Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) (24 page)

BOOK: Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)
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Chapter Twenty-One



They arrive at Christian’s casa. He holds Monique in
his arms walking into la casa. He takes her to his bedroom and locks the door

Hmm, now I want to make love to her in my cama,
thinks Christian, taking off her clothes, kissing
her, enjoying the texture of her soft skin.

“Baby, tus padres,” moans Monique, blushing. She thinks
that his padres could know that they’re in his room.

“Mi Cielo, they’re not home right now. Their car was
gone,” murmurs Christian. He kisses his way down to her beautiful breasts,
sucking her nipple softly, enjoy the taste. “I want to love you in my cama,” he
sets her on his bed, taking off his clothes quickly. With desperation and pasión
he loves, feeling her clutch him tightly.

“Baby,” moans Monique, reaching her release at the
same moment that Christian did, touching and fusing their almas.

“My Cielo, I dreamed of having you in my cama all
week,” says Christian, pulling her closer to him, entwining his legs with hers.
“Eres mia, only mia forever,” he proclaims passionately.

“Si Baby, only tuya, now and forever,” responds
Monique, feliz, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“My Cielo, I want to purchase our bedroom set. I want
to make it our room, just until we get our casa, okay?” asks Christian, gazing
into her huge hazel eyes. He observes and verifies her agreement and felicidad.

“Si, baby, that’s a great idea,” replies Monique with
pleasure. She kisses him hungrily.  
Si, now I get to explore and love his
amazing chest. She touches, kisses his beautiful chest,
making him shudder,
burning up with pasión.
Hmm my Baby is ready again
, thinks Monique,
straddling him.

“My Cielo, you’re going to kill me if we continue to
make love like this in the next few days. You have to feed me good,” groans
Christian. He helps her ride him faster and harder seeing her pleasure.

She bites her lower lip, looks at him as she touches
her breasts, making him go crazy with pasión. He turns her over and takes her
faster and harder than ever before, loving every minute.

“Baby, I love it when you do that,” whimpers Monique,
with pleasure.

“My Cielo!” yells Christian, praying that his padres
haven’t returned from the store. They reach their release together, yelling out
the other’s names, bonding their almas.
I love her yelling my name
thinks Christian, grinning. He pulls her closer to him and falls back. They fall
asleep again after so much loving.

“Si, Arturo, Christian esta aque con su esposa,” says
his Mama Maria, smiling with pleasure and excitement in meeting Monique.

“Si, mujer, they’re sleeping. Christian always arrives
extremely early,” replies his Papa Jose Arturo, smiling.
Si, mi hijo is here
en casa with his esposa
, thinks Papa Jose Arturo.

“Si, lets wake them up,” says Mama Maria with alegria.
“I’m making breakfast.”

“Si, Maria, muy buena idea,” says Papa Jose Arturo,
nodding in agreement.

“Baby,” whispers Monique, nibbling his jaw, attempting
to wake him.
Hmmm, he’s so delicious. I love loving him,
thinks Monique,
running her hands all over his chest. “Baby, your padres are home, I heard

Christian feels her loving and pulls her closer not
wanting to wake up.
This is so wonderful waking up to my esposa
, thinks

“My Cielo, I want to stay in bed for just a few more minutes,”
says Christian.
We’re going to be real busy today
, thinks Christian.

“Okay, Baby, I want to take a shower,” replies Monique,
getting up to get ready to meet his padres.

“Okay, go ahead,” murmurs Christian, rolling over. He
falls asleep.

Okay, my Baby must be exhausted from our love making
all morning
, thinks Monique, going to
the shower.
I better make sure he eats and rests this weekend. I wonder if
his padres will like me. I really hope so because I love Christian. He’s my
vida and it will be awful if they don’t like me

I’m glad that I brought all of the clothes that
Christian bought me, hmmm what should I wear. I will wear this nice summer
dress. Christian likes to see me in dresses
, ponders Monique grinning,
getting ready.

Monique stores her clothing away and then looks out
into the backyard.
Hmm this is nice casa,
thinks Monique, smiling.  
like the pool. Good thing that I know some of his familia.
She turns to
observe Christian.
I wonder when he will wake up
. I’ll just wait here
until he does. She walks over to the bookcase and takes a book to read.

About an hour later, Christian wakes up, looking
straight at Monique with gusto and smiles.
My Cielo is reading my favorite
, thinks Christian observing Monique.  
She looks hermosa in the
summer dress that I bought her. Yeah, she’s my esposa

Christian stretches, causing Monique to turn to look
at him, smiling. “Baby, you’re awake, you must have been real tired,” says

“Si, my Cielo, I was after all the work you had me do,”
replies Christian grinning, watching her blush.
My Cielo is so conservative
and I like that
, thinks Christian, going to her for a beso.   

“Baby, you’re so sexy,” says Monique, smiling, loving
to see his gorgeous body.

“My Cielo, te amo,” replies Christian, pulling her
into his arms to kiss her.

“Baby, I just got ready to meet your padres,” says
Monique, enjoying his besos.

Christian wraps her arms around his neck pulling her
. Damn, she’s always ready for me
, thinks Christian, kissing her
with all of his pasión.
She feels so good in my arms. I better let her go or
we will not leave this room all day. We have lots of errands to do.

“Okay, my Cielo, I’ll get ready,” says Christian,
grinning and flashing his dimples. He loves to see her eyes full of pasión and
her swollen lips.  

Christian walks to take a shower, to get ready for the
day. He’s ready in five minutes and smiles at Monique.

“Baby, you look so guapo,” says Monique, smiling,
loving his dimples.

