Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga) (25 page)

BOOK: Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)
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“No fucking way!” says Christian. He walks over to the
window to look out. He evaluates the situation to determine the best course of
action for the familia. “They’re dangerous and ruthless.”

“Yeah, we know primo. We don’t know what to do to stop
them from harassing la familia. I’m afraid for our familia. Now I think that
they killed Jefferson. Jefferson, he was supposed to come in on Friday and give
us a report of the problemas with the materials,” says Jose Enrique in

“We put security in place. I know that you noticed
when you entered the building,” says Jose Enrique, indicating the badges. “We
also have security at our parent’s casas and job sites all day and night.”

“How long has this been going on? Why didn’t you tell
me about it?” demands Christian angrily. He fears for la familia. He feels
frustration, impotence and rage towards the cartel.   

“We received the first call last Friday,” replies Jose
Enrique. “Ricky and I prayed, hoped it was a prank call. The caller called us
on Monday about the same time in the afternoon.”

“I just know that the government agencies are aware of
their calls,” says Christian, pacing, wondering which agency would be
monitoring his familia. “Primo, this is serious shit!”

“I know that, that’s why we wanted to inform you so
you can help us figure out a way to get rid of them. They also warned us from informing
the police. I don’t know who and what else to do,” says Jose Enrique, looking at
his primo.

“Damn it all to hell. I need to talk this over with
Gabriel. Maybe we can come up with something. I also need to figure out which
government agency is monitoring la familia. I know for a fact that is happening,”
says Christian, looking at his primo.

“Who else knows about this?” asks Christian, looking
at his primo.

“Ricky, Tony, Bella, Paty and Carlos,” replies Jose
Enrique, looking at his primo.

“Who in the fucking hell is Carlos?” asks Christian,
wondering where he came from and what he’s up to.
I bet he’s one of the
government agents and has already infiltrated the familia company. Damn! I
wonder how they got in so fast
.  Christian waits to see what his primo has
to say about Carlos.

“Primo, he’s a great amigo of mine from college. He
called me on Monday asking for my help with his legal contracts. He asked if
Paty could help him since she’s an attorney. I felt it was no problema since I
have known him forever. He’s also right now marrying Paty. They eloped to Vegas
and nobody knows,” replies Jose Enrique, looking at Christian’s face go into
all sorts of emotions.

Damn! He’s an agent and that’s how he infiltrated my familia
company. But what’s up with the elopement? I need to know if anybody else has
ponders Christian, with

“Primo, I need to know who else has been in our
management office. Did Carlos recommend anybody for anything?” asks Christian,
waiting for Jose Enrique to respond.
Damn it! I can see that there’s another
agent here now and maybe I can talk to him.

“Primo, my amigo, Carlos, highly recommended his amigo
for our financial consultant in 401k that we’re thinking of implementing,
stocks, and investment of our money,” responds Jose Enrique, looking at
Christian with curiosity.

Yeah that’s them, damn it. Should I show up where he’s
at or should I have Jose Enrique call him to the conference room?
“Primo, who’s working with this dude and what’s his
name?” asks Christian, trying to decide on his action plan.

“Christian, he’s working with Bella since she’s in
charge of our finances and employees,” replies Jose Enrique, looking at
Christian turn white.

“No way in hell! Fucking no!” barks Christian, pacing,
thinking of a plan. “I need to meet him without alerting them. Shit, they will
know who I am and what I do.”

“What are you talking about, primo?” asks Jose Enrique,
all confused with Christian’s comments.

I can’t allow Jose Enrique to know that he has
government agents in the offices every day. He will freak out. Damn it, the
government agency will get pissed off at me,
ponders Christian.
I need to check this dude out without alerting him
that I know who he is. Yes, that’s what I need to do now.

“Okay, primo, I will think about what to do. Don’t
talk to anybody else about this. I need to go and check out this dude with
Bella,” says Christian, exiting his office, striding down the hall to his
hermana’s office.

What the hell? What’s Christian up to. Why is he so
stressed out about Gregory? Is there something that I haven’t noticed
, contemplates Jose Enrique, watching Christian leave.















Chapter Twenty-Three



Bella’s door is locked and Christian knocks with
urgency. He knows that Bella doesn’t close or locks her door.
Hmmm what’s
going on here
I better act like I don’t notice anything so I don’t
alert this agent that I’m on to him
, thinks Christian.

Bella opens the door. She looks flushed and well
kissed. “Hermano, you’re home,” she hugs Christian and steps back. “Hermano, I
want you to meet my novio, Gregory Preston McKenzie,” says Bella happily.  

“Tu novio?” asks Christian, surprised. He scrutinized
the dude, noticing that he’s measuring him up also.

“Si, hermano, he’s the one,” replies Bella, ecstatic
that she has found the one, her alma gemela.

“I see, Hermana, and I’m truly feliz for you,” replies
Christian, smiling at Bella’s happy face.

“It’s great to meet you, McKenzie,” says Christian,
shaking his hand. “So when is the wedding taking place
?”  I know that they
have been together by the love bites on Bella’s neck. She told me she’ll not
wait. I’ll damn well make sure there’s a wedding
, thinks Christian, with

Greg observes Christian
. I know damn well that
Christian knows who I am and Carlos. He’s trying to control his frustration and
anger in this situation. To top it off, he knows about Bella and me. He wants
us married fast. I don’t blame him. He’s who he is for a reason and I respect
that. Okay, I will play
, ponders Greg.

“Christian, I’m happy to meet you. The wedding will
take place when and where my Bella wants,” replies Gregory, smiling. He pulls
Bella back into his arms, claiming her as his.

“You should have gone with Carlos and Paty,” says
I know that Bella is unaware of the elopement. Ahh, huh, but he
did. He’s surprised that I do know,
thinks Christian, observing him.

