Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)
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She remembered trying to figure that out herself, going from one to the other. Damn near killing herself to make sure they both had enough time.

“Well Mak in the beginning it was hard. One night with one, the next with the other. I finally had to tell them it wasn’t working. They still each get alone time but we handle it differently now. When we’re together we’re
together.” Mak paused midstride, letting her words soak in. All of a sudden Mak completely understood.

“Oh! Wow ok! No wonder why you are always smiling!” He joked with her but in his mind he knew why her men were happy. That was the stuff fantasies were made of.

“No Mak I’m sure it sounds more… What’s the word I’m looking for?”

“Perverse, kinky, pornographically intense.” Mak was grinning until Annalese smacked his arm.

“Mak, you’re awful!” He screeched like a girl being smacked and started to laugh. It was only a small laugh but the more he watched her face the louder it became, it was a full blown belly laugh before too long.

“Yes, I suppose I’m awful, and I am sorry. Come, let us go get you your Prince.” Mak held out his hand as they finished the stroll to the house.

As they entered Mehmet’s study, Vlad held out his hand for Annalese but continued his conversation with Zhor. She took his hand and snuggled in close. Mak backed away to give the Prince and his Alpha the privacy and respect they deserved. Lachlan motioned for Mak, so he joined him and Mehmet and was handed a scotch.

“No Sir, I should not. I am still on duty.”

“Bullshit.” Mehmet stated matter of factly. “She is fine, quite happy and extremely safe. Have a drink, you’ve earned it, and I am trying to apologize for before, just let me. It doesn’t happen very often.”

Mak nodded, stepping towards Mehmet’s bar. “I am more of a tequila or vodka man. Have any of that?” The three dug through all the bottles until they found what Mak was looking for, a bottle of Patron Silver. He poured and threw back a shot before filling his iced glass with the clear liquid and a lime, sipping alongside of the vampires.

“Sir if I may, how do you handle this? Not being jealous of the other? I’m stupefied at how well it works.” Lachlan completely understood, what they shared was very different, even by vampire standards. The funniest part was it was so easy. What they all shared together was as easy as breathing.

“Aye Mak, I’m sure she told ye the story about all of this. T and I have known each other over two hundred and fefty years and he’s me sire. That may be part of why tis so easy for us. A big part is me love for that woman, she’s everything to me and I love her verra much. She loves me back just the same. That she loves him too isna a bad thing. It works, and all that,” Lachlan pointed at Vlad and Annalese, “It really is ok. I did get her all to me self for a few days, now it’s his turn. T doesn’t do well away from her, so I know he needs this. When we get home it will be normal again, well as normal as this is.”

Mak gave a short nod, sipping his drink, trying to imagine sharing a mate. He knew there was no way he could. Annalese had said together, that wasn’t as odd as having two mates. Being a wolf the Alpha would sometimes share his mate with his Beta on a full moon shift and run. But even then there were rules, and only if the Alpha’s mate wanted it, and everything was instructed by the Alpha unless his mate wanted more, but the Beta couldn’t touch or partake until invited in.

Mak stood watching his charge, wondering if he would ever find love. Not just any love, the feel it in your bones kind of love, the kind he saw when the Prince looked at Annalese. It was a soul deep, earth shattering kind of love. Vlad said if anything happened to her, he would follow her into the next life. Watching them together, Mak truly believed it. He had been around long enough to know what real love looked like and he was watching it in action.

Although not Immortals, Weres lived incredibly long lives. Mak was just under 100, and that was considered young. Zhor was close to 409, and he’d heard Nico was just a little over 300. He also knew the older a wolf got, the harder it became to sire a litter. He had been given new hope these past few days that he too might be blessed by Gaia and find his mate. For now he had a job to do, but the future was looking bright.

Mak's life was changing. New country, new home, new Alpha, but he would adapt. He only hoped these changes brought him closer to the love he wanted. Mak didn’t even give it much thought. Beta duties took up most of his time but after meeting and spending time with the feisty Princess with the strawberry curls, he knew exactly what he wanted.
“Damn she’s contagious.”
He laughed to himself but the smile stretched across his face, the vampires he was sharing company with stared in wonder.

