His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (8 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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All that would be rectified once they
met in London. Of course, that was his fear as well. While his
friends had finally found a one and only love, none of their paths
had been easy and often the obstacles were outright dangerous to
the health of those involved. Those concerns bothered Dillon also.
Was he borrowing trouble or would he have to endure some pain and
difficulty in the future, all because of one woman who he happened
to meet on a rainy day in the country and, who was gradually
stealing his heart away?


* * *

Emily was beginning to feel guilty for
being less than honest with Dillon. Oh, she hadn’t actually lied to
him, but she hadn’t told him that her father had been a professor
at Oxford either. She was a gentleman’s daughter while Dillon was a
commoner. She knew that such was unimportant between them but, as
their relationship developed, would it become an issue? She
sincerely hoped not. It wasn’t as though she would put the class
difference between them, but she was afraid one day he would. Her
uncle and aunt had warned her to not become involved with the local
gentlemen because they would be uncomfortable and see her above
them in their station. They had told her that some may even try to
court her, but doubted anyone would be serious enough to ask for
her hand. Their simple lifestyle of trade and financial worries
would be too much of a hardship for her. Though Emily tried to
assure her aunt and uncle that would not be the case, they
convinced her it was best to avoid the situation until at least she
had been to London for the season.

The guilt of having kept her secret
meetings with Dillon from her aunt and uncle were eating at Emily
as well. Of course if anyone ever learned she would be entirely,
unequivocally ruined, but that wasn’t what bothered her. What
worried her was that perhaps Dillon was only toying with her,
without ever seriously considering her for a future. How often had
he reminded her of her London season to come? How often had she had
to remind him that it wasn’t her season but that of Claresta? He
simply smiled and shook his head as if he didn’t really believe
her. Should she tell him who she really was so he would understand
that she didn’t intend to search for a wealthy, titled husband in
that city? Would the circumstances of her guardian brand her as
being more of a lady than she truly was? Oh, if only she had been
around common folk more often and not the gentry that had visited
her father and now the duke, Emily would know. Or at least she
would have an idea of how he would react, or possibly what he was
even thinking now.

As she turned up the lane to the
cottage, Emily decided discussing it would probably do no good
anyway. Every time she had broached the subject of her birth with
her aunt and uncle, or tried to remind Dillon that she was nothing
more than who she was, they smiled indulgently at her, as if not
really believing. Emily was afraid the only way any of them would
understand would be when she returned in the summer, unattached and
still herself. What if Dillon met someone else in the time she was
gone? What did she stand to lose by leaving to join her friend?
Emily didn’t want to think on it too strongly. She already knew her
heart was more involved with Dillon than she ever thought possible.
Yes, she was falling in love with the handsome, witty, charming and
intelligent man and she knew she would never meet anyone like him

Emily rode to the cottage and stopped
in the yard without dismounting and looked around. She loved it
here. Dillon walked out from the barn when he saw Emily, but
stepped back into the shadows. Upon seeing him in the barn, Emily
lifted her hand to wave, but Dillon’s serious expression and a
quick negative shake of his head prompted her to lower her arm and
look around. It was then she saw that her uncle was approaching.
Why was he here? Had he find out that she had been meeting Dillon
in secret? She should have known this would happen. In the event
that he didn’t know, she planted a smile on her lips and waited for
him to get closer. “Uncle, did you want to ride and enjoy this day
as well?”

Actually, no. I came
looking for you. I knew you rode off in this direction and

The smile fell from her face. “Is
something wrong?”

No.” He hastened to assure
her. “His Grace’s carriage has arrived. He would like you to return
to London sooner than planned.”

A grip of panic seized her. It was too
soon. “I’m not ready to leave.”

Her uncle offered an indulgent smile.
“I know, dear. Your aunt and I would like you to stay longer as
well, but His Grace has summoned you.”

Emily knew she had little

Why did you ride here,
Emily?” Her uncle asked after taking in his

The question surprised her. “I
discovered it one day while riding. It is the most charming
cottage, don’t you think?” She turned her uncle’s attention away
from the barn. Emily hoped Dillon had heard their discussion so he
didn’t believe she had simply disappeared without an

It’s owned by the Chambers’
son,” her uncle informed her.

Yes, I know.”

Have you by chance met the
young man?” He watched her closely.

No, why do you

It wouldn’t be proper
without an introduction. Well, come along then. Beatrice has
started your packing.”

Emily turned her horse to follow but
looked back toward the barn. Dillon stepped outside, a sad smile on
his face. He had heard. He blew her a kiss and bowed his


Chapter 4


One Month Later – London


Oh, I do wish you would go
with us, Emily.” Claresta paused for one last look at herself in
the mirror.

Emily gave her an indulgent smile.
“This is your night. Your very first entrance into society. Let His
Grace worry about you alone.”

If you were by my side he
would worry less,” Claresta argued hopefully.

Emily laughed. “I don’t believe that is
an accurate statement.” Emily lifted the girl’s wrap and set it on
her shoulders. “Now, go and enjoy yourself. I’ll wait up so you can
share all the details.”

