Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three) (15 page)

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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I was just lying down on my front when I heard the door opening.  I wondered whether he would have those gorgeous black jeans on again with the top button unfastened. I was tempted to turn my head and look but I pictured those glossy black eyes and decided to resist.  I would find out soon enough.


I heard Lucas opening and closing drawers and lighting candles.  Then he was next to me, kissing my shoulder.  I tensed when he slipped a blindfold over my head but then memories of the day before floated around my head and calmed me.  I felt him climb onto the bed and straddle my legs.  Warm liquid dripped across my shoulders and down my spine and a divine scent instantly filled the air.


He began to massage my shoulders in slow, sensuous movements.  Then, he stroked feather light touches down my arms and massaged my hands, not missing a single finger.  I sank into a deeply relaxed state as he turned his attention to my back and buttocks.  I didn’t move a muscle when he massaged between them, across my anus.


He passed me something heavy and cold and instructed me to warm it in my hands.  I couldn’t tell what it was from its shape so I wrapped my fingers around it whilst Lucas massaged oil into the backs of my legs and then into my feet.  Again, I found myself so calm that, had it not been sex god Lucas Hunter giving me the massage, I would have fallen into a deep sleep.


Or maybe not.  I felt his fingers roam gently between my legs and begin to stroke my sex.  Instinct made me want to push my bottom into the air to give him easier access but reason told me that he would push me back down.  Slow, sensual strokes along my slit and then up to my lower back and down again.  Heavenly.


My skin tingled when he leaned forward and hovered his body over mine, kissing the back of my shoulders.  He took the mysterious object from my hands and then proceeded to drip more oil over my back.  His magic hands continued their seduction of my skin; I could have purred.


“Comfortable?” he whispered in my ear, suddenly.


“Hmmm, blissfully,” I sighed.


“You need to pull your knees in under you but keep your head on the bed.”


I complied, becoming aware that my ass was now on display.  I felt totally exposed; I was grateful for the blindfold. It removed me a little from the situation by giving me some anonymity somehow, although I knew he could still see me.


Feather light fingertips trailed down my back from my shoulders to my bottom and back up again.  I felt him inches away before I felt the tiny kisses planted all the way up my spine radiating tingles outward.  Then, my insides somersaulted when he licked from the back of my neck all the way down to my clit in one long lick.


He whispered in my ear.  “Issy, I need you to stay relaxed and not overthink this.  In a moment, I am going to prepare you for the fuck of your dreams but you must trust me. Okay?”


He said it with that sexy as fuck voice that mesmerized me.  He could have been saying anything to me and I would have given myself to him.  I nodded but he insisted on hearing me say that I was okay.  He kissed down along my spine; then he licked from the bottom of my spine to my clit.  I heard a low growl before he said, “You are fucking beautiful, do you realize that?” 


And I did. I was fast learning that being at the centre of Lucas Hunter’s world was no bad thing.  It definitely had its advantages.


He growled, “Don’t move.” Then his mouth was on me, his fingers parting my folds for his talented tongue to inflict maximum devastation.  Licks and flicks of his tongue soon had me panting and almost pleading for him to be inside me.  I clenched around him when he slipped two fingers inside and stroked my particularly pleasurable patch.  His tongue assaulted my clit until I thought it would explode.


Just when my release was in sight, he stopped.
I thought I might explode in frustration until I felt the tip of his finger against my anus, gently probing.  After the abrupt cease of his delectable ministrations, the sensation of his finger, in up to his knuckle, was divine.  Then that too ceased.  I almost cried out in frustration.  I felt warm oil drip onto my lower back and run down between my ass cheeks.


The pressure returned but it was different and it was increasing.  At the same time, his fingers were slipped back inside my sex and they stroked me relentlessly.  A feeling of sublime fullness and inexplicable fulfilment grew and grew as the pressure against my vaginal wall was increased from both sides.  I realized then that the object I’d held and warmed was a butt plug. The feelings stabilised until Lucas sucked unexpectedly on my clit.


My whole body shuddered as a mighty orgasm that might have started in my fingers and toes for all I knew, tore through me.  On and on it went as Lucas’ sweet torture continued.  My blood roared in my ears and I realized that I was holding my breath.  I hastily let it out, fearful that I might pass out. 


Just as the last shocks were leaving me, I could hear Lucas groaning and guzzling in ecstasy as he claimed his prize, greedily drinking my juices as though they were champagne. The sound was so intensely erotic that I knew it would be etched into my memory forever.  It made me need to have him inside me, right there, right then.




“Yes, Beautiful?” he said, before kissing along the bottom of my spine.


“I … I need you to fuck me. Now. Please?”


A filthy laugh that was half growl echoed around the room.  “Oh, I intend to fuck you until you can’t stand.  I’m going to take you fast and fuck you hard and you’re going to beg me to let you come.”


Let me come? 
I wasn’t aware of an alternative when he was inside me.  Coming was a certainty.  Unless …
unless he denies me!  He wouldn’t … would he?


I heard him removing his jeans and I pressed my thighs together in anticipation.  I felt him position himself behind me, one hand on my hip and one hand … oh my god! … One hand toyed with the flanged end of the butt plug triggering a deep pulling sensation as my muscles adjusted. 
Ooohh. I need him inside me right NOW!


