His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (13 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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Professor Frasier’s daughter. It still
shocked him. Damn his parents for their snobbery. Had they allowed
him to visit the man in his own home, then Emily would have never
been a stranger could possibly have been a friend. Then when they’d
met in the barn, there would have been no secrets between them. He
could have called on her at her aunt’s home. Their relationship
could have continued as a platonic, respectful

Dillon sat up and threw his
legs over the bed, trying his best to ignore the sharp pain at the
base of his skull. Who was he trying to fool? Even if they had
known everything about the other, he would have still crossed the
line and kissed her. He would have still wanted her. Hell,
her and that was the crux of the matter. He knew without a doubt,
even as the ward of a duke, his parents would never approve. It
wasn’t so much that he cared for their opinion, but he had to
please them. They held the trump card that forced him to do their

Why, oh why had he capitulated? Stupid
question. He knew the answer.

Without ringing for his valet, Dillon
splashed cold water on his face and began to dress for the day,
recalling the last bitter discussion he had with his parents and
his future marriage. If he didn’t marry someone they thought
worthy, translated to the daughter of a peer, then he would be cut

He had few funds of his own at the
moment. Most of his quarterly allowance had been invested, what
hadn’t been sent to Celia, and it would be some months before the
profits were realized. Until last year, he had a rather substantial
amount set aside. That disappeared when he purchased the cottage,
surrounding acreage and the lake. It was the only thing he owned
that his parents couldn’t take away. Even the townhouse he lived in
belonged to them. Until now it hadn’t mattered. Who would have
thought it possible that he would find the only lady to make his
life complete outside the dozens available from titled

In truth, he wouldn’t always be
destitute if he followed his heart. Eventually his father would
pass away and Dillon knew the man wouldn’t completely disown him.
But that was years away and despite his current feelings, he didn’t
wish for his father’s demise. So where did that leave

He could put Emily from his mind and
try to find a substitute amongst the more acceptable and never have
a financial worry. Or, he could go against his parent’s wishes and
pursue Emily, if she’d have him. If the relationship followed to
the natural conclusion he envisioned at the cottage, he would have
the marriage he dared hoped for, but with barely a sovereign to his
name. It didn’t matter that Emily had a sound plan for financially
supporting herself. If she were married to him, she couldn’t earn a
wage. How could he possibly allow that?

At least they would have a place to
live, but what of the other essentials, like food, until his
investments paid off? Of course Ellings could possibly give her a
decent marriage settlement, but using those funds for their
everyday needs was almost as distasteful as Emily being employed.
He could always find a position for himself but seriously doubted
anyone would hire him in the village. A position in London would be
much easier to obtain, but where would they live? The cottage was
hours away. No, Emily deserved a home, servants and a life in
society. He wouldn’t be able to give her anything but the small
cottage if they married.

Besides his financial future, there was
more he needed to be concerned with. What of Celia? His parents
would destroy her if he didn’t do their bidding. That was his
strongest incentive for forgetting Emily, though he didn’t know if
that were possible. In his heart, he knew it was impossible, but
what to do about this maddening situation?

Frustrated at not finding any answers,
he strode from the house and saddled his horse. He couldn’t think
here, with everything and everyone so close.


* * *


Emily faced the next day bravely. Or at
least she put on a brave face. Her heart might be crushed and her
dreams cried away, but she was still alive. She would continue on
as companion to Claresta and let nothing upset the plans she had
prior to meeting Dillon. Most of all, she wouldn’t let anyone know
how she was hurting. So, with a pleasant, but forced smile on her
face, Emily joined the others for breakfast.

When Noah called on her
later that day, she did something she would have never thought
possible. She avoided being alone with him. She knew Noah would
want to know how she was faring, but Emily didn’t want to talk or
think about Dillon. It was the only way she knew how to survive so
she would not think of or discuss him with
. Additionally, she would avoid
any outing where she might possibly see him. As long as someone was
with her, Noah would never broach the subject of Dillon, which was
how Claresta ended up enjoying a lovely drive in the park with
Emily and Noah that afternoon.

Emily prayed they wouldn’t
run into Dillon, but couldn’t think of any excuse not to go for the
fashionable drive. The last person she ever expected to encounter
however was Mrs. Chambers – his mother. It was clear Noah would
have avoided the woman, had it been possible short of a cut direct.
After a brief introduction, Claresta spied friends and asked to be
excused. Emily had no choice but to allow her to go, wishing she
could run away as well. Mrs. Chambers had all but dismissed Emily
as unimportant upon learning she was
the ward to the Duke of Ellings,
and daughter of a

Have you seen my son
today?” she all but demanded of Noah.

Actually, no. I stopped by
earlier but his butler said he had ridden out hours ago. His
destination undetermined.”

The woman pursed her lips together in
irritation. “And last night?”

We dined with Lord and Lady
Sandlin. It was an early evening.”

Then you don’t know that he
drank himself into oblivion last night.”

Emily gasped.

The woman turned a cold stare on her
before addressing Noah again. “Do you know why he would do such a

Noah merely shrugged

Well, all I can say is he’d
better return soon. The season grows shorter with each day and he
hasn’t even begun to look for a wife.”

I am sure he will do his
duty. He has indicated as much,” Noah assured the woman.