“Mak, what are ye grinning like dat for?” Lach asked incredulously.

Mak just shook his head. “Just thinking Sir.” And he was, about so many things, the biggest was how one event could change so much of his world. Meeting Annalese and becoming not only her private security, but her friend as well had altered the course of his life completely.

Vlad had finished his business with Zhor so he and Annalese could quietly slip away to spend some much needed time alone. She had missed him more than she expected, being the first time in close to two years she had slept away from the castle and only the second time they had been separated since coming to Romania. Vlad led her to a bench in Mehmet’s garden to have some privacy. Vampire hearing was entirely too keen and he wanted to say things best kept private.

“My dear Annalese,” He told her as he took her into his arms, “Never again, my love. I cannot be away from you, not like that.” Vlad laid his hands across her swollen middle. His daughter felt him and began to kick.

“She missed you too baby, I’ve been worried and she knows it.” Within moments the babe had calmed and was just lying inside her mother’s womb. “Vlad what did you do? She hasn’t been this quiet since we left.” He knew Annalese had to be a nervous wreck, the baby could feel her stress, the one sure way to fix the issue was a little vampire mojo, he spoke to his daughter, letting her know everything was ok.

“Exactly what I said I would, I calmed our daughter. Now on a different note, you said not to tell you what I did and I will not. Should you choose to ask, I’ll answer.” She knew in the pit of her stomach she didn’t want to know, but there was a need. Annalese needed to know so she asked.

“I think I already know the answer, but I’m asking anyway. Did you kill her? I have to know that much.”  Vlad had a sneaking suspicion she would have that need, the women had been friends and no matter what had transpired, Annalese was a kind and gentle soul.

“No my love, I did not kill her. I caused her pain as she did you, but when I left her she was very much alive. After I departed however, I cannot say what became of Sophia.” That sounded so ominous, Annalese was sure she should stop, but her curiosity got the best of her.

“I know I’m going to regret this, but where exactly did you leave her? Please tell me she’s not running around Romania cooking up some other half-baked plan to try to get our daughter. I can’t deal with any more shit Vlad, this was enough. I’m totally at my breaking point.”

Vlad took her face in his hands and kissed her, a very passionate, loving kiss, when it broke he kept his forehead to hers, letting her feel his love. “No my love, she will never roam the streets again, does that answer your question?”

She nodded, touching his face. He had several days’ growth on his chin and was still the sexiest man she had ever seen. Annalese continued to caress his face, loving the feel of the whiskers.

“I know my love,” Vlad soothed her, “I will handle the beard when I shower, it just seemed so unimportant, considering the circumstances.”

She could only imagine what he meant, Vlad like all of his kind liked riddles, this one was easier to decipher than most. “No, don’t! Never in my life did I think I would want your beautiful face covered, but this,” Annalese continued to stroke his cheek,” is by far the sexiest thing ever. I can’t even find the right words to describe it. Keep it, just exactly like this, I love it. How can one man be so perfect, so sexy and have no clue.”

Vlad kissed her again, harder this time, rubbing his beard on her cheeks, letting her feel what she loved so much. She was giggling, he knew she would. “It tickles.” She told him, getting a very sly, sensual smile from her man.

“Just imagine how it will feel on the inside of your thighs.” Annalese bit her bottom lip, anticipating their love making.  Being intimate with Vlad took her to places she had only dreamed of. He had been called the great lover and she had to agree, Vlad was incredible in bed.

“Before we go in, there’s something we should talk about.”

He looked to her raising his brow, giving her an overly concerned look. “Is there? What, my beautiful love do we need to discuss?”

He needed to know, it was a long time coming and Vlad needed to know exactly how she felt. This was just not the way she wanted him to find out. “Mak noticed something, something I thought I hid pretty well, but he saw it and if he can see it don’t you think everyone else can, including Lachlan. God if he really knew I think it would destroy him!” The tears had started to fall, she knew he hated them but she couldn’t stop them.

