His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (28 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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You compromised

We had a witness and we
were not alone, as we had first believed. Sabrina was sitting in a
corner chair and had not yet had the opportunity to announce
herself until the debacle took place. She explained to Ellings the
exact circumstances of what had occurred.”

A wealth of emotion filled his chest.
“Losing you would be losing everything. If it meant I would no
longer have land and would need to repair roofs for the rest of my
life, I would gladly do so if it meant having you in my life. You
are my happiness, my everything and I want nothing more than to
spend the rest of my days with you in the cottage.”

A sob broke from her lips and Emily
flung herself at him. Wrapping her arms around his neck she began
kissing his face. “Oh, Dillon, I love you so much. I never dreamed
to hope...” her words were lost in his laugh and he pulled her
closer, causing them both to lose their balance and tumble to the

Mrs. Pierce found them laughing and
kissing on the floor. “Oh, dear.”

Dillon looked up at the housekeeper,
who was frowning at him for taking such liberties. “I believe Miss
Frasier is pleased with my proposal of marriage.”

The disapproving look turned to a
beaming smile. When Emily realized they were not alone, she blushed
profusely. Sitting up, she brushed the tears from her cheek and
Dillon helped her stand as Mrs. Pierce backed out of the room,
still smiling and now humming.

Her smile fell a moment later. “You
can’t marry me. You’ll lose everything.”

Dillon smiled and kissed her.
“Actually, I believe I have gained much more.”

How could that be possible?
Your funds, your daughter?”

Dillon pressed his fingers to her lips
to silence her. “Hear me out. After my pseudo betrothal was cleared
up, Ellings and I had a long discussion. It was a meeting that had
been planned a few days prior to the ball.”

Why did you need to meet
with Ellings?”

Because he is your
guardian, dear. I couldn’t very well marry you without his

Emily’s mouth fell open.

He already knew about
Celia, though I didn’t learn that bit of information until
recently. Your father had enlisted
aid all those years ago. It was
Ellings who fought against my parents from the

I’ve always admired my
guardian. Almost as much as my father.”

He promised that he and Her
Grace would sponsor Celia if my mother remained true to her
threats. Ellings also explained to my mother that if she cut Celia
in society, the same could be done to her, tenfold.”

Her grin grew wider.

As I wish to marry you, and
plan on doing so, it was necessary he know my financial situation
before he granted me permission or denied my request.”

What did he say? He must
have granted permission or you wouldn’t be here, unless you’re
going against his wishes as well.”

He offered a very nice
dowry so we wouldn’t have to worry.”

Emily opened her mouth to object, but
Dillon held up his hand, silencing her.

I refused. My alternative
was to ask for a position.”

You’re going to work for
the Duke of Ellings?”

Yes.” Dillon grinned. “The
salary will exceed our needs and he has an empty townhouse in
London we can use.”

What would you do for

One of my duties is to
advise him on investment opportunities. The other is to visit each
of his estates on a regular basis to evaluate how each is being run
and offer suggestions.”

But you would have to work.
You should not have to. . .”

I am actually grateful for
the work. I have too much idle time on my hands, not owning an
estate of my own or land.” Dillon put his finger under her chin and
lifted her face to his, staring into her eyes. I would be honored
if you would consent to be my wife.”

I love you, Dillon. You
cannot imagine what this means to me.” The tears fell freely from
her eyes, down her cheeks.

He smiled. She loved him. She had never
told him before but he had convinced himself it was true. It wasn’t
until she said he words that his tension melted away. He’d been
afraid that his feelings were not completely returned.

We can visit the vicar now.
There’s still time.”

Emily pulled back from him. “I am not
exactly dressed to be married.”

Dillon noted her appearance for the
first time. What was he thinking? Every bride deserved to be
dressed in a lovely gown, flowers and attendants. He was just too
anxious to make her his and he hadn’t wanted to wait. “I think
you’re beautiful.”

Her cheeks turned a rosy pink. “I’m not
prepared for this. Can we wait a day?” she asked

Though Dillon believed the next
twenty-four hours would be the longest of his life, he capitulated.
“Of course.”

Thank you.” Emily returned
his smile. “Can we go there now?”

The cottage?”

Yes. I am done here.
Everything is packed. The larger items can be sent over later. I
can get my valise and be on my way.”

It would hardly be proper
for us to spend the night there, together, and I refuse to leave
you alone.”

Her eyes looked up at him beseeching.
“Please. It is the only place I want to be, now and forever with

Dillon studied her. He knew they
couldn’t spend the night in the cottage without him making love to
her. He wasn’t that strong. Did it really matter though? They were
going to married tomorrow.

There is no place I would
rather be.”

Emily sighed with relief and rose to
her feet. “I’ll gather my things and be back shortly.”

What do we tell the

Tell them you’re taking me



Chapter 17


Emily soaked in the bath off the
largest bedchamber. She tried to think clearly about today’s
events, but she was still reeling from the surprise of it all.
After they’d arrived at the cottage and Emily’s things were
unloaded, Dillon left to return to his parents’ home to raiding
their pantry so they would have sustenance in the coming days.
Emily took the opportunity to bathe and wash her hair. Was this
really happening to her?

Tonight they would finally make love.
Emily was not misled on that notion. She was somewhat surprised
that they hadn’t already. Once Dillon had escorted her to the
bedchamber with her things, he began kissing her and removing her
gown. Before her breasts we freed however, he pulled away and
announced that he would see to food first and then begin the
intimacies they would enjoy for a lifetime.

