Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) (27 page)

BOOK: Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)
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Christian went to the table where his primas are
sitting. He leaves Monique at the table to get some drinks.

“My Cielo, what kind of drink do you want?” asks
Christian. Monique looks at his primas and waves.

“I want a virgin strawberry daiquiri,” replies Monique,
looking at him. “I don’t want to drink because of the bebe.”

“Si, my Cielo, that’s very wise,” says Christian. He’s
pleased with her motherly nature. He kisses her.
Si, my Cielo is taking care
of our bebe
, thinks Christian, with felicidad.

Christian went to the bar, he orders Monique’s drink. He
turns smiling at his primos, observing how unhappy Tony appears.
brooding because of his mujer
, thinks Christian. He looks at Alex, checking
out all las chicas.

Yeah that’s boring when you don’t see anyone that draws
your attention
Hmmm, I’m so feliz
with my Cielo
. He takes Monique her drink.

“My Cielo, you don’t mind if I talk to mis primos for
a bit?” asks Christian, smiling flashing his awesome dimples.
Si, my Cielo
is hermosa.

“Baby, I don’t mind at all. I know that you haven’t
seen them in a while,” says Monique, smiling leaning in for a beso.  

“Ok, I’ll be back in a few minutes to dance,” replies
Christian, smiling. He walks over to his primos and requests a Corona from Matt
the bartender.

“Primo, did you see that bella chica that just walked
in,” asks Alex looking at Cynthia.
Wow, she’s hot! I have never seen her
thinks Alex, taking a drink of his Corona.

“Which one, primo,” inquires Tony?  He’s not
interested in any chica. “I need another Corona.” 

“She’s over there at the table near the dance floor. Look
down the center of the room. She’s going to dance with some
The one in the sexy red dress,” says Alex, running his eyes down her exquisite

Tony turns to where his primo is directing him and he
instantly goes loco with anger and jealousy.
I cannot believe this
thinks Tony.

The dress was not showing a lot of flesh. It was only
a little daring and sexy. The dress back is cut low past her waistline, just above
the curve of her rear end. The dress material is a shimmering red, clingy with
long sleeves and has a cowl neckline. The total effect is sexy, daring, and it
drapes over every curve.

This is a nightmare
, thinks Tony. Tony doesn’t think, striding towards her to pull her out
of that guey’s arms.
How dare he touch her, she’s mia, only mia
, thinks

“Guey she’s my mujer!” growls Tony, pulling her out of
his arms.

“Yeah, right, tell me since when
She came into the club all by herself. If she’s your mujer, you shouldn’t leave
her alone,” yells the guey, pulling her back into his arms.

Tony sees red and pulls Cynthia back into his side. “Look,
idiota, if you want to fight, let’s go outside,” growls Tony. He’s full of
rage, holding tightly onto Cynthia.

Alex, Christian, Javier, Gabriel, and Jose Enrique are
behind him. Tony knows this since they’re always at each other’s back.

I think this is overkill,
thinks Cynthia, dreading the outcome.
I knew it would
work. He needed a little push and a wakeup call. I will not tolerate him
pushing me away when I know he loves me.

Tony turns quickly to make sure that his primos are at
his back. He hands Cynthia their way. “Jose Enrique, I want you to take Cynthia
back to my hermanas,” requests Tony, looking at the guey.

Cynthia is surprised that the primos are all right
behind them.
Wow, I didn’t know that they were there
, thinks Cynthia,
blushing with embarrassment.
Geeze, this is just great. I get to meet them
all under these circumstance and dressed like this

“Come here, Cynthia, and let me take you to mis primas,”
says Jose Enrique, looking at the bella chica that’s his primo’s alma gemela.

Damn! No wonder Tony is having a shit attack. Not only
is she here and dancing with another Chico, but she’s dressed really hot. All
los chicos are drooling over her. She’s incredible
, ponders Jose Enrique, walking her back to his

“I’m sorry for causing this problema. I just wanted
Tony to realize that he can lose me,” says Cynthia, almost in tears.

