His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (14 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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Emily rolled her eyes.

You flatter me,” Claresta
appropriately responded.

I speak only the

Emily disengaged her arm. “Excuse me. I
believe I’ll sit by the fountain.”

Claresta started to protest.

You two enjoy yourself, but
don’t wander too far. Her Grace expects me to keep a close eye on

Dillon quirked an eyebrow and tried not
laugh. “Are you Lady Claresta’s chaperon then?”

As well as occasional
companion,” Emily answered frostily. “A word of advice, Mr.
Chambers. Claresta has heard the same drivel from every gentleman
seeking a wife. If you wish to find her favor, I would suggest you
engage her mind. If you don’t find that too difficult that is.”
Emily turned on her heel and walked away, her back stiff and nose
in the air.

Claresta stared after her in shock and
Dillon couldn’t help but chuckle.

Tell me,” Dillon began when
they were far enough away. “Is Emily really your chaperon and
sometimes companion?” He had yet to determine if Claresta would be
his ally.

Claresta rolled her eyes in much the
same manner as Emily had earlier. “No, she is my father’s ward,
though she did take it upon herself to increase my studies beyond
what my former governesses believed sufficient.”

That does not surprise

Emily is also my friend.
Almost a sister.”

Then Claresta was probably the one
person who knew the most about Emily. “I understand she came to
your household when she was ten and five.”

Yes, I was only ten at the
time, but we grew close despite our difference in age.”

And status,” Dillon

Emily is not a servant and
has never been one,” Claresta reminded him, her tone sharp, willing
to defend Emily if he indicated she was beneath them.

I meant no disrespect.” He
quickly assured her, glancing over to their topic of conversation.
Now he knew for certain how Claresta viewed his quarry.

Emily had been watching him and quickly
turned her head when Dillon looked her way.

Dillon looked back to his companion and
found her looking at him oddly. Had his thoughts registered on his
face? He pulled Claresta further down the path, their backs were to
Emily. “What are your thoughts on Greek literature, Lady

A grin burst on her face and she
laughed. “Now I know it is not I who should be walking with you,
Mr. Chambers.”

He had no wish to offend the young lady
so Dillon attempted an excuse. “I know Miss Frasier enjoys such
literature and assumed perhaps you did as well.”

What I think is that if
Emily hadn’t been with me, you would have found a reason to avoid
this stroll.”

You insult me,” Dillon
stated with mock outrage. “Of course I would have proceeded as my
mother wished.”

Oh, of that I don’t doubt.”
Claresta laughed. “But, I noticed how you looked around me and my
mother during the introductions, until you saw Emily.”

Dillon’s face heated with
embarrassment, which was just as embarrassing in itself. He never
dreamed he would be so transparent. “I truly meant no

None taken, I assure you.”
She smiled up at him. “Why don’t you tell me who you are really
interested in, why and how I may be of service?”


* * *

Emily tried to relax on the bench and
let her mind wander but found it difficult with Dillon and Claresta
engaged in such animated conversation. At first their backs had
been to her, but now she could see their profiles. Dillon was
charming Claresta, something that came naturally she supposed.
Claresta was laughing quite gaily and smiling up at him. She would
be happy that the two seemed to get on so well if it didn’t hurt so

They did make an attractive couple. His
dark hair and eyes in contrast to Claresta’s blonde hair and light
green eyes. She was thin, elegant and a good few inches taller than
Emily and he was strong and handsome. Her heart squeezed tight. It
hurt to look at them. It hurt to watch him look at

What was he saying to her? Their
conversation may be animated, but it was too quiet to hear. Drat,
why did he have to be interested in Claresta? Of course it
shouldn’t be a surprise. Claresta was a beautiful heiress with the
best connections this season. And, Claresta would probably love the
cottage as much as she did. It was just like the small house
Claresta gravitated to when they visited the estate on the coast.
While everyone settled in the large mansion, Claresta preferred the
two story residence, not much larger than Dillon’s cottage,
attached to the lighthouse on the cliff.

Emily had thought she could witness his
marrying an appropriate young lady. After all, after the season was
over, she would leave London for good. She just hadn’t been
prepared for this outcome. Could she remain in the duke’s household
if Dillon courted Claresta and possibly married her? No. Her heart
couldn’t take such a betrayal. Perhaps it was time to begin making
plans for her eventual departure from her guardian.


* * *


After returning Claresta to Emily,
Dillon excused himself and walked slowly away, hoping to hear their
conversation as the two ladies strolled behind him.

Mr. Chambers is one of the
most charming gentlemen I have met yet this season. So handsome
too, don’t you think?”

I suppose,” Emily
grudgingly admitted.

Oh, I do hope he calls
tomorrow,” Claresta said loudly enough for him to hear.

Emily glanced over her shoulder. “Don’t
you think he is rather old for you?”

Why, no. Do

He is twelve years your
senior,” Emily pointed out. “One must think of one’s future. When
you are still young and lively, say ten years from now, Mr.
Chambers will be a doddering old fool. I can’t imagine you would be
happy in such a circumstance.”