Emily bid the family goodnight before
wandering off to the library. In truth, she had no desire to attend
any of the societal functions but eventually she would have to. If
Her Grace wasn’t available, it would fall to Emily to act as
chaperon. What Emily really wished was to return to the country, to
return to Dillon. She’d already been in London for a fortnight and
it felt is if it had been a year. She was restless in the confines
of the city and not even her studies held any appeal. Too often her
mind returned to the days spent with Dillon and she was beginning
to wonder if she had imagined everything. If only she had thought
to ask his last name and direction then she could send a note. She
knew so little about the man yet, so much as well.


* * *


Dillon had agreed to attend this event
for two reasons. If he were true to his word in finding a bride,
then this was where he should be. Once again he regretted his
agreement with his mother and as soon as his friends began to
arrive, he quickly left her side. The true reason he faced this
event was because Ellings was to be here and Dillon hoped Emily
would attend with the family. The opening ball of the season was
the perfect place to see her once again. Hopefully, with a large
crowd surrounding them, she wouldn’t show her anger. Once he past
that moment then all would be well.

Dillon had taken up a position next to
Lady Phoebe Sandlin, where he had an excellent view of each
arrival. He tried to converse and pay little attention to each new
attendee, but couldn’t keep his eyes from straying to the top to
the stairs.

Phoebe eyed him with humor. “Is there
someone in particular you’re waiting for?” She asked with eyebrows
raised and a mischievous smile.

Before he could respond, the Duke and
Duchess of Ellings were announced, along with their daughter, Lady
Claresta. Dillon waited and watched but Emily didn’t appear. Where
was she? More families and debutantes came through the door and
still, she didn’t arrive. Masking his disappointment and avoiding
Phoebe’s curiosity, Dillon made his way to the card room. The
evening continued downhill as he proceeded to loose one hundred
pounds before he finally removed himself from the table.

Unable to keep Emily from his mind,
Dillon wandered back to the ball. Finally, he determined that he
would just ask about the lady. What harm could there be in

As he made his way across the crowded
ballroom, he noted a dozen men and women surrounded the couple and
their daughter. Dillon couldn’t possibly begin to get close, nor
did he try but listened to snippets of conversations. Finally,
mother and daughter pulled away from the crowd, intent on their way
to the retiring room. Dillon was just about to interrupt as they
passed when he caught the girl’s words.

Oh mother, I can’t wait to
tell Emily about this evening.”

Dillon didn’t hear the mother’s reply,
but it did answer the question he had been asking himself. Emily
was with the ducal family, but for some reason had not attended.
Satisfied that he knew where she could be found, he left the ball.
Tomorrow would be another night and perhaps she would be


* * *


Three nights and five balls later Emily
still hadn’t made an appearance. Dillon arranged to be close to
Lady Claresta long enough to pick up on conversations with her
mother. Emily was still in residence though for the life of him, he
couldn’t understand why she was not accompanying the family. Emily
had insisted that she wasn’t coming to London for a husband. Dillon
just hadn’t been able to believe that a beautiful young lady would
choose to stay home instead of attending balls and other
activities. Such a characteristic in a wife only made her more
desirable to him.

He may just have to present himself on
the duke’s doorstep. It wasn’t how he had wanted their first
meeting in society to occur, but if necessary, he would take those
steps. Walking from the ballroom, he vowed that if Emily didn’t
attend any functions by the end of the week, he would call on her
at her home. The only reason he hadn’t called on her yet was she
couldn’t yell and scream at him in public. In a private home,
nothing kept her from venting her anger. He wanted to let the shock
sink in and let her think about the situation, and understand why
he’d withheld his full name before they were alone.


* * *


Emily was able to avoid going into
society for five days before Her Grace forced her to accompany
them. She had successfully avoided attending any balls or dinners
but the musicale was something Her Grace would not let her

The time will come, Emily,
when I will want you to accompany Claresta, even if it is simply
for a drive in the park. I don’t want you to be a stranger to the

If I remain as a chaperon
or companion in the background, that is all anyone will think I am
and ignore me,” Emily argued.

You are not a chaperon nor
companion to my daughter. You are our ward and thus should take
your place in society,” Her Grace pointed out.

I have no place in society.
You know that as well as I. Why can’t I just simply be Claresta’s

Because His Grace would
like to see you out amongst the gentry. He still hopes to see you
settled.” The duchess smiled softly to her.

It was on the tip of Emily’s tongue to
confide in the woman who was much a mother to her as her own had
been, but Emily wasn’t sure what she should confide. She knew so
little of Dillon and Her Grace might find her behavior scandalous
and disappointing.

Sighing, Emily turned for the door of
the drawing room. “Very well. I will dress for this evening and
return shortly.”

Emily,” Her Grace called
after her. “This is not the end of the world. You might just enjoy



* * *


It had not been not an enjoyable
evening so far. If the music continued in this vein, it just might
be the end of the world after all. Goodness, but the young lady had
so little talent. Here was evidence that a parent saw only the
delight in their child. If they could truly hear what Emily was
hearing, they would never let the poor girl sit at a pianoforte or
sing again. Thank goodness she was coming to the end of her piece
and Emily prayed it was the end of the performance.

With a soft, trailing end, the young
woman lifted her fingers from the keys and smiled to her audience,
who applauded politely. A young lord, smiled indulgently,
approached her and escorted her from the seat. Emily was hard
pressed not to applaud the silence. Soon, the others in the room
began to mill around and converse with one another, though Emily
remained in her seat, trying to blend into the chair.

Lady Aldridge is serving
refreshments, dear. Would you care to join us?” the duchess

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