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Authors: Kelly Jamieson

How to Love (37 page)

BOOK: How to Love
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“So good,” she whispered, kissing the short beard on his cheek, his jaw. “Oh, so good.”

“Mmm.” He clasped her hips and thrust up inside her. “Yeah.”

Behind her, Mike rubbed her back in small warm strokes, then her ass. She buried her face against Carlos’s neck as Mike’s fingers slipped into the crevice between her cheeks, making her clench her butt muscles.

“Relax, baby,” Mike said. His voice stroked over her senses like warm velvet. “Relax.” His hands stroked again, tickling her, sending pleasure cascading over her in hot waves. Then he squeezed lube onto her, shockingly cool, and rubbed it over her anus. More sensation flooded her body, sizzled up and down her spine.

“So pretty here,” Mike murmured. “So tight and pretty.”

Carlos wrapped his arms around her, one hand gathering up a fistful of her hair, the other on her lower back. He’d gone still as Mike played there, his cock throbbing inside her. When Mike’s touch dipped lower and Carlos gasped, she knew with a thrill that Mike had cupped Carlos’s balls.

“Okay,” Mike rasped, and he pushed a finger inside her.

She let out a small moan at the decadent sensation, panting a little.

“Oh yeah,” Mike groaned. “Oh baby, I want to fuck your ass so bad.”

Another thrill rippled through her at his words. She craved more, more sensation, burned for it. “Do it,” she gasped, lifting her head, then letting it drop again.

His finger slid out, and then the head of his cock rubbed there. He slid it up and down the crack of her ass, rubbed it again over her opening, until she could have screamed.
Do it, do it.
Her mind raced, her heart thudded, her entire body quivered with need. Finally, he pushed inside her.

She cried out, her head lifting again, but Carlos pulled her back down, whispered in her ear. “It’s okay, doll, it’s okay. Relax.” His hand rubbed over her back, her ass.

“Don’t wanna hurt you, baby,” Mike said in a low growl. “I know it’s gonna hurt a little though.”

“Just do it!”

“No,” he murmured. “No, gotta go slow.” He eased in a little farther, and heat blazed there. “Bear down, baby. Easy. Easy.” His hands parted her cheeks and he eased in farther, his thick flesh pressing into her. The fiery stretching intensified to a sharp flash, exquisite pain streaked through her, and then he was in, past that tight ring of muscle. Burning heat radiated from where he entered her. He paused, his hands tight on her hips. “Christ,” he gasped. “Jesus Christ.”

They filled her, consumed her, took possession of her body with theirs and she gave herself over to it, got lost in it, lost in the need whipping through her, the fire spreading through her.

“Okay, baby?” Mike asked, stroking her hips, her waist.

She gave a nod and they began to move, slowly, together, finding a rhythm, sliding in and out of her in tandem. A cry tore from her throat at the utter perfection of it, the overwhelming power of it.

“I love this,” Mike groaned. “I love you. Both of you. Fucking you like this, God, Jules. I feel your ass tight around me, I feel Carlos’s dick in your pussy, fucking you too.”

Carlos held her tighter, kissed her shoulder. “I love you too, doll. Know that.”

She couldn’t speak, couldn’t squeeze words through her tight throat, her body illuminated by heat and light and ecstasy. As Mike moved over her, her body pressed between them, her heart trembled at the love and protection she felt. She wished she could see his face, could see both their faces. Hot damp skin against her front and against her back enfolded her, their strength surrounded her. It was like being in the center of a flame, burning hot and dangerous, yet sweet and tender, their hands caressing her, their bodies filling her so completely, stroking over nerve endings inside her so sensitized it was almost painful. Fire rippled beneath her skin, sensation tightening her womb, building up and up and up until she was flying.

