Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three) (19 page)

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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We entwined fingers and braced forearms to steady me as waves of ecstatic release threatened to take me under.  I called out his name as I clenched around him, every nerve in my body on high alert.  I lay forward onto his chest as my senses began to return.  I pondered how it wasn’t really fair that I orgasmed much faster than Lucas sometimes.  Resolving to make sure he got his release, I sat up and turned around, keeping him inside me.  He was still hard.


Facing away from him, I began to ride him gently.  A torrent of curses flew from his mouth as I rose and fell.  His hands found their way to my hips and began to assist me with the rapid pace that I’d set.  Very quickly, I felt the tension in his legs as his body sought its own release.  Suddenly, he sat up behind me, wrapping my hair around his hand and pulling my head back.  He bit into the skin just above my collar bone as I felt him come inside me. As if by some secret signal, a second orgasm coursed through my body, tingles reaching right to my fingers and toes.


He pulled me down with him so that my back was lying on his chest.  I could feel our hearts pounding as our breathing struggled to return to normal.  He wrapped his strong arms around me and just held me, whispering his thanks and a lot of praise in my ear.  It was a warm spring evening but the ground was cold so we decided to go and find the guys.  I pulled my jeans back on and we set off down the hill.


We found Angel and Chad walking between stages to see one of Chad’s favorite bands who were up last.  We tagged along with them, singing and swaying with the crowd.  Once again, Lucas stood behind me, with his arms wrapped around me and his head on my shoulder.  I wriggled my ass against his crotch as I danced, enjoying the instant response.  I slid my hands round to his ass and tucked them into his back pockets.


I noticed how, although there were hundreds of people in the immediate vicinity, the world always felt smaller when I was with Lucas.  My focus was on him with very little peripheral vision.  And, to my surprise, I realized that I actually kind of liked it.  It wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be.  But then, he wasn’t putting any pressure on me; he hadn’t even mentioned the month long trial.  If things could stayed like this, the possibility that I might be able to get used to the idea of being in a relationship floated around my head.  I wasn’t even tempted to brush it aside; I just left it floating.


As the festival finally drew to a close, we wandered back along the stages, keeping an eye out for Ethan, Travis and Scott.  We found Ethan leaning against one of the stages with a girl’s legs wrapped around him so we politely left him to it.  Halfway back to the tour bus, amongst a group of pitched tents, we heard Travis’ unmistakable voice telling some poor unfortunate girl exactly what he was going to do to her between now and the morning.  We chuckled and continued to the tour bus, deciding to just crash there rather than go back to the hotel.  We were rather sated and it would help to get an early start home in the morning.


The scene that greeted us was way beyond anything that I’d expected and from the look on Chad’s face, he was just as shocked.  I was first onto the tour bus.  I could hear voices and noises as soon as I began to walk up the aisle.  When I reached the seating area in the centre, I froze – my eyes not believing what they were seeing.  A totally naked Scott was engaging in sexual acts with three women. 


He was being pegged by a woman wearing a strap on, whilst he was performing oral sex on another woman and the final woman was giving him head.  They were oblivious to our presence at first.  We all just stood gawping in disbelief at the introverted guy that we thought we knew.  Just as we turned to creep away, I heard one of the women announce our presence.  I turned my head and caught Scott’s gaze – a look of triumph on his face.  I felt sick so I made my way off the bus as quickly as I could.


Lucas and Chad grabbed our things, deciding that the four of us would spend the night at the hotel. The cab journey was quiet – an awkward silence had descended.  We checked in and immediately retired to our respective rooms.  Once inside, Lucas burst out laughing.


“You should have seen your face,” he chuckled.  “They were having sex, not committing murder.”


I felt the color rise in my cheeks.  “Yeah, I know.  Had it been Travis, I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid.  Or if it’d been Ethan, for that matter.  But Scott?  Well, they say it’s the quiet ones that are the filthiest.”


“Oh, do they now?  And who, pray tell, are ‘they’?”


I huffed.  “It’s just an expression, Lucas.”


He grinned and sidled up to me.  “You’re not quiet, are you?  But you’re about to get real filthy.”


I looked at his stormy black eyes that screamed sex and I felt my mouth dry out.  I swallowed and tried not to betray how horny I felt.  “Lucas, we are in a hotel room, not your kinky sex room.  What filth could we possibly engage in here?”


His eyes flared wider.  “That sounds like a challenge to me, Miss Prince.”  God, that voice was so seductive.  It was like a personal hotline to my vagina.


“Well, bring it on, Mr. Hunter,” I levelled back.


Immediately, his posture changed slightly and his impassive mask slipped into place, betrayed only by the glossy blackness of his eyes. 
Oh, it’s hot as fuck Lucas the Dom!


“Go and get showered and then lie naked on the bed.  Make sure you tie your hair up.”


Before I could think of a reply, my legs were taking me to the bathroom. 
How does that work?  How does he bypass my conscious brain?


I showered quickly, blasted my hair dry and then realized that I didn’t have anything to tie my hair up with.  I improvised with an elasticated beaded bracelet that I’d worn earlier.  I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror: my cheeks were flushed and my eyes were wide and alert. 
Oh yes, I wanted this!


I left the bathroom and walked to the bed.  From the corner of my eye, I saw Lucas leaning against the wall.  It looked like he was only wearing jeans but I resisted the temptation to look.  I lay on my back in the centre of the bed and waited expectantly.  For several minutes, nothing happened.  I began to get frustrated and the temptation to lift my head and look at Lucas was getting unbearable.