“Gracias, my Cielo,” replies Christian, grinning,
loving that she loves him. “Okay, let’s go introduce you to mis padres,” he
pulls her close to his side with his arm around her small waist.

“Si,” replies Monique, anxiously. She wraps her arm
around his waist, loving to be so close to him.

They walk into the familia room and he stops, looking
at his padres watching TV.

His padres are watching a movie. They look up when
they walk into the familia room. They smile, standing to greet Monique.

“Papa, Mama, this is my esposa Monique,” announces
Christian to his padres with alegria. “Monique, these are mis padres, Jose
Arturo and Maria De La Cruz.”

“Mi hija, welcome to la familia,” says his Mama Maria,
bubbling with felicidad.
Finally I’m meeting my niño’s esposa
, thinks
Mama Maria giving her a hug and kiss.

“Si, mi hija, welcome,” says Papa Jose Arturo, giving
her a hug and beso. “We’re extremely feliz to finally meet you.”

“Muchas gracias,” replies Monique, blushing with
pleasure. She returns their hug and beso. She then returns to Christian, smiling.

“Mi hijo, do you want some lunch?” asks his Mama Maria,
looking at what a beautiful couple they make.

“Si, Mama, I’m hungry,” says Christian, grinning. He
glances down at Monique, winks, loving to make her blush.

“Good, I made you your favorite. I made you some
flautas,” says his Mama Maria, going to the kitchen.

His papa Jose Arturo, Christian, and Monique follow
her into the kitchen. They take a seat at the table.

Monique turns to look at his mama Maria. “Is there
anything that you need help with,” asks Monique, with shyness getting up to

“Si, mi hija, why don’t you get their drinks,” replies
Mama Maria, smiling with pleasure.
Si, she’s raised well. She’s raised with
the Mexican traditional values and you just see it right away,
thinks Mama
Maria, nodding.

“Señor, what would you like to drink? Baby?” she asks
looking at them.

“Mi hija, una soda,” replies papa Jose Arturo,

“I want the same,” says Christian, smiling at her.

“Señora, you would like some soda also?” asks Monique,
getting the soda out of the refrigerator and setting it on the table.

“Si, mi hija,” replies Mama Maria, nodding.

They sit down and enjoy their lunch, talking about the
wedding in Vegas, and the errands that they want to take care of.

“Si, mi hijo, you know we will take care of Monique
when you’re at the base,” replies Papa Jose Arturo, smiling with pleasure.
is a great niña for mi hijo,
thinks Papa Jose Arturo with felicidad,

“Gracias, padres, you know that I will feel better
knowing that she’s in my casa. I will be off my duty in about four months. I will
then purchase a casa for us,” says Christian, nodding.

“Oh, mi hijo, that sounds like a great plan,” replies
Mama Maria, observing Christian.
Si, my hijo is feliz

“I will also be working at the familia company
managing the job sites,” says Christian, smiling, knowing that it makes them
muy feliz to hear that.

“This makes me muy feliz. I’m happy that you’re going
to work at la familia Company,” responds Papa Jose Arturo, grinning.

“Okay, padre’s, gracias for lunch. We have lots of
errands to do today,” says Christian, standing, taking all the plates to the
sink. Monique takes all of the glasses to the sink.

“Gracias for lunch,” says Monique, smiling, walking
over to Christian.  

“Mi hijos, do you think you will be having dinner with
la familia?” asks Mama Maria. “Si madre, we’ll be back for dinner. I think we
will go out to the club tonight with los primos.”

He takes Monique by the hand.

“Okay, mi hijo,” says his mama, nodding, watching them
leave la casa.

They went to the priest and scheduled their wedding
date for July 16th. “My Cielo, do you mind stopping at the familia Company?
Jose Enrique wants me to stop by,” says Christian, looking at Monique.

“No, I don’t mind,” says Monique, excited that they
have a date for their church ceremony.

They arrive at the offices. They walk down the hall.  “Baby,
I want to go see if Jessy is doing okay,” says Monique, smiling up to him.

“Okay, I will come to get you when I finish my meeting,”
says Christian, walking her to Jessy’s office.

















Chapter Twenty-Two



“Okay” says Christian, walking into Jose Enrique’s
office, falling into the deep burgundy leather chair. He swings his feet up
onto the table, waiting for him to get off the phone.

“Thanks for the information,” says Jose Enrique,
looking at his primo Christian, motioning for him to close the door.

Christian stands, closes the door with curiosity,
wondering what’s up.

“Primo, how are you doing?” asks Jose Enrique,
grinning at Christian after his elopement. “Congratulations!” 

“Gracias, primo,” replies Christian with felicidad. “What’s

“Primo, we have reason to believe that all of those
problemas that we have with the materials is caused by our job site manager
Jefferson. Jefferson has been missing since last Friday. I was just talking to
the officer and he was telling me that they found Jefferson dead,” says Jose
Enrique, standing, to pace his office like a caged animal. He runs his hands
through his
with anxiety.

“Wow! Do they know who killed him and why?” asks
Christian, understanding his stress.

“Primo, Ricky was battered at one of our job sites on
Wednesday. Tony found him before he lost too much blood,” replies Jose Enrique,
turning to look at Christian. Christian jumps up to walk over to him.

“You’re shitting me!” hollers Christian with rage. “Who
would hurt him?” he asks, getting all worked up. “Is this the reason that you
wanted to talk to me?”

“Si, primo, there’s lots more incidents that I want to
review with you,” replies Jose Enrique, assessing his primo’s reaction to the
next information. “The Mexican Cartel has been causing all of this to force us,
la familia, to associate with them. They want us to use our company to do some
money laundering. Primo, the cartel states that Mr. Lopez recommends us!”

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