“Shh my love,” he took her in his arms, giving her comfort. “Do not cry, and please tell me what Makhi saw.”

Annalese wiped away the wetness from her cheeks. “He said he knew if I ever had to make the choice that I’d choose you. That he could see it when we looked at each other, and damn if he isn’t right, I would choose you. I love Lachlan, that hasn’t changed, but you hold the bigger piece of my heart.” That shocked the Prince, he had no idea. He always assumed it would be Lachlan.

“It is ok, please do not cry anymore. We both knew you would love one more than the other, so he probably knows, but like me it wouldn’t make any difference as long as you love me. I was perfectly happy believing I was second, and that is how we will keep it. Spend a little extra time with Lachlan, does this make sense love?” It did make sense, but Annalese had missed Vlad so much she didn’t want to be away from him.

“Yes, but I want to stay with you. Vlad I’ve missed you so much more than I thought I would.”

“I was speaking of when we go home, tonight until we leave you and I I’ll be together, alone and naked.” They quickly and quietly entered Mehmet’s home, tiptoeing up the stairs, almost unnoticed. The vampires were too involved in conversation but Mak saw them, giving a smile and a wink.

The room was exactly as Vlad had requested, dozens of candles illuminated the suite showing off the rose petals scattered on the silken sheets. Annalese gasped at the scene, her Vlad was such a romantic.

“Oh Vlad, it’s amazing. You did this for me?”

He shook his head in disbelief; she still didn’t realize he would do anything for her. “No my dear, I did it for us. When I said I was going out of my mind I was not joking. Come, there should be a bath prepared.”

Damn if there wasn’t, a Jacuzzi sized tub filled with rose petals and some scented oils, a delicious smell, one she couldn’t pick out, but enticing nevertheless. Vlad carefully undressed her, mindful of her belly. His touch electrified her. When she stood bare in front of him, he removed his own clothes and bent to capture her lips, pulling her close. He felt her tongue on his lips, inviting it to dance with his, lifting her up so they could submerge together, lips still locked. Her body was trembling just from being in his arms. Vlad broke the kiss.

“Gods woman!” he told her as his hand slipped between her legs, feeling how wet she was for him. He had her on his lap, circling her swollen clit with his long fingers. Annalese let her head fall back as she withered and moaned. He couldn’t stop his fangs from sinking into the sweet flesh on her neck. She quivered with pleasured as he drank her in. Her moans were growing louder, but neither cared. Vlad was so drunk on Annalese nothing else mattered. He licked her wounds closed and she returned the favor, biting hard enough to draw blood. She had never bitten to this extreme with him, but listening to him groan she knew he loved it. She began to drink, taking him in, pulling from him what she so desperately wanted. Vlad was shaking, moaning and then shouting to the gods as he spilled himself on her belly, taking her with him. Her climax slamming through her the way an avalanche took trees in its path. They clutched each other as they returned to the earth.

“That,” he said in a raspy voice, “has never happened before. Damn woman never did I think you would bite me in such a fashion, and the Goddess knows I had no idea it would make me come without so much as a touch.” Vlad was still reeling, breathless from such an intense orgasm. He’d had many over the centuries but never anything like the ones he experienced with her. He could see the satisfaction on her face from what she caused.

“I have every intention of biting you again.” She gave him a sly grin as he washed her, taking extra care of her belly, rubbing and caressing her in a way that she couldn’t help but feel his love.

When the last of the water was gone in a spiral down the drain, Vlad took his time drying her with the gentlest of touches, but he didn’t dress her. He took her to the bed and held her in his arms, needing to feel the closeness.

“Annalese you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and the way you look at me, it is like you see something I do not. What is it that you see when you look at me?” He was trailing his fingers gently up her side, reveling in the feel of her skin, it felt like satin and he knew he would never have enough.

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