Well, he can’t very well do
that if he isn’t in London. If he has gone off to that vulgar
cottage of his, he had better return with a very good

I am sure he would only
leave town on the most pressing, urgent business.” Noah tried to
calm and assure the angry woman.

Nothing is more important
than finding a bride.”

Shortly after the words left her mouth,
Claresta returned and Noah helped her into the carriage. Gone was
the woman’s venomous look as she studied the young lady.

Is this your first season
Lady Claresta?”

Emily was shocked to hear such a sweet
tone emerge from the nasty woman.

Yes, it is.”

I am sure you’ll be a
raging success. Just don’t settle on anyone too

Claresta shot a quick glance at Emily,
probably uncomfortable with the stranger’s advice. “I won’t,

Have you by chance had the
opportunity to meet my son, Chadwick Chambers?”

Claresta politely shook her head. “I
have not had the honor.”

Lord Felding, you must
arrange an introduction,” she gleefully suggested. “He decided to
take a wife this season and I am positive he would want to
acquaintance, Lady Claresta.”

The young woman blushed. “Thank

Well, I must be off. You
two enjoy yourself,” she said, apparently forgetting there were
three of them together.

The trio in the carriage sighed as she
pulled away. “I’ve heard of matchmaking mamas but I had thought
they only had daughters.” Claresta observed as they pulled back
into the traffic.



Chapter 7


He had a plan, or somewhat of a plan.
After three days of chopping wood at the cottage, Dillon knew how
he would proceed.

An invitation was waiting upon his
return with a note from his mother that she expected him to be
present that afternoon. Though a threat was in the tone, Dillon
couldn’t image what she could do to him if he didn’t show, short of
negotiating a betrothal without his approval. Still, it was in his
best interest to smooth her anger. If he appeared to play along
with her plans, then she would give him much needed freedom to
purse the woman of his choosing. That was the first step in his
plan and he hoped he could find a lady to assist him.

The gardens were crowded with people
when Dillon arrived. Thankfully some of his male friends were in
attendance with their wives. At least he wouldn’t be facing the
wolves alone. By the flurry of pastel, frilly gowns mixed among the
flowers, Dillon determined this was for his benefit. Mothers and
daughters were everywhere, far outnumbering the single gentlemen
present. Groaning, Dillon descended the steps after locating his
mother. She was currently holding court under a shade tree. He
would greet her, mingle for a very short time and take his leave.
He was in no mood for simpering young ladies and their

There is my dear son now,”
his mother announced cheerfully as he approached. How she could see
him through all the ribbons, hats and parasols he had no

Good afternoon, Mother.”
Dillon bowed in submission to her current demand of him.

Chadwick, you are just in
time to meet the most charming young lady,” his mother gushed and
Dillon, through years of practice, held the pleasant smile on his
lips and turned to the young woman in question.

Lady Claresta.” His mother
gestured. “Has made her debut this year.”

The smile on his lips became genuine.
Could the person he sought be so close already? Bowing elegantly,
he addressed the young woman, but his eyes searched the surrounding

I believe you are already
acquainted with Her Grace,” his mother continued.

Again, Dillon bowed eloquently and
greeted the Duchess of Ellings. But where was Emily? Was she still
avoiding society?

Chadwick dear, why don’t
you escort Lady Claresta on a stroll through the gardens? The
lilacs just recently bloomed and are quite lovely.”

His mother had an even higher agenda
then he realized. A duke’s only daughter was a stretch for even her

Excuse me, Mrs. Chambers,”
Her Grace interrupted. “I believe you have forgotten to introduce
Ellings’ ward, though I don’t believe an introduction will be
necessary, however. Your son and Miss Frasier are already
acquainted, I believe.”

His mother was clearly perplexed though
trying to recover. “Is that a fact?” She turned to

Miss Frasier is the
daughter of my favorite professor. We recently became reacquainted
at the Sandlin home the other evening.”

How very sweet.” Her tone
was so syrupy his teeth hurt.

I do believe a stroll is an
excellent idea, Mother.” Dillon offered an arm to Claresta and the
other to Emily.

Before Emily could balk, his mother let
her thoughts be known. “You two go on. I am sure Miss Frasier would
rather stay here in the shade.”

Nonsense. I’m sure her
parasol will offer the necessary protection,” Dillon

I couldn’t agree more,” Her
Grace encouraged. “Emily has kept herself indoors far too

Though displeased, his mother offered
no further argument, for which Dillon was grateful. To appease her,
he directed his comments to Claresta first, as they walked off. He
would have liked to speak to Emily alone but knew he wouldn’t be
given the opportunity. However, this new option gave him a chance
to gauge her reaction in hopes of determining her feelings. It also
afforded him the opportunity to become better acquainted with Lady
Claresta and evaluate if she would be willing to help him achieve
his current goals.

Are you enjoying your first
season in London, my lady?” he asked in the most charming

Oh yes, though I wish Emily
would accompany us more often.”

Dillon intentionally ignored Emily.
“I’m sure your father has enough trouble keeping the gentlemen away
from you with having to worry about Miss Frasier as

I’d have more fun if Emily
were with me.” The young woman leaned forward and looked pointedly
at her companion. Emily glared back.

Still, it cannot be easy
for him. There would be hordes of gentlemen courting you being who
you are alone. Since you are also blessed with both beauty and
grace, half the
must be littering your doorstep.”

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