His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (16 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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Once again people were talking about
her as if she were invisible.

Miss Frasier and Her Grace
would be most grateful,” Noah assured them.

No doubt the mention of the duchess
would carry much weight. Emily had seen it happen more times than
she could count.

Lady Cowper nodded.

Thank you.” Emily sank into
another curtsey before being escorted away.

Noah was the first to take her card and
put his name by the dinner waltz. “This is to insure we both have a
dinner partner we can tolerate.” He smiled down at her.

Thank goodness he had seen to the task
before Dillon absconded it.

Noah escorted her back around the
ballroom, stopping when they came to her father’s former students.
“Emily has been given permission to waltz this evening.”

How delightful.” Janine

May I?” Marius requested
before taking the card and placing his name by the first

Emily wasn’t sure she should be dancing
with a married gentleman, even if he was one of her father’s former
students. Quickly she glanced at Sabrina, his wife. She gave her a
sly wink and a smile. As soon as Marius turned to look at his wife,
her smile fell and she pointedly turned her face away. Emily had no
idea what was going on with the two, but Sabrina certainly didn’t
seem to mind that she would be partnering her husband.

I think Taylor should take
the second,” Phoebe suggested.

Emily looked at her oddly. What were
the wives about?

It is your first ball.”
Phoebe began to explain. “We wouldn’t want you stuck with someone
you didn’t wish to dance with. This way, if someone you really wish
to dance with asks, you can simply scratch out my husband’s name.
He won’t be offended.”

I won’t?”

Phoebe tilted her head toward the front
of the ballroom. Dillon was bearing down on them. Taylor quickly he
wrote his name by the third. One waltz remained and she shoved the
card at Richard.

The card was back in Emily’s possession
by the time Dillon reached them.

Was Noah able to obtain

Relieved that she would not have to be
in his arms, Emily smiled up at him. “Yes, as a matter of fact he

Could I hope that you saved
a least one for me?”

They are all gone, but we
do have the one dance, remember?” Emily answered

Who could have taken the
dances so quickly? Do you mind if I look?”

Emily smiled and held the card up for
him. Dillon quickly scanned it. “You should have an enjoyable time
with your chosen partners. Now, if you will excuse me, I must claim
Lady Claresta, the first waltz is about to begin.”

Dillon turned on his heal and marched
away. Just as quickly, Marius claimed her as he watched his wife
led to the floor by Richard.

Emily curtseyed and Marius bowed, but
his eyes were on his wife. Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea,
but the thought had barely formed when Marius swept her in a turn.
He continued to watch his wife and Emily was at a loss of what to
say. It appeared as if they were the only couple not conversing.
Dillon certainly seemed to be enjoying himself as he whirled
Claresta down the floor.

Would you rather not dance?
I would not mind in the least,” Emily said after they had
completely gone around the floor once. Marius had not said one word
to her but kept watching his wife. With no conversation to distract
her, Emily’s eyes followed Dillon. This just wouldn’t do to be seen
watching him so intently.

Her words brought Marius’ attention
back to his partner. “Forgive me. I was temporarily distracted by
my willful wife.”

I gathered as

I won’t be so remiss in my
attention again.” He executed a turn and Emily almost lost her
footing. “How are you enjoying London?”


* * *


Dillon was trying not to watch Marius
dance with Emily, but he was holding her too close, and whispering
in her ear. What were they discussing?

She does look beautiful
tonight,” Claresta observed. “She is also dancing with a besotted
husband so I don’t believe you have cause to worry.”

Dillon turned back to her. “I’m sorry.
It was rude of me not to grant you my full attention.”

I am not insulted, merely

How so?”

Mother told me that you
needed to find a titled wife this season.”

She was warning you about
me?” Dillon teased with a smile.

Somewhat, I suppose,”
Claresta admitted, not returning his smile at first. “If that is
the case, why pursue Emily?”

Dillon shrugged, not wanting to give
much away. “I cannot help myself.”

I believe you might be as
besotted as your friend.”

Dillon smiled down at her. “You’re
probably right, Lady Claresta.”

What of your duty

That is a difficult
question. I cannot answer until I know where the lady’s heart

If Emily returned your
feelings, would you defy your parents?”

Dillon let his face relax, no longer
forcing a smile. The question Lady Claresta asked was not to be
taken lightly. “If it came to that, then yes, but I ask that this
conversation remain between us. Until I have a chance to speak with
Emily, I don’t wish to make plans for my future.”

Claresta studied him seriously. “I will
guard your secret and wish you luck.”

Dillon’s lips broke into a big smile.
“How can I lose with you in my corner?” He turned her quickly. “Now
tell me, why are you so certain you wish to proceed with this
assumption I am courting you?”

Oh, the answer to that is
quite simple,” she giggled.

Enlighten me,” he

It probably hasn’t gone
without your notice that because of who I am a number of gentlemen
have sought me out.”


I recently began to notice
that since you have been seen in my company often, the numbers are

Dillon pulled back. “If I am impeding
any courtship please let me know.”