As though he could read my mind, Lucas began to stroke my silky, wet folds with his iron-hard cock.  I was faint with longing when he finally entered me but the delicious stretch and fullness from him and the butt plug soon had my full attention.  Every time he moved, the pressure inside me changed.  The need to climax was like nothing I’d ever felt before.  It was primeval, basic, feral and filthy … and I loved it!


When he began to pick up the pace, that’s when the butt plug came into its own.  Every time he smacked into me, it jolted sending unexplainable sensations to my core that drove me into a frenzy of lust.  It just made me want it harder and deeper.  I pushed back into him and felt his fingers digging into the flesh of my hips, as he also tried to bury himself deeper into me.


Lucas was pounding into me relentlessly and I could hear my guttural moans and cries even though I wasn’t consciously making them.  Suddenly, I was pulled upright. He had wrapped my hair around his wrist and had pulled my head back.
Whoa! That is damn hot!
That was enough to send me flying over the edge and, as I cried out his name, Lucas came with me, roaring my name before biting my neck as I felt him emptying himself inside me.  I threw my hands back and grasped his ass, digging in my nails, trying to hang on as the delectable devastation of my orgasm raged.


Lucas gently lowered me onto the bed. My body was totally and utterly boneless. I was in such a state of bliss that I just closed my eyes and submitted to it.  Sometime later, I felt him spoon against my back and pull me into his strong arms.  I opened my eyes and found that my blindfold was gone.  A quick clench proved that it wasn’t the only thing to have been removed whilst I dozed.  I found I was deliciously sore, however.


“Hey Beautiful, how are you feeling?”


“Disappointed,” I mumbled, sleepily.


“Oh yeah?  I must’ve misread your moans and orgasms then,” he said and I knew that he was smirking.


“Well, you do keep threatening me with great sex saying that I’ll beg you to stop but I don’t recall any such begging.”


He chuckled and then began to imitate me in the throes of passion.  “Oh my fucking god, Lucas!  I can’t take anymore!  Fuck!  Fuck! Fuck!”


“I said no such thing,” I retorted.


“Oh yes, you did!  Shall we check the video?”


I turned to face him swiftly.  “Video?  You have that on video?”


He grinned.  “Of course not.  I wouldn’t do that without your permission.”


“Oh,” I pouted.  “I think it would be kind of hot to watch that back.”


“You are one wanton woman, Issy Prince,” he said, as he pulled me in for a breathtakingly tender kiss.


The next morning, I woke up in Lucas’ protective embrace in the middle of his own bed.  I lifted my head to look at the alarm clock but before I could register the time, he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. 


“Good morning, Issy.  Did I mention that we’re visiting Mini Dakota this morning?” he asked, kissing the top of my head.


I frowned at him.  “No, you didn’t.  You should check with me first; I’ve got things to do today.”


He looked suitable chastened.  “This is why you shouldn’t take on any other contracts.  I have more than enough going on to occupy every moment of your time.”


My eyebrows hit my hairline as my brain wondered whether he was purely talking about work projects.  “I can’t make any promises, Lucas.  Besides, I have to honour existing contracts.  As it happens, I can be flexible today and catch up this afternoon.  What time were you planning on leaving?”

A lazy, lascivious smile spread over his handsome face.  “Well that depends on when we’re ready.  I’m in no rush.”


He certainly wasn’t in a rush so it was almost two hours later that we exited his elevator and walked across the lobby.  Clarke did his best to keep an impassive expression on his face but I could see that he was desperate to know what was going on with the mighty Lucas Hunter and little me.


We walked the short distance to Mini Dakota.  My mouth almost fell open when we arrived.  The whole place was a hive of activity with construction workers everywhere.  I turned to Lucas for an explanation and my breath caught in my throat.  His face was lit up like a child
’s in a toy shop.  I felt a rush of affection for him before I spotted Jenson Cole, the architect, and another man, approaching.


Lucas made the introductions.  The man was Bob Dawes, the site foreman, responsible for co-ordinating the renovations under Jenson’s direction.  They began to converse in earnest about how things were progressing but I just couldn’t follow.  I failed to see how work had begun on the building when the relevant permissions had only just been applied for.


We were given hard hats and taken on a short tour.  The whole place was swarming with construction workers.  The place had been gutted so no sign of its previous non-domestic usage was left.  As we stopped to consult Jenson’s architectural drawings, I noticed that they had been stamped and signed the day before, showing that permission had been granted.  I had no idea how Lucas had managed to secure approval that fast. It was unheard of.


As we strolled back to the Orion Building, I asked him.  He just gave me an annoying, cocky grin and said he was just lucky.  I didn’t believe him for a second; I knew he must have much more influence than I’d realized.  One thing was for sure, I was going to have to get my designs done much faster than I’d thought.


I left Lucas in the elevator with a lingering kiss and got to work ordering materials for ‘Mr Letch’ – the sooner I got that job finished, the sooner I could devote all my attention to Mini Dakota.  Lucas was right – I didn’t need any other contracts.


I refused Lucas’ offer of dining out for lunch; I was just too busy.  I would’ve worked through but he insisted on bringing me a sub and a fruit salad.  I may as well have gone out to lunch with him; he sexually harassed me for the duration of his visit.  I agreed to go out to dinner instead – just to get rid of him.


The afternoon passed just as quickly but I managed to get much accomplished.  I dashed back to my apartment for a quick catch up with Angel before showering and changing for dinner.  Angel was totally buzzed about the upcoming festival but complained that she wasn’t seeing enough of me.  I promised to catch up with her as soon as I could.

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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