Read Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature Online
Authors: David P. Barash
Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Science, #21st Century, #Anthropology, #v.5,, #Retail, #Cultural History, #Cultural Anthropology
brains, 272
social intelligence, 284, 286–387
prison, 93, 132
Profet, Margie, 16–17
progesterone, 20
prospect/refuge theory, imagination, 173
Prozac, 235
Psalm 23, 248, 249
Psychopathia Sexualis
, Krafft-Ebing, 93
punishment, religion, 245–246, 256–257
purloined letter hypothesis, intelligence, 296–297
Qu’aran, penalty, 255
rational choice hypothesis, religion, 236–239
reciprocity, homosexuality, 111–112
Red Queen Effect, 85
art as precursor, 163
big brains, 221–225
Brookeian hypothesis, 235–236
by-products, 225–228
cause and effect, 216–218
costs and benefits, 198–202
distinguishing adaptive from good, 218–221
diversity, 193–195
don’t panic hypothesis, 251–252
evolutionary origin, 146, 163–164
evolution of consciousness, 252–253
extra effort hypothesis, 251–252
genes and biology, 203–206
God as alpha male, 248–250
God gene, 195–198
group benefits, 162
group coordination, 163, 239–244
group selection, 253–259
Jew and Muslim hostility, 244
labor-saving hypothesis, 233–235
last-gasp effort, 250–251
long arm of, 259–263
maladaptive activity, 263–265
mortality, 309
origin of word, 240
ostracism, 255–256
overshoot hypotheses, 209–212
proximate payoffs, 228–231
punishment, 245–246, 256–257
rational choice hypothesis, 236–239
route to morality, 246–248
self-sacrifice, 254
social benefits, 244–246
social morality hypothesis, 247–248
sugar as metaphor, 263–265
taking things “on faith,” 233–236
term, 264
theory of mind (ToM), 212–216, 302–303
viral meme hypothesis, 206–209
war, 239–244
heterosexual, 91–92
intelligence, 281
menstruation and ovulation, 12–16
prudent mothers, 68–70
religion, 204
sex, 82–85
reproductive skew theory, 125–128
residual reproductive value, women, 40–41
resources, homosexuality, 110
reverse engineering
concept, 8–9
human breasts, 35
rhythm method, birth control, 22
Richards, I. A., 179
Rimbaud, 189
robber’s cave experiment, 161
robust phenomenon, 22
Roethke, Theodore, 7
Rogers, Kenny,
The Gambler
, 69–70
romance, mate selection, 237
Rumpelstiltskin effect, 115
Rumsfeld, Donald, 7
Russell, Bertrand, 199
Russia, enigma, 11
Ryan, Meg,
When Harry Met Sally
, 49
Sagan, Carl, 215, 299
same-sex competition
access to females, 110
natural selection, 80–81
same-sex preference.
See also
biological underpinning, 97
homosexuality, 89–92
pathology, 94–97
schizophrenia, 310
answering questions, 5
truth of nature, 170–171
Sedighi, Hojatoleslam Kazem, 246
self-awareness, women, 33–34
self-consciousness, 299
self-deception, headache hypothesis, 33–34
self-expression, art and intrasexual competition, 189
selfish beneficence, 74
self-sacrifice, religion, 254
brain, 278–282
dating and the arts, 184–185
folk aesthetics, 185
mystery, 82–86
religion, 204–205
sex chromosomes
defining genetic differences, 115–116
homosexuality, 100–102
life span, 79–80
sex differences
homosexuality, 114–116
life span, 79–82
sex drive, homosexuality, 132
sexual behavior, adaptive, 220
sexual bonding, concealed ovulation, 25–27
sexual fluidity, 115
sexual gratification, sex drive, 127
sexual intercourse, woman’s body, 16
sexual liberation, estrus, 30–33
sexually antagonistic selection, homosexuality, 118–119
sexually complementary selection, homosexuality, 119
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 133–134
sexual motivation, homosexuality, 122–123
sexual preference, orgasms, 62
sexual reproduction
art and offspring, 172
mate choice, 177
sexual selection
artistic creations, 185–186
arts as by-product, 187–188
brains, 279
Darwin, 176
fitness indicators, 180–181
human language, 178–180
making preferences, 181–182
mate choice, 177
pleasure and satisfaction, 188
social hypothesis, 120–121
Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man
, Darwin, 184
sexual selection theory
intelligence, 280
sexy son hypothesis, 42–44
sexy son hypothesis
doughty daughter equivalent, 45
male choice of females, 75
sexual selection theory, 28, 42–44
Shadow of Childhood
, La Barre, 222–223
shaggy-dog story, joke, 270
Shakespeare, William, 143, 171, 285
Shepard, Roger N., 174
Shiite Iran, 244
Shklovsky, Viktor,
Knight’s Move
, 53
sickle cell anemia, 112–113, 117
Sisyphus, 19, 313
Skinner, B. F., 216–217
Skyhook, climbing equipment, 145
sky-hooks, metaphor for art, 145
slavery, African Americans escaping, 215
smart-mother hypothesis, intelligence, 281
social bonding, concealed ovulation, 25–27
social capital, religion, 237
social coordination hypothesis, arts, 164
social glue
genetic hypotheses, 119–125
notion of homosexuality as, 121
social hypothesis, 121
social intelligence
brain size, 282–288
hypothesis, 288
Machiavellian, 282–286
natural selection, 283, 285–286
social morality hypothesis, religion, 247–248
social payoffs
arts, 157–162
homosexuality, 117–118
religion, 244–246
Some Enchanted Evening
, song, 237
Soviet Union, religion, 205
spandrels, arts, 154–156
Sparta, 162–163
spider, web-spinning, 150
, vagina, 16
Stark, Rodney, 236, 238
Stewart, Potter, Supreme Court Justice, 146, 298
Stone Age, music, 165
imagination, 173
literature, 168
playful learning, 171
Strassman, Beverly, 18
, vagina, 16
sugar, religion metaphor, 263–265
suicide, inclusive fitness theory, 309–310
Sunday, skipping church, 256
supermodels, Western, 38
superstition, cause and effect, 216, 217, 218
Supreme Being, God as alpha male, 248–250
Sylvie and Bruno Concluded
, Carroll, 175–176
Symons, Donald, 54
, Plato, 94
talent, artist’s skill, 185
Tanzania, Hadza, 71
Technicolor, female orgasm, 55
Technicolor ovulation, 22
technology, evolution of, 296–297
Ten Commandments, 259
Terence, Roman playwright, 191
terra incognita
, evolutionary map, 7
theodicy, ancient problem, 234
theory of mind
gossip and, 174–176
religion, 212–216, 302–303
Thornhill, Randy, 29
Through the Looking Glass
, Carroll, 85, 176
, 200
Tiger, Lionel, 230
Tillich, Paul, 226
Time Machine
, Wells, 310
Tinbergen, Niko, 122
Tolstoy, Leo, 164
Tomasello, Michael, 157, 159, 160
Tooby, John, 168, 288, 290, 291
tools, intelligence, 273–275
Trivers, Robert L., 111
truth, Enlightenment, 6–7
turkey baster babies, in vitro fertilization, 102
Twain, Mark, 107, 175, 308
twin studies
fraternals and identicals, 201–202
monozygotic and dizygotic, 101–102
Twitter, 206
Uganda, Lord’s Resistance Army, 199
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, 94
unknown unknowns, Rumsfeld, 7