Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) (23 page)

BOOK: Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)
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“Cynthia, I’m married,” says Monique, grinning.  She
watches Cynthia’s comical face.  She starts laughing.

“You’re kidding, right?” asks Cynthia, looking at her amiga.
“Where did you get an esposo?”

“I eloped on Sunday with Christian Arturo De La Cruz,”
says Monique, grinning, amused with Cynthia expressions. She looks in shock and
the astonishment on her amigas face is hilarious.  

“You’re shitting me,” says Cynthia, unable to believe
what she hears. “You’re married to one of the De La Cruz bachelors? I never
really heard of Christian?”

“My Baby is a Navy SEAL and doesn’t work at the familia
company yet. He will in a few months once his duty is over,” says Monique, smiling
with felicidad. “Look at my wedding rings. My Baby picked them out.”

Cynthia looks at her amigas rings.
Wow they’re
something else. The rings are huge and sparkle every which way you look, thinks
“Monique, they’re beautiful and huge,” says Cynthia, in amazement.

“I have some wedding pictures, do you want to see
them?” asks Monique, looking at her amiga, smiling.

“Yes, you know I do,” says Cynthia, forgetting her
heartache, reaching for the wedding album. Cynthia looks at the photos. She looks
closely at Christian.
Well there is a little familia resemblance. He’s
thinks Cynthia.
He doesn’t do anything for me, not like my Tony.  

“Amiga, you look bella in your dress and he’s real
guapo,” says Cynthia, looking at her amiga with happiness. “Tell me all about

Monique spends the next twenty minutes telling her
about meeting Christian, right up to the wedding.

“Monique, so he’s at the Navy base? That must have
been hard for you,” says Cynthia, looking at her amigas watery eyes.

“Si, Cynthia it has been hard. He will be here manana.
He’s taking me to his padre’s casa. I’ll give you the address when I learn it
so you can visit,” says Monique.  

“Monique, I’m so feliz for you,” says Cynthia, going
to give Monique a hug.

“Amiga, tell me about Tony,” says Cynthia, looking at

“Cynthia, I really don’t know him. I know I will be
working closely with him. Tony is the firm’s architect.  I met him on Tuesday
when los primos were welcoming me into the familia. The company CEO is Jose
Enrique. He’s the eldest of the primos. I work with his novia, Jessica, who’s
the Interior Decorating Design Department Manager.  I’m her assistant. Paty,
Bella, and Ricky are managers in different departments,” says Monique, smiling.
“The rest of the primos don’t work at the familia company.”

“I thought that you could give me some information on
Tony,” says Cynthia, sighing with disappointment. “He’s mio, Monique.”

“I hope it works out for you. Most of los primos are
getting married,” says Monique, nodding. “Tony, Alex and Javier are the only
single primos.”

“Monique, will you try to find out some information on
Tony?” asks Cynthia, with a small wishful smile.

“Cynthia, if I hear anything about Tony, I’ll call you.
My Baby will be here early Friday morning. I’ll be going over to his casa. Maybe
I can learn something,” says Monique, nodding in agreement.

“Okay, I have to go. It is getting late,” says Cynthia,
going to give her amiga a hug feeling much better. “Thanks for listening to

“Cynthia, you can call me if you need anything. Remember
that on Friday I will be with my Baby. I will be busy all weekend. Call me if
it’s urgent,” says Monique, smiling. “We will be taking care of some errands. We
need to make arrangements for our church ceremony.”

“Okay Monique, I will only call you if I really need
something, thanks,” says Cynthia, walking out of her room, going to the front

Monique walks her amiga up to the door. She waits
until she enters her carro before closing the door.

Wow, my amiga is real lucky. She was able to catch one
of the De La Cruz bachelors. Hmmm, now that I think about it, I have heard a
little about Christian. He’s supposed to be wild and the playboy of all of the
primos. Very few people know about Christian. I know because I read up on the
entire familia and asked associates. Hmmm, so what’s up with Tony? All of the primos
are getting married
, contemplates
Manana is another day. I will hunt him down.  I know he wants me
and loves me.



Chapter Twenty



Early Friday morning, Christian arrives at Monique’s
casa, calling her on the cell. He doesn’t want to wake the entire familia. “My Cielo,
I’m here. Let me in,” says Christian, looking around the casa for lights.

“Si, Baby,” says Monique, with excitement. She rushes
to the door and lets him in. She opens the door. She throws herself into his
waiting arms with all of the amor, pasión, and hunger.

“My Cielo, I missed you,” says Christian, kissing her,
picking her up, and walking into the casa.  

“Baby, te amo,” says Monique, kissing his neck, biting
him, making him shudder.

“My Cielo,” moans Christian, kissing her. He pulls
back to close the door. “Let’s go to your room,” he whispers, with urgency.

“Si, Baby,” says Monique, walking to her room quietly,
so they don’t make any noise to wake the familia.

Christian locks the door. He turns to pick Monique up
into his arms. He takes her to the cama. “My Cielo, you’re wearing one of the
baby dolls that I bought you, sweet,” says Christian, looking over every inch
of his esposa.
She’s so sexy and hot. She’s only mia, toda mia forever.

Christian gets undressed and gathers her in his arms,
kissing her deeply with hunger. He makes love to his esposa with all of the
urgency that he has.

“Baby, you feel good,” moans Monique. He takes her quick
and deep. She loves how delicious he feels inside her and enjoys every single

“My Cielo,” groans Christian, feeling her heart clutch
him tightly. They reach their release together, feeling their souls unite. Christian
kisses her to muffle her cry.

Oh yeah, that was great
, thinks Christian, after they both recover from their
love making. “My Cielo, te amo,” says Christian, kissing her deeply, pulling
her closer.