I was startled by a knock on the door. From the muffled conversation, I gathered it was room service.  I heard the sound of something being placed on a hard surface.  My curiosity was piqued and I had to tell myself to stay still.


“Close your eyes,” Lucas said, from somewhere in the room.


I obeyed and then something silky and cool slid over them.  My head was lifted slightly and then lowered again. 
A blindfold!
  At least, I didn’t have to worry about peeping now. 


My hands were pulled up, above my head and secured together.  I assumed it was his belt again – it was something cool and firm that bound me.  I felt tension on my arms and, when I tentatively tried to move them, found that I couldn’t. 
He’s secured them to the headboard!


My heart rate began to escalate out of pure anticipation.  I felt him grasp my ankles and pull my legs unceremoniously apart.  Emotion laced his deep, velvet voice when he said, “I will never forget how beautiful you are.  I doubt that you have any idea what the sight of you does to me.  The power that you have over me.  I adore you, Issy.  I want to spend my days worshipping you in the way that you fully deserve.  Tell me what I need to do to make that happen.”


My throat was suddenly dry.  I opened my mouth, but before I found whether I could speak, he interrupted me again.  “Don’t tell me now.  Just consider it, that’s all I ask.  I will seek your reply later.”


I was grateful for the breathing space.  It was difficult to think about anything when you were naked, bound and spread before a sex god.  Well, except for the desperate need for him to touch you … everywhere.  But he didn’t.  He didn’t do anything.  The silence and lack of contact became almost unbearable. 


When I could take it no longer, I drew in a breath with the intention of challenging him but I didn’t get chance.  Something freezing cold and liquid dripped across my nipples.  They immediately peaked, outraged at the sudden invasion.  My skin twitched as the cold liquid ran down my breasts and onto my ribcage, making me shudder.  My nipples were so cold and erect that it was becoming uncomfortable. 


I needn’t have worried. Soft warmth suddenly descended upon one nipple – a stark contrast to the freezing coldness.  He sucked and then licked down my breast before turning his attention to the other one. The liquid had a scent that was familiar but I just couldn’t place it. Again, the freezing coldness rained down on my nipples and instantly, a bolt of pure pleasure and anticipation shot to my sex.  Yes, my brain knew what was coming next.  The sudden change from freezing cold to suckling heat was mind blowing.  After his hot mouth had licked me clean, I braced myself for the cold liquid, but it never came.  At least not on my nipples.


I shivered when the cold liquid was poured into my navel and then writhed when his tongue defeated the coldness once more.  A line was then dripped across the very bottom of my stomach and one big, long lick took care of that.  My back almost arched at the need to have his attention focussed a little lower down.


I didn’t have to wait long.  As the first drips landed, my hips lifted involuntarily as I craved his mouth on me, just there.  I felt his arms slide underneath me, holding me up, just before his tongue made contact. 
Oh my god!  Oh my fucking god!
  If the impact of coldness to heat had been incredible on the rest of my body, it was damn close to being unbearable on my slit. 


Several times, he dripped the cold liquid onto my folds and then devoured every drop with his warm lips and tongue.  His hands clamped on my hips when I began to writhe in tortured pleasure.  Then it stopped.  My body was just relaxing when something even colder and solid was pressed against my clit.  My ravaged senses went into overdrive and I almost shot off the bed.  Then his hot mouth sucked firmly on my clitoris and took the temperature from arctic to tropical in seconds, before the hard coldness returned. 


This time, he kept the freezing coldness against my clit for much longer, holding me down with his free hand when I began to protest.  Just as it began to get painful, the object was removed but Lucas didn’t cover my clit with his mouth straight away.  He just blew warm breath against it.  Immediately, my vaginal muscles clenched firmly and that action alone, proved how close to orgasm I was.  Suddenly, he closed his mouth around my clitoris and sucked … and sucked. 


My whole body trembled and jerked as one hell of an orgasm wracked its way through my senses and my muscles.  I knew that I was holding my breath, but I just couldn’t breathe.  Until something hard and cold was pushed inside my vagina.  I almost screamed, especially when his fingers pushed it against my g-spot.  My climax went on and on until eventually the tremors became trembles and I tried to bring my senses back under control.


I felt lightheaded and my shoulders ached from pulling against my restraints.  Every breath I took burned my lungs until I managed to gasp a few lungfuls of air down.  I’d never known an orgasm like it – and Lucas had been the instigator of some intense ones.  My sex was alive, on fire and already desperate for more.


As my breathing levelled out, Lucas removed the binding from my wrists and massaged them and my shoulders.  The blindfold was still in place so I couldn’t see anything.  After a few minutes, he told me to sit up. 


“Thirsty?” he asked.


I nodded.  He tilted my head back and then I felt his lips on mine.  A trickle of cold liquid ran into my mouth.  I swallowed and smiled. 
Baileys Irish Cream!
Oh my! That’s what he has been drinking from me!
  Then I realized.
The very cold, solid objects were ice cubes and one was pushed … oh my god!


“Hungry?” He almost growled the question, and there was no denying his hunger.  I shrugged.


“Well, I am.  Now, hold that headboard and don’t let go or I’ll have to restrain you again.  Do you understand?”


I nodded again and lifted my hands to take hold of the metal frame.  I heard him moving about before feeling his weight on the mattress.  His lips pressed against mine and, as soon as I opened my mouth, I could taste chocolate … and cream.  He broke away and then smeared something on my bottom lip.  I flicked out my tongue to taste it … chocolate frosting. Mmmmm.

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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