Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three) (22 page)

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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The evening was almost perfect.  It almost didn’t happen at all.  When Lucas set eyes on me in that gorgeous dress and I set eyes on him in his black tux, it took all of my willpower to get in the elevator and not tear the clothes from his back.  Man, did he look hot!  Everything was almost perfect, from the limo that was waiting outside, our announced entrance that caused quite a stir amongst the other attendees, the excellent food, the thought provoking speeches, the good company on our table, Lucas’ relaxed sparkling conversation and attentiveness and the feeling that I was good enough to be there.  We shared a giggle when profiteroles were served – I’m sure my cheeks glowed like beacons.


The night was cut expectedly short though.  We had danced for a while (he was just as graceful leading me around the floor that he was with any form of movement) and then headed to the bar.  The sexual chemistry and the promise of the delights to come later on, had us very turned on.  Our bodies had pressed together just a little too tightly to be classed as decent on the dance floor, and his hand kept straying a little too low.  It didn’t help either that he kept up a continuous commentary of what he would like to do to me when he’d gotten me out of my dress.


I giggled when the barman served us each a glass of Baileys Irish Cream.  Lucas eyes were alive with mirth when I took a sip and my cheeks flushed. 
Damn him.  He knew exactly what he was doing to me!
  I put my glass down on the bar and pressed myself against him.  I slid my hand in between us and fondled his rapidly hardening cock.  I heard his sharp intake of breath and figured that we were even.  I stepped back and laughed as he turned to the bar to prevent the whole room seeing his current state of arousal. 


“You’ll pay for that later, you little minx,” he growled.


“I’d be disappointed if I didn’t,” I snickered.


“Don’t make me re-enact the Baileys incident here,” he shot back.


“You wouldn’t dare!” I laughed


He turned around and my breath caught in my throat.  His eyes had turned to pure sex and I knew that look.  Hello Mr. Dominant.


He grabbed his drink and my hand and charged off down the corridor, and away from the great hall.  I almost had to run to keep up.  The first two doors that he tried were locked.  The third wasn’t.  It was an office that was dominated by a large mahogany desk in the centre.  Lucas pulled me inside, closed the door and pushed my back against it.


He gave me his glass and began pushing my dress up around my waist.


“Lucas!” I gasped.  “We can’t.  Not here.  What if someone comes?”


“You certainly will be.  I think I might too.  If anyone else wants to join in, that’s up to them,” he retorted, a wicked gleam in his eye.


He pulled down my panties and made me step out of them.  He stuffed them into his pocket before dipping his fingers into the glass of Baileys and grinning.  He put his fingers in his mouth and sucked, his eyes never leaving mine.  He dipped his fingers back into the glass and then he slid them into my already damp folds, smearing the sweet liqueur onto my lips.  I gasped at the coldness of the liquid and also the audacity of this man.


He took his fingers back to his mouth and sucked on them again, before dipping them into the glass and repeating the process.  That time though, he pressed his fingers to my lips and demanded that I suck them.  The liqueur was too strong for me to taste myself.  I suckled and tongued his fingers until he withdrew them.


Abruptly, he dropped to his knees and buried his face in me.  I moved my feet further apart to facilitate his ministrations.  He licked, lapped, sucked and nibbled me to a very fast orgasm.  I almost dropped the glass as it crashed over me.  He stood, calmly took the glass and my purse from my hands and placed them on top of a filing cabinet.


He took my hand and tugged me over to the large mahogany desk.  “Bend over and hold the far side.  Don’t let go unless I tell you to.” he ordered in
voice, so naturally my body betrayed my mind and obeyed him instead, although there were various documents arranged neatly on the desktop.  I simply lay on top of them.


I heard him unfasten his belt and then his zip.  He pushed my legs further apart and then he spanked me with his firm hand.  I began to stand as my mind roared in indignation.  “I said don’t let go,” he hissed, as his hand caressed the spot that he’d spanked.  “I told you that you’d pay for your devilment in the bar, and now you have.”


Before I could even formulate a response, he slid inside me in one motion.  I moaned at the harsh invasion as my muscles clamped around him.  I felt his hands on my hips as he began to thrust in and out.  His pace was fast and furious and I was grateful for the padding of my bunched up dress that was between me and the edge of the desk.  My face slid back and forth across the glossy wood.


I had almost forgotten about the risk of being caught when movement caught my eye.  Someone had opened the door – I caught sight of a man, but he hastily retreated.  I tried to feel shame but all I could feel was the delightful orgasm that was brewing inside me.  I could feel Lucas’ fingers really digging into the skin on my hips, so I knew he was close too. 


“Fuuuuuccccckkkkkk, Issy!” he roared, as he reached his powerful climax.  That sent me soaring off to join him in the abyss.  I lay panting on the desk when I felt him pulling out of me.  I just couldn’t move.  I saw him take tissues from a box on the desk and he gently cleaned me up and pulled my dress back down.  I stood up straight but I didn’t trust my legs to hold me if I moved.  I needed a couple of minutes for my bones to realise that they were actually solid again.


“Lucas, a man came in a few minutes ago and saw us,” I hissed.


“So?  He’s probably off somewhere relieving himself, because you know how hot we would look to an observer, don’t you?” He grinned.  That man clearly has no shame.


I picked up the glass of Baileys and downed the contents.  “I think I’d better visit the ladies.”  I picked up my purse and allowed Lucas to escort me back down the corridor.