No, the opposite

How so?”

Well, you do have a

Inflated,” Dillon
corrected. As with the others, he still couldn’t understand why he
and his friends had been so sought after.

I have determined that the
only men who would risk courting a duke’s daughter and also try to
remove you from my side are either one of two types of

This was interesting. “What type would
those be, though I am afraid to ask?”

Either desperate for an
heiress or, they truly like me for who I am.”

How can you determine which
is why?” It was actually sound thinking.

You will tell me, of

Me?” He practically

Yes. You see, I’m using
you.” She smiled sheepishly.

I am hurt that you think so
little of my feelings,” Dillon stated with mocked

Claresta rolled her eyes. “Please, we
both know you are not hurt in the least. What I would like you to
do is let me know, in your opinion, if any of the gentlemen who
call on me are fortune hunters.”

Couldn’t your father
determine the same?”

Claresta shrugged her shoulders. “If
they had any sense, they would always be on their best behavior
around father. They may not be when around you and your

Another very good point. “As you wish.
I will look into your admirers and let you know if any are worthy
of your affection.” At least it would give him something else to
concentrate on rather than wondering about Emily all the

Dillon did his duty for the rest of the
evening. He danced with the daughter of a marquis, earl and
viscount. He also managed to attend supper with the daughter of a
wealthy German Count. All in all, his mother had no cause for

Emily, on the other hand, danced with
entirely unsuitable gentlemen. Either they were not worthy of her
affection, given the vices Dillon was aware of, or they were
married. Of course the married gentlemen included his friends, with
the exception of Noah. While Claresta may have been willing to
help, apparently Noah was not. As they entered the supper room,
Dillon spied two open chairs at the table Noah had selected. Before
he could make his way in that direction, the seats were taken by
Taylor and Phoebe. If he didn’t know better, he would have believed
they were all intentionally preventing him from having a few
moments with Emily. Or, perhaps they were discouraging his suit. If
that were so, what kind of friends were they?

* * *


Emily stayed on the opposite side of
the ballroom from Dillon the entire evening. It pained her to watch
him dance with all the lovely young ladies. It pained her more to
observe how much he seemed to be enjoying himself. The only
highlight of the evening was her dances with her father’s chosen
few. They had been relaxed and enjoyable. The other dances had been
with gentlemen she was barely acquainted with and the conversation,
if any, had been strained. She had no idea how Claresta could
endure this night after night. Of course, Claresta’s heart was not
engaged and perhaps that was the problem in its entirety. Would she
have viewed these gentlemen differently if she had never had her
country month with Dillon? She hated to think that short time
ruined her for the chance to love anyone else. Unfortunately, she
believed it was already too late. If only this season would end
soon. Then she could have a quick visit with her aunt and uncle and
move far away. She had checked her accounts recently and believed
she had acquired enough funds to purchase a small house. Next week
she would begin sending out enquires in hopes of landing a position
as a teacher or a governess.

Half way through the evening, Taylor
claimed her for his waltz. Thankful for a friend, she was glad to
leave the group of gentlemen currently gathered around

Are you enjoying yourself?”
Taylor twirled her along the floor.

I’m finding the entire
event tedious.” Emily sighed.

That could change, you
know,” he hinted.

Emily tilted her head up and looked at
him curiously.

You could dance with

He has a dance scheduled
later,” Emily stated coolly.

May I ask you a question,

What?” The last
conversation she wanted to have was one involving

I have known Dillon a
number of years, since we were boys, actually.”

I am happy for

I was intrigued by his
reaction to you and your reaction to him at my house the other

We were simply surprised to
see each other. That is all.”

Taylor chuckled lightly. “I don’t
believe that is all. He returned to London for the season, looking
forward to it. A very rare, thought to be extinct, feeling for a
gentleman of his nature.”

He has his goal of marrying
a title and is ready to embrace it.”

One could believe that if
he hadn’t changed so suddenly.”

She wasn’t about to ask how he had
changed. She didn’t even want to discuss Dillon in the first place,
so why should she encourage Taylor further?

After that dinner he has
gone from angry to depressed to agitated to frustrated and not at
all fun to be around any longer.”

Perhaps the pressure of
finding a titled bride is wearing him.”

Oh, I don’t think that’s
it.” Taylor pulled her slightly closer so none could hear. “I think
Dillon did find the one he could marry but she won’t even speak to
him. That can make any gentleman out of sorts.”

If you are referring to me,
let me assure you that Dillon and I have never discussed any
permanent relationship.” Though it had been inferred when they
agreed to meet in July. “We would never suit and even if we did,
his mother would never approve. He has never gone against his
parent’s wishes before and I don’t expect him to do so

He is older and has much
more to gain.”

Leave it alone, Taylor.
What was there is over and cannot be revisited.”

What was there?” His voice
dropped low, full of concern..

Emily knew she had said too

What did he do to you?”
There was an edge to his voice.

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