His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (27 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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You are mistaken, Mrs.
Pierce.” Dillon cleared his throat. “There was a misunderstanding.
I am not betrothed to Lady Claresta, nor have I ever been. I am
afraid Miss Frasier left before she learned she’d heard but a

Mrs. Pierce tisked and shook her head.
“Nothing good ever comes from rumors and gossip.”

No, they don’t,” Dillon
agreed. In fact, he was quickly learning how damaging they could

Miss Frasier is inside if
you wish to see her. I’ll go put on some tea.”


* * *


Turning away from the window, Emily
surveyed the dining room. Nothing would be accomplished staring out
windows. Beneath the pine table lay a beautiful rug she once
admired and now it belonged to her. Lifting one end of the heavy
table, she realized how much easier her task would be if Mr. or
Mrs. Pierce were available to help her. As it was, they both had
tasks to see to and she wouldn’t burden them with

Emily traveled from one end of the
table to the other, moving each section a few inches at a time.
Resting at the far end, head down, hands gripping the tables, she
sensed a presence at the door. It must be one of the

Thank goodness one of you
is here.” She tried to catch her breath. “Please lift the other end
to help me move this monster against the wall.”

The other end lifted and Emily followed
suit, concentrating on where she was going. “I had thought to keep
this table, but I refuse to own anything I cannot move

If you would reconsider my
offer, such a consideration would not be necessary.”

His voice startled Emily and she
dropped her end of the table, banging her knee. Muttering an oath
she glared at him across the table. “Where did you come

Dillon offered an amused smile.
“Previously, where you left me standing. Recently, London.” He set
his end of table onto the floor. “Most recently, your

Emily took a steadying breath. She
would stay in control and ignore the fierce beating of her heart.
She would remember how angry she was at his insulting

You are mistaken,” she bit

Dillon seemed to ponder her words. “No,
I am positive. I just left your cottage.”

It is
my cottage.”

He shook his head slowly. “No. I am
sure it’s yours.”

Emily was dumbstruck. What was he
talking about?

Mrs. Pierce took the opportunity to
step into the room. “The tea is in the parlor, Miss

Emily turned to the housekeeper. “That
won’t be necessary. Mr. Chambers will not be staying long enough to
enjoy tea.”

Dillon ignored her and bestowed a
gallant smile on Mrs. Pierce. “Thank you. A cup sounds most
refreshing.” With a slight nod of his head to Emily, he turned and
walked in the direction of the parlor, forcing her to follow him.
She reached the room just as Dillon was sitting, reaching for a

Why are you here?” She
stood in the doorway, hands on her hips.

He remained unfazed as he poured two
cups of tea and settled back with his own, legs crossed quite
comfortably as this was merely a friendly social call.

Actually, I am here for a
number of reasons.” Pausing, he sipped from the cup. “Please sit.”
He patted the spot next to him.

Emily ignored the suggested seating
assignment. Besides, I real gentleman would have waited until she
was seated before settling himself. She opted for the chair, on the
opposite side of the table. Dillon chuckled and handed her a cup of
tea. His pretending as if nothing unpleasant had occurred between
them further ruffled her.

I would have been here
sooner but Celia caught the fever. I left for London shortly after
you took your leave.”

Emily paused in sipping her tea. The
fever had taken so many and she was afraid to ask.

She has recovered,
thankfully. I stayed with her for an extra week to make sure she
didn’t relapse.”

Thank goodness.” Emily

I can see you are still
upset with me, however.”

That would be an
understatement.” Emily sat her cup back on the table. She wasn’t
about to sit and take tea with him. Why was he here?

As you should be.” He
continued to sip his tea.

Had he gone completely mad? They were
not discussing something trivial as the weather so why was he
acting as if they were? “At least you realize your

Dillon looked up at her over the rim of
his cup. His eyes were finally serious. “Yes, I realized my mistake
after returning to the house. Though I don’t believe we are
referring to the same error.”

Now Emily felt as if she were losing
her mind. Was the mistake in the offer or her refusal or

Setting his cup on the table, he eyes
bore into her. “I apologize for any insult you may insinuated from
my offer. It was not my intention.”


He wouldn’t let her continue and cut
her off. “You unfortunately misunderstood my proposal.”

Emily eyed him skeptically. What was
his game?

I have decided to present
it once again in a hopefully clearer manner.”

That won’t be necessary.”
Emily stood. She wasn’t about to be insulted and humiliated a
second time.

Dillon stood with her. “Please.” He
reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “Hear me out. If,
after you have heard everything I have to say and you still want me
to leave, I will never bother you again.”

Something in his voice and eyes gave
her pause. It was almost desperation yet she couldn’t imagine it
possible. There were worst things to fear in life than marrying a
pleasant and lovely daughter of a duke. Still, something in his
manner compelled her.

Very well.” She yanked her
hand from his grasp and took a step back to put distance between

Before I try again, you
need to know, regardless of any decision you make, the cottage now
belongs to you.”

Emily shook her head. He was not going
to use the property against her.

It’s not what you’re


No. I won’t lie to you. My
true desire is to live there with you. But, if you do not wish for
my company, or presence for that matter, you can refuse me access.
Change the locks if it pleases you. The cottage is yours to do with
as you see fit.”