We were just approaching the bathrooms when I felt Lucas stiffen and miss a step, almost stumbling.  I stopped, turned to face him and almost gasped.  All of the color from his recent exertions had drained from his face.  He looked like he’d seen a ghost.


“Lucas?  Is everything okay?” I asked, although I knew it clearly wasn’t.


“Yes fine.  Come on, it’s time to leave.”  And he steered me past the bathrooms and out of the nearby door that led to the lobby.  He took his cell out of his pocket and instructed the limo driver to meet us out front straight away.


Once we were on our way back to the Orion Building, I asked Lucas what all that was about.  He initially tried to brush me off but I persisted.  He eventually told me that the owner of the company he’d just liquidated had been there and that he didn’t want a public confrontation.  I remembered that he’d said his grudge was personal and asked him about that but he refused to comment any further.  The rest of the journey was completed in silence.


Back in his apartment, he took me straight to the spare bedroom.  He pushed open the door and I immediately knew what the surprise was.  A large x-shaped wooden cross was fixed to one of the walls.  My mind went into overdrive, trying to figure out how it would be used.


“Get naked and wait by the cross,” Lucas snapped in a voice that was icy cold, then turned back towards his bedroom.


Although he was obviously in his Dominant role, indignation prevented my usual auto-compliance.


“Wait just one second,” I called out after him.


He stopped and, when he turned, his expression was full of loathing.  He looked venomous.  Part of me wanted to recoil and scurry to do his bidding.  The other part, the slight majority, stood tall.  “Lucas, I don’t know exactly why you’re angry but I know that it’s nothing that I’ve done.  I’m not willing to let you dominate me sexually when you’re in this mood.  I don’t think it would be safe.”


I could see the muscles working in his jaw as I spoke.  His expression softened slightly before he replied.  When he did, his voice was back to his normal dominant tone.  “Issy, I would never do anything to hurt you.  Now go, don’t keep me waiting.”


I felt mollified by his softer tone and by his words.  And, just like that, I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me – don’t ask me how, but I knew.  I nodded and headed into the room.  I stripped, laying the dress on top of the chest of drawers, and stood in front of the cross.


Just a few minutes later, Lucas entered the room wearing his sexier-than-hell black jeans and nothing else.  He walked over to the chest of drawers and said, over this shoulder, “Unless I say otherwise, whenever you wait for me, you stand and you keep your eyes cast down to the floor.  You don’t look up or at me unless instructed.”


I didn’t reply.


“Issy, did you hear me?” He sounded annoyed now.


“Yes, but I didn’t know whether I was allowed to speak.”


He considered this for a moment.  “Good girl.  However, if I ask you a question, I expect you to respond … unless, I’ve gagged you, of course.”


An image of me, bound and gagged flitted unbidden into my mind.  There was no denying it, I found the idea incredibly hot.


A few minutes later and my limbs were secured to the four points of the cross by leather cuffs and I was blindfolded.  The wood was cool and smooth against my back and I could smell its newness. 


I flinched when something touched my chest but immediately relaxed when it tickled.  I didn’t know what it was but it felt soft, like having a ribbon trailed across my breasts.  My nipples peaked as it was drawn across them.  Then it travelled up, around my neck and back down the other side. 


“Does that feel good?” he asked.


I nodded and then remembered about answering him when he questioned me.  “Yes.”


“It can be gloriously gentle but it does have a bit of a bite desired.  It’s a flogger, made from the softest suede.  Its tassels can tickle when used like this or it can be used like a whip.  Would you like to feel its bite, Issy?”


I swallowed.  Did I?  “I … I’m not sure,” I stammered.


“Oh, I think you do.  I think you’ll love it.  I’ll be gentle … for today.”


I nodded, believing him.  I felt it hit my breast … not quite like a slap but similar.  I didn’t really notice; I was too busy dealing with the bolt of lightning that had shot between my legs.  Being spread open made it difficult to deflect the sensation.  Almost immediately, it landed on my other breast.  The same thing happened.


“Oh Issy. I wish you could see how you look now.  Your rosy pink nipples are perfectly peaked, your cheeks are flushed and I’ll bet that you’re already wet.”  Whether it was the words or just his ‘make me come’ voice, I couldn’t say but it just made me wetter.


I felt him slide his fingers into my wet folds and I heard him moan in satisfaction.  He repeated the process and I found myself anticipating the second flogging, even pushing out my breasts.  When I felt something against my sex, I assumed he was checking my wetness again … that is, until it began to vibrate.  He pushed the vibrator inside me and then the vibrations increased.  I clenched around it instinctively.  It felt good.


I felt his fingers rubbing my clitoris for just a second and then they were gone.  Before I could miss them, however, I felt my skin begin to heat.  Whatever he’d applied was making my skin tingle and burn slightly.  Then the flogger was back in action.  I was gently flogged, pretty much from head to toe but my attention was firmly on what was happening between my legs … or so I thought.  I realized eventually, that every time the flogger landed, the sensations I was experiencing down there grew more intense for a second or two. 


Just when I was reaching breaking point, my moaning and writhing giving me away, the vibrator was removed and the flogging stopped.  The warmness on my clit remained, although it wasn’t as intense as it had been. 


“Not yet, Beautiful,” he muttered.



A sharp pinch on my nipple soon caught my attention.  A sharp pinch that continued and then my other nipple experienced the same pinching sensation. 

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