Ahh, now I get it. She’s only dressed this way to get
Tony all worked up and jealous. Well it worked
, thinks Jose Enrique, grinning.
This chica is

Jose Enrique walks her over to the table. “My prima is
sitting over their alone, do you think she can come with me to the table,” asks
Cynthia, embarrassed.   

“Si, I’ll get her in a few,” replies Jose Enrique.
They approach the table and the primas and Jessy look at him. They then gaze at
Cynthia with curiosity.

“Mi amor, primas this is Cynthia, Tony’s novia, the
one,” says Jose Enrique. He’s amused as he notices that they understand.  They
all understand how important she’s to Tony.

“Hola,” says Cynthia, blushing, a little embarrassed.

“Hola, Cynthia,” says Veronica, smiling.
Yeah, this
is the chica that has my hermano all worked up every day. No wonder, she’s
really bella
, thinks Veronica. “I was wondering when I would be meeting you.”

“Hola,” says Claudia, grinning at the commotion and
stress that she’s causing her poor hermano. “I’m happy to meet you. I’m
Claudia, Tony’s hermana, and Veronica is our hermana.”

Claudia is grinning with amusement.
This is totally
an unexpected event. Tony was pouting all evening,
ponders Claudia.

“Hola, Cynthia, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Jessy, Jose
Enrique’s novia,” says Jessy smiling, looking at how hermosa the chica is.

“Hola,” Erica grins looking at her. “I’m Erica, his

“Hola, Cynthia, amiga,” says Monique, smiling. She’s
enjoying the uproar that is transpiring.

“Hola, Monique, I’m so glad to see you,” says Cynthia,

Jose Enrique returns with her prima Rosa. He
immediately returns with Tony.

“This is my prima, Rosa,” says Cynthia, looking at las
primas and Tony’s hermanas.
They’re all bella,
thinks Cynthia, with
I’m meeting his familia.

“Hola,” says Rosa, smiling, taking a seat.

Cynthia sits down and looks over to where Tony and his
primos are still arguing with the Chico.
What a mess I caused. I hope my
Baby doesn’t get hurt
, thinks Cynthia with anxiety.

* * *

“What’s it going to be guey? Do you understand that
she’s my mujer,” asks Tony, furiously. “Do you want me to make you understand?”

Tony stares at the Chico. He notices the Chico turn to
scan over Cynthia’s hot body, making him boil to a point of no return, and
grabs the Chico by his shirt. “Stop looking at her,” growls Tony thru clenched
teeth, rage taking over. He feels that he can kill him for eyeing his mujer.

“Primo, calm down and let him go,” says Christian,
worried with how furious Tony is.

I have never seen him so outraged in my vida. That
chica must be real important to him, but why did she come in on her own? What’s
up? I need to talk to my primo,
contemplates Christian with concern.  

“Primo, let him go,” says Alex, getting concerned with
how Tony is going crazy over that chica.
Wow I didn’t know that Tony had a
, ponders Alex, shaking his head.

Jose Enrique arrives to see that Tony has the Chico by
his shirt and is ready to beat the shit out of him. “Primo, let him go,” says
Jose Enrique in a soft low voice trying to get him to listen to reason. “Cynthia
is at the table with your hermanas.”

Tony hears him, but he’s unable to let the idiota go
I just want to kill him for touching
my mujer, thinks Tony, with rage.  

“I just want him to acknowledge that he understands
that she’s my mujer,” says Tony, through clenched teeth.

“Primo, we don’t want you to fight over this,” says
Christian, watching as the people start to notice. “The bouncers are coming
this way. We don’t need any problemas.”

“Okay idiota! Tonight is your lucky night. Don’t go
near my mujer!” yells Tony, shoving him back into the wall and turning to

“Guey, don’t leave her alone,” yells the Chico,
shaking his head with amazement.