They fall asleep. It’s still early in the morning.  Christian
wakes up with Monique in his arms. He grins, recalling making love to her a few
hours ago.
Hmmm, she’s incredible. She fills every need that I have

We need to go to my casa and introduce her to mis
padres. We need to go the talk to the priest to arrange our ceremony in the
church. We need to purchase our bedroom set since we will be staying at mis
padres until I’m off duty in a few months. Jose Enrique wants to talk to me. We
will be real busy today,

“My Cielo, its time to get up,” says Christian,
kissing her shoulder and nibbling her neck
, hmmm so soft
. He then kisses
her breasts and tastes her nipple.

I love her breasts
, thinks Christian. He sucks one into his mouth, hearing her moan.
yeah, she’s awake, feeling her touch his hard aching shaft

“Baby,” moans Monique, pulling him closer and
adjusting their hips.
Yes, he feels so good
, she thinks, meeting every
thrust, kissing him as he takes her fast. “Baby,” she moans, as she reaches her
release with him, pulling him down for another hungry beso.

This is heaven
, thinks Christian, feeling their souls fuse to become one. Christian
holds her close, whispers his amor.

“Baby, we need to take a shower and get ready to leave
after we have breakfast with my familia,” says Monique, smiling at him with all
of her amor.

“Si, my Cielo,” replies Christian, kissing her again
holding her tight. “I just can’t get enough of you,” he moans.

“I know, Baby. I want you, too,” says Monique, smiling
into his beautiful green eyes.
Oh si, I just love his dimples

Christian gets up, takes her hand and they walk to the

“Baby,” moans Monique, pulling him close, kissing him,
and feeling him lather up her breasts.

Christian couldn’t resist loving her in the shower,
taking her with all of his pasión.

They dress and walk out of her room. “Baby, I’m hungry,”
says Christian, holding her hand.

“Si, Baby, I will get you something to eat. My familia
is already eating breakfast,” replies Monique, listening to her familia talk.

They stride down the hall to the kitchen nook area. They
can hear la familia talking in the kitchen and having breakfast.  

“Buenos Dias,” says Monique, extremely feliz that
Christian is home and at her side.  

“Buenos dias,
Acosta,” says Christian, smiling with felicidad. He’s with his esposa. “I
want to take Monique to my casa today,” he regards them to see if they have any

“Christian, I’m glad that you came to take your esposa
to your casa,” replies Papa Luis, smiling with pleasure. “Why don’t you have
some breakfast?”

“Si, Señor Acosta, that will be great,” responds
Christian, sitting down at the table. “Hola,” he says to Monique’s hermanas, smiling,
and watching them blush.

“Baby, do you want orange juice, coffee, or milk?”
asks Monique, looking at her esposo with amor.

“Cielo, I want some juice,” replies Christian, smiling.

“Okay,” says Monique getting him some orange juice,
ham, beans, and eggs. She takes the plate to Christian. “Baby, would you like
flour or corn

“Baby, whatever is available is ok with me,” replies
Christian, smiling at her.

She smiles and brings him some corn tortillas. She
sits down next to him to eat her breakfast.

“My hijo, you will be taking my hija to your padre’s
casa?” asks Mama Ana, smiling. “She will be able to visit us when you’re at the

“Si, Señora Acosta, Monique can visit when she wants. I
will never restrict her actions, activities, and desires. She’s my esposa, not
replies Christian, grinning. “I would love to have you over for dinner. I will
make arrangements with my padres.  I would like you to meet them this weekend
if we can accomplish this,” says Christian smiling, pulling Monique closer to

“Baby, do you need anything else?” asks Monique, blushing.

“No, I’m fine, and this is delicious,” says Christian,
eating his last bite.

“Christian, you have told your padres about your
marriage. That you will be taking Monique to your casa?” asks Papa Luis,
looking at Christian.

“Si, Señor Acosta, I told them on Monday after I got
out of my training. My padres are extremely feliz. They can’t wait to meet my
Monique,” replies Christian, draping his arm around Monique, claiming her as

“Good, that makes me feliz. I didn’t want your padre’s
upset,” says Papa Luis, smiling
. I know that my niña will be well taken care
of when Christian is at the base
, thinks Papa Luis.

“We have lots of things to take care of this weekend. We
need to go to the priest and get a date for our church ceremony. I want to buy my
Cielo her bedroom set and anything she will need at the moment,” says Christian,
smiling, looking down into Monique’s smile.

Hmmm, Monique caught herself a nice and guapo esposo
contemplates Eva, with envy.

“My Cielo, you’re ready?” asks Christian, standing and
taking his plate, and Monique’s to the kitchen sink.

“Si, Baby,” replies Monique, smiling, taking their
glasses to the sink. She turns to give her padres a hug and kiss. “I’ll see you
later. I still need to get some of my stuff.”

“Si, mi hija,” says Mama Ana with tears in her eyes.
She gives Monique a hug and beso.

“Si, mi hija, we will always be here for you,” replies
her Papa Luis, getting up to give Christian a hug. “Welcome to la familia.”

“Gracias, Señor Acosta,” replies Christian, returning his
hug and grinning with pleasure.  

“Welcome, mi hijo,” says Mama Ana, giving him a hug
and a beso. “We will see you later, si?”

“Si, Señora Acosta, we will return. We need get
Monique’s things,” replies Christian, pulling Monique next to him.

He turns to wave at Monique’s hermanas. “Adios,” says

“Adios, hermanas,” says Monique, grinning, wrapping
her arm around Christian’s waist.

“Later,” replies Eva, with envy.

“Adios,” says Gabriella smiling.










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