“Christian, did Paty elope?” asks Bella, looking at
him with surprise. “She didn’t mention anything to me.”

“Well, Jose Enrique and Greg knew. I want to know when
you’re going to Vegas?” asks Christian, looking at Gregory. “The sooner, the
better it will be

“I agree and how about tonight?” asks Gregory. He
gazes at Bella, wondering if that will be something that she wants to do.

Bella gazes into his hermoso blue eyes. She’s ecstatic
to marry him so quickly. “Do you mean it? You do want to go and get married?”
asks Bella, studying his eyes to gauge his feelings. She needs to know if he’s
truly serious about eloping.

“Si, Baby, I do,” replies Gregory, pulling her closer,
not caring that Christian is there. “I love you.”

“Oh, my vida, I love you,” replies Bella, euphoric
with his amor. “Okay, we can go tonight.”

“Can you give us the hotel where you got married?”
asks Bella, smiling, turning to gaze at Christian. “We can call and have
everything ready.”

“Si, hermana, that will be the best way to do it, and
I think that you should go now so you have plenty of time to take care of
business,” replies Christian, looking at Gregory, wondering if he will get out
of this.

“Si, Baby, let’s go now. I will stop by to get some
things from my room,” says Gregory, smiling, staring at Christian.

“Okay, my vida. I’ll go get my bag from my casa. Christian,
you’re covering for me at home?” asks Bella, looking at her hermano, raising
her eyebrow.

“Si, hermana, I’ll take care of it. I’ll tell them
that you and Paty decided to go out. I’ll tell Jose Enrique to say the same
thing. The hotel is the Paris hotel and you need to talk to the concierge Mary
Jones. I suggest you call her now since she’s most likely taking care of Paty
and Carlos,” says Christian, looking at Gregory, emphasizing that call now.

“I’ll call right now,” says Gregory, looking at Bella,
to confirm that she’s sure about marrying. He takes out his phone and calls the

“Thank you for calling Paris hotel. How I can help
you?” says the clerk.  

“This is Gregory Preston McKenzie, I need to reserve
the bridal suite for tonight,” he requests, looking down into Bella’s ecstatic

“Mr. McKenzie, we do have one bridal suite available. Would
you like me to reserve it for you?” asks the clerk, ready to take his
additional information.

“Yes, please, and can you please transfer me to your
concierge, Mary Jones,” requests Gregory, smiling, staring at Christian.

“Yes, Mr. McKenzie, your reservations are completed. I
will transfer you to Ms. Jones,” replies the clerk.

“Thank you for calling the concierge, Mary speaking,
how may I assist you?” asks Mary, smiling.

“Yes, Ms. Jones, this is Gregory Preston McKenzie and
I need you to arrange my wedding ceremony. You were highly recommended by Mr. Christian
De La Cruz. I would like you to arrange everything the same as his wedding,”
says Gregory, smiling with amusement, noting Christian’s anger.  

Yeah, I know that you just did the same thing hermano,
thinks Gregory, with pleasure.  

“Yes, Mr. McKenzie, everything will be ready, and do
you have an idea what type and color you want the flowers to be for the wedding
chapel?” asks Mary, wondering how many more quick weddings will be coming her

“We should be there around six. I want roses, red
roses,” states Gregory, looking down into Bella’s pleased face.

“Will you need wedding rings, gowns, accessories?”
asks Ms. Jones, taking notes on her pad.

“Yes, I want everything that we might need. My bride
can select what she wants,” says Gregory, smiling with felicidad.

“Okay Mr. McKenzie, I will be awaiting your arrival,”
replies Ms. Jones, happy to assist in another wedding.

“Thank you,” says Gregory, ending the calling staring
at Christian. He pulls Bella closer to him.   

“Okay, everything is taken care of and we should go
get our bags. We need to leave soon so we can get to Vegas in time. The wedding
is scheduled for six,” says Gregory, grinning, looking at Christian.

“Thanks for taking care of this issue immediately,”
says Christian, nodding. He has respect and acknowledges the effort from
Gregory to satisfy him.

“No problema,” replies Gregory, grinning, gazing down
into Bella’s green eyes. “Baby, why don’t you get a head start? I’ll pick you
up at your casa at three.”

“Si, my vida,” answers Bella, smiling. She turns to
look at Christian. “Will you tell Jose Enrique what’s up?”

“Si, hermana, don’t worry. Everything will be taken
care of,” replies Christian, looking at his happy hermana.
I can see that
she’s truly in love. That’s okay with me as long as they marry today
ponders Christian.

Bella turns off all of the computers and gathers her
purse, turning to Gregory. “I’ll see you in a few,” she goes onto her tip toes
to give him a beso.

Greg is not going to let her go just like that.
don’t care that Christian is watching.
He pulls her close and kisses her
Yeah, this is a beso
, thinks Gregory. He smiles down at Bella
with felicidad.

“Okay, Baby,” says Gregory, looking over her head at
Christian’s pissed face.
Well isn’t that too bad
, thinks Greg, amused.

“Adios, hermano, and gracias,” says Bella, giving him
a hug before leaving.

Christian turns, closes the door, and turns back to
stare at Gregory. He lifts his right eyebrow in a question.

“Yeah, I know,” says Gregory. He doesn’t bother to
hide his true identity because he’s going to be part of la familia. He also
knows that Christian is a Navy SEAL.  

“Okay, spill,” says Christian, sitting down to listen
to him.

“It started last Friday and you know that the
government monitors everything. So we got assigned to see what’s up and to
gather Intel. You know that’s all we can do,” states Gregory, sitting down in
Bella’s chair. “I’m spilling because of who you are and because of Bella.”

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