One just didn’t give a gift of that
magnitude without wanting something in return. Perhaps he was
trying to sooth his conscience? Or, perhaps he had told Claresta
everything and she insisted on Emily taking the place. “Why?” she

Because I love you,” Dillon
responded without hesitation.

She wouldn’t let his words soften her
resolve. She would not be his mistress.

I spoke the truth when I
said no other woman belongs there. It is your favorite place to be.
I had hoped you would share it with me.”

Anger shot through her. How dare he?
Pulling herself straight and lifting her chin, Emily glared at him.
“I will not be your mistress.”

She had finally said the words and
Dillon reacted as if insulted.

Nor would I ask you to
demean yourself in that manner.”

What was he about? Emily held her
ground. He was up to something. “You expect me to accept the
cottage and offer nothing in return?”

He gave her half a smile. “I was hoping
for something in return.”

So.” She planted her hands
on her hips. “The cottage does come with a price?”

I can see that concerns
you.” He brought his hand up to cradle his chin in a thoughtful
manner. “There was one condition I will remove it.”

Emily’s eyes narrowed. “Just like that?
The cottage is mine and you can only visit if I choose?” She didn’t
believe him for a moment.

Dillon pulled documents from his inside
coat pocket. “Exactly” He unfolded both, scanned the writing and
returned one to his pocket and the other to Emily.

Emily took the document. So stunned to
see that her name was on the deed, her hands shook and knees
threatened to give way. She sank down into a chair. “Why?” She
could never accept the offer, yet in her hand, she held one of her
dreams. She could have almost all of her dreams if she became his
mistress, but the price was too high.

Dillon sat on the table, facing her.
“Because I love you. I don’t want any other woman living there and
if I can’t have you, then there is no point in retaining

You will marry shortly.
Claresta might enjoy staying there for a short time.”

Can Claresta cook?” he
asked instead.

I suppose she would require
a servant.” Emily smiled sadly. “Still, I cannot accept this.” She
tried to return the document.

Dillon shook his head. “Whether you
have possession of the deed or not, it still belongs to you.”
Standing, he began to take his leave.

Trying to hold back the tears, she
watched him approach the door. “Wait.”


* * *


Dillon had been praying that she would
stop him and turned. “Yes?”

I am confused. Earlier you
said you would not demean me by asking me to be your mistress. Was
that the condition?”

No, it wasn’t.” He began to
turn once again. Emily was curious and he was betting she would
want to know the condition.

I need to know the

He took out the second document and
held it up. “It was simply this.”

Emily reached for it but he held it out
of her reach. “I am afraid you cannot read this

Why not?”

The information in this
document does have a price.”

I expected as much.” He
crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot. “Is a
contract usually drawn up when an arrangement is made between a
gentleman and his mistress?”

Dillon shrugged. “I have no

If it doesn’t involve me
being your mistress, why can’t I read it?”

You misunderstood, again.
There is a price you must pay if you wish to read the

She narrowed her eyes at

The price isn’t so high.”
He gave her a lopsided grin. “I only ask for a kiss and it is

Pursing her lips she studied him. “Why
a kiss now? Are you afraid I’ll hate you more than I did yesterday?
And should a betrothed gentlemen be asking for kisses from other

He didn’t believe for a minute she had
ever hated him, though she may have tried to convince herself. “I
am not afraid you will hate me and I can promise that my future
wife will be most understanding, hopefully.”

Emily tapped her foot, studying him.
“Very well.” She went up on her toes and puckered her

Dillon took one step back. “Not just
any kiss. I want to be convinced you are serious about seeing this

Her eyes narrowed, not a bit happy with
him at the moment. “Very well.” She stepped forward and placed her
hands on his shoulders. Standing on her toes, she pulled his head
down to hers and touched lips. Dillon immediately pulled her
against him and deepened the kiss. He knew she would try to keep it
as innocent as possible and still gain the document.

Soon, she opened for him and his blood
stirred, bringing an almost immediate physical reaction. Emily must
have felt his desire pressed against her abdomen because she broke
the kiss and placed both hands on his chest and pushed

I believe that was very

Straightening her spine, Emily held out
her hand. True to his word, Dillon placed the paper in her hands
then stood back to watch her reaction. She unfolded the paper and
began to read. A gasp escaped her lips and she slowly walked across
the room and sank into a chair. This was the second time in less
than an hour he’d been able to shock her. It was a rarity which he
thoroughly enjoyed.

Dillon remained silent as she reread
the document. Other than shock, he had no clue to her real feelings
at that moment. After a third reading, Emily raised her troubled
eyes to his. “This was the condition?”

It always has been.” He
stepped forward and kneeled before her, wanting to look directly
into her eyes. “I was speaking of marriage that day by the lake,
but hadn’t realized my grave error until I had returned to the

Emily shook her head in denial. “I

He cupped her cheek with his hand. “I
realized too late what you thought. That was never my intention.
Nor was I aware that you had not heard the entire story involving
the incident with Claresta and myself. She summarized it best when
she said the betrothal lasted all of five minutes, and only in my
mother’s imagination.”

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