Dillon held his laughter in as he came
to the conclusion Emily was jealous. He couldn’t be


* * *


Emily didn’t know how much more she
could take. Dillon called daily since he had met Claresta and she
was becoming more and more cowardly. Dozens of other men called on
Claresta, but none of them bothered Emily. In fact, she enjoyed
each of their attempts to gain favor. It was only when Dillon was
announced that her enjoyment vanished. If he had tried to speak
with her, instead of Claresta, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt so deeply.
Except he always greeted the duchess first, then Claresta. Emily
never remained long enough for him to greet her. She couldn’t stand
having to face him if his attention was only because it was the
proper thing to do. Of course, if she were honest with herself, she
would have to admit that she didn’t even give him the chance to
engage her in conversation.

That was the real crux of the
situation. She was afraid to hear what he had to say so she ran.
Her biggest fear was that he would admit that she was correct and
that he had been foolish to think they could be friends, or more.
Or, he could apologize, explaining that as much as he would like to
continue their relationship or whatever it was, duty demanded that
he pursue a lady of higher rank. Then she would have to acknowledge
that she had held out hope and that her hope was now pursuing her
friend and would most undoubtedly win. How could Claresta resist

Worse, he could engage her in
conservation wishing to continue what they’d started in the
country. She knew as well as he the impossibility of the situation.
What could they possibly have to gain by spending more time with
each other except additional heartache? Emily decided the best
course of action was self-preservation. So, she disappeared each
time he appeared.

If only His Grace would let her return
to her aunt and uncle. Twice already she’d broached the subject.
She tried to make him see that she wasn’t truly needed in London.
He would hear none of her arguments so she was forced to remain. If
only he knew how much this was killing her, then perhaps he would
let her leave. Unfortunately, if she voiced her true reasons,
matters would only get worse as the duke demanded an explanation.
That would only bring trouble and discontent, so Emily kept the
truth to herself.

She was completely lost in self-pity
when Claresta quietly knocked on the door. A quick glance at the
clock warned her how late it had become. This was the time Claresta
always visited to share her thoughts on each gentlemen who had
called. Emily could only hope Dillon wasn’t mentioned.

Claresta settled herself on Emily’s
bed. So far Claresta hadn’t been overly impressed by any of her
suitors from what Emily could tell, except perhaps Dillon. He
happened to be the one caller who brought an odd smile to
Claresta’s lips. How could she fault her friend for giving her
heart to the rogue? After all, she had done the same

May I ask you something?”
Claresta asked after a moment.

What, dearest?” Emily
wanted to be understanding, supportive and offer guidance in
whatever Claresta asked, even if her heart wasn’t in the

It’s about Mr.

Yes. What about

Has he offended you in some

She had to guard her features carefully
lest Claresta see any truth in the question. “Why do you

You always leave whenever
he arrives.” She shrugged.

I grow weary of your court,
that is all.” Emily tried to assure her.

He asks about

Chambers?” Emily wanted to
know exactly he asked and why. “I don’t see why he should concern

That is what I have
wondered,” Claresta acknowledged quietly.

Emily glanced sharply at the girl.
Could she suspect? No. Neither she nor Dillon had given anything
away. Or, had they? “What I think is that he is courting you and
your family. He is intelligent enough to know how much everyone
means to you so he is attempting to win each and every one of us.
The others barely notice your mother or I are in the same

Claresta studied her for a moment. “Is
that what you truly believe?”

Emily let her eyes fall to her lap. “It
is the only thing I can believe.”



Chapter 8


In desperation to keep her
mind from Dillon, Emily found herself visiting the lending library
that afternoon. As much as she tried, her studies no longer held
any appeal. It was the first time in her life that her studies had
not cured her of any melancholy. Even during her stay in the
country, she was eventfully able to concentrate. Since she had
returned to London and discovered who Dillon truly was, she hadn’t
been able to comprehend even a paragraph. If thoughtful work did
not soothe her perhaps she should try a novel. She’d never read a
work of fiction, other than those that were classics and considered
great works. The shopkeeper recommended Mrs. Radcliffe. Apparently
most young ladies enjoyed her horrid novels, and Emily
The Mysteries of Udolpho.
With hope that this would cure her melancholy, she
returned home and settled on the window seat in her room and opened
the book. Some hours later, Her Grace found her still seated

I just wanted to remind you
dear that we are going to the Harrington ball this

Emily smiled up at her. “I had not
forgotten. I am sure you and Claresta will have a wonderful

Her Grace stepped further
into the room and shut the door. “We are
going to the ball,

The smile fell from Emily’s face. “I
don’t see that it’s necessary I attend.”

Ah, but it is. You have
been invited, as with all the other invitations, and frankly I am
tired of making your excuses.”

Emily seriously doubted anyone asked
after her.

I understand that you have
been reluctant to enter society. I now wish my husband and I had
insisted on launching you when you were younger.”

Truly, I don’t wish to go
into society.”

You don’t wish because you
don’t feel you belong,” the woman retorted. “It is far from the
truth. Your father was a gentleman and would have been welcome had
that been his desire. I would be derelict in my duty to you, and
your father’s memory, if I continued to let you remain behind when
you should be taking your place.”

Quickly, Emily tried to form a number
of arguments in her head but couldn’t think of a plausible one. Her
Grace was using her father against her.

From now on, you will
accompany Claresta and me. We will leave in three hours and I have
already instructed Betsy to prepare your bath.” She turned toward
the door, paused and looked back at Emily. “Wear the rose silk,
dear, it looks lovely on you.”

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