Homo Mysterious: Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature (53 page)

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Authors: David P. Barash

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Science, #21st Century, #Anthropology, #v.5, #Amazon.com, #Retail, #Cultural History, #Cultural Anthropology

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Karamazov, Ivan,
The Brothers

, 246

Kardong, Kenneth, 259

Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History
, McNeill, 161

King, Barbara, 228

King, Martin Luther Jr., 243

kin selection

homosexuality, 104–109, 111

same-sex pairing, 131

Kinsey, Alfred, 91, 96

Kipling, Rudyard, 27

Kirschner, Sebastian, 157, 159, 160

Knight’s Move
, Shklovsky, 53

knock-down hypothesis, orgasm, 51–52


intellectual search, 312–313

searching for unknown, 307–308

wisdom and, 3–4

Kolakowski, Leszek, 312

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 93, 95

Krebs cycle, biology, 196

Kubrick, Stanley, 297

La Barre, Weston, 222–223

labor-saving hypothesis, religion, 233–235


breasts, 37–39

older women, 66

capitalism, 237


human intelligence, 292

intelligence, 273–275

religion, 205

sexual selection, 178–180

survival selection, 182

Larkin, Philip, 53

last-gasp effort, religion, 250–251

Laysan albatrosses, female-female pairing, 131

Leakey, Louis, 273


children and arts, 157–159

literature, 167–174

The Left Hand of Darkness
, LeGuin, 125

legal institutions, religion and, 259–263

LeGuin, Ursula,
The Left Hand of Darkness
, 125

Lewontin, Richard, 154–155

liberation, sexual, 30–33

Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 311

life span

average, 66

genes for extended, 67

menopause, 65–66

sex differences, 79–82

lifestyle choice, 134


evolutionary biology, 172

gossip and theory of mind, 174–176

reading and writing, 165

spandrels, 154–155

Lloyd, Lisa, 54

Locke, John, 262

Lord’s Resistance Army, Uganda, 199

Lorenz, Konrad, 122

luteinizing hormone, ovulation, 20

McGuire, Michael, 230

McHarg, Ian, 270

Machiavellian intelligence, 282–286, 291, 296, 301–302, 303

McNeill, William, 160–161

Madame Bovary
, Flaubert, 153–154

Madame Bovary’s Ovaries: A Darwinian Look at Literature
, Barash, 171

Madoff, Bernard, 260

malaria, 117

male-male bonds, bottlenose dolphins, 121–122

male menopause, 67

male pattern baldness, 75

Malinowsky, Bronislaw, 212

manipulation, female orgasm, 62–64

manly mysteries, 74–79

marching songs, hunting or combat, 160

March of the Penguins
, movie, 98–99

marine snail, adjustable sexuality, 125

The Martian Chronicles
, Bradbury, 312

Marx, religion, 236

Marx, Groucho, 238, 260, 261

Marxism, 237

Mary Poppins
, spoonful of sugar, 264

mate choice

romance, 237

sexual selection, 177, 181–182, 183

maternal age, genetic defects, 65

mating control, concealed ovulation, 28–30

The Mating Mind
, Miller, 177

Maurice of Nassau, 160

meerkat, social cooperation, 255

mega-group selection, religion, 258

memes, viral, hypothesis, 206–209

Mencken, H. L., 198


competition avoidance hypothesis, 72

grandmother hypothesis, 70–73, 82, 104–105

inclusive fitness approach, 73–74

mystery, 64–67

prudent mothers, 68–70


cleansing hypothesis, 16–18

efficiency hypothesis, 18–19

evaluation hypothesis, 19–21

feminine hygiene industry, 15

mystery, 11

reproductive cycle, 12–16

signal, 12–16

Middle East, Jew and Muslim hostility, 244

Miller, Geoffrey, 176–186, 278–279

missing link, phrase, 308

The Imaginary Invalid
, 169

monogamy, female orgasm, 58–59

monozygotic (MZ), twin studies, 101–102

morality, religion, 246–248, 262–263

“more resources for everyone else” hypothesis, homosexuals, 109–110

Morgan, Elaine, 36

Mormon crickets, 77–78

Mormon faith, renouncing, 256

Morris, Desmond, 35, 51

mother-infant bond, arts in learning, 158–159

mothers, natural selection and fertility, 68–70

mountings, animal homosexuality, 96, 97, 123–124, 132–133

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 170

Mozart, 189

Much Ado About Nothing
, Shakespeare, 143

Mumford, Lewis, 168


biology, 147

children, 157–158

coordination and cooperation, 159–160

solidarity in tragedy, 161

Muslims, 200, 208–209

mutation rate, homosexuality-promoting genes, 114


breasts, 34–37

definition, 4

evolutionary, 308

female orgasm, 50–51

homosexuality, 89–92

life, 3–5

male pattern baldness, 75

manly, 74–79

menopause, 64–67

sex, 82–86

sex differences in life span, 79–82

theological, 4–5

The Naked Ape
, Morris, 35

national tragedy, solidarity in music, 161

natural history, voice of God describing, 234

The Natural History of Religion
, Hume, 211

natural selection

Darwin and Wallace dispute, 142–144

evolution of intelligence, 283, 285–286

religion, 197–198

reproduction, 66

same-sex pairing, 131

social connection, 227–228

ultimate fitness, 91

women’s fertility, 68–70

Neanderthals, brain, 272

neoteny, homosexual play, 128–129

Newton, Isaac, 170, 196, 221, 307

nipples, men vs. women, 54–56, 61, 227

nonhuman primates

copulation, 36

ovulation, 11–12

nonreproductive sex, sexual liberation, 30–33

Northern Ireland, Catholic and Protestant, 244

nuclear energy, unknown unknown, 7–8

Numbers, penalty, 256

obsession, female orgasm, 62

Oedipus complex, Freud, 95

Okeechobee Hurricane, 251

On Human Nature
, Wilson, 200

On the Origin of Species
, Darwin, 141, 263, 312

On the Origin of Stories
, Boyd, 169

female orgasm

The Origin of Species
, Huxley, 176

Orsi, Michael P., 203

ostracism, religion, 255–256

overflow hypothesis, homosexual behavior, 132

overshoot hypotheses, religion, 209–212

Ovis aries
, sheep, 96


concealed, 21–25

nonhuman primates, 11–12

reproductive cycle, 12–16

Pago-Pago problem, 145

Pakistan, Hindu and Muslim, 244

parasitic flatworm, life cycle, 133

parental fitness, breeding, 69

parental love, caring for offspring, 9

partnerships, parents, 24–25

Pascal, Blaise, 211

pathogen invasion, women, 16–18

pathology, same-sex preference, 94–97

patriarch hypothesis, male menopause, 67

peacock’s tail, sexual selection, 178–180, 186

penguins, male pairing, 98–99

penis, female orgasm, 56–58

pheromones, signals, 308

physics, Newton, 196

Picasso, 189

Pinker, Steven, 149, 150, 151, 152, 176, 199

plastic, homosexuality in women, 115

Plato, 94, 190, 218

play, arts in learning and, 167–174

pleasure, arts, 174, 187–191

pleiotropic theory, 81–82, 114

Pliny the Elder, 15

Poe, Edgar Allan, 296

, Aristotle, 169

poetry, biological roots, 149

Pollan, Michael, 207


female orgasm, 58–59

women’s penchant for, 78, 79

Popper, Karl, 300

pornography, 146, 167, 220, 298

portrait of artist, arts, 176–187

The Power of Faith
, Glass, 249

practice, social hypothesis, 120

predators, female organism, 52


human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), 20–21

menstruation and, 14

older women, 66


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