A shiver ran through Emily just
thinking about being with him again. This time they wouldn’t deny
each other anything. Tonight she would treasure for the rest of her
days because she was still undecided what tomorrow would bring.
Rising from the tub and drying herself, Emily refused to think
about tomorrow. It would be here soon enough.

When she emerged downstairs, hair still
damp from her bath, she found Dillon putting away foodstuffs. There
were enough staples to see them through for weeks.

Dillon smiled at her. “Cook sent some
ham, bread, cheese, fruits and pudding for dinner.”

Emily turned cold. “Does she know I am

No.” Dillon laughed. “She
always packs enough food for weeks when she knows I’ll be living

Emily relaxed. “Is there anything I can

Why don’t you find a tray?
It should be in the cabinet by the window. The plates and glasses
are in the cupboard by the door.”

Emily located everything he requested
as Dillon put their dinner on the tray, with a bottle of

Shall we retire?” he

Upstairs?” Her throat went

We are going to end up
there eventually. Besides, we can set at the table by the window
and enjoy your garden in the fading sunlight.”

Emily glanced out the window. It was
already dark.

We can still enjoy the
fragrance without seeing the flowers.” He offered with an innocent
shrug as he turned and headed up the stairs. Emily followed, biting
back a smile. How could she refuse this man?

The meal was delicious and Emily hadn’t
realized how hungry she was until the food had been placed on her

With the candlelight and fragrance from
the garden, Emily couldn’t imagine a more romantic setting. The
night began to cool as they finished their dinner and Dillon closed
the window after seeing her chill. Refilling her wine, he pulled
her to the rug before the fireplace. There, he stoked the fire
until the flames grew large, taking the dampness from the room. The
bed was directly behind them and Emily was sure she felt it getting
closer, but neither one of them had moved since they settled on the
floor. It must have been her nerves.

Dillon looked over at her and paused in
his dialogue. Emily hadn’t heard a word of what he was saying and
she held her wineglass in a death grip. “Are you nervous about what
is to come?”

Emily smiled faintly. “It is silly, I
know. In the nursery that night I would have allowed you every
liberty without any fear. Now that I’ve time to think about it, I
can’t help but feel nervous.”

It’s not silly.” Dillon
smiled at her lovingly. “But, if you would rather wait.”

No,” she quickly answered.
“I think that would only make it worse.”

Come here. You need to

Emily stiffened as he pulled her in
front of him.

Stare only into the fire
and forget there is a bed behind you.” He put his glass on the

That was easier said than

First, I am going to work
away your tension or you’ll never find pleasure

His fingers began to work at the knots
in her shoulders before his thumbs massaged the cords in her neck,
up to her skull and back down again. She couldn’t hold back of moan
at the pleasure of it.

Dillon kept working at the muscles and
Emily let her head fall forward, leaving herself open to him.
Slowly, he undid the buttons at the back of the gown, massaging the
skin as it was exposed. Emily offered no protest, and leaned
further forward to allow him complete access.

Finally, the dress was completely
undone and Dillon worked the muscles at her lower back, up to her
skull and down again, eliciting moan after moan from

His lips trailed down her spine as his
hands relaxed the muscles along her hips. Slowly, he rolled her
over and pulled the sleeves down her arms. Both chemise and dress
were removed from the waist up. Groggily, Emily opened her eyes.
Dillon set his hands once again to her neck and shoulder muscles,
working his way down her sides, without touching her breasts. They
responded, tightening in anticipation.

His hands came up to cup her breasts,
his thumbs stroking the erect tips. Emily looked up at him. Gone
was all her fear and apprehension.

Leaning forward, he kissed her deeply
as his hands brought pleasure to her breasts. Slowly, he trailed
his kisses down until he was laving one tip as his hand caressed
the other. Emily arched to meet him.

She’d been foolish to be nervous. How
could she forget how he made her feel and the magic in his

She pushed the jacket from his
shoulders. Dillon broke contact and removed the clothing himself.
First jacket, then cravat and finally shirt. Emily watched him and
waited for his return. Dillon paused and then shifted, pulling off
both boots and tossing them aside before coming down beside

Emily held out her arms, welcoming him
and soon they were locked in an embrace. Her nipples hot from the
contact of his skin and pleasure pulsated to her cord. Dillon took
her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. Her hands came around his
back, holding him against her, raising her head to meet his kiss.
Dillon rolled, leaving her on top of him as he pushed her skirt
down her hips until she was clad only in stockings before he rolled
again, bringing her beneath him once more without ever breaking his

Emily was faintly aware that her
clothing was gone, but she no longer cared. All she was truly aware
of was his mouth on hers and his lower body pressed between her
thighs. She could feel how rigid he was each time he gently thrust
against her and Emily was soon squirming to get closer, to bring
him against the place that he had given so much pleasure

Dillon shifted slightly and Emily tried
to pull him back over on her, but Dillon resisted. Soon she forget
that need as his hand found her breast once again, as did his mouth
before he began trailing his kisses across her abdomen and a hand
caressed up her thigh. She knew where that hand was going and
wished it would hurry before she expired from desire. If he hadn’t
have shown her this pleasure before, she wouldn’t be so anxious for
it now. A sigh escaped her lips as his fingers reached their

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