She floated in an edgy euphoria, the broken cries and guttural noises Mike and Carlos made barely audible over the thunder of her heart in her ears. Pressure built, expanding up inside her. It rose higher, tighter, hotter, taking her with it. She reached for it, let it take her, higher still, up and up into a sharp pinnacle of sensation so acute it edged on pain, almost frightening. But she wanted it, needed it, and then it exploded, heat rushing through her body, glittering pieces of light and fire, blistering pleasure, fiery ecstasy.

She couldn’t stop the cries that fell from her lips, broken, wordless sounds, almost sobs of overwhelming joy.

“Now,” Carlos groaned into her ear. “Coming. Now.” He thrust up inside her one last time and went still, pulsing, his body taught, his fingers digging into her flesh.

“Fuck, yeah,” Mike groaned. He drove into her again, and again, and then he too came in heated pulses inside her. The violent pleasure of their releases engulfed her, dazzled her.

They lay together, bodies pulsing and sweaty, chests heaving, hearts thudding. Jules tried to gather her scattered wits, but it was too much effort so she gave it up and drifted mindlessly until her aching thighs and the weight of Mike’s body squashing her brought her back to reality. She shifted between them and murmured a noise.

“Sorry, baby, sorry,” Mike muttered. He slowly withdrew, his hand there to hold the condom, and he rolled off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. Jules slowly stretched her legs out, her thighs burning, and Carlos did the same, carefully staying inside her.

She lifted her head, her hair a tangled mess over her face, and shoved it back with one hand. She looked into his eyes. The emotion blazing there took her breath away. Her lips trembled.

“Jules,” he whispered, lifting a hand to try to smooth her hair back. “Jules, you’re amazing.”

She gave him a tremulous smile. She wasn’t amazing, but she loved that he thought she was. She loved him.

Mike climbed back into bed, and Carlos shifted her off him, his cock sliding out. It was his turn to leave to dispose of the condom. A moment later he was back and they lay with her in the middle, between her guys. And then suddenly tears pooled in her eyes and she had to squeeze them shut. Her heart swelled up until she thought it was going to explode.

“Jules,” Mike murmured. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head mutely, eyes still closed. She felt Mike roll onto his side and onto one elbow. Gentle hands stroked her hair off her face. Fingers brushed away tears that leaked from beneath her lids.

“I never cry,” she choked out. “Until the last week or so.”

“It’s okay,” Carlos said. His flat hand rubbed her upper chest, her throat. “It’s okay, doll. We love you.”

She nodded again and finally opened her eyes to look at them, their faces blurry through the shimmer of tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m just…it’s overwhelming.” She’d never ever thought she would have something like this, never thought she would have one man to love and who would love her back, and here she had two men. Two great guys, solid and loyal and honest, who didn’t let her play games, who loved her for herself with all her stupid hang-ups and flaws. Gratitude flowed through her, and when she looked at them she saw it reflected back at her, all of it, along with love and worship.

“You know we feel the same,” Mike said, fingertips stroking over her jaw. “You know we never thought we’d have this.”

“How are we going to do this?” she asked, her voice shaky. “People will talk. They won’t understand.”

“That’s true.” Carlos regarded her with a somber expression. “Are you prepared for that, Jules? We never said it would be easy.”

“But it might be worthwhile,” Mike added.

She nodded. “I know. I don’t care what people think. Or what they say. I know what they’ve said about me before.” She did a little eye roll. “This will just confirm their opinion of me. Friends who are real friends will understand. And if they don’t…fuck ’em.”

The guys chuckled.

“Atta girl.”

“Seriously,” she said. “I think I can deal with it.”

“I know you can,” Mike said. And she basked in the glow in his eyes that made her feel cherished and respected and loved. “And we’re all in this together. We’re there for you, Jules, no matter what.”

She nodded. She’d envied what they had together, and it blew her away thinking that she could be part of that. “I’ll try,” she vowed to them. “I’ll do my best. Don’t let me get away with shit. I want to do this. I want it. And I want it for you. I really do.”

