Mackie's Men

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Authors: Lynn Ray Lewis

Tags: #ex military, #mmmf romance, #female bodyguard, #corporate espionage, #menage romance, #action adventure

BOOK: Mackie's Men
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Mackie’s Men by Lynn Ray Lewis




Mackie’s Men



by Lynn Ray Lewis


© Copyright May 2015 JK Publishing, Inc.

ISBN# 978-1-310-37471-5

All cover art and logo © Copyright May 2015 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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Cover by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.


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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Books by Lynn Ray Lewis

Excerpt from Hotshots

Excerpt from Troika

JK Publishing, Inc

Chapter One



Maxine Vaught was settling down with a bowl of popcorn and her e-reader. The day had been gloomy and misty rain had turned into a steady light rain. The weather girl said they would be having popup thunderstorms all night with wind chills just above freezing. All in all, it was a typical late March night, and she was glad to be home with the time to catch up on her reading and just relax. She loved the peace and quiet of her home sitting back from the gravel road and a half mile from any neighbors. Her little two bedroom bungalow was perfect for her and the grey cat that found its way from the dairy farm down the road to live with her.

She was on the third chapter of an intensely erotic book when she thought she heard a gunshot. Since the noise hadn’t been repeated, she went back to the heroes of the book who were spanking their love interest into a sexual frenzy, just as one of the three men filled her with his overly large cock, she heard the loud boom again. It was followed by a crashing sound and she saw a bright light down by the road through her front window. “Dammit.” Mackie got up, shut off her e-reader and went to the window. “I really don’t want to go out there,” she told the grey cat. She pushed her feet into her mud boots and grabbed her cell phone, her coat, and a throw blanket that she crocheted last winter.

She hopped on her golf cart and sped down the driveway, glad the trusty little vehicle had a sun top over her head that kept the rain from her face as she drove to the end of her driveway. Across the road from her property was a deep ravine filled with trees and a swiftly running stream that came from somewhere behind her property. She immediately saw what was burning and it scared the hell out of her. There was an SUV hung up in some of the young trees and the side was smashed in. She could hear a baby crying and a woman’s hysterical voice yelling for Eric to wake up.

Mackie ran to the vehicle and took a minute to decide how to proceed while taking her cell phone out of her pocket and dialing 911. The connection was bad but she told them what had happened, and thought she at least got the street out before the line was dropped. “Sonofabitch, that’s no help.” She was still cursing under her breath as she gingerly approached the vehicle. She balanced on the trunks of the trees to get to the smashed remains of the vehicle and could smell gas.

The young man’s face was covered in blood, and the airbag had deployed covering the blood with a fine powdery substance. While she checked his pulse on the side of his neck, she told the woman to please calm down, “My name is Mackie, what’s your name?”


“Okay, Jenny, are you hurt?” When the girl shook her head, Mackie breathed a sigh of relief. She looked in the backseat and couldn’t see the baby’s face, but from the amount of noise it was making, the baby was either hurt badly or was just scared from the wreck. The young woman tried to get out of her seatbelt but it was jammed, and she started to get worked up again, so Mackie had to get stern with her, “Sit still, the car is sitting on some trees and if you move too fast or shift your weight, the whole thing is going down into the ravine. I know you’re upset and worried but you need to focus right now.” She stared at the younger woman until she got a nod from her. “What is the man’s name who was driving?”


“Okay, good, Jenny. Now, Eric is alive, but I don’t know where he is hurt and I only have this small flashlight to see with, so I need you to feel if his legs are trapped, can you do that?”

Jenny reached over to feel Eric’s legs and the dashboard. “Su-sure. I d-don’t think h-he is trapped,” Jenny replied.

“Okay, thanks, Jenny, think you can get unbuckled?”

“Y-yes, I th-think so,” Jenny’s reply reflected the knock on her head she took. After a few attempts, Jenny was able to unbuckle her seatbelt.

“Good job, Jenny. What is your baby’s name, sweetie?”

“Eric junior.”

“Aww, precious. Now I’m going to get the baby out and put him in my vehicle. I will be right back for you, okay?” With a nod from Jenny, Mackie and Jenny worked together to break the side glass window out. Mackie got the baby out of the vehicle, and ran the car seat containing two-month-old baby Eric, to the safety of her golf cart and left him on the seat. The child had fallen asleep despite the rain and all the noise the women had made breaking the window out. She went back for Jenny, and had to pull her out of the same window behind the driver’s seat. The woman’s right wrist was already swelling and her left foot looked like it might be broken or badly sprained. Mackie was just glad she was alive. She pulled and fell down on the tree branches, as she finally got Jenny to safety on the little cart with her son.

When she went back for the driver, she knew this one was going to be difficult to remove from the wreckage. A crowbar wasn’t going to pry the door open and she still needed to double check with 911 to make sure they received the address. So she climbed through the back window and almost got her wide hips stuck, but with a few wiggles and she was certain a few cuts, she finally worked her way into the vehicle with the unconscious man. She loosened his seatbelt and pulled him from his seat onto the console, and had to sit for a few precious seconds to take a needed rest before tackling his weight again. He was well over six feet tall, and in the darkness she couldn’t see his face very well. She imagined that even had it been daylight, between all the blood trickling from his head wound and the powder from the airbag, she wouldn’t have gotten a good look at his face until he was cleaned up.

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