to hers and sat sweetly kissing until a knock at the door interrupted them.

“Miss Annalese, it’s Mak, May I intrude?” When the door opened Mak was face to face with the Dark Prince himself. Out of respect he hit his knee, staying down until Annalese let him have it.

“Mak, for the love of the gods, get up! We don’t do that. Didn’t we have this talk… twice?” 

Mak had to laugh, she hated the formalities, and Annalese was laughing too. Vlad knew it had to be an inside joke so he let it go.

“Yes, my royal pain in the ass, I believe it may have come up.” Vlad extended his hand. Mak took it, shocked at how relaxed and informal Prince was.

“Makhi, thank you for what you’ve done, Annalese is my entire world and I could not go on without her so from the bottom of my heart I’m so very grateful to you for keeping watch over her. I must seek Zhor, please feel free to stay with her or join me, either is acceptable.” Mak knew he would stay, she would need help with her things and talking with her was nicer than listening to business that he didn’t understand.

“Sir-” Mak was stopped cut short as the Dark Prince held up his hand palm out.

“Stop! Sir is completely unnecessary. Vlad, T, Tepes or even hey asshole, but most definitely not sir.” This was mind blowing; no one had ever declined his respect before. The Dark Prince was shocking to say the least. Mak nodded, not really sure what to do. Vlad continued, “No more bowing, you shall collect a paycheck from me, but she cares for you which means you are family now.”

Vlad kissed Annalese on the forehead, giving her belly a rub and a kiss. “I will return for you soon my love. I am assuming you are staying here Makhi?” Mak nodded, he was more comfortable with her.

“Yes sir - Vlad, I’m sorry. I will adjust. It’s just that I am so used to the formalities, it may take some time. And yes I would prefer to help her gather her things and bring them down stairs. I’ll keep her company until your business is concluded.” Vlad nodded, just like always, and left to conduct his business with Zhor. Once he had gone, Mak felt like he could breathe again.

“See Mak, he’s not scary, and you being a wolf should not be afraid of Vlad Tepes,” Annalese had no idea why Mak would be afraid of him, but she was about to find out.

“No, he
scare me… You see growing up here; your Vlad is the spook all of the local stories were about. Parents used the threat of the Dark Prince to frighten children into behaving. So in a way I’m terrified of him. I am sure it will pass.” 

Annalese couldn’t quite see Vlad as something from spook stories, he was just her Vlad. She wasn’t completely aware of what he was capable of; she just didn’t see that man when she looked at him. Her Vlad was the kindest, sweetest man she had ever met. Annalese knew without a doubt Vlad had the bigger piece of her heart and if she had to choose it would be Vlad. She was just thankful she would never have to make that choice, Lachlan was an amazing man and she loved him deeply, but no one could ever compare to Vlad.

“So would you like to take a walk out in the gardens while your Prince conducts his business?” A walk in the night air sounded lovely, and she knew Vlad, he tended to be long winded, so no chance of him finishing anytime soon. Mak extended a hand, helping her down the stairs. He grabbed her cloak, in case she got a chill.

The two wandered through Mehmet’s gardens, admiring the night bloomers and all the lush foliage. Mak was going to miss Turkey, he knew no other home.

“Would you object to walking with a Lycan? I would like to feel the soil of home once more before we leave?” She nodded, understanding what it was like to leave home. Annalese had left with Lachlan, assuming they would return to the states one day, and maybe they still could go visit.

“Mak aren’t you always a Lycan? And of course I have absolutely no objections, but are we ruining clothes tonight, you know from shifting?” He hadn’t planned on this or he would have been better prepared but he needed it.

“It’s sudden and unexpected, but if you could forgive this just once, I will be quick.” She nodded letting Mak turn his back and undress. He was right; the shift was quick, after just a few seconds Mak had transformed into a huge magnificent grey wolf. The two wandered through the garden smelling all the night blooming flowers until Mak nudged her hand letting her know it was time for the man to reappear. Again with his back to her as he dressed.

“Cute butt Mak!” Annalese giggled like a teenage girl that had seen her first behind. Mak just shook his head.

“You are determined to get me in trouble, my Pita.”  Puzzled by his term she asked and laughed as he told her.

“You said find something and make it my own right? Well pain in the ass is too long so Pita works well.”

“I love it! I suppose I am a pain in the ass, do you think they’re done? I just wanted to monopolize Vlad’s time for a while.”

“Ah, maybe let us go see, I’m envious of him you know. To have someone love me the way you love him, I can only hope one day I will be so blessed. You my friend are an incredible woman and they are damn lucky bastards.”

They took the walk back to the house at a leisurely pace. Being in the last few days of her pregnancy, Annalese wasn’t moving too quickly. Mak didn’t mind, he enjoyed their time together. She was like having a sister to talk to, someone that listened.

“May I ask a question, it’s fairly personal?” Mak asked, feeling inappropriate.

Annalese smiled, nodding at him. Mak was pretty sure she would let him but not sure his question would be received as easily as her nod.

“I have seen you with Lachlan these past few days and it is quite obvious how you feel about him. Then I saw you and the Prince, never have I witnessed a man more in love than he is with you. And I saw how you looked at him. He’s the one you’d choose if you had to make a choice isn’t he? What I’m trying so hard to ask is how do you split time equally and give both what they need without jealousy between them?”

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