“Aw, Jules.” Mike leaned in to kiss her mouth, so softly, and then Carlos did too. And then they kissed each other. She sighed with pleasure.

“What about you two?” she asked. She divided a look between them. “You say you’ve worked out whatever differences you were having. You said it wasn’t about me. But what if it happens again? What if there’s jealousy?”

“There won’t be,” Carlos said.

“It’s a fair question, though,” Mike said. “One we should talk about. Because it won’t always be the three of us. Sometimes we’re going to spend time together as couples.”

“I won’t be jealous,” Carlos insisted stubbornly. “I trust both of you.”

“Okay, good. How about you, Jules?”

She blinked at Mike.

“Would you be jealous of me and Carlos, if we spent time together?”

She thought about that. She’d never been jealous of them, that way. Only envious of what they had together. She admired and respected that, and wanted them to keep that. She’d never been a jealous person. But then, she’d never been in love before either. “I don’t think so,” she said honestly.

“We all have to agree…if we feel anything like that, we have to talk about it. We all have to be honest and open or this won’t work.”

“Yes.” She nodded. “I know. I’ve never been in a relationship like this. I mean, I’ve never really been in any relationship. I’ve never been in love.” She paused, then whispered to them both, “I didn’t know how to love. But I learned from you.”

About the Author

Kelly Jamieson lives in Winnipeg, Canada and is the bestselling author of over twenty-five romance novels and novellas. Her writing has been described as “emotionally complex”, “sweet and satisfying” and “blisteringly sexy”. If she can stop herself from reading or writing, she loves to cook. She has shelves of cookbooks that she reads at length. She also enjoys gardening in the summer, and in the winter she likes to read gardening magazines and seed catalogues (there might be a theme here...) She also loves shopping, especially for clothes and shoes. She loves hearing from readers, so please visit her website at
or contact her at
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Kelly Jamieson

Now Available:


Love Me

Friends With Benefits

Love Me More

2 Hot 2 Handle

Lost and Found

One Wicked Night

Rule of Three

Sweet Deal

Hot Ride



San Amaro Singles

With Strings Attached


Coming Soon:


San Amaro Singles


The melting point is where it all comes together…or makes a big mess.


With Strings Attached

© 2013 Kelly Jamieson


San Amaro Singles, Book 1

Corey Fenwick keeps her bitter past as hidden as the sweet centers inside the handmade chocolates she sells to a growing list of upscale customers. Experience has taught her the only person she can rely on is herself, so her best-friends-with-benefits relationship with Matt is perfect—no strings attached.

After his last girlfriend deemed him “boring”, Matt Ferber watched her ride off on the back of a Harley with a rock musician. Figuring he’s doomed to “let’s just be friends” with the women he cares about, the arrangement with Corey suits him fine too. Until his old friend Dylan Schell rolls into town to hang out while recovering from a surfing injury.

The sexy bad boy makes Corey’s mouth water, and she figures a harmless fling won’t hurt, especially when Dylan suggests she come between him and Matt—in bed.

It’s a win-win-win situation…until somehow there
strings attached. And too late they realize they’re getting all tangled up.

Warning: This book contains an independent woman, two hot guys, some trash talking, a little jealousy, a few beers, chocolate body paint and scary stuff like falling in love.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
With Strings Attached:

Corey lay on her back beside Matt in his bed and smiled up at the ceiling, her body still pulsing from an excellent orgasm. “You really should have asked that girl out, you know,” she said.

Matt turned onto his side to face her. “What girl?”

“That waitress who was coming on to you in the bar.”

He snorted. “She was not coming on to me.”

“Yes, she was.” Corey smiled at him, lifted a lazy hand to touch her fingertips to his scruffy cheek. Matt was a good-looking guy. Why wouldn’t a girl come on to him? She pushed her fingers through his thick brown hair, all wildly tousled. She’d probably done that to him, in the throes of the hot sex they’d just had.

BOOK: How to Love
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