The bouncers arrive, they look over the entire area,
and they don’t see anyone fighting. Shrugging their shoulders, they return to
their posts.

“Primo, are you okay?” asks Christian, standing next
to Tony, wondering what the hell is up.

“Si, primo,” replies Tony, not wanting to talk to his
primos. “Primos, I’m taking Cynthia home.”

“What about her prima?” asks Jose Enrique, knowing
that Tony isn’t thinking straight and isn’t aware of Cynthia’s prima.

“Can you take her home?” asks Tony, walking straight
to Cynthia. “Cynthia,” he says softly, looking at her.

Cynthia turns to look at Tony. She knows that he’s
furious. “Baby,” says Cynthia, smiling, attempting to keep him from blowing up.

“I’m taking you home,” says Tony, extending his hand
to her.

She takes his hand and stands. She turns to las primas
and her amiga. “Adios, it was nice meeting you, adios, amiga,” says Cynthia, smiling,
standing straight. She feels Tony wrap his arm around her small waist, pulling
her close to his side.

Los primos return to the table and hear Tony. They’re
amazed at how Tony is behaving. He’s in love, they grin, looking at him hold
Cynthia tightly to his side.

Tony turns to his familia and waves, taking his mujer
to her casa. They walk out of the club and the night is beautiful.  

Christian walks over to talk to his primos. “So that’s
Tony’s mujer?” asks Christian, looking at Jose Enrique with a raised eyebrow. “He’s
raging with frustration.”

“Yeah, I know. She stated that she did this only to
push him into action. Tony has been trying to keep it slow,” says Jose Enrique,
thinking of the fiasco that could have taken place.
Not good for our image
thinks Jose Enrique, shaking his head.

“I didn’t know he has a novia,” says Alex, shaking his
head, taking a drink of his Corona. “I pointed her out without knowing she’s
his mujer.”

“Don’t worry primo. I know that Tony will not be mad
about that. He was just mad at the chico touching her,” says Jose Enrique, smiling.
“Of course he didn’t like that all of the guey’s were drooling.”

“Well, hell, yeah, how can gueys not look,” says Christian,
shaking his head.
I wonder how in the hell did she put that dress on,
ponders Christian. “I can understand Tony’s anger and I will kill anybody that
touches my Cielo.”

“Damn, I feel the same,” says Jose Enrique, glancing
over at Jessy.

“Now it’s just Javier and I without a novia. This
sucks!” says Alex, taking a drink of his Corona.

“Javier is dancing with that chica,” says Christian,
grinning, knowing that Alex is on his own for the rest of the evening. “You
should locate your alma gemela. I guarantee it’s worth it.”

“Yeah, primo, it’s really worth it,” agrees Jose
Enrique, nodding, grinning wickedly.

Christian returns to Monique and takes her out to
dance. “My Cielo, lets dance,” says Christian, taking her hand. They walk to
the dance floor. “Oh, yeah, now I get to hold you close.”

“Si Baby, te amo,” whispers Monique, into his ear
feeling him tremble. “It feels great being in your arms and dancing to this
romantic song.”

They dance for a while and then they say their
goodbyes to the primos. They return to his room, to their haven.



Chapter Twenty-Six



Early the next morning Christian went to the store to
purchase a pregnancy test. They’re both anxious to confirm the pregnancy. Christian
hurries back to his casa, going straight to his room.

“Okay, I have the test,” says Christian, walking into
his room. He walks over to Monique. “Let’s take the test.” He’s excited and
anxious. He wants to know now if she’s pregnant.

“Okay, Baby,” says Monique, taking the test and
reading the instructions. She looks at Christian, smiling. “This test is
supposed to be accurate. It should work even now, being in its early stage. The
hormones levels should indicate if I’m pregnant.”

“Damn, yes! I hope we can know right now! I need to
know if you’re having my bebe. I can feel it, but it will be nice to have it
confirmed,” says Christian, grinning, flashing his dimples. He takes her into
his arms, kissing her with all of his amor